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War and Peace in Europe from Napoleon to
the Kaiser: The defeat of Napoleon, 18061815
Date: Thursday, 8 October 2009 - 12:00AM
Location: Museum of London
Professor Richard J Evans
Gresham Professor of Rhetoric
In the first decade of the 19th century, the armies of the French First Consul and, from
December Emperor, Napoleon Bonaparte, swept across Europe, defeating every coalition of
rival powers put together to try and contain them. In 1805 he destroyed an Austrian army at Ulm,
in southern Germany, forcing its general to surrender and capturing 30,000 prisoners; six weeks
later, he achieved his greatest victory of all, at the Battle of Austerlitz, fought on 2 December
1805 against an allied army of Austrians and Russians, in Moravia. Napoleon proved his tactical
skill and daring in this encounter. The two sides were evenly matched, with Napoleon
commanding 75,000 troops and the Allies 73,000. Napoleon began by tempting the Allied forces
to weaken their centre by attacking his right flank, which he had deliberately left under-strength.
His battle plan depended on rushing up reinforcements of 7,000 fresh troops from Vienna under
Marshal Davout to strengthen his right while he moved his main force onto the Pratzen Heights,
the central ground of the battle. Davout's men arrived after a forced march, and held the right
flank, while Napoleon smashed through the enemy centre, then mopped up the enemy forces to
the south, before driving the combined allied troops from the battlefield. 15,000 soldiers were left
dead or wounded on the allied side, and 12,000 taken prisoner; the French lost 8,000 and nearly
600 taken prisoner. The Austrians recognized the inevitable and signed the Peace of Pressburg
on 26 December, giving up many of their territories in northern Italy and southern Germany to
Napoleon and his clients. The Holy Roman Empire founded by Charlemagne in 800 and ruled by
the Habsburgs with only one short break since the Middle Ages was abolished.
There remained the Prussians to deal with. Appalled by Napoleon's creation of another client
state in the shape of the Confederation of the Rhine, and by news of his intention to return
Hanover from Prussian to British control in an attempt to buy peace with the United Kingdom,
the Prussians declared war in October 1806. Their leading general, Gebhard von Blücher,
declared that 'the French will find their grave on this side of the Rhine, and those who make it
back home will take with them news of disaster'. The Prussians were over-confident. They
managed to mobilize nearly 110,000 men, but Napoleon advanced into Saxony with more than
140,000, whom he had kept in a state of readiness for just such an eventuality. On 14 October
1806 Napoleon and Marshal Davout defeated the Prussians at the twin battles of Jena and
Auerstedt. At the latter encounter, Davout had crushed a Prussian force more than twice the
strength of his own. The French owed their success above all to Napoleon's quick reactions, his
ability to adapt to a rapidly changing situation, the professionalism of his troops and the overconfidence of the Prussians. These catastrophic defeats did not stop the Prussians from fighting
on, however, and Napoleon inflicted another massive defeat on them at Eylau on 8 February
1807; on 14 June he beat the Russians at Friedland, forcing them to sign the Peace of Tilsit.
Finally, when the Austrians declared war on Napoleon again in 1809, they managed to inflict a
defeat on him at the crossing of the Danube at Aspern-Essling before Napoleon decisively
defeated them a month later at the Battle of Wagram on 6 July 1809, completing one of the most
remarkable series of military victories in modern history.
Napoleon used these victories to redraw the map of Europe, annexing large swathes of it to
France, which by 1810 stretched from the Hanseatic cities in the north (renamed the
Département des Bouches de l?Elbe) through the Low Countries to north-west Italy in the south.
At its height the French Empire covered three-quarters of a million square kilometers and
numbered 44 million people as its citizens and inhabitants. He surrounded the Grand Empire
with a ring of satellite states, often ruled by his relatives, including the Grand Duchy of Warsaw,
the Kingdom of Italy and the Kingdom of Westphalia. Everywhere that Napoleon ruled, he
replaced encrusted custom and privilege with the rationality and uniformity, bringing the legacy
of the French Revolution into states previously mired in the complexities and contradictions of
the ancien régime.. While his armies rampaged across Europe, his bureaucrats moved in silently
behind, reorganizing, systematizing, standardizing. In the areas it annexed and the borderlands
where it established its client states, notably western Germany, northern Italy and the Low
Countries, as well as, notably, France itself, a new generation of professional administrators
emerged to run things while Napoleon was away waging his never-ending military campaigns.
Local and regional jurisdictions, such as those exercised by hundreds of Imperial knights in the
Holy Roman Empire, and by church and seigneurial courts, were replaced by centralized
uniformity administered by a judicial bureaucracy.
In all these areas, the Napoleonic Law Code replaced existing, often tradition-bound laws and
ordinances, introducing a key element of equality before the law, even if in some respects this
central principle of the French Revolution had been modified by Napoleon's more conservative
outlook on issues such as the rights and duties of women. Property rights were guaranteed
wherever the Code applied, as they had not been in many areas before. The Code proclaimed
many of the key ideas of the French Revolution, including the freedom of the individual, and, as
Napoleon himself proclaimed in his testament, equality of opportunity, 'career open to talent',
and 'the rule of reason'. Weights and measures were standardized, internal customs tolls
abolished, guilds and other restrictions on the free movement of labour swept away, serfs freed
(including in Poland). The state took over the appointment of clergy, and introduced freedom of
worship and a measure of equality of rights for non-Christians, notably the Jews. The power of
the Church had been drastically reduced, with vast swathes of land being secularized and
ecclesiastical states swept off the map. The registration of births, marriages and deaths was
assigned to secular authorities. Monasteries were dissolved, and the power of the Church was
further reduced in many areas by the introduction of freedom of religion, civil marriage and
divorce, secular education, and the removal of some of the most crass discriminatory measures
applied to non-Christian communities such as the Jews.
How did France under Napoleon manage to establish this extraordinary degree of hegemony
over Europe? Clearly, although his admirers have always refused to admit it, Napoleon's own
undoubted military genius was not the sole cause. At the most general level, it is important to
remember that France was the most prosperous, the most advanced and the most populous
country in Europe, numbering some 28 million people at the beginning of the 1790s. Around
1810, Britain's population was 12 million, Austria's 19 million, Prussia's 5 million, Bavaria's 3
million, Saxony's 5 million. Russia's population totalled 31 million, but the standard of living and
levels of production were far below those of France. Germany was divided into a large number
of independent states, over which the Holy Roman Empire had only minimal control. As the
Napoleonic Wars showed, the leading states in Central Europe, Austria, Prussia, Bavaria,
Saxony, generally found it difficult to combine against the French, although going it alone, as
both the Austrians and the Prussians discovered, was a recipe for disaster. Between the mid1790s and the mid-1810s, the Austrians, Prussians and Russians found it more or less
impossible to join forces against the French, so that almost to the very end, the various
coalitions of powers ranged against them included one or two of the other leading powers in
Europe, but not all three. This nullified the potential advantage of their combined superiority of
The French, both under the Revolution and under Napoleon, were able to draft more men into
the army not just because they had more men than most other states to draft, but also because
they had already developed under the ancien régime a centralized system of administration that
enabled them to do so quickly and efficiently and then train and mobilize them for battle speedily
and effectively. On almost every occasion, Napoleon was able to put more troops onto the
battlefield than his opponents could manage; when he could not, defeat as often or not was the
result. While the armies of Prussia, Austria and Russia were run by generals who owed their
position to their aristocratic background, their length of service, and their influence at court, the
French armies were commanded by younger men, above all by Napoleon and his marshals, who
had earned their promotion through sheer ability, rewarded by the 'career open to the talents'
introduced by the Revolution. Losing a battle under the Revolution was no joke for French
generals, 84 of whom were guillotined during the Reign of Terror in 1793-4. They were trained in
a harsh school, which responded to the invasion of France by counter-revolutionary forces led by
the Austrians in 1792-93 with aggressive tactics that carried the battle to the enemy. Napoleon
took this attitude onto a new level, repeatedly confounding his opponents with his swiftness and
his willingness to attack. Their opponents slowly realized that their tendency to fight defensively,
directing their troops round the battle with the elegance, and at the pace, of an eighteenthcentury gavotte, did nothing to improve their chances of victory. Even under the ancien régime
the French army had decentralized its command, allowing manoeverable columns and divisions
of men some freedom of action under their own commanders, and thus giving them the capacity
to react quickly to fast-moving battle situations. Flexibility and adaptability were a large part of
the key to Napoleon's success.
Some contemporaries also considered that French troops were more committed to fighting for
their country, as free men, proud of their nation and fired by a fierce belief in the justice of its
cause, than the forcibly drafted serfs who provided the cannon-fodder for the Prussians, the
Austrians and the Russians. The Hanoverian artillery officer Gerhard Scharnhorst in particular
concluded already in 1795 that the enemies of France would need to reform not just their own
armies but also their own social systems and hierarchies if they were to beat the French at their
own game. It was not until the crushing defeats of Jena and Auerstedt that the Prussians
embarked on a wholesale reform of their army and administration, recognizing the inevitable by
more or less abolishing serfdom, getting rid of the harshest aspects of military discipline,
establishing a series of civil administrative Ministries, including, crucially, a Ministry of War,
sacking three-quarters of the generals, and making promotion dependent on merit. The most
radical of the reformers aimed for a citizen army like the French, and although this never came,
the spread of the French revolutionary idea of nationhood, patriotism and citizenry through
significant parts of Europe began to have an impact: the birth of modern nationalism was the
result, and it did not bode well for the French. Even the Russians, while still maintaining the
autocracy of the Tsar and the central institution of serfdom, embarked on a series of
administrative reforms led by Alexander I's modernizing minister Speransky, reorganizing the
army, reducing the power of the great landowning nobles, and rationalizing the process of
decision-making at the centre.
The Austrians and other European powers never stopped putting coalitions together against the
French, and coming back for more after every defeat, because it was clear that Napoleon himself
was never going to stop his quest for la gloire, for more victories, more power, more triumphs.
Continually redrawing the map of Europe, he humiliated one enemy state after another,
detaching huge areas of land from them and assigning them to newly created or redesigned
client states, including the Kingdom of Naples, under Joseph Bonaparte, who shortly afterwards
was transferred to the throne of Spain, the Netherlands, under Louis Bonaparte, the Kingdom of
Westphalia, under Jerome Bonaparte, the Grand Duchy of Berg, under Murat, Napoleon's
brother-in-law, and various minor principalities and duchies which Napoleon distributed to more
distant relatives. These dynastic moves caused widespread and mounting discontent in the
subject nations. In Spain, bandit and guerilla bands started to attack the occupying French
troops from 1808 onwards, backed by middle-class politicians who declared a crusade against
the atheist French on behalf of nation and religion. By 1813 the guerillas were killing a hundred
French soldiers a day, and repression caused mounting resentment and bitterness. In the Tyrol,
outraged peasants led by Andreas Hofer rose against the French, who had inconsiderately
transferred them from Austrian to Bavarian rule in 1805, and defeated a combined force of
20,000 French and Bavarian troops in August 1809; the deeply religious insurgents rose in
defence of 'God, Emperor and Fatherland', as Hofer proclaimed. Prayers and processions failed
to rescue Hofer after Wagram, however; the peasants were defeated, and Hofer was arrested
and executed. In Italy, banditry and brigandage spread across the peninsula, and whole towns
were raided and pillaged by marauding bands, creating, paradoxically perhaps, the Romantic
legend of the brigand celebrated in numerous Byronic poems and French painters and
engravers in the 1820s.
Within France, too, war-weariness was beginning to tell, and Napoleon's recruiting agents began
to meet with mounting hostility and evasion. Napoleon's victories were costly in terms of men
and resources: 8,000 dead at Austerlitz, 7,000 at Jena and Auerstedt, 8,000 at Friedland, 23,000
at Aspern-Essling, 28,000 at Wagram. French casualties were mounting, and alongside the
massive losses at the two battles fought in 1809 came the daily seepage of manpower in Spain,
combined with the strain of 'imperial overstretch' in an army required to keep the Grand Empire
in control of the greater part of Europe. 200,000 men, for instance, were tied down in Spain by
the growing guerrilla resistance, at the same time as Napoleon was mustering troops for the
battles in Central Europe. So many troops were withdrawn from Italy to serve elsewhere that the
peninsula descended into virtual anarchy by the end of 1812. As the French army's recruiters
sallied forth yet again into French towns and villages, young men fled to the hills, contracted
hasty marriages, or found any means they could to secure exemption. Napoleon was
increasingly forced to draft in soldiers from other nations whose commitment to the French
cause was correspondingly less reliable. This became painfully apparent when he decided, in
1811, to invade Russia, whose Tsar Alexander I had turned against France partly because of
the creation of the French client state of the Grand Duchy of Warsaw on his doorstep, partly
because the dependency of Russia on British markets and British trade made the blockade on
British ships ordered by Napoleon economically disastrous, so that he refused to implement it
from 1810 onwards.
Napoleon's Grand Army, assembled in Germany in the Summer of 1812, included 300,000
French troops, along with 190,000 German, 90,000 Polish and 30,000 Italian. Together with
reserves and reinforcements it numbered more than 600,000 men. Once again, it was sheer
numbers that counted. The Russians could only muster a third as many. They therefore
withdrew, and prudently declined to give battle. In the meantime, the Grand Army began to
suffer serious losses through diseases spread in the heat of the Summer. By the time the
Russians gave battle, at Borodino on 7 September 1812, behind well prepared defences, the
Grand Army was down to less than half its original strength. Napoleon still inflicted a heavy
defeat on the Russians, and resumed his march on Moscow, but he had lost 30,000 men killed
or wounded in the battle, and the Russians were able to withdraw 90,000 men in good order.
When the occupied Moscow, they found the Russians had set it alight, denying the Grand Army
the possibility of using it for winter quarters. On 20 October 1812 Napoleon decided to withdraw,
realizing that his troops had no means of surviving the oncoming winter. Partisans and guerillas
began harassing his troops as they retreated, much as they were doing in Spain. Losses from
disease mounted as the weather turned colder. But it was not 'General Winter' that defeated the
Grand Army; it was already defeated before winter came. The cold, with the partisans and the
pursuing Russian forces, merely completed the rout. By the time the Grand Army got back to
Germany, there were only 93,000 left. 370,000 had died of disease or enemy action or
hypothermia or starvation; 200,000 had been taken prisoner, including 48 generals. 200,000
horses had died. This was one of the greatest military disasters in history; and it happened
above all because Napoleon had no clear objective beyond destroying the main body of the
Russian forces, which the Russian general Kutuzov refused to let him do, hopelessly
underestimated the vastness of the distances his army had to traverse, and was unable to bring
up reinforcements while the Russians had no difficulty in replenishing their own armies.
The retreat from Moscow shattered Napoleon's credibility across Europe. One of the footsoldiers who survived the retreat, the stonemason Jakob Walter, who lived in the town of
Ellwangen in the south-west German state of Württemberg, later described how he and his
fellow-troops had experienced the disaster. Constantly harassed by Cossacks, scavenging for
food, cold, dirty and hungry, robbed by bandits, and narrowly escaping death on numerous
occasions, Walter somehow survived his ordeal. On finding regular quarters, for the first time in
many weeks, in a Polish town, he gave himself a wash:
The washing of my hands and face proceeded very slowly because the crusts on my hands,
ears, and nose had grown like fir-bark, with cracks and coal black scales. My face resembled
that of a heavily bearded Russian peasant; and, when I looked into the mirror, I was astonished
myself at the strange appearance of my face. I washed, then, for an hour with hot water and
All attempts to rid himself and his clothing of 'the lice, or rather of my "sovereigns"' proved futile,
however. Tramping further westwards with his unit, he began to suffer from a fever, most
probably typhus, and had to be carried on a cart the rest of the way. 100 out of the 175 men in
his convoy of wagons did not survive the journey. When he reached his homeland, he did not
think his relatives would recognise him: 'I made my entrance with a sooty Russian coat, an old
round hat, and, under and in my clothing, countless traveling companions, among which were
Russians, Poles, Prussians, and Saxons'. Finally he was able to wash properly, dispose of his
lice-ridden clothes, and begin the slow recovery of his health. Local people began to greet him
'as a "Russian" as everyone who had been there was called at the time'.
On the way back from Moscow, Jakob Walter at one point had caught a glimpse of Napoleon,
sitting down for an al fresco meal near the Beresina River. He was not impressed.
He watched his army pass by in the most wretched condition. What he may have felt in his heart
is impossible to surmise. His outward appearance seemed indifferent and unconcerned over the
wretchedness of his soldiers; only ambition and lost honour may have made themselves felt in
his heart; and, although the French and Allies shouted into his ears many oaths and curses
about his own guilty person, he was still able to listen to them unmoved.
All over Prussia in particular, popular resentment now led to attacks on the occupying French
forces, and soon Prussia and Russia joined together in a fresh coalition to launch a final assault
on the Germans. Artisans and many other ordinary men volunteered to fight, answering a
patriotic appeal issued by the Prussian King. Napoleon browbeat a number of German
sovereigns, including the King of Saxony, into supporting him, raised a fresh army, and defeated
the coalition at the Battle of Lützen on 2 May 1813 and again at Bautzen on 20-21 May 1813.
Yet again, however, the French losses, amounting to 22,000 men in each battle, were crippling.
So far the Austrians had stayed out of the coalition, hoping to broker a general European peace.
But Napoleon consistently refused. The leading Austrian Minister Clemens von Metternich told
him roundly that it was clear there would never be peace while he was in power, that he
regarded treaties as nothing more than temporary truces, and that he was now about to be
defeated. For the first time since the 1790s, Austria, Prussia and Russia were now in a coalition
together, and between them they could muster armies that heavily outnumbered the French and
their allies. Using a new, more efficient system of conscription introduced as part of their military
reforms, the Prussians put together an army of 272,000 men, while the Austrians contributed
127,000 and the Russians 110,000, with new reinforcements continually making the long
journey from the east. After a number of indecisive but bloody engagements, in which the
French lost tens of thousands of men, Napoleon, aware that if he retreated, Prussian and other
irregulars would harass his army and inflict further losses, stood his ground at Leipzig with
177,000 men on 14 October 1813. The ensuing conflict was justly known as the 'Battle of the
Nations', involving as it did French, Germans on both sides, Russians, Poles, Austrians,
Hungarians and other nationalities of the Habsburg Monarchy, a rocket-launching unit from the
British army, and even 30,000 Swedes contributed by Napoleon's former Marshal Bernadotte,
who had turned against the French Emperor.
Not only was he heavily outnumbered, Napoleon was also uncharacteristically indecisive,
staying put in and around Leipzig in defensive positions, hoping that the opposing generals
would make some mistake on which he could capitalize. While the fighting raged, German
forces began to defect from Napoleon's army, including 30,000 Bavarians who were now
threatening to cut his line of retreat, and 4,000 Saxons serving in a French army corps who
turned round in the middle of am advance and fired their guns at the French forces following
behind them. On the first day of the battle, indeed, the Württemberg cavalry had refused to
charge the Prussian infantry, saving them from destruction. All of this visibly demoralized the
French Emperor. And all the time, Napoleon's losses mounted - 25,000 men on 16th October
alone - and soon it was clear that he was in danger of being surrounded. On 19th October he
ordered a retreat in the small hours of the morning and departed for Paris. The rout was
completed when his rearguard was cut off by the premature destruction of the major river
crossing out of the city by a nervous French engineer who panicked at the sight of advancing
Overall Napoleon had lost 73,000 men to the Allies' 63,000, but while they could call on
reinforcements, he no longer could. The Allied forces now marched westwards, while Austrian
forces moved into North Italy and successfully expelled the French occupiers. Metternich, in the
spirit of eighteenth-century cabinet warfare, now urged a compromise peace, but the Prussians
in particular, whose position had been greatly strengthened by their prominent contribution to the
fighting, won the argument that Napoleon could never be trusted again, and that the aim of the
war should be total victory, a doctrine subsequently enshrined in the Prussian officer Carl von
Clausewitz's treatise On War. They were already in France by the end of 1813.
In the first two months of 1814, Napoleon seemed to be recovering something of his former
military skill, attacking separately the invading Prussian and Austrian forces, moving quickly and
inflicting on them a series of defeats, notably in the six days' campaign in February 1814. But he
was now heavily outnumbered, and in early March 1814 he was defeated by the Prussian
general Blücher in the three-day the Battle of Laon. At this point, his Marshals recognized the
inevitable, and along with his close advisers and the French imperial Senate, they forced him to
abdicate on 4 April 1814. By this time, the French had effectively lost the war in Spain, where a
British expeditionary force under Arthur Wellesley, created Duke of Wellington in recognition of
his successes, had defeated the French under Joseph Bonaparte at the Battle of Victoria on 21
June 1813. Wellington's victory was celebrated in one of the few really second-rate compositions
by Ludwig van Beethoven, whose early enthusiasm for the French Revolution and the reforms of
Napoleon as First Consul had turned into bitter disillusionment and then patriotic rage, bringing
him to cross out the original dedication to Napoleon of his heroic Third Symphony and to start
using German musical directions on his scores instead of Italian ones.
The British contribution to Napoleon's defeat lay primarily, however, not on land but at sea.
Initially, it had looked as if the French could easily stand comparison in terms of naval power with
the British, especially since they were able to capture the Dutch and Spanish navies when they
occupied these countries, and also acquired the considerable naval forces of the Maltese and
Venetians as well. The imbalance was to a degree made good by the Royal Navy's destruction
of the Danish navy at Copenhagen, to prevent it falling into the hands of the French, and the
massive naval supply stores at Toulon. More importantly, the French Revolutionary and
Napoleonic state had little understanding of the sea, and ascribed relatively little importance to
naval affairs, while the myth of naval power going back to Sir Francis Drake and beyond played
a major role in British strategic thinking. Thus naval construction and supplies were a low
budgetary priority, in strong contrast to the situation in Britain. The British were able to call on
reserves of suitable wood on a scale impossible in France, which lacked access to the essential
sources of supply, especially in Scandinavia and the Black Sea. British naval administrators
were well organized and efficient, while the French naval administration was corrupt and
ineffective. High standards of cleanliness and healthy supplies such as the limes that gave the
British sailors their nickname - limeys - kept disease on board British ships at far lower rates
than on their French counterparts.
Naval encounters heavily depleted French naval manpower, and by 1814 there were 80,000
French sailors in British captivity, while the number of French sailors killed and wounded had
reached over 25,000 compared to just over 4,000 for the British. Britain had a much larger deepsea fishing industry than France from which to man the Royal Navy-s fighting ships - often
through the crude instrument of the press-gang. The British effectively imposed a blockade of
French ports that deprived French sailors and admirals of the experience and training they
needed to be effective in battle; thus British gunners in particular could fire and reload at a much
faster rate, helped by new, more accurate cannon manufactured in the Scottish ironworks of the
Carron Company. French ships were often faster than their British counterparts but had to
sacrifice strength and firepower for speed. And crucially, at least for the period of the
Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars, the Royal Navy, unlike the army, had a system of
promotion according to merit that allowed successful commanders from relatively humble
backgrounds like Horatio Nelson to take on senior command positions. This encouraged
ambition, boldness and daring, which were reinforced by the confidence bred of a steady stream
of successes. By 1815, the British Navy, only one of a range of strong European navies two
decades before, had become absolutely dominant in Europe, and British naval supremacy was
to remain unchallenged until the end of the nineteenth century. Moreover, while Napoleon shut
off most of Europe from British trade through his Continental System, the British still had the rest
of the world to trade with, above all India and the Americas, while the British command of the
seas established at the latest by the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805 effectively destroyed French
overseas trade. Before 1789, the French economy had been industrializing at a pace not
dissimilar to the British, and economic development continued behind the tariff walls erected by
the Continental System; but after 1815, when the French economy was exposed to British
competition once again, it became clear it had fallen behind, and that continual warfare allied to
world trading links and ruthless competition between entrepreneurs had given the British
economy a boost that put it far ahead of any European competitors. This too, as in the case of
naval cannon, or Congreve's rockets, which caused terror among the French troops at the Battle
of the Nations, had its immediate military uses, but in the rest of the century it became clear that
it made Britain the world superpower, a factor that had enormous influence in shaping Europe's
destiny and its place in the world.
Europe's destiny in particular was what the Allied representatives meeting in Vienna in
November 1814 were determined to shape. With remarkable lack of national hatred or
recrimination, the Austrians, Prussians, British and Russians included a representative of the
French in the negotiations - Prince Talleyrand, who had been Napoleon's Foreign Minister but
had switched sides at the right moment and now served the restored French Monarchy. The
wars, in the end, were seen as being fought not between nations but between regimes, even, in
a way, between ideologies. The restored French monarchy under Louis XVIII, brother of the
executed Louis XVI, which refused to compromise with the legacy of the Revolutionary and
Napoleonic eras, and tried to behave as if nothing had changed since 1788, became so
unpopular so quickly that when Napoleon returned to France from his enforced exile on the
Mediterranean island of Elba on 1 March 1815, he was able to muster 100,000 men in a few
weeks, as the provincial administrators, mostly appointed by him, did their job of recruitment,
and the areas whose population had benefited most from the Revolution came to his aid. But the
Allies quickly deployed 112,000 British, Dutch and German troops under Wellington, who held
back the French army at the village of Waterloo on 18th June 1815 until another 116,000
Prussians under General Blücher, whom Napoleon wrongly thought he had defeated at Ligny
two days before, arrived at 4 in the afternoon, rescued the British and joined with them in a final
assault that drove the French from the battlefield and Napoleon into another enforced exile, this
time safely on the remote Atlantic island of St Helena, where he died in 1821. In reality, the
outcome was never in doubt; even had Wellington been defeated before the Prussians arrived,
Napoleon would eventually have been defeated by sheer weight of Allied numbers.
The Congress of Vienna redrew the map of Europe one more time after all the many boundary
changes of the previous quarter-century. The Austrians lost Belgium, but regained all their other
territories, and were put in charge of a new 'German Confederation', with much the same
borders as the old Holy Roman Empire, but consisting now of 39 states instead of more than a
thousand, as it has in the 18th century. Austria gained most of northern Italy and extended its
influence into the Balkans. The Austrians, as the immediate winners of the war, were
indisputably the dominant European power in the decades that followed it. The Prussians gained
territory in the Rhineland, as part of a series of buffer-states intended to contain any future
French expansion, including the Kingdom of the Netherlands; in the long run, the economic and
later industrial resources of the Ruhr were to provide a major boost for Prussian economic and
military power. Russia gained huge swathes of territory, in Poland, Finland, and Bessarabia; the
British consolidated their empire while the Spanish and Portuguese lost most of theirs; Malta
gave the British another key point in the Mediterranean, while Ceylon, the Cape of Good Hope
and Mauritius further secured sea-routes to colonial India. Most importantly of all, the new major
European powers, Britain, Russia and Austria, set up a system of guarantees, congresses and
mutual support designed to avoid future conflicts and keep the French in check. For their part,
the French, after a defeat whose decisiveness could not be doubted, were for the moment
disinclined in any case to mount any fresh attempt to conquer Europe. French hegemony,
evident since the days of Louis XIV, had been broken; other countries, especially Britain and
Russia, who now came in from the periphery to play a central role in European affairs, were
much stronger when they acted in combination, as they were now determined to do. The sheer
destructiveness of the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars, which left more than 5 million dead
and large areas of Europe devastated, with towns in ruins from Moscow to northern Spain, were
a lesson that all the powers, including ultimately France itself, were determined to learn. How the
peace settlement arrived at in 1815 eventually fell apart after the middle of the century, in the
wake of the 1848 Revolution, will be the subject of my next lecture.