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World War I
4 Primary (MAIN) Causes of World War I
a. Militarism
b. Alliances
c. Imperialism
d. Nationalism
Gavrilo Princip = called “The Spark”
(started WWI)
Birthplace – Serbia (it is where you would find
Yugoslavia)….also has Bosnia and Herzogovina.
Two other terrorist with him = Ned Cabrinovic and
Muhammed Mehmedbasic. They were suppose to kill the
HEIR to the throne of Austria-Hungary because Serbia
(Yugoslavia) was controlled by Austria-Hungary and Serbia
wanted to be its own country. The name of their terrorist
group was the BLACK HAND. They thought that by
killing the heir to throne it would show that they had power
and could be a country.
What did Mehmedbasic do? The heir to the throne of A-H
was named Archduke Franz Ferdinand. He was supposed
to throw a bomb at the car of Ferdinand, but he got scared
and didn’t do it.
What did Cabrinovic do? June 28, 1914…..he DID throw a
bomb at Franz Ferdinand’s car….BUT HE MISSED! He hit
the car behind Ferdinand’s car. The bomb exploded and
injured 2 people. After Cabrinovic missed, he took cyanide
and tried to commit suicide before he was caught. He
THEN jumped off a bridge into a river….still didn’t
die…police caught him.
Parade Route of Franz Ferdinand =
Franz Ferdinand was on the way to the hospital to check
on the 2 people that had been injured in the car behind him in the
bomb attack…..the driver of Ferdinand’s car took a wrong turn and
ended up driving right by Princip. Princip thought the
assassination attempt was over and he was standing at a fruit stand
eating an apple when Ferdinand’s car came driving by. The car
stopped at an intersection…Princip walked over to the car and
started shooting…Ferdinand was shot in the throat and his wife,
Sophie was shot in the abdomen. Both of them died.
What happened to Princip??
He turned the gun on himself to try and commit suicide,
BUT a man behind him tackled him before he could fire the
gun…he had also taken cyanide, but it made him sick and he threw
it up. Princip was 19 and since he was under 21, he could not be
given the death penalty….instead, he was sentenced to 20 years in
prison….that was the maximum sentence allowed for someone
under 21. He died in prison on April 28, 1918 of Tuberculosis.
This was one year before the end of WWI. He had “sparked” the
start of the war by killing F.Ferdinand, the heir to the throne of
Austria-Hungary. A-H…declared war on Serbia (where Princip
was from….even though Serbian govt had nothing to do with the
killing). Serbia and all of Yugoslavia was in an alliance with Great
Britain and France SO they (G.B.and France) declared war on AH. Now, A-H was backed by the most powerful country in
Europe…GERMANY….and Germany declared war then on G.B.
and France!! That setup the sides to the start of WWI.
The Lusitania
Ship sank in WWI, torpedoed by a German U-boat on 7 May 1915.
The ship sank in 18 minutes, eight miles (15 km) off the Old Head
of Kinsale, Ireland, killing 1,198 of the 1,959 people aboard,
including several hundred Americans. The sinking turned public
opinion in many countries against Germany, and was instrumental
in bringing the United States into World War I. The sinking of the
Lusitania caused great controversy, which persists to this day. In
the aftermath of the sinking, the German government tried to
justify it by claiming in an official statement that she had been
armed with guns, and had "large quantities of war material" in her
yellow journalism, helps get U.S. into WWI.
The Zimmerman Note
Known as the final straw to get the U.S. into WWI. It was
an intercepted letter sent from Germany to Mexico to try
to persuade Mexico to attack the southwestern US.
Germany’s intention was for Mexico to preoccupy the US
long enough for Germany to defeat the British and then
they would help Mexico defeat the US. They promised
Mexico all former Mexican territory after the war (Texas,
New Mexico, parts of California). This was the “Final
Straw” which caused the US to declare war on Germany.
Who were the Triple Entente members (ALLIES)?
Great Britain
United States***
Who were the Central Powers?
Deaths of WWI
Great Britain – 3,190,235
France – 6,616,800
Italy – 2,197,000
Russia – 9,150,000
U.S. – 364,826
Austria-Hungary – 1,567,000
Germany – 2,467,897
Wounded in WWI
G.B. – 2,090,212
France – 4,266,000
Italy – 947,000
Russia – 4,950,000
U.S. – 234,300
Austria-Hungary – 3,620,000
Germany – 4,247,143
The total number of casualties in World War I, both military
and civilian, were about 37 million
How many were in the U.S. military before WWI (1914)?
Army = only 98,000
National Guard = 27,000
When the U.S. declared war in 1917, President Woodrow
Wilson sent the American Expeditionary Force (AEF) to the
Western Front in France. The unit was led by General John
The American Expeditionary Forces or AEF was the United
States Armed Forces sent to Europe in World War I. The first
American troops, who were often called "Doughboys," first landed
in Europe in June 1917. However the AEF did not participate at
the front until late October 1917, The AEF sustained about
320,000 casualties; 53,402 battle deaths, 63,114 non combat deaths
and 204,000 wounded.[1] the pneumonia/influenza pandemic
during the fall of 1918 took the lives of more than 25,000 men
from the AEF while another 360,000 became gravely ill.[
Selective Service Act – THE DRAFT….Age 21-30 were
September 12, 1918 ---23,908,566 registered for the
draft….4,000,000 were actually drafted.
In 1917, the Air Force ONLY had 260 planes…By 1918, Congress
passed a $640 MILLION spending bill for new aircraft…the
U.S. immediately built 22,000 new planes.
-Didn’t learn from late 19th century wars in Africa or the American Civil
-New Weapons
-New warfare
-Modern Warfare, Concept of TOTAL WAR
12. Poison gas in WWI
estimated total deaths from gas – 192,000
* # hospitalized from gas attacks – 1.2 million
* Russia suffered the most poison gas casualities
because Germany used it on them the most
3 How did Germany first use chlorine gas against France?
a. First used April of 1915. The French said they saw a
yellow-green cloud and it smelled like a mixture of
pineapple and pepper. Victims of chlorine gas suffered
severe burning in the chest/lungs/throat…eventually,
the victim would cough up their lungs in clots.
b. How did allied troops use GAS MASKS?
They were supplied with cotton pads that could be
soaked in URINE…it was discovered that the ammonia in
urine counteracted the poison gas. Soldiers held the urine
soaked cotton pads over their face until they could run
away from the gas.
c. MUSTARD GAS == first used by Germany in 1917.
It was odorless and sometimes it would take 12 hours to
take effect. Mustard Gas victims suffered blistered
skin, burning eyes and internal bleeding. Victims had
to be strapped to their bed because they would cough so
violently they would break bones. Lungs were coughed
up in chunks. Gas was heavier than air so it would sink
in the low trenches where troops would breathe it in…if
troops jumped out of the trench to escape, then snipers
would pick them off.
14.LICE in WWI
They were pale yellow in color. They left blotchy, red
bite marks all over the body. They created a sour, stale smell in
the victim. There were various methods used by soldiers to
remove lice….a lighted candle held up to the infected skin
would work (burn out the lice). Also, the army arranged for the
men to take baths in huge vats (tubs) of scalding hot water.
Clothes were put in a de-lousing machine…this rarely worked
because the lice eggs remained in the clothes and within 2 or 3
hours, the soldiers body heat would hatch out the eggs…caused
a disease called PYRREXIA or commonly called TRENCH
15.Diet of Soldiers in WWI
Great Britain – 1914 = they were issued 18 ounces of
meat per day and 8 ounces of veggies. By 1916, it was only 6
ounces of each per day. By 1917, they only got meat about 9
out of 30 days.
TRENCH DIET – canned corned beef (called “Bully
Beef”)…and bread/biscuits. By 1916, there was a shortage of
flour, SO, bread was being made out of dried, ground up
turnips. The main food at “the front” was pea soup with some
chunks of horse meat in it.
16.RATS in the trenches --Men killed in the trenches and between them were left
there….were thousands of decaying bodies all over the area.
“CORPSE RATS”-- rats were huge because of so much to eat
(dead men). A pair of rats could produce 880 offspring each
year! To eat, they would start at the eye sockets…then tunnel
on through the dead body to get inside and eat that part first.
17.TRENCHFOOT --Caused by wet, cold, unsanitary conditions. Feet would
go numb and then turn red, purple and black. Soldiers were
later given grease from whale fat…they would use this to coat
their feet and their boots and was used as a water repellent. A
Batallion would use 10 gallons per day!!
18.No Mans Land
The area between the trenches….mud, dead bodies,
etc…a soldier did NOT want to get caught out between the
trenches in no man’s land.
19.Deep Dugout
An area under the trenches where troops could
hide…usually officers. They would get soldiers to dig down 45
to 50 feet deep below the trenches and dig out an area big
enough to hide in or discuss strategy.
20.Latrines –
Also called “TRENCH TOILETS”…these were usually
4 or 5 foot deep holes. Each company had at least 2 men
responsible for digging these and then cleaning them
out…usually for punishment.
21.Snipers in WW I –
Specially trained marksman…they would sneak around
in No Man’s Land. One trick that was used that actually
worked was that the sniper would fly a kite over the enemy
trench with some sort of writing on it. When the enemy stuck
his head up to see what it said….BOOM!
22.Great Britain had 240,000 amputations in WWI.
23. Flamethrower
Invented by Germany….it took 2 men to operate. It had a
range of about 50 yards. The goal was to sneak to the end of an
enemy trench and then fire the flamethrower up the trench and fry
the enemy.
25. Tunnels in WWI
One side would try and tunnel under the trenches to get to the
enemy trench.
26. Tanks in WWI
Called the MARK I Tank….1916. This was used by the
allies to break German lines in the trenches and actually win WWI.
27. Bolt Action Rifle
“new weapon”…..the main weapon used in WWI. Was
invented by an American named James Paris Lee.
Different Brands of rifles that were developed:
United States – The Springfield
Germany --- Mauser
Italy --- Mannlicher Carcano
Great Britain – The Lee Infield.
28.Machine Guns
Invented by HIRAM MAXIM -- This new improved
machine gun could shoot 400-600 rounds per minute…it took a
crew of 3 to actually operate it in the trenches.
29. Concrete Blockhouses
Most of these were on the Western Front IN FRANCE
where the trenches were located…these barriers were used to
protect the machine gunners!
30.The Bolshevik Revolution: 1917, Czar Nicholas II (last
Russian Czar), is leading his troops in battle in WWI, leaving his
wife and Confidant (Rasputin) in charge of running Russia. People
do not like or trust Rasputin, several assassination attempts
(Poison, stab, drown, shot, and he survives all), before he finally
executed. Bolsheviks, Led by communist leader Vladimir Lenin,
overthrow the Czar and murder the entire Romanov family (except
for maybe Anastasia). Bolshevik Revolution is sometimes called
the Communist Revolution, and the Russians withdraw for WWI.
***The United States tries to support the Czar and his family in a
failed mission at Archangel. This is one reason the Russians hate
us and don’t trust us and leads to Cold War.
31. WWI ends
-11th hour of 11th month of 11th day
-Treaty of Versailles ends WWI
-President Woodrow Wilson writes 14 points for
international peace, which sets up League of Nations, but the
U.S. never joins and it is not successful. He also warns
punishing Germany.
-France and Britain want to punish Germany and do,
dismantling army and forcing them to pay war
REPARATIONS. Germany is forced to sign the War Guilt
Clause, claiming responsibility for the war. This will lead to
the Global Great Depression, and ultimately WWII, as
Germany can not pay reparations, and allows Hitler to come
to power, promising to return Germany to glory, and refusing
to pay reparations while building up his army.
32. Major differences/changes in Europe BEFORE WWI (1914) until the END of WWI (1919)
 New countries were formed after the war….those are Austria, Czechoslovakia
and Hungary.
 Smaller countries were formed out of Russia.
 Russia changed to U.S.S.R. and became communist (Russian Revolution).
 Yugoslavia (United Slavic States)was formed.
 The country of Turkey was formed out of the remaining Ottoman Empire.
France and Britain want to punish Germany and do, dismantling
army and forcing them to pay war REPARATIONS. Germany
is forced to sign the War Guilt Clause, claiming responsibility
for the war. This will lead to the Global Great Depression, and
ultimately WWII, as Germany cannot pay reparations, and
allows Hitler to come to power, promising to return Germany to
glory, and refusing to pay reparations while building up his
Wilson's 14 Points
1. An end to all secret diplomacy
2. Freedom of the seas in peace and war
3. The reduction of trade barriers among
4. The general reduction of armaments
5. The adjustment of colonial claims in the
interest of the inhabitants as well as of
the colonial powers
6. The evacuation of Russian territory and a
welcome for its government to the society
of nations
7. The restoration of Belgium
8. The evacuation of all French territory,
including Alsace-Lorraine
9. The readjustment of Italian boundaries
along clearly recognizable lines of
Independence for various national
groups in Austria-Hungary
The restoration of the Balkan
nations and free access to the sea for
Protection for minorities in Turkey
and the free passage of the ships of all
nations through the Dardanelles
Independence for Poland, including
access to the sea
A league of nations to protect
"mutual guarantees of political
independence and territorial integrity to
great and small nations alike."