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Name ___________________________________________ Date ______________ Prd _______
Ch. 19 Interdependence in Living Systems – Study Guide
Identify the body system for questions 1-11.
1. Enables the body to move _____________________________________________.
2. Breaks down food and absorbs the broken-down materials _____________________________.
3. Fights disease _____________________________________________.
4. Supports and protects the body; works with muscles to enable movement __________________.
5. Produces chemicals called hormones that help control many body processes ________________.
6. Removes waste; helps regulate water in the body ___________________________________.
7. Transports needed materials to body cells; removes wastes __________________________.
8. Creates offspring; determines male and female characteristics ___________________________.
9. Protects the body, keeps water inside, and helps sense the external environment. _____________.
10. Gets oxygen into the body; removes carbon dioxide __________________________.
11. Obtains and processes information from the body’s internal and external environment; directs
most body functions. __________________________.
12. State the levels of organization of many-celled organisms, from simplest to most
13. What is any group of parts that work together as a unit ____________________.
14. What is the simplest level of organization in a complex living organism? ___________________.
15. Groups of cells that perform the same function make up ____________________.
16. The respiratory system functions with the help of a muscle called a(n) ____________________.
17. When your body is in a state of equilibrium, it is ____________________.
18. How does shivering warm the body?
Name ___________________________________________ Date ______________ Prd _______
19. Water enters and leaves cells through the process of ____________________.
20. The pressure of water against a plant's cell wall is ____________________.
21. The struggle between organisms to survive in a habitat with limited resources is called
22. Mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism are the three types of ____________________.
23. As part of digestion, ____________________ in the small intestine absorb nutrients from food,
which blood then carries throughout the body.
24. Negative feedback helps control the level of ____________________ in the blood.
25. Shivering is an example of _________________________.
26. The thick fur of a polar bear is a(n) ____________________ that allows the bear to live
successfully in its cold environment.
27. A(n) ____________________ is all the living and nonliving things that interact in an area.
28. If the death rate exceeds the birth rate of a population, the size of the population
29. If the population of predators in an area decreases, the population of prey in that same area will
probably ____________________.
30. An organism’s particular role in the ecosystem is its ____________________.
31. A close relationship between two species that benefits at least one of the species is called
32. An interaction in which one organism hunts and kills another for food ________________.
33. The struggle between organisms to survive in a habitat with limited resources
34. A relationship in which one species benefits and the other species is neither helped nor
harmed ____________________.
35. A relationship in which both species benefit ____________________.
36. A relationship in which one organism lives on or in another and harms it.
37. List the four basic types of tissue in the human body, and describe what they do.
Name ___________________________________________ Date ______________ Prd _______
38. How is the respiratory system dependent on the cardiovascular and muscular systems?
39. How do adaptations help an organism survive in a particular environment? Give an example of
an adaptation that helps a type of plant or animal survive in a certain type of environment.
40. Explain why two different species in an ecosystem can share the same habitat but not the same
Name ___________________________________________ Date ______________ Prd _______
Ch. 19 Interdependence in Living Systems – Study Guide (KEY)
Identify the body system for questions 1-11.
1. Enables the body to move. Muscular System
2. Breaks down food and absorbs the broken-down materials Digestive System
3. Fights disease Immune System
4. Supports and protects the body; works with muscles to enable movement Skeletal System
5. Produces chemicals called hormones that help control many body processes Endocrine System
6. Removes waste; helps regulate water in the body Excretory System
7. Transports needed materials to body cells; removes wastes Cardiovascular System
8. Creates offspring; determines male and female characteristics Reproductive System
9. Protects the body, keeps water inside, and helps sense the external environment. Skin System
10. Gets oxygen into the body; removes carbon dioxide Respiratory System
11. Obtains and processes information from the body’s internal and external environment; directs
most body functions. Nervous System
12. State the levels of organization of many-celled organisms, from simplest to most
cell-tissue-organ-organ system
13. What is any group of parts that work together as a unit A system
14. What is the simplest level of organization in a complex living organism? Cell
15. Groups of cells that perform the same function make up A tissue
16. The respiratory system functions with the help of a muscle called a(n) diaphragm.
17. When your body is in a state of equilibrium, it is stable.
18. How does shivering warm the body? Causing involuntary muscle contractions.
Name ___________________________________________ Date ______________ Prd _______
19. Water enters and leaves cells through the process of osmosis.
20. The pressure of water against a plant's cell wall is turgor pressure.
21. The struggle between organisms to survive in a habitat with limited resources is called
22. Mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism are the three types of symbiotic relationships.
As part of digestion, Villi in the small intestine absorb nutrients from food, which blood then
carries throughout the body.
Negative feedback helps control the level of Glucose in the blood.
Shivering is an example of Homeostasis/ Negative feedback.
The thick fur of a polar bear is a(n) Adaptation that allows the bear to live successfully in its
cold environment.
A(n) Ecosystem is all the living and nonliving things that interact in an area.
If the death rate exceeds the birth rate of a population, the size of the population Decrease.
29. If the population of predators in an area decreases, the population of prey in that same area will
probably Increase.
30. An organism’s particular role in the ecosystem is its Niche.
31. A close relationship between two species that benefits at least one of the species is called
32. An interaction in which one organism hunts and kills another for food Predation
33. The struggle between organisms to survive in a habitat with limited resources
34. A relationship in which one species benefits and the other species is neither helped nor
harmed Commensalism
35. A relationship in which both species benefit Mutualism
36. A relationship in which one organism lives on or in another and harms it. Parasitism
Name ___________________________________________ Date ______________ Prd _______
37. List the four basic types of tissue in the human body, and describe what they do.
Muscle tissue moves the bones of the skeletal system. Connective tissue provides
support for the body and connects its parts. Nerve tissue carries messages between the
brain and the rest of the body. Epithelial tissue (such as skin and stomach lining)
covers external and internal surfaces of the body.
38. How is the respiratory system dependent on the cardiovascular and muscular systems?
The respiratory system brings oxygen into the body and expels carbon dioxide waste.
The cardiovascular system works with the respiratory system by receiving oxygen from
the lungs (through alveoli into capillaries) and transporting it through the body in
blood vessels. The blood vessels then transport carbon dioxide waste back to the lungs
through the capillaries and the alveoli. The diaphragm is a muscle under the lungs that
helps the chest expand and contract, forcing air into and out of the lungs.
39. How do adaptations help an organism survive in a particular environment? Give an example of
an adaptation that helps a type of plant or animal survive in a certain type of environment.
Individuals with adaptations suited to their environment are more successful at finding
food, obtaining shelter, and mating to produce offspring. Offspring that inherit
characteristics that made their parents successful are also more likely to survive and
reproduce. Individuals that are poorly adapted to their environment are less likely to
survive. Accept any reasonable examples of an adaptation, such as the ability of a
water-storing cactus with thick, waxy skin to survive in a desert environment, or the
ability of an animal with thick fur to survive in a cold environment.
40. Explain why two different species in an ecosystem can share the same habitat but not the same
Sharing the same habitat means living in the same part of the ecosystem. Sharing the
same niche means competing for the same food and space within the habitat. If two
species compete for the same niche, one species will eventually die off.