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Absolute Value- the number of units a number is from zero on the number line
Acute Angle- angle less than 90 degrees
Addend- number to be added in an addition problem
Additive Inverse (Opposite)- the positive and negative of a number collectively are known
as the additive inverse or opposite
Altitude (Height)- the segment in a quadrilateral that is perpendicular to both bases, with
endpoints on the base lines
*Angle- two straight lines that meet at a point
*Area –the number of square units needed to cover a surface
*Array –an arrangement of objects in equal rows
Associative Property- the grouping of addends/factors does not change the sum/product
Axis (pl. Axes)- the line(s) that divide a graph into 2 equal halves
Attribute- a defining feature of an object
*Bar Graph- a graph that uses bars to show comparison of data
Bisect- to divide something into 2 congruent parts
*Centimeter (cm)- a metric measure of length - 100 centimeters equal 1 meter
*Change- (as in money)
*Circle- a closed curve within a plane where all the points on the curve are the same
distance from a point called the center
Circumference-the distance around a circle
Circle Graph (Pie Graph; Pie Chart)- a graph using a circle to show how the whole is
divided into parts
*Combination- an arrangement of items in which the order is unimportant
Commutative Property- the order of addends / factors does not change the sum / product
Complimentary Angles- two angles whose sum is 90 degrees
Composite Number- any whole number larger than one that has more than two factors
*Cone- a solid with one circular base and one vertex
Glossary of Mathematical Terms – Grade 7
Coordinate Plane (Coordinate System)- a system of intersecting horizontal and vertical
number lines that is used to locate points
*Congruent- having the same size and shape
*Cube- a 6-sided prism whose faces are congruent squares
*Cylinder- a solid with two parallel congruent circular bases
*Data- bits of numerical information
Decagon- a polygon having ten sides
Decimeter- metric unit of measure which is equal to one-tenth of a meter
*Degree – unit of measure of an angle
Dependent Event-two or more events in which the outcome of one affects the outcome of
the other(s)
Diagonal- a line segment connecting two nonadjacent vertices of a polygon
*Diameter- the distance across a circle measured through its center
Difference- the answer to a subtraction problem
Discount- the amount by which the original price is reduced
Distributive Property- for any numbers a,b, and c, a x (b+c) = (a x b) + (a x c)
Divisibility Test- test used to see if one number divides into another with no remainder
Edge- the intersection of faces of a solid
Equiangular Triangle- a triangle in which all three angles have the same degree
Equilateral Triangle- a triangle in which all three sides have the same length
*Equivalent- equal to; the same as
*Estimate- an approximation of the result of a calculation before the calculation takes place
Expanded Form (Expanded Notation)- a method of writing a number that shows the value
of each digit
Exponential Form- a number that is expressed by using an exponent with it
Exponent (Power)- shows the number of times a factor is used in multiplying
Glossary of Mathematical Terms – Grade 7
Extremes- the first and last terms in a proportion
*Factor- a number to be multiplied in a problem
*Figure (as in geometric)
Formula- a general rule stated in mathematical symbols
*Fractional Part
Frequency Table- table used for organizing data that shows the number of times an item
Greater than (symbol)- “>”
Heptagon- a 7-sided polygon
Hexagon- a 6-sided polygon
Histogram- a type of bar graph where the categories are equal ranges of numbers
Improper Fraction- fraction where the numerator is larger than or equal to the denominator
Independent Event- two or more events in which the outcome of one event does not affect
the outcome of the other(s)
Isosceles Trapezoid- trapezoid in which the nonparallel sides are congruent
*Isosceles Triangle- triangle in which two sides are congruent
Integers- signed whole numbers
Intersection- point in space where lines meet or common area of overlapping sets
Inverse Operation- an operation that undoes what another does; addition/subtraction and
multiplication / division are inverse operations
Key- states the value of each picture in a picture graph or pictograph
Glossary of Mathematical Terms – Grade 7
Less Than- “<”
Linear Equation- an equation where the graph of it is a straight line
*Line Graph- a graph that uses lines to show change over a period of time
*Line Plot- a graph that uses an x above a number on a number line to show the frequency
that number occurs in a set of data
*Line Segment- part of a line between two points
*Line(s) of Symmetry- line(s) on which a figure could be folded so that both halves are
Mean (Average)- sum of a set of numbers divided by the number of members in the set
Means- the middle 2 terms in a proportion
Measures of Center (Measures of Central Tendency)- collective term for the mode,
mean and median in a set of data
*Median- the middle score in a set of ranked data
*Meter- the basic unit of length in the metric system
Metric System (S. I.)- system of weights and measures based on ten.
*Milliliter- a metric unit of measure equal to one-thousandth of a liter
*Millimeter (mm)- a metric unit of length equal to one- thousandth of a meter
Mode- score that appears the most in a set of data
Multiple- the product of a number and any whole number
Nonagon- a polygon with 9 sides
Not equal (symbol)- “ = “
*Number Line- a line that shows numbers equally and in order
*Number Sentence
Obtuse Angle- angle containing between 90 and 180 degrees
Octagon- a polygon with 8 sides
*Ordered Pair- two numbers graphed on a coordinate plane, the first being the x-axis and
the second being the y-axis
Origin- the point of intersection of the x-axis and y-axis on a coordinate plane
Glossary of Mathematical Terms – Grade 7
*Outliers- data that are far apart from the majority of the rest of the data
*Parallel Lines-lines that extend forever and never meet
*Parallelogram- a quadrilateral that has both pairs of sides equal and parallel
*Pentagon- a 5-sided polygon
*Percent (%)- out of 100; per hundred
*Perimeter- the sum of the lengths of the sides of a figure or the sum of the distance
around the outside of an object
Permutation-an arrangement of listing of objects in which order is important
Perpendicular Lines- lines that intersect to form right angles
Pi- the mathematical relationship of the circumference of a circle divided by the diameter of
the circle; approx. 3.14 or 22/7
Picture Graph (Pictograph)- a graph that shows the comparison of data by use of pictures
and a key
*Polygon- a simple closed figure in a plane that is formed by 3 or more line segments
Prediction- to state in advance the outcome of an event
Prime Numbers- whole numbers greater than 1 that have no other factors beside
themselves and 1
Prime Factorization- expressing a number as the product of only prime numbers
Prism-a solid figure that has 2 parallel and congruent bases in the shape of polygons
*Probability- the mathematical likelihood of an event happening
*Product- the answer to a multiplication problem
Proportion- mathematical sentence stating that two ratios are equal
Protractor- a device used to measure the number of degrees in an angle
*Pyramid-a solid with one base and whose other sides are triangles
Quadrants- one of the 4 regions determined by the axes of a coordinate plane
*Quadrilateral- any four sided polygon
Quotient- the answer to a division problem
*Radius- the distance from the center of a circle to any point on the curve of the circle
*Range- the difference between the highest and lowest scores in a set of data
*Ratio- a comparison of 2 numbers by means of division
Glossary of Mathematical Terms – Grade 7
*Reasonable (as in an estimated answer-does it make sense-is it possible
Reciprocals- pairs of numbers whose product is 1
*Rectangle- a 4-sided closed figure that contains 4 right angles
*Rectangular Prism*Reflection- a mirror image; a transformation that flips a figure over a line
Regroup (Exchange; Borrow; Restate)- to change the grouping of numbers from one
form to another without changing the value, in order to make an operation easier
Regular Polygon- a polygon that has all sides the same length
Repeating Decimal- decimal whose digits do not terminate but repeat in groups of one or
Rhombus- a parallelogram with all sides congruent but containing no right angles
*Right Angle
*Right Triangle
*Rotation- a movement that turns a figure around a point
Scalene Triangle- triangle having no two sides congruent
Scattergram (Scatterplot)- a graph that shows the degree of correlation between two sets
of data
Scientific Notation- a way of expressing numbers as the product of a number that is at
least 1 but less than ten and a power of ten
*Similar Figures- same shape but different size
Slide- to move a figure without turning of flipping
Solid- 3 dimensional figure
*Square- a parallelogram with all sides equal and 4 right angles
*Square Units (including centimeter, foot, inch, meter, yard)
Square Root- one of the two equal factors of a number
Statistics- the collection, organization, presentation and interpretation of sets of data
*Stem and Leaf Plot - a chart used to organize and present data where the number in the
stem section represents the greatest place value and the numbers in the leaf section
represent the rest of the number
Straight Angle- angle containing exactly 180 degrees; straight line
*Story Problem
Glossary of Mathematical Terms – Grade 7
Subset- part of a set
Sum- the answer to an addition problem
Supplementary Angles-pairs of angles that form a straight angle or 180 degrees
Surface Area- the sum of the areas of all the faces of a solid
Terminating Decimal- a quotient in which the division ends in zero
Tessellation- a repeating pattern of polygons that fit together with no holes or gaps
Tetrahedron- solid with four faces
*Trapezoid- a quadrilateral with one pair of parallel sides
Tree Diagram- a diagram used to show all the possible outcomes in a probability
*Triangle- a polygon with 3 sides
Union – the combination of two or more sets usually shown with Venn diagram
Variable- a symbol, usually a letter, that takes the place of a number in a mathematical
expression or sentence
*Venn Diagram
Vertex- point where 2 sides of an angle meet
*Volume the number of cubic units needed to fill a space
X- Axis- the horizontal line of the two perpendicular number lines in a coordinate plane
X- Coordinate- the first number of an ordered pair
Y-Axis- the vertical line of the two perpendicular number lines in a coordinate plane
Y-Coordinate- the second number of an ordered pair
Note: Any word with an asterisk appears on the CMT math test
Glossary of Mathematical Terms – Grade 7