Download Low Pressure Dosing System (LPD)

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Low Pressure Dosing System (LPD)
Low-pressure dose systems, or LPDs, offer an alternative where soil and topographical
conditions do not permit the placement of a conventional septic system. This is especially true
where the topography requires the drain field to be located uphill from the septic tanks or where
there is uneven terrain that would not be conducive to the placement of a conventional gravity
system. LPDs use an additional tank called a pumping chamber as well as the septic tank and the
drain field. An LPD consists of small perforated pipes in shallow, gravel lined trenches where
wastewater is pumped into the drain field to where the entire field is saturated. The field is then
left to drain and filter and clean the wastewater. This promotes good bio-processing by bacteria
and other micro-organisms. Advantages include a reduction in the amount of land area required
by the drain field compared to a conventional system and the uniform use of the entire drain
field. Disadvantages include a potential for infiltration by roots, clogging of drain holes by solids
that escape the pumping chamber, and a potential for wastewater accumulation in the drain field.
These systems require a maintenance contract and regular inspections