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CHEM 1411
Study Guide #2
Introduction to Molecules, Ions, Formulas and Stoichiometry
(revised 08/23/07)
(Kotz, Treichel, Weaver, 6th Ed)
Textbook Readings and Assignments.
Chapter 3: All sections, pages 98 - 139
Know: Charges on Some Common Ions, Fig 3.7, pg 105;
Fig 3.9, pg 110; Table 3.1, pg 107
Key Terms: molecules, compounds, formulas, molecularformula, condensed-formula, structural-formula,
ball-and-stick model, space-filling model, ionic
compound, ions, cations, anions, polyatomic ions,
halide ions, oxoanions, electrostatic forces, crystal
lattice, Coulomb’s Law, binary compound, covalent
bond, mole, percent composition, mass percent,
empirical formula, formula weight (FW), hydrated
compound, anhydrous, mole weight (GMW), molar
mass (MM)
Key Equation, Eq 3.1, pg 112, pg 131
Problems: 1, 2, 4 - 39, 41, 43, 46, 49, 51, 53 – 57, 59, 61 – 63,
65, 67, 71, 75, 83, 85 – 91, 95, 97, 98, 100, 102 – 104,
111 – 113.
Chapter 4: All Sections, pages 140 - 173
Know: Key Terms: quantitative, balanced chemical equation,
reactants, products, law of conservation of matter,
stoichiometry, coefficients of balance, combustion,
stoichiometric-factor, limiting reagent, excess
reagent, percent yield, actual yield, theoretical
Key Equations, pg 165
Problems: 3 – 5, 7, 9 – 11, 13, 15, 17, 19 – 24, 27, 31, 33, 39, 41,
45, 47, 51, 53, 55, 57, 61, 65, 66, 74, 75, 77, 79, 80,
Study Guide (optional).
Chapter 3: pages 32 - 44
Chapter 4: pages 45 - 66
Computer Generated Problem Set
Stoichiometry - due at exam time
CHEM 1411
Study Guide #2
page 2
General Chemistry Interactive CD-ROM (version 3.0)
Chapter 3: All sections, except 3.13, Naming Alkanes
Chapter 4: All sections
Laboratory Work. (see: )
Properties of Hydrates (Experiment #6)
Determination of Chemical Formula (Experiment #4)
Web Resources
1. Formulas, Compounds, Naming tutorials, see:
2. Atoms, Ions and Molecules, Writing and Naming Compounds, see:
3. Balancing Equations and Reaction Types, see:
4. A Tutorial on Balancing Chemical Equations, see:
5. Balancing Chemical Equations, see:
6. Six Types of Chemical Reaction, see:
7. The Chemistry of Carbon (diamond, graphite and Buckyball), see:
8. Library of 3-D Molecular Structures (requires browser plug-ins), see:
9. Structure of Amino Acid Side-Chains (structural formulas and molecular models),
10. The Molecular Structure Pages, see:
11. Ionic Bonding, see:
CHEM 1411
Study Guide # 2
page 3
12. Percent Composition and Molecular Formula, see:
13. Percent Composition - Formulas (pdf file), see:
14. Mathematics of Chemistry, see:
15. Atoms and Molecules - Quizzes (math relationships), see:
16. Wigner's Tutotials, Chapter 3 and Chapter 4; see:
17. ICSD Chemistry Zone, Stoichiometry Lessons; see:
18. LUCID - Stoichiometry; see:
Steps to solve stoichiometry problems.
1. write the balanced equation
2. write known ratios from balanced equation
coefficients of balance relate to moles of species involved
3. determine the limiting reagent and the excess reagents
set-up mole ratio table from coefficients of balance
4. base all calculations of limiting reagent
5. calculate the theoretical yield (100 % conversion)
6. calculate the per cent yield
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