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Geometry Chapter 1 Review
Name ________________________
Period _____ Date ______________
Write your answers on the spaces provided. You must show work to receive full credit.
Choose the correct word or term from the right to go with each definition.
1. ______ A line, segment, or ray that is
a. adjacent angles
perpendicular to a segment at its midpoint.
b. area
2. ______ The ray with endpoint at point A,
c. collinear
passing through point B
d. complementary angles
3. ______ The number of square units that a
e. congruent angles
polygon encloses.
4. ______ Angles that have the same measure.
5. ______ Two angles whose measures have a
sum of 180 degrees.
6. ______ A point on a segment that divides a
segment into two congruent segments.
7. ______ The length of the segment from point A
to point B.
8. ______ A geometric figure drawn with a
straightedge and a compass.
9. ______ Two angles whose measures have a
sum of 90 degrees.
10. _______
congruent segments
g. construction
h. midpoint
perpendicular bisector
k. segment bisector
supplementary angles
m. vertex
n. vertical angles
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Geometry Chapter 1 Review
9. Construct an angle that is congruent to angle DEF below:
10. Construct a perpendicular bisector to segment ST below:
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Geometry Chapter 1 Review
11. The midpoint of ST is (6, -10). One endpoint is S(2, 4).
What are the coordinates of endpoint T?
[11] _______________
12. Find the distance between points Y(-7, 5) and Z(4, -3) to the nearest tenth.
[12] ___________________
13. Find the perimeter of a rectangle with base 10 inches and height 13 inches.
[13] ___________________
14. Find the area of a triangle with base 20 cm and height 16 cm.
[14] __________________
15. Find the area of a circle with a radius of 13 feet to the nearest tenth.
[15] _______________
16. Bob is building a 5 foot wide patio around his pool. The dimensions of the pool and the patio width are
shown below. What will be the area of the patio around the pool?
5 ft
20 ft
[16] _______________
12 ft
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