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The Effects of Gaming and TV
There have been many points discussed and debated of the positive and adverse effects of gaming.
Games and video games in particular can be linked to several extremely troubling social problems By
taking points from each side, a balance discussion will be elicited and illustrated For every positive trait
video games may have, there is an equally bad negative trait.
Scientists and Psychologist etch out the following effects of Gaming
1. An increase in emotional disorder symptoms
2. An increase in and behavioral disorder symptoms
3. Declines in verbal memory performance
4. Somatic complaints
5. Attention problems such as hyperactivity, ADD or ADHD
6. Detrimental school performance (as video game usage increases exam scores decrease)
7. Family interaction problems such as less positive parental relations
8. Significant reduced amounts of slow-wave (REM) sleep
9. Modifications in visual selective attention
10. Playing violent video games is a significant risk factor for later physically aggressive behavior
Children and young adults today are undoubtedly less active - but could video games and computers
contribute to the rising rate of obesity? Some nutritionists believe so - and extensive studies have been
conducted on the subject.
However, many scientist agree that leading a healthy lifestyle is about balance. Video games aren’t to
blame for obesity, but playing Call of Duty for 12 hours a day and snacking on greasy foods can lead to
one becoming overweight.
Violent Tendencies
“Violent videogames and youth crime is greater than the connection between smoking and lung cancer”
Some experts have studied the relationship between violent video games and violent tendencies, It is
believed that some children tend to blur the line about what is fantasy and what is acceptable in reality
when it comes to violence. There have been several acts of deadly violence, such as the Columbine
massacre, in which the perpetrator had played many hours of violent video games.
Dr. Wayne Warburton from the Council on Children and the Media, who used the analogy of lung
cancer and smoking states, “It’s much greater that the effect of smoking and lung cancer. There’s a
study showing that the average child sees in a childhood, 16,000 murders and 200,000 act of violence."
Sociologist, psychologists as well as scientist have debated at great lengths the effects of television on
society and our youth. The correlations between heavy TV watching have similar derivation to gaming.
Too much television can be detrimental and the following effects have been noted:
Children who consistently spend more than 4 hours per day watching TV are more likely to be
Kids who view violent acts are more likely to show aggressive behavior but also fear that the
world is scary and that something bad will happen to them.
TV characters often depict risky behaviors, such as smoking and drinking
According to the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF):
 two-thirds of infants and toddlers watch a screen an average of 2 hours a day
 kids under age 6 watch an average of about 2 hours of screen media a day, primarily TV and
videos or DVDs
 kids and teens 8 to 18 years spend nearly 4 hours a day in front of a TV screen and almost 2
additional hours on the computer (outside of schoolwork) and playing video games.
While watching television people have put off things to do that could yield better results in their life.
Performing exercise, going to temple, reading books, helping out in the community, performing seva,
spending more time with family and friends, are all time better spent.
In addition there is the immoral explicit sex that airs on television. Children are exposed to this type of
programmes and the violence that is on television today subjects’ children to a certain mind set.
Another key negative issue is the addictive hold it has on the viewer. It is directly and indirectly known
to contributes to laziness and obesity to the point of ' becoming a couch potato ' in the literal sense.
Of course, television, in moderation, can be a good thing: children attending nursery can get help
learning the alphabet on public television, preschoolers can learn about wildlife on nature shows, and
parents can keep up with current events on the evening news. No doubt about it — TV can be an
excellent educator and entertainer.
What do our scriptures say?
The Swaminarayan sampraday and the whole foundation of Hinduism are based on one of the key
religious fundamental law of Ahmisha. The Shikshapatri, slok 11 states “My disciples shall never kill
intentionally any living creature, not even small insects such as lice or bugs”, and this elementary
dharma is thoroughly featured in shastras such as Smrutis and Shrimad Bhagwad, Shatanand further
explain that by urging us to keep this in mind and to never harm any creature. Only such course of
action will offer us a place in the heaven. Therefore, although the playing of violent video games or
watching violent imaginery may not directly lead you to a path of himsa, is better to refrain or bombard
our mind and soul with such negative imaginary of these subliminal messages and rather have a mind
full of Saucham - Cleanliness and purity of mind, body, action and thoughts.
Shreeji Maharaj depicts in the Vanchanamrut “If a tiger is heard roaring on the outskirts, nobody will
come out, and all will be struck with fear. Similarly, the slightest tinge of anger will definitely create its
ghastly impact. (Loya-1)” He uses such an analogy to illustrates any means or forms which can lead to a
path of anger or violence, are better avoided,
There are many chapters in the Vachanamrut that describe the criticality on Viaragya – non attachment,
In chapter Gad. II-10, Shreeji Maharaj describes the following “The divine bliss emanating from the
divine abode of God possesses such superlative elegance that all other enjoyments of mundane objects
pale into insignificance before it. Therefore, after hearing the many divine episodes from the life of
God, a seeker, when he realises this truth, feels that mundane happiness is a mere myth before this
divine bliss. This is vairagya (detachment)” It is often that TV and video gaming can result to various
degrees of addiction. BBC Panorama in the report “Addicted to games?” conducted an investigation,
demonstrating how such addiction led to the degradation of the lives of young youth. The programme
speaks to some young people who've dropped out of school and university to play games for anything
up to 21 hours a day. They describe their obsessive gaming as an addiction which in turn, turn to
psychological dependence.
Thus, our scriptures advocate a balance of life, by exercising control over any psychological and
physical dependence. The addiction of love for God and the addiction to please God, is the only path to