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The ContinU Plus Academy
Infection Control Policy
APRIL 2013
Review due SEPTEMBER 2013
The ContinU Plus Academy
Infection Control Policy
Philosophy (the belief(s) on which the policy is based):
As a close knit organisation the ContinU Plus Academy (CPA) places priority on effective
infection control through effective basic hygiene and cleanliness in order to minimise the impact
of medium to long term absences by students or staff and to reduce the possibility of
communicating disease or infection to other members of the school.
(values on which the policy is based e.g. inclusion and personalised learning, teaching and
learning, relevance to specific groups within school e.g. Gifted & Talented, parents and carers):
The CPA will follow the advice and guidance contained in the Hereford and Worcestershire
Infection Control Guidelines for Schools and briefings from the Government’s Chief Medical
Officer as they are issued e.g. in the case of ‘swine flu’.
All employees at school have a duty of care to ensure that any student or colleague who reports
being unwell whilst on site is given immediate access to a qualified first aider, who will make an
initial assessment of the disease, infection or injury and where appropriate will immediately
contact the appropriate health care professional e.g. by ringing for an ambulance.
For example, any person who vomits will be kept at home for a minimum of 48 hours after the
symptoms clear up, if they handle food as part of their work they must consult their immediate
employer before returning to work.
Practice & Procedures
(the broad roles and responsibilities of all members of the school community;
Governors, Headteacher, teachers, parents/carers):
If two or more cases of an infection occur around the same time, the Headteacher will
inform the Local Authority (LA) and the Consultant in Communicable Disease Control
(CCDC) at the Health Protection Agency (HPA) which supports and advises the NHS;
Copies of the infection control guidelines will be available to all staff and students who
are encouraged to follow safe procedures for infection control through for example
SHAPE activities, tutor activities and assemblies;
Clear guidelines (Health Protection Unit (HPU)) will be kept in the Headteachers and
Deputy Headteachers offices, the main office, student support room, PE base, food and
technology centre as well as the kitchen. It is the responsibility of all staff to ensure that
they have read and understood these guidelines and that they follow them;
Specific guidance on hand washing will be copied and posted in every toilet on site;
CPA: Infection Control Policy / Page 2
Infection Control Policy
APRIL 2013
Review due SEPTEMBER 2013
Staff are alerted that the main communicable diseases are:
Chicken Pox/Shingles;
Cytomegalovirus (CMV);
Diarrhoea and vomiting (Gastro-enteritis, Dysentery, food poisoning);
E coli 0157;
Fifth disease (Slapped Cheek or Parvovirus B19);
Glandular Fever;
Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease;
Head lice;
Hepatitis A, B and C;
Herpes Simplex (cold sores);
HIV infection/Aids;
Molluscum contagiosum;
Rubella (German Measles);
Scarlet Fever;
Tuberculosis (TB);
Verrucae (Plantar Warts)
Whooping Cough (Pertussis).
Guidance on recognition and control of each of the above is available in the HPU Guidelines.
Students who “report sick” do so by alerting their Learning Guide who, at their discretion
a) send them to the Student Reception on their own;
b) send them to the Student Reception accompanied by a fellow student; or
c) in the event of extreme illness or injury, alert SSD immediately and/or phone for
immediate medical attention.
Once the student has been seen by a first aider, the decision will be made to contact
parents/carers to collect the student or to phone for an ambulance if required. When
parents/carers are contacted, they should be informed of the “24 hours after symptoms
clear up” principle for absence due to an infectious disease or “48 hours” in the case of
diarrhoea or vomiting.
CPA: Infection Control Policy / Page 3
Infection Control Policy
APRIL 2013
Review due SEPTEMBER 2013
Staff who report sick need to contact the Headteacher or the Deputy Headteacher
immediately, after which advice and support will be put in place in line with regard to the
Health & Well-being Policy for employees.
Performance will be judged by …
Who will monitor this Policy? How? When?):
(what are the arrangements for monitoring and review?
 The Family Liaison Worker will monitor incidents involving students;
 The Head’s PA will monitor incidents involving staff;
 The Family Liaison Worker and Head’s PA will report to the Headteacher each term on
the implementation of the Infection Control Policy. If a weakness in the Infection Control
Policy comes to light, the Headteacher will amend practice and procedures accordingly.
 Governors will receive a report annually.
(Chair of Governors)
CPA: Infection Control Policy / Page 4