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2.1 Matter
Universe is made of matter
 Matter exists in one of 3 states
 Solid – definite shape & volume
 Liquid – definite volume, no definite
 Gas – no definite volume, no definite
2.1 Matter
 Elements – substance that cannot be
broken down by chemical or physical
 Over 100 elements are known
 Use symbols ex: H = hydrogen
2.1 Matter
 Smallest particles of matter
 Have all the characteristics of an element
 The nucleus is the central part of an atom
and contains
• Protons: positive charge; mass = 1 amu
• Neutrons: neutral; mass = 1 amu
 Atomic mass = number of protons AND
neutrons in the nucleus
2.1 Matter
 Energy levels, or shells
• Surround the nucleus
• Contain electrons
•Electrons: negative charge, 1/1836 amu
 The atomic number = number of protons in
the nucleus of an atom. Also tells us the number
of electrons.
Model of an Atom
Each energy level can hold a certain
number of electrons. The farther
away from the nucleus, the more
electrons the energy level can hold
The number of electrons
each level can hold is
determined by using the
equation 2(n2) where n =
the number of the energy
3rd energy level = 2(n2) =
2(32) = 2(9) = 18 electrons
2nd energy level = 2(n2) =
2(22) = 2(4) = 8 electrons
1st energy level = 2(n2) =
2(12) = 2(1) = 2 electrons
2.1 Matter
Periodic Table
 Group Number = number of valence
electrons in each element in that group
 Period Number = number of energy
levels containing electrons for every
element in that period (row)
Chemical Symbol Info
Atomic number
Chemical symbol
Element name
Atomic mass
Try Your Own…
• Magnesium (Mg)
• Helium (He)
• Sulfur (S)
• When an atom gains or loses electrons it
becomes an ion
• Gains a positive or negative charge
• Example = Lithium
What are the most reactive
• Outermost energy level!
• Draw a Lewis Dot structure
2.1 Matter
 Isotopes of an element have the same number
of protons but varying numbers of neutrons.
 Have different mass numbers: the sum of the
neutrons plus protons
 Many isotopes are radioactive and emit energy
and particles.
2.1 Matter
Why Atoms Bond
 Atoms are likely to form chemical
bonds with one or more atoms to fill
their outermost energy level (valence!)
 Compounds form when atoms are more
stable in a combined form
 Most stable elements = Noble gases
(group 18)
2.1 Matter
Types of Chemical Bonds
1. Covalent bonds form when atoms share
2. Ionic bonds form between positive and
negative ions. There is a transfer of
3. Metallic bonds form when metal ions
share electrons.
Covalent Bond
Metallic Bond
Ionic Bond