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July 1, 2006
Wonderful Weather
4th grade weather experiment
[email protected]
[email protected]
University of Kentucky,
Center for Applied Energy Research
2540 Research Park Dr., Lexington, KY 40511
• Experiment Objectives
• Materials
• Procedures
• General Observations &
Helpful Hints
Experiment Objective
To heighten the student’s
awareness of weather by
allowing them to observe
weather conditions and to
discover weather related
phenomena in their environment.
(before demos)
• Describe weather conditions on a given day.
• Describe weather changes that occur from day
to day.
• Identify some weather related phenomena in
the environment.
• Discuss the different components of a weather
• Discuss and make a rain gauge.
• Discuss the phenomena of rain and make it rain.
Rain Gauge
Experiment 1: Materials
A printed copy of the “Rain Gauge”
A straight-side container 2-3 oz
Clear tape 2”
Rain Gauge
Experiment 1: Procedure
1. Cut out the Rain Gauge Ruler.
2. Stand the ruler outside of the container
so that the ruler’s bottom rests near the
container’s bottom.
3. Tape the ruler to the side of the
container so that the ruler is completely
covered and sealed by the tape.
4. Place the rain gauge outside on a rainy
day and measure the precipitation.
Experiment 1: Rain Gauge
General Observations &
Helpful Hints
• Rain clouds are made of droplets of
water so small there are billions of
them in a single cloud. How much
rain falls during a shower, or during
a day, week, or month? You can find
out by measuring it with a rain gauge.
Experiment 2: Make it Rain
Point out the relationship between air temperature and air
density. Draw a profile of a sea coast and show how the
sun warming the land more quickly than the ocean creates
off-shore breezes.
On a map show how the difference in temperature between
northern and tropical regions drives the winds and that
all weather is a result of fluids of different density
flowing over one another.
On a map show the Atlantic Conveyor, which is the
circulation system for all the oceans of Earth and is also
driven by differences in density.
Experiment 2:Make It Rain
Large, wide-mouth container
Hot Water
Ice cubes
Plate to hold ice cubes
Experiment 2: Procedure
1. Pour a few inches of very hot
water into the glass container
and cover with the plate.
2. Allow water to sit for a few
3. Place ice cubes on the plate.
4. Watch what happens.
General Observations &
Helpful Hints
Experiment 2: Make it Rain
• The cold plate causes the moisture
in the warm air to condense and
form water droplets. This is the
same thing that happens in the
atmosphere as warm air rises and
meets colder temperatures high in
the atmosphere. Water vapor
condenses and forms precipitation
that falls to the earth as rain, sleet,
hail, or snow.
• Edmund Scientific
• Wards Scientific
• Internet weather sites