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Comparative Study of the Present Status and Desirable Status of the
Employees’ Socialization System in the Economic and Finance
Affairs Organization at Golestan Province and Affiliate Offices
*Mohammad Ali Tabarsa
The present study regarding to human resources significance in meeting the
standards of the organization and necessity of learning and knowledge about the
resources, is done based on optimization approach with the aim of investigating the
potential problem of the employees’ socialization system in Finance and Economic
Affairs organization at Golestan province and affiliate offices. To avoid this, the
significant elements are considered as hypothesis. The method is descriptive/
survey and correlation.
The study aims to know the teaching and learning level of the staff and to arrange
plans for improving the potential problems, because it is one of the key factors in
every educational institute of employees so that a qualified staff is considered as
one of the main elements in the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization.
The main purpose of the research is comparative study of the present status and
desirable status of the employees’ socialization system in the Economic and
Finance Affairs organization at Golestan province and affiliate offices which
situated in new positions, and providing strategies to improve the plan. To get the
view points and ideas of the employees, some issues are discussed with them.
Keywords: socialization, employees, education, organization, the present and
desirable status.
Statements of the Problem
The more human resources and workforce of an organization enjoy enough
knowledge and higher intellectual and spiritual vitality, they better able to meet the
goals of the organization. To achieve this and the desirable status, primitive service
and in-service training should be obtained at the top of educational activities as a
strategic plan. Employees responsible for the organizational responsibility are the
ones, who reached a sufficient knowledge and possess the required efficiency. The
researcher tried to determine the rate of familiarizing the employees with the
history, goals and generally the basis of the organization, and also to determine
amount of their knowledge about the rules of the organization, description of the
job and duty, facilities and amenities, and the process of job promotion.
At least, all of these are implemented to achieve the main goal of the research in
terms of awareness of the situation of the socialization system in the mentioned
organization, and are tested beside.
The Research Literature
Learning: means fairly permanent changes in the behavior of the person.
Socialization system: means familiarization of the staffs with the related matters
such as wages and benefits, job description, rules and regulations, values and
norms, goals and history of the organization, the ruled culture and customs etc. that
the organization must implement it so to provide the required preparations for the
effective interaction of the staff with the organization.
Training/ education: it means “an attempt to improve job performance related to
the job and its relevant matters.”
Employees: means who works for servicing to the Economic and Finance Affairs
organization of Golestan province and affiliate office.
The present status and the desirable status: by present status, it means the
current situation of the socialization system, and desirable status means the
expected situation of the employees of the organization.
Learning: is the process of changing behavior relatively that largely stems from
stimulating factors (internal/ external) by experience and exercise, and prepares the
person to meet the needs or adapt to the environment.
According to the follow, learning includes three parts:
1) Learning is a changing behavior whether for better or for worse,
2) is a changing that result of exercise or experience not growth,
3) is a fairly permanent change with long duration.
Regarding above, the due time cannot be exactly determined for learning
process. Hence, change in behavior is not necessarily followed by learning
because learning is somehow permanent change that is created based on the
current situation, and the process will be strength in the changing and variable
situations; the reason is that the person reacts to the surrounding events and the
response cause to some (cognitive/mental/ dynamic and emotional) changes in
the behavior of the person. It may lead to emerge three modes in the behavior:
1. The changing behavior may include cognitive aspects such as knowledge,
information, ideas etc.
2. The change in behavior may be psychological-dynamic, means it relates to
skills of the person.
3. The change in behavior may include emotional aspects, means feelings,
attitudes and values.
Then, learning, as it is seen, include everything we do or think about. (Shoari
Nejad, 69: 2002)
According above, learning is achieved under three conditions:
1- Exposure to a new situation or problem that prevent the person to satisfy the
2- By motivation or stimuli
3- Preparation which include three: 1. Physical 2. Mental and social 3.
Generally, learning is in fact fairly permanent changes in individual’s behavior that
is result of the surrounding events. (Shoari Nejad, 71: 2002)
Methods of learning: the staffs are educated through some ways, for example:
 Booklets: booklets can provide the contents (information) completely for the
future studies and also is considered as an amplifier in learning sessions. I
other words, by studying the booklets (notes), before the class, one would
learn better about the discussed subject.
 Visual learning: such case as movies, theater, overhead, and board can
attract more the learners’ attention.
 Teacher’s guide: a teacher’s guide should be presented to the teacher so he
has enough time to study and preparing teaching materials and the method.
 Special technical facilities: a video, film projector and a tape recorder or
other devices can be useful for learning. One should prepare the tools before
the class.
These are better applied by an experienced learner, otherwise reduce learning.
(Divangahi, 149: 2001)
The Importance and Necessity of Staff Learning
Today, by many technical changes in human societies, businesses of organizations
are also changed, and the qualified staffs possess skill and knowledge related to the
job, and as the modern societies need to develop human beings, the staffs should
able to operate a set of different skills in various jobs with a good insight, that help
to achieve the organization’s goals by useful performing task through creativity,
innovation and extensive knowledge. Life of the organization largely depends on
the skills, awareness, and knowledge of its employees. The more the employees
educated, they can better involved in improving organizational performance. The
educated employees can also more adapt themselves to the variable environmental
Human knowledge, Abtahi states in his book Training and Development of
Human Resources, doubles every five years and this is changing everything, so is it
possible HR of an organization wouldn’t get familiar with the changes?
It is clear that fate and longevity of the organization will be at risk in terms
of neglecting employees’ education and training, that is why the HR of the
developed countries usually attend training classes at least once a year. (Abtahi,
10: 2002)
Significance of Socialization: means making familiar the individual with the
organization in various aspects. If entering to an organization and getting familiar
with the rules, regulation and proper and desirable methods is truly done, the
newcomer learns the procedure and his duty quickly. It will be affective in
durability of the organization if it be a successive experience for the new member,
because he accepts the main standards by heart and adopt himself to them.
Since anxiety largely the quantity and quality of work, it should be predetermined
for the anxious member on the first working day to eliminates and calm down. Few
people at the arrival can be found to have a true working and social relationship
with coworkers or get familiar with the job details. The new member most
moderates his behavior somehow and behaves according to rules, regulations and
organizational norms. Entering into a new environment deserves the conformity,
because duties and responsibilities are different in the new job. The new member
should also make relationship with the boss and coworkers to be successful. In
other words, it takes time for the new comer to reach the desirable position, so
there would be a plan to resolve the basic problems of entering to an unfamiliar
environment and help him in his establishment in the organization. (Saadat, 161:
There is a close relationship between the social and sense of personality and
personal authenticity; more successful socialization system led to raise more
innovative staff, originality and personal authenticity will be high in terms of high
level socialization.
1) The lower the socialization and individualization be, individuals will be
2) Individuals raise compatible in case of high socialization and low
3) Individuals behave as rebellious and rough in terms of the lower
socialization and higher individualization.
4) High socialization and individualization led to rise of creative and
innovative member in the organization. (
Thus, it can be said socialization has a key role in developing innovative member
beside clarification and learning the duties and responsibilities and equates etc.
Responsibilities of HR Management
The most important roles of HR management in an organization are as follow:
 Monitoring of employment: it should be done based on the law and should
retain legal rights of the applicants.
 Analysis of job provided that all the characters be clarified.
 The required plan for providing HR.
 Recruitment means identifications of those who possess the required
conditions for employment.
 Choose and employment the best and most qualified forces for jobs in the
 Set up and managing programs that facilitates the entry of the new staffs and
help them to achieve their proper social and organizational position.
 Employee training
 Educating manager
 Employees’ performance evaluation system design
 Reward system design
 Pay roll system design
 Mediation between organizations and trade unions
 A system designed to address the demands or complaints of employees
 Workplace health and safety system design
 Discipline system design. (Saadat, 3:2006)
Proper job design, an effective way in motivation and growth of the
organization member
A simple definition of organization: classification, division of labor and
responsibilities that led to job design and performing the duties of every job that
finally cause to achieving that organization’s goal. The job design and its role led
to increase efficiency and performance in one side, and job satisfaction and
development on the other side.
1-Psychological attitudes which is also called motivational attitude that is
usually categorized to three parts:
a. Including motivational attitudes in job design
b. Apply the theory of occupational mobility
c. Apply the theory of variety of tasks and job rotation
2- Engineering approach that is also called ergonomic attitude (human factors
engineering) that includes mainly two parts:
a. Emphasis on the psychological and biological aspects in job design and the
applied tools
b. Emphasis on psychological characters compatible with work tools and work
4-The classic approach to job design hat is called organizational attitude in
some techniques, that includes three parts:
a. Limit tasks as much as possible
b. Staff training and providing high skill in related field
c. Establishing a simple method accompany with equipments required for the
staff and removing extra actions. (Salmani, 111: 2005)
Career Development
Today, managers, employees, researchers and public legislators pay attention to
improve quality of working life. Working men and women and young people,
especially those with high education attend more to jobs effective for them and
related to their profession. By employment in the organization, they need to
progress and thrive and experience transfer and promotion and acquire new skills.
1-Reasons for being a career-path program in organizations
1-Equal employment opportunity 2- quality of work life 3- competition for talented
employees 4- avoid old skills and learn new skills 5- retain employees 6- beneficial
use of employees.
2- Concept of development of career-path (CP)
A career-path is a work life according to employees: attitudes and motivations that
they perform. It is also important to know that the career-path include a set of jobs
that one force to do it during his life time, such as training in job roles, goals and
hopes, dreams, emotions and uncertainty related to the job. In broader sense it can
also include non-paid works such as volunteer and construction activities for the
3-Significance of the career path
1-It helps to acquire one’s identity, status and dignity, 2- provides a rich work life
3-it is implemented based on the social norms. 4- It provides a chance for
satisfying the desires of employees to reach knowledge and progress.
By you know, HR of an organization is considered the most important and
effective part of it, and all successes and failures turn to its performance. The
intellectual and psychological development aspects of the employees must be
provided so to have an efficient and competent HR that able to fulfill the
organizational goals. The purpose of the strategies are presented in the following is
preparing the work force (HR) that help to achieve organizational goals.
To achieve a desirable and useful socialization I an organization, it must be:
*HR management devotes part of its activities to plan for the newcomers. HR
means individuals, by arrival to the organization, by establishing specialized
groups and a predetermined plan get familiar with all related aspects include their
tasks (duties), rules and regulations, values governing the organization, salary and
benefits, facilities etc.
* HR management tries to employ the most qualified and competent ones. The
employees should get familiar with their tasks and responsibilities by the special
groups who are organized to educated, and explain the duties and responsibilities.
* Design and set up programs that facilitate the entry of new employees that help
them to achieve their own proper organizational and social position.
* Use of the experience and old staffs to train the new ones. By this, the new staffs
see the organization’s behavior with the old member and led them to have a more
loyalty and sense of commitment.
* List the cases that employees need more or less during their service and every
case should be clarified and explained in detail to the new employees regularly.
* Implementation of training courses as theoretical and practical. The effect will be
more with higher practical and realistic educational cases for the new entrant
1- Abili, Khodayar,(1992), Educational Evaluation, booklets, M.A.
2- Abtahi, Hosein, (2002), Human Resources Management, Management Education and
Research Publications, Tehran.
3- Alaghih Band, Ali, (1998), Organizational Behavior Management, Amir Kabir, Tehran.
4- Divangahi, Molouk, (2001), Human Resources Management, Thesaurus publication, Tehran.
5- Saadat, Isfandyar, (2007), Human Resources Management, SMT, Tehran.
6- Salmani, Davoud, (2005), Quality of Working Life and Improving the Organizational
Behavior, 1st edition, Tehran University Business School Press.
7- Shoari Nejad, Ali Akbar, (1992), An Introduction to Human Psychology, Azadeh press,