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Chapter 10
Database Files
Programming In
Visual Basic.NET
Visual Basic and Databases
• VB projects can display and update the data
from database files
• VB.NET uses ADO.NET for database
• ADO.NET is the next generation of
database technology, based on Microsoft's
previous version ActiveX Data Objects
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© 2001 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
• Data is stored and transferred in Extensible
Markup Language (XML)
• Allows access to database data in many
• Two types of Connections
– SQLClient for SQL Server
– OLEDB for all other database formats
10- 3
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Relational Database Terminology
• Database includes
– Tables => collection of related data
– Queries => SQL designed to select data from tables
• Table
– Record => row of related data for one instance
– Field => column of specific data element
– Keys
• Primary => uniquely identifies a record
• Foreign => links record to related record in related
• Relationships
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Using ADO.NET and VB
• Can display data from a database on
– Windows Form
– Web Form
• Add controls to form and bind data to them
– Normal Controls like label, textbox
– Special controls designed just for data like
DataGrid, DataList
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Steps for Data Access
10- 6
Handles data
transfer and
provides data
for dataset;
uses SQL
Actual data,
can contain
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• Used to establish link form specific file or
database to program
• Types
– SqlConnection
• Microsoft SQL Server databases only
– OleDBConnection
• All other databases
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Setting Up a Connection
• Can be accomplished from
– Toolbox
– Server Explorer window
– Within Data Adapter Configuration Wizard
using New Connection button
• No matter which method above is used to
begin the connection, the Data Link
Properties dialog appears for you to
complete the task
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Creating a Connection from
Server Explorer
• Click Connect to
Database button
• Right-click Data
10- 9
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Data Link Properties Dialog
• Used to define
– OLE DB Provider
– Actual DB Filename
– Logon UserName and
Password (optional)
• Used to Test
10- 10
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Connections in Server
• Shows all created
• Same Connection
can be use for
multiple projects
• Expand Connection
node to view tables
and fields
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Data Adapter
• Does all the work of passing data back and
for the between a data source and a program
• Does not have to be a database
• Can be text file, object, or even an array
• Types, must match Connection type
– OleDbDataAdapter
– SqlDataAdapter
• Use db prefix (e.g. dbRnR)
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Setting Up a Data Adapter
from Server Explorer
• Drag Table name
to form
• CTRL-click Field
names and drag to
10- 13
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Data Adapter Configuration
• Walks you through the steps for selecting
fields in a database
• Only used if you create/add a Data Adapter
from the Toolbox
• Can be used to modify existing Data
Adapters also
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• Temporary set of data stored in memory
• In ADO.NET datasets are disconnected; the
copy of data kept in memory does not keep
an active connection to the data source
• Dataset may contain multiple tables and
10- 15
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Defining a Dataset
• Drag Dataset control from
the toolbox to
• Select Data menu, Generate
• Right-click on Data Adapter
and select Generate Dataset
• In all cases, you see the
Generate Dataset dialog box
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Defining a Dataset (cont.)
• Name dataset with
ds prefix in
Generate Dataset
dialog (e.g.
10- 17
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Data Passing from Data Source
to Dataset to User Interface
Presentation Tier
Business Tier
Data Tier
Data Object
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XML Data
• Industry-standard format for storing and
transferring data
• Specifications at,
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
• The needed XML for accessing databases
will be automatically generated for you in
Visual Basic
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• Data stored in XML is all text
• XML Data File
– Contains actual data
• XML Schema File
– Contains descriptions for
• Fields
• Data Types
• Constraints, such as required fields
– .xsd file in Solution Explorer
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Fill Method
• Method of the Data Adapter executed at run
time to fill the dataset
• Usually coded in Form_Load (or
Page_Load for Web Projects)
• General Form
DataAdapterName.Fill (DataSetName)
• Example
dbRnR. Fill (dsBooks1)
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Creating Bound Controls: Data Grid
• In Windows Form
– Set properties of the controls
– Use Fill method
• Example: Grid Control
– New control in VB.NET
– Displays database records as a table
• Steps
– Set up/add Connection, DataAdapter, DataSet
– Add DataGrid control from toolbox (dbg
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Creating Bound DataGrid
• Steps continued
– Set properties of DataGrid to bind to data
• DataSource to DataSet name
• DataMember to Table name
– Add code to populate control with data
• Windows Form, Form_Load ==>
DataAdapterName.Fill (DataSetName)
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Creating Simple Bound Controls
• Labels and text boxes
• Same steps:
– Set up/add Connection, DataAdapter, DataSet
– Add text boxes or label control from toolbox
– Set properties to bind to data
• Data Binding properties menu
• Text option to be specified
– Add code to populate control with data
• Windows Form, Form_Load ==>
DataAdapterName.Fill (DataSetName)
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Navigating Through DataSets
• Refer to the Position and Count properties
of the Windows Form's BindingContext
' Move to next record
Me.BindingContext(dsBooks1, "Books").Position + = 1
' Move to previous record
Me.BindingContext(dsBooks1, "Books").Position - = 1
' Move to the first record
Me.BindingContext(dsBooks1, "Books").Position = 0
' Move to the last record
With Me.BindingContext(DsCustomer1, "Customer")
.Position = .Count - 1
End With
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Retrieving Record Count
• Specify
Table Name
Rows Collection
Count Property
• Example
Me.BindingContext(DsCustomer1, "Customer").Count
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Updating a Database File
• Types of updating
– Modify existing records
– Add records
– Delete records
• Must display the dataset in bound controls
that can be used for input (no labels)
• You must write code to actually update the
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Typical Form for Updating
Add caption
changes to
Cancel during
Add or Edit
All Navigation Buttons
are disabled during Add
or Edit
10- 28
Save Button is
enabled only
when an Add
or Edit is in
© 2001 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Update Method
• Method of DataAdapter used to write
changes to database
‘General Form
DataAdapterName.Update (DataSet, "Table")
dbRnR. Update (dsBooks1, "Books")
• Can be executed
– After every change, perform data validation,
then execute Update (Save Record button)
– Once, just before program termination for all
changes execute Update (Form's Closing event)
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Update Method (cont.)
• Automatically loops through the records in a table
to determine what type of update is needed and
then performs the required SQL
– Update
– Insert
– Delete
• Execute during Form's Closing event if running
once to apply all changes
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Example - Update Form's
Closing Event
' mblnIsDirty was declared in Declarations section
'Save changes, Update Database
If mblnIsDirty Then
If MessageBox.Show("Save Changes?", "Books" _
MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, _
MessageBoxIcon.Question ) = DialogResult.Yes Then
dbRnR.Update(dsBooks1, "Books")
MessageBox.Show("Error saving file", "Books")
End If
End If
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Logic of Update Programs
• Enclose all statements that access the
database in Try/Catch blocks
• Display data in bound input controls
– Initially set ReadOnly property = True
• When user clicks Edit button
– Set ReadOnly = False
– Disable Navigation buttons
– Provide Cancel and Save buttons for user
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Saving Changes Logic - User
Clicks Save Button
• Perform Data Validation
– If valid data then
Set ReadOnly = True
Set mblnDirty = True
Enable Navigation buttons
Disable Save button
– If invalid data then
• Notify user with MessageBox
• Set focus to control containing invalid data
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Canceling Changes Logic User Click Cancel Button
• Replace changed values in controls with
original values
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See RejectChanges procedure (p 441)
Set ReadOnly = True
Enable Navigation buttons
Disable Save button
© 2001 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Deleting Records
• Execute Delete Method of the table's Rows
• Example
Dim intCurrRecNum As Integer
intCurrRecNum = Me.BindingContext(dsBooks1, _
dsBooks1.Books.Rows(intCurrRecNum).Delete ( )
mblnIsDirty = True
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Adding Records
• If user clicks Add button
Clear bound input controls
Set ReadOnly = False
Set mblnAdding = True
Disable Navigation buttons
Provide Cancel and Save buttons for user
• Logic for Save and Cancel are same as on
previous slide except for resetting
mblnAdding to False
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Example - Saving an Added
Dim newRow As DataRow = dsBooks1.Books.NewRow
newRow("Author") = txtAuthor.Text
newRow("ISBN") = txtISBN.Text
newRow("Title") = txtTitle.Text
10- 37
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Logic for Save Button
• Must determine type of operation in
progress since used for saving changes
made as
– Edits
– Adds
• Use mblnAdding variable to identify Add
operations in progress
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Bound Combo Boxes
• Provides an easy user interface for selecting
records to view or update
• Windows Forms
– Use ListBox or ComboBox
• Web Forms
– Use ListBox or DropDownList
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Using Multiple Data Adapters
• Use when more than 1 dataset or more than
1 table in a dataset is needed
• A single Connection object can supply the
connection for more than 1 data adapter
• Useful when a list is available for the user
to select the record(s) to display
– 1 dataset for the list itself
– 1 dataset for the selected record(s)
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Parameterized Query
• DataSet with special type of SQL SELECT
– WHERE clause is incomplete until user enters
value for criteria at run time
– Uses question mark in place of criteria
• Example
SELECT Title, Author, ISBN FROM books WHERE Title = ?
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Filling a List - Windows Forms
• Set ListBox or ComboBox Properties
– DataSource to DataSet name
– DisplayMember to table name.field name
• Use Fill method to populate list with data
Tip: To eliminate duplicate entries in the list.
Modify the SQL SELECT statement to
include the DISTINCT keyword.
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Displaying the Data for the
Selected Item
• At run time the user may enter the value to
be used in the Parameterized Query in
– TextBox
• Include an associated button for the user to click to
use the value
• Be sure to check for possible empty dataset if the
user enters a value not in the dataset
– Selection of a ListBox or ComboBox
• Write code in the SelectedIndexChanged Event
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• Combo box SelectedInexChange Event
' Get record to match selected title in list
dsBooks1.Clear( )
dbRnR.SelectCommand.Parameters("Title").Value =cboTitles.Text
• TextBox, Associated Button's Click Event
' Get record to match selected title in list
dsBooks1.Clear( )
dbRnR.SelectCommand.Parameters("Title").Value = txtTitles.Text
If dsBooks1.Tables("Books").Rows.Count = 0 Then
MessageBox.Show("Title not found.")
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Making Database Projects
• Connection information is directly tied to
database file location
• You must move database AND
– Create Connection on new computer
– Configure DataAdapter
– For Web Projects, also create Virtual Directory
• Less problems if you store the database in
the same folder as your project
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Command Summary
' Data Adapter fills a Dataset.
dbRnR. Fill (dsBooks1)
' Move to next, pervious, first and last record
Me.BindingContext(dsBooks1, "Books").Position [+ = 1, -=1, 0, .Count –1]
‘Retrieving record count
' Get record to match selected title in list
dbRnR.SelectCommand.Parameters("Title").Value =cboTitles.Text
' Save the changes in the file
dbRnR. Update (dsBooks1, "Books")
‘Add a new record
Dim newRow as DataRow = DsCustomer1.Customer.NewRow
' Delete current record
dsBooks1.Books.Rows(intCurrRecNum).Delete ( )
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