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Proton Therapy Maintains or Improves the
Performance Status in Reirradiation Patients
Stacey Schmidt, CMD
Manager, Medical Dosimetry
Northwestern Medicine Chicago Proton Center
Cancer Center Warrenville
Cancer Center Delnor
Purpose of Study
Determine whether proton therapy delivered with
the intent to spare surrounding normal tissues can
help either maintain or potentially improve the
performance status of reirradiation patients.
• 103 patients were evaluated who underwent
reirradiation in 2015
• All were enrolled in the PCG-001-09 Registry
Trial or ATOM trial
• Performance statuses at the initiation of
treatment and at the first follow-up
appointment were recorded using the ECOG or
Lansky scales.
Results – Treatment Sites
• The specific treatment sites for these 103
patients included cancers of the brain, head &
neck, lung, breast, metastatic tumors, and
miscellaneous ‘other’
• Only 54/103 patients had both a performance
status score taken at the initiation of treatment
and the first follow-up visit
• Remaining 49 included 40 patients who never
returned to our center for follow-up and 9 who
died prior to their first follow-up appointment
Results – Breakdown of Patients by Site
• 8 adult CNS patients
• 8 head & neck
• 13 lung
• 7 breast
• 5 metastatic disease
• 13 were miscellaneous ‘other’
Results – CNS Tumors
8 total patients
Results – Head & Neck Cancer
8 total patients
Results – Lung Cancer
13 total patients
Results – Breast Cancer
7 total patients
Results – Metastatic patients
5 total patients
Results – “Other”
13 total patients - contained sarcoma, colon/rectal, pancreas, prostate,
ocular, and esophageal patients
• Overall, 64% of the patients had stable PS, 14% had
improved PS, and only 21% worsened
• Majority of the evaluable patients who underwent
reirradiation using proton therapy did demonstrate
maintained or improved performance status from the
initiation of treatment to their first follow-up
• Further longer term data is needed to see if the trend
continues at subsequent follow-up intervals
Zaid Iftekaruddin
Qin Luo, CMD
Brandi Selby
Rossio Rodriquez
William Hartsell, MD
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