Download Orders: Post-Operative Cardiac Surgery 12/20/10

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The licensed independent practitioner must check () the desired boxes. All order sheets must be signed with date/time by the licensed independent practitioner
with ID #. A generic or therapeutically equivalent drug as approved by the P&T Committee may be dispensed unless otherwise specifically stated.
Change service to Dr. __________________________________ (surgeon)
Cardiologist: _________________________________
Procedure: _______________________________________________________
Critical Care Consult for: ____________________________________________
Code Status:  Full
If patient is DNR, complete DNR order form.
Weight: _______________ kg EF ____________%
Label chart ALLERGIC to: ____________________________________________________________________________________
AUTOMATIC STOP ORDERS INCLUDE: Narcotics – 7 days (Demerol 48 hrs) Antibiotics – 7 days
Diet:  NPO
Advance diet to:
 Sodium 2 Gm (Cardiac)
 Diabetic (ADA) _____________________ calories
 Other: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
 Vital Signs: record BP, MAP, HR, CVP, PAP’s every 15 minutes until stable then every 1 hour until vasoactive infusions weaned per ICU
 Hemodynamic profile STAT on arrival then every 4 hours and as needed until vasoactive/inotropic infusions discontinued then per ICU
Temperature every hour until 98.6F (37C) then every 4 hours. Every 2 hours if temperature greater than 101.5F (38.6C).
Record hourly intake and output.
Record warmth color, pulses in feet and capillary refill in feet every 2 hours for 8 hours, then every 8 hours.
Weigh daily starting POD # 2 in AM.
IABP ratio: ______________
Pacemaker: initiate pacing support at 90 beats per minute for hemodynamically unstable bradycardia and notify intensivist.
Salem sump to low continuous suction, irrigate PRN, clamp after extubation, remove when tolerating liquids.
 Closed chest drainage system to 20 cm suction, maintain patency, measure output every 1 hour for 24 hours, notify intensivist if output is
greater than 150 ml/hour.
 Blake drains to bulb suction. Measure output every 1 hour for first 12 hours. Call intensivist if output still greater than 100ml/hr after 12 hr. If
greater than 200 ml blood loss in first hour post-op connect to Pleurovac system with 20 cm suction. Call intensivist to inquire about
autotransfusion using Atrium closed system. Call intensivist if output is over 150 ml/hr.
 Indwelling urinary catheter to urimeter; call intensivist if urine output less than 0.5 ml/kg/hr for 2 consecutive hours.
 Telephone order:
________________________________________ MD / NP / PA_/________________________________ Date________ Time_________  RB&C
(circle one)
Provider Signature_______________________________________ ID #___________________ Date____________ Time______
RN Signature___________________________ Date_______ Time_______ USC Signature_______________________ Date________ Time________
WAH 601-397 (12/20/10)
page 1 of 6
The licensed independent practitioner must check () the desired boxes. All order sheets must be signed with date/time by the licensed independent practitioner
with ID #. A generic or therapeutically equivalent drug as approved by the P&T Committee may be dispensed unless otherwise specifically stated.
 Bed rest: advance as tolerated
 Dressing change per incisional wound care protocol beginning 24 hours post-op for sternotomy and 48 hours for lower extremity incisions. No tape
on legs. May leave open to air if wounds clean, dry and intact.
 Surgical bra size: __________ or  abdominal binder
 SCD for all open heart surgery and Maze procedure patients.
 Cancel all previously ordered daily lab
 STAT chest x-ray on arrival Indication: ET Tube placement and Atelectasis
 Chest x-ray Post-op day #1 and after pleural chest tube removed Indication: Volume Overload and Pneumothorax
 Basic Metabolic Panel, Magnesium and CBC Stat on arrival, in 4 hours and in AM on post op day # 1
 PT/INR, PTT, Fibrinogen, ACT if bleeding from the chest tubes exceeds 150 ml in first 30 min and over 200ml in first hour after arriving to ICU or
400 ml in first 4 hours.
 Lactic acid
 SVO2
AUTOMATIC STOP ORDERS INCLUDE: Narcotics – 7 days (Demerol 48 hrs) Antibiotics – 7 days
Morbidly obese patients – please place in Reverse Trendelenberg position and HOB at 30 degrees if no
 Ventilator settings: Mode: _________ TV _________ Rate _______/minute FiO2_______ PEEP _______
PSV ______
 Initiate rapid vent weaning (extubate in less then 6 hours from arrival from the OR): minimize sedation, opiates . Once patient is arousable and SpO2
over____% and ETCO2 less than ____mm Hg start SBT’s . Accept RSBI less than ____ , SpO2 over ____%, FiO2 less than ________ and
ETCO2 less than ____mm Hg as indication of adequate ventilation and oxygenation, notify intensivist prior to extubation.
 Do not initiate rapid vent weaning
 Post extubation: turn, cough and deep breathe every 2 hours while awake and every 4 hours at night.
 Post extubation: incentive spirometer every 2 hours while awake and every 4 hours during night.
 Titrate FiO2 to keep O2 sat greater than ______ post extubation.
 Treatments on ventilator: _______________________________________________________________________________
 Post extubation: ______________________________________________________________________________________
 Telephone order:
________________________________________ MD / NP / PA_/________________________________ Date________ Time_________  RB&C
(circle one)
Provider Signature_______________________________________ ID #___________________ Date____________ Time______
RN Signature___________________________ Date_______ Time_______ USC Signature_______________________ Date________ Time________
Patient Identification
WAH 601-397 (12/20/10)
page 2 of 6
The licensed independent practitioner must check () the desired boxes. All order sheets must be signed with date/time by the licensed independent
practitioner with ID #. A generic or therapeutically equivalent drug as approved by the P&T Committee may be dispensed unless other wise specifically stated.
MEDICATIONS (Discontinue all previous orders): (Pharmacy Order Set: POSTOP CARDIAC)
CABG/Valve patient:
Aspirin 81 mg PO daily; start 8 hours post-op if bleeding less than 100 ml/hour for 6 hours
 Aspirin suppository 300 mg per rectum daily if not able to give aspirin PO
 Clopidogrel (Plavix) 75 mg PO daily start ____hours post–op if bleeding less then 25 ml/hr for 6 hours
 Isosorbide (Imdur) for radial artery grafts patients Start on post operative Day one.
30 mg PO daily
60 mg PO daily
 Amiodarone (Cordarone) 200 mg PO/NG tube BID times five days, then 200 mg PO/NG tube daily times ten days
 Mupirocin (Bactroban) ointment apply to nares BID times 10 doses
 Chlorhexidine (Peridex) oral care swab and then suction every 4 hours while intubated
 Chlorhexidine (Peridex) 15 ml rinse for 30 seconds every 12 hours after extubation
Stress ulcer prophylaxis/VTE prophylaxis:
 Famotidine (Pepcid) 20 mg IV push every _________ hours
 Pantoprazole (Protonix) 40 mg IV every _________ hours
 Start VTE prophylaxis ________ hours post-op after assessing bleeding and verified with CCM
 Enoxaparin sodium (Lovenox) 40 mg SQ daily OR  Enoxaparin sodium (Lovenox) 30 mg SQ daily (if CrCl less than 30ml/min)
 Fondaparinux (Arixtra) 2.5 mg SQ daily, if patient HIT and SRA positive (contraindicated if CrCl less than 30ml/min)
 IF both of above contraindicated continue SCD with knee high TED hose until ambulating TID
 Docusate 50mg/sennosides 8.6mg (Senokot S) 2 tablets PO daily until BM, then change to 1 tablet PO daily
 Saline lock flush every 8 hours and PRN IV after medication administration
 Atorvastatin (Lipitor) 80 mg po/NGT at bedtime
ANTIBIOTIC PROPHYLAXIS (not to exceed 24 hours post-op): (choose one):
First (pre-op) dose given at: _____am/pm in surgery. If additional dose given in Surgery document the time given: _______am/pm.
 Cefazolin (Ancef, Kefzol)  1 Gm IV  2Gm IV (for patients over 80 kg) every ______ hours for total of 2 doses post-op.
 Vancomycin (Vancocin) 1 Gm IV every ______ hours for total of ____ doses post-op [if beta-lactam allergic patient].
 Telephone order:
________________________________________ MD / NP / PA_/________________________________ Date________ Time_________  RB&C
(circle one)
Provider Signature_______________________________________ ID #___________________ Date____________ Time______
RN Signature___________________________ Date_______ Time_______ USC Signature_______________________ Date________ Time________
Patient Identification
WAH 601-397 (12/20/10)
page 3 of 6
The licensed independent practitioner must check () the desired boxes. All order sheets must be signed with date/time by the licensed independent
practitioner with ID #. A generic or therapeutically equivalent drug as approved by the P&T Committee may be dispensed unless other wise specifically stated.
AUTOMATIC STOP ORDERS INCLUDE: Narcotics – 7 days (Demerol 48 hrs) Antibiotics – 7 days
Routine Infusions:
 Continue operating room IV fluid at KVO; mix all drugs in D5W if compatible.
 Nitroglycerin 50mg/250ml D5W infusion at 10-150 mcg/min for Map ____ to____ for 10 hours, then wean off. Radial artery grafts: maintain
nitroglycerin at 30 mcg/min.
 Meperidine (Demerol) IVP 12.5mg  25 mg; max ___ doses every 10 min PRN shivering during first 2 hours after arrival from operating room.
 Ondansetron (Zofran) 4 mg IV over 5 minutes every _______ hours PRN nausea for 24 hours only.
 Simethicone (Mylicon) 80 mg PO every 6 hours PRN gas
 Throat lozenges PRN sore throat
650 mg tab PO every 4 hours PRN pain rated 2 or less or temperature greater than 101.5F (38.6C) for first 24 hours post-op
 650 mg liquid NG every 4 hours PRN pain rated 2 or less or temperature greater than 101.5F (38.6C) for first 24 hours post-op
 650 mg suppository PR every 4 hours PRN pain rated 2 or less or temperature greater than 101.5F (38.6C) for first 24 hours post-op
 300 mg with codeine 30 mg (Tylenol # 3) 1 tablet PO every 4 hours PRN for pain scale rated 1 to 3.
 300 mg with codeine 30 mg (Tylenol # 3) 2 tablet PO every 4 hours PRN for pain scale rated 4 or greater.
 Fentanyl (Sublimaze)  25 mcg  50 mcg IV every 15 minutes PRN pain rated over 4. Do not exceed _______ mcg every hour
after weaning from ventilator. Discontinue after 48 hours
 Continue On-Q Pain Pump: bupivacaine (Marcaine) 0.2% at 4 ml/hour for post-op pain control x 72 hours
SEDATION (Check desired sedation scale)
 Midazolam (Versed)  0.5mg  1 mg IVP every 5-10 min for RASS score 0 to -1 for total up to max of____ doses.
 Lorazepam (Ativan)  0.5mg  1 mg IVP every 10 min for RASS score 0 to -1 for total up to max of____ doses.
 Propofol (Diprivan) 500 mg/ 50 ml infusion at 10 microgram/kg/min; titrate to RASS score 0 to -1 up to 50 mcg/kg/hr. Call MD if 50 mcg/kg/hr required
 Dexmedetomidine (Precedex) 200 mcg/50 ml NS infusion at 0.1 microgram/kg/hour titrate for RASS score 0 to -1 up to 1.5 mcg/kg/hour.
 Telephone order:
________________________________________ MD / NP / PA_/________________________________ Date________ Time_________  RB&C
(circle one)
Provider Signature_______________________________________ ID #___________________ Date____________ Time______
RN Signature___________________________ Date_______ Time_______ USC Signature_______________________ Date________ Time________
Patient Identification
WAH 601-397 (12/20/10)
page 4 of 6
The licensed independent practitioner must check () the desired boxes. All order sheets must be signed with date/time by the licensed independent
practitioner with ID #. A generic or therapeutically equivalent drug as approved by the P&T Committee may be dispensed unless other wise specifically stated.
 Nicardipine (Cardene) 20 mg/ 200 ml D5W infusion at 1.25 mg/hr up to 15 mg/hr titrate to maintain MAP _____ and/or SBP less than _____
 Labetalol (Trandate)  2.5 mg  5 mg IVP every 5 min for total up to max of___doses for MAP over ___and SBP over___ if HR over ___and CI
 Metoprolol (Lopressor)  1.25mg  2.5 mg IVP every 5 min up to 7.5 mg for MAP over____ and SBP over____if HR over___ and CI over___
 Hydralazine (Apresoline)  5mg  10 mg IVP every 10-60 min for MAP over____and SBP over ____ as long as HR less than _____
 Other ______________________________________________________________________________________
 Infuse Albumin 5% bolus: 500 ml if PAWP or CVP less than _______or SVV over ______mmHg and MAP is less than ______ . Call Intensivist if
PAWPor CVP less than _____ [1000 ml total OR/ICU Albumin 5% given].
 Infuse Normal Saline bolus: 500 ml if PAWP or CVP less than _______SVV over ______mm Hg and MAP is less than _______. Can repeat bolus
up to total of __________________________.
 If HCT less than _____% call Intensivist
 Ventricular tachycardia/ ventricular fibrillation: Amiodarone (Cordarone) 75 mg bolus IV over 10 minutes then continuous infusion at 1 mg/min.
May repeat bolus times 4 (total 300 mg loading dose). Call Intensivist.
 Atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response i.e., HR over ______: Amiodarone (Cordarone) 75 mg bolus IV over 10 minutes then
continuous infusion at 1 mg/min. May repeat bolus times 4 (total 300 mg loading dose). Call Intensivist.
 Prophylaxis of ventricular tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation and atrial fibrillation: Amiodarone (Cordarone) 75 mg bolus IV over 10 minutes
then continuous infusion at 1 mg/min.
 Magnesium 2 Gm/ 100 ml NS over 30 minutes PRN urine output greater than 200 mL/hour or serum magnesium less than 1.8 mEq/liter.
 Potassium Chloride replacement FOR FIRST 24 HOURS ONLY, if creatinine level is less than 1.8 and urine output over 50 ml/hr and no history of
Central line: 20 mEq/ 100ml H2O over 1 hour if serum K+ is 3.9 – 4.1 mEq/liter
40 mEq/ 100 ml H2O over 2 hours for serum K+ less than 3.9 mEq/liter
If no central line give potassium chloride (elixir or tablet) PO/NG:
20 mEq if serum K+ is 3.9 – 4.1 mEq/liter
40 mEq if serum K+ is less than 3.9 mEq/liter
 Telephone order:
________________________________________ MD / NP / PA_/________________________________ Date________ Time_________  RB&C
(circle one)
Provider Signature_______________________________________ ID #___________________ Date____________ Time______
RN Signature___________________________ Date_______ Time_______ USC Signature_______________________ Date________ Time________
Patient Identification
WAH 601-397 (12/20/10)
page 5 of 6
The licensed independent practitioner must check () the desired boxes. All order sheets must be signed with date/time by the licensed independent
practitioner with ID #. A generic or therapeutically equivalent drug as approved by the P&T Committee may be dispensed unless other wise specifically stated.
 Insulin, regular 100 units / 100ml NS (1 unit/ml). Start insulin drip at _____ units/hour. Titrate to achieve glucose of 100-120 mg/dl. May titrate 1 to 4
units/hour. Glucose monitoring every hour using glucometer. Notify intensivist if more than 25 units insulin per hour required to control blood
sugar or blood sugar is less than 80 mg/dl. May monitor glucose level every two hours if blood glucose level at goal and no changes made to
insulin infusion rate for 2 consecutive hours.
 DISCONTINUE Insulin drip at _____(time), obtain glucometer reading and cover with insulin aspart (Novolog) according to the scale on attached
“SUBCUTANEOUS INSULIN ORDER FORM” (601-491) if pt ready to transfer.
Coronary Endarterectomy
 Dextran 40 infusion total dose of 500 ml IV over 24 hours for coronary artery endartarectomy. Start 4 hours post-op if no signs of bleeding
 Clopidogrel(Plavix ) 75 mg po daily starting on ______(date) _____time
Accept following variations for titration: MAP or SBP +/- ____mm Hg CI +/- ____L/m2 Mean PAP +/- ____mm Hg HR +/- ____ BPM
 Epinephrine 4 mg/ 250 ml D5W infusion at 0.5 mcg/min to ____ mcg/min titrate to MAP _______and/or CI______ as long as HR is less
Once epinephrine drip is infusing check glucometer a minimum of every 2 hours. Once blood glucose over ____ refer to
Hyperglycemia Management Section orders.
 Dobutamine (Dobutrex) 500 mg/ 250 ml D5W infusion at 1mcg/kg/min to _____ mcg/kg/min; titrate to CI _____ as long as HR is less than_____
 Norepinephrine (Levophed) 4 mg/250 ml D5W infusion at 0.5 mcg/min to _____mcg/min; titrate to MAP____ and/or SBP _____
 Vasopressin (Pitressin) 200 units/ 200 ml D5W infusion at 0.02 units/min to ______units/min; titrate to maintain MAP ______ and/or SBP _____
While on vasopressin infusion obtain lactic acid level 1 hour into infusion and then every 4 hours – call MD if over 2.5mg/dl
 Dopamine (Intropin) 200 mg/ 250 ml D5W infusion at 1mcg/kg/min to ____mcg/kg/min; titrate to maintain MAP____ and/or CI ___ or  HR____
 Milrinone (Primacor) bolus ______mcg/kg over _____ min.
 Milrinone (Primacor) 40 mg/ 200 ml D5W infusion at _____ mcg/kg/min to _____mcg/kg/min to maintain  CI____ or  mean PAP less than ____
Vasoactive drugs weaning orders:
Other orders:
 Telephone order:
________________________________________ MD / NP / PA_/________________________________ Date________ Time_________  RB&C
(circle one)
Provider Signature_______________________________________ ID #___________________ Date____________ Time______
RN Signature___________________________ Date_______ Time_______ USC Signature_______________________ Date________ Time________
Patient Identification
WAH 601-397 (12/20/10)
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