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American Mineralogist,
Volume 64, pages 1294-1299, 1979
An albite-anorthite assemblagein low-grade amphibolite facies rocks
Department of Geology and Geophysics
University of Cahfornia, Berkeley, California 94720
Poikiloblasticamphiboleschistsfrom an ophiolite seriesin the vicinity of the Tertiary Bergell granite contain the assemblagealbite (An 0)-anorthite (An 95), actinolite-pargasite,together with clinozoisite.TEM illustrates how large andesinecrystalswith a periodic APB
(anti-phaseboundaries)structure of e plagioclasechangeover a few hundred angstromsto
pure albite and pure PT anorthite. Anorthite formation from andesineis accompaniedby
changesin the APB microstructure.Adjacent APB's combine,form loops,and finally annihilate to reduce strain energy along the boundaries.The continuous transition from e to D
plagioclaseand the chemical phaseseparationare cooperativeprocesses.APB's provide favorable surfacesfor large-scalediffusion.The TEM investigationdocumentsthat anorthite is
definitely not a relict from an earlier high-grademetamorphicepisodeand thus appearsto be
stable at low metamorphic grade together with albite, which puts new constraintson the
are restrictedto amphibole schists
plagioclasephasediagram. Albite-anorthite assemblages
correlationof (Na + K) and
with pargasitichornblendecoexistingwith actinolite.
Alrv suggests
Intergrowths of plagioclase with different compositions are an expression of the complex ,ourorii'#rtubility relations of this mineral ,"ri... S"u","J"riilcibitity gaps have been established, with i;;;l;t
;;;structures forming by exsolution during
growth structures, and two-feldspar assembffiffi
metamorphic rocks (for general reviews'.""" ;.;:
Smith, 1974; champness and Lorimer, 1976). At ;;dium metamorphic grade albite coexists with oligoclase (An 15-20) (e.g. Evans, 1964), andesine (An 3035) with labradorite (An 60-70), and labradorite (An
60-70) with anorthite (An 90-95) (e.g.E. Wenk and
H. R. Wenk, lg77).
In general there is a maximum An content for a
grade which is usually attained
in calcareous schists. At higher normative An content
or lower temperature other minerals form instead of
calcic plagioclase, most importantly clinozoisite. This
holds true for most regilnafly metamorphic rock
suites (e.g. E. Wenk and H. R. Wenk, 1977) and has
also been confirmed experimentally (Goldsmith,
1978). But a crucial qrr"riion has always remained
unsolved. Is the endmimber anorthite stable at low
temperature? There is no clear documentation for
this except for a short abstract by Voll (1971) which
n::. ne.ver been elaborated' During a study of amphibolites,in the Central Alps I recently found albite-anorthite assemblages in fibrous amphibole
border zone between amphibolite and
:l th"
Even though I am far from underfacies'
standing all implications either for regional geology
p119l::t"se phase relations' the observation seems
important enough to report it in some detail'
setting and petrography
The Tertiary Bergell granite has been emplaced
for the most part conformably in the Upper Pennine
nappes. However, along its NE edge there are some
pronounced discordant contacts (Fig. l). This area is
characteized by contact metamorphism with andalusite-cordierite hornfelses. To the west metamorphism was more of a regional type (H. R. Wenk
et at., 1914). Along the granite contact amphibolite
series dominate. They are associated with lenses of
ultramafic rocks and locally display pillow structures.
Further south they grade into tonalites which were
mobilized along with the Bergell granite (H. R.
Wenk et al., 1977). All these calcic rocks, together
with ultramafic rocks of nearby Val Malenco and
quartzitesat Muretto Passare consideredto be members of a fairly extensiveophiolite seriesseparating
the Pennine realm from overlying Austroalpine
(sensulato) units. Amphibolites are variable in texture and composition. Some have equidimensional
mosaic texture, others are crystalloblasticwith large
plagioclaseporphyroblastsdepicting an older mica
2o "o"nr.rro,
fabric. Many of them have complicatedpoikiloblastic textures indicating different stagesof crystalliza/"
tion, with the phasespresentcertainly not represent,,
ing an ideal equilibrium situation.
Amphiboles are frequently fibrous, with a compo2 _/.
sition ranging from pargasitic hornblende to actid/;
nolite-tremolite (Fig. 2). Similar amphiboles have
been reported by Wetzel (1974)from greenschistsof
the Western Alps. An amphibole rich in (Na + K)
Fig. 2. Amphibole composition in amphibolites. Twoand Al'' often coexistswith one which approaches amphibole assemblages are common and tie lines are indicated.
actinolite composition. Two-amphibole assemblages Notice that the tie lines are surprisingly parallel, suggesting that
by exsolution. Different
are connected by tie lines which show remarkably the two-amphibole assemblages formed
symbols are used to characterize the geological setting.
similar slopes.Its significanceand the generalproblem of amphibole compositionare not the subjectof
this paper. However, Figure 2 documentsa correla- epidote are frequent accessories.Occasionally pretion with tectonic setting, and of particular interest hnite veins crosscutthe fabric.
A major component is plagioclase,and Figure I
are amphibolites of the Cavloccio zone which all
contain pargasite. Sphene, qvartz, clinozoisite, and showsthe regional distribution of compositions.Two
contoursare indicated on the map. The first is an isograd beyond which only albite has been observed.It
follows the general pattern of regional metamorphism and is well defined in the northwesternpart of
the area north of the Engadine line. In the northeasternzone, which showsmost typical evidenceof
contactmetamorphism,one might expectthis isograd
to be closestto the granite contact,as implied in the
corrpilation of E. Wenk and Keller (1969). This is
not the case.Calcic plagioclaseoccursfar eastwards,
beyond Piz da la Margna, not only in amphibolites
but also in tremolite-bearing marbles of Mesozoic
stratigraphic age. This intermediate plagioclasewas
probably formed during a Cretaceousphaseof metamorphism whose intensity and extent are rather
poorly defined (e.9. Bucher and Pfeifer, 1973).It is
unrelated to the granite emplacement.
On the map a secondisograd shows the first appearance of albite in amphibolites. This isograd is
closeto the granite contact,and crystallizationof secondary albite is probably relatedto the emplacement
of Bergell granite in early Tertiary. Amphibolites between the two albite isograds-particularly those of
Alpe Cavloccioand the Orlegnariver betweenOrden
Fig. l. Map illustrating plagioclase compositions in
and Plan Canin-show considerable variety of
amphibolites around the NE contact zone of the Bergell granite
(Central Alps).
plagioclasecompositions.A histogramof microprobe
ism. In a secondevent fibrous amphibole and finegrained plagioclasecrystallized.Large crystalsoften
show patchy extinction and variations in relief as
they decomposeto a fine-grainedaggregateoccasionally containing inclusions of clinozoisite,reminding
one of the classicalstuffed plagioclasesof Cornelius
Fig. 3. Histogram showing frequency of plagioclase
compositions. Microprobe analyses of only homogeneous areas
are represented. Counting intervals arc SVoAn.
Fine-grainedplagioclasein amphibolitesis a mixture of pure albite and pure anorthite more or lessin
crystallographiccontinuity but with small subgrains
and very complicated textures (Fig. a). Anorthite is
recognizedby its high relief and birefringence.The
petrographic microscopedoes not provide much inand
formation about the origin of theseassemblages,
many possibilitiesremain open. Are thesecrystallites
newly nucleated grains or alteration products? Is
anorthite a relict? This is unlikely because,even at
high-grademetamorphismor in the original volcanic
environment, anorthite is not the stable plagioclase
in rocks of andesitecomposition.Another questionis
whether the phasewith anorthite compositionand a
high relief actually is clinozoisite,which is a common
accessoryin all theseamphibolites.I found that final
identification cannot rely on microprobeanalysesbecausethe chemical compositionsof the two minerals
can be almost identical. Further information on textureswas obtainedwith the transmissionelectronmicroscope analyzitg ion-thinned foils removed from
petrographicthin sections.
analysesin Figure 3 illustrates a high frequency of
compositions An 0-5, An 30-40 and An 90-95.
Oligoclase-andesineoccurs as large porphyroblasts
twinned accordingto albite and pericline laws. Occasionally two compositionsAn 25-30 and An 40-45
are intergrown with sharp boundaries representing
growth faces,similar in style to andesine-labradorite
intergrowthsdescribedby E. Wenk and H. R. Wenk
(1977). Occasionallyless regular intergrowths of albite and oligoclaseare observed which resemble
Electron microscopy
those describedby Evans (1964)from New Zealand.
The large crystals are basically porphyroblastsand
Anorthite and albite were confirmedin many specnot relics of phenocrystsof an original andesitefab- imens with selected-areadiffraction patterns and siric. They formed during a post-Jurassicmetamorph- multaneouselementalanalysison the samegrain by
in sampleSci 1583.Albite (ab), anorthite (an), and intermediateplagioclase(i)
Fig. 4. Photomicrographsof plagioclaseassemblages
are indicated. Crossed polarizers. (a) Shows intermediate plagioclase attaining patchy extinction and transforming to anorthite. (b) A
region with finely twinned anorthite in direct contactwith albite.
an energy-dispersiveX-ray detector in the micro- crystallographiccontinuity (Fig. 6). In other samples
scope.One crystal (Sci 1649from A. Cavloccio) was only albite and anorthite are present directly adjaparticularly interesting. It contains "e" plagioclase cent to each other.
with regular "e" fringes spacedaOA fig. 5a) and an
An content of 35Vo.The fringe pattern is disruptedby
boundaries which divide the area into domains.
Thesemicrostructuressuggestthat anorthite is inAlong these boundariesfringes are kinked and dis- deed a stablephaseat low-grademetamorphiccondilocationsoccur occasionally.The formation of such a tions, and that the anorthite field extendsto low temmicrostructure has been explained by Wenk and peraturesin the plagioclasephase diagram. But its
Nakajima (1979) as due to continuous ordering at occurrence is rare, and geological conditions conconditions of undercooling below the critical order- ducive to its formation are rather complex and not
ing temperaturewhich producesperiodic APB's (see often achieved.As is demonstratedby changesin the
e.g. the discussionin Wenk et al., l98O).Continuous APB microstructure,albite and anorthite form by deordering is not homogeneousthroughout the crystal compositionof an intermediateplagioclase.The textbut beginsin separatelocal areaswhich have a high ural evidenceof the elirnination of APB's by recomchanceto be out of phase.The regular "e"-structure bination from a regular periodic to a disordered
over a distanceof lessthan a micron into boundary arrangementduring the transformation of
albite (An 2.5) with no microstructurebut frequent andesineto anorthite, which is depictedin Figure 5,
submicroscopictwinning (Fig. 5c). In the transitional clearly documentsanorthite to be an alteration prodregion the spacing of APB's becomessmaller and uct and not a relict. Sucha conclusionwould be diffifringes are difficult to resolve,but presenceof APB's cult to establishon the basisoflight-optical observais indicated by satellites in the diffraction pattern tions.
which have a wider spacing.Curved boundariescorAlbite-anorthite assemblagesare conspicuously
respondingto those in Figure 5a can still be imaged restricted to amphibolite with pargasitichornblende
in darkfield with "e" reflections (Fig. 5b). As one which generally coexists with an actinolitic hornproceedsfrom andesinetowards anorthite, the peri- blende. The striking linear correlation of (Na + K)
odic APB structurechangesby the pairwise recombi- and AlIv shown in Figure 2 suggeststhat the two-amnation mechanismwhich we have documentedear- phibole assemblageis the result of decomposition
lier (Wenk and Nakajima, 1979). Adjacent APB's from an intermediate hornblende, and may correcombine and form loops (Fig. 5d). This process, spond to the miscibility gap proposed by Klein
which reducesstrain energyalong the planar defects, (1969) and Shido and Miyashiro (1959), but this
is analogousto the pinching out of dislocation di- needs to be further corroborated. It is noteworthy
poles into loops. As the microstructurebecomesde- that in theseamphibolitesthere is only occasionally
pleted in APB's the An content increases.Changesin evidence for peristerite compositions, which have
the APB microstructureand chemicaldecomposition been documentedin other parts of the Central Alps
are cooperative processes,with APB's apparently (Streckeisenand E. Wenk, 1914;E. Wenk and Kelproviding favorable surfacesfor large-scalediffusion. ler, 1969).The histogramin Figure 3 illustratesthree
In the end only a few isolatedloops remain (Fig. 5e) concentrations:albite, An 30-40 (which is older), and
defining a rather sharp boundary with an anorthite anorthite. This is different from labradoritesin amlamella (Fig. 5f). In this the few "b"-boundaries are phibolites from N. Bavaria describedby Voll (1971),
relics of the "e"-structure,atrd not the result of Al-Si which may have exsolvedto oligoclaseand anorthite.
ordering from a disordered phase. The latter gives There is someresemblancewith Miyashiro's(1961)
rise to smoothly curved APB's and is observedin vol- vaguely defined high temperature-lowpressureacticanic plagioclase(e.g.Christie et al.,l97l). There are nolite-calcic plagioclase facies observed in Japan.
also some straight boundaries oriented parallel to But in those rocks albite, clinozoisite,and pargasite
(010) in contrast with "D" reflections (Fig. 5f), for are lacking and according to Miyashiro "calcic"
which I do not yet have a satisfactoryexplanation.In plagioclase(An 25-60) may be a rehct of an igneous
placeswhich are free of periodic APB's, composition phase.
is An 92-95 and curved "c" APB's can be imaged
The observationof albite and anorthite forming by
with "c"-reflections (Fig. 5g). Diffraction patterns decompositionof intermediateplagioclaseis consisalso document albite, "e"-andesine, and primitive tent with a model of a thermal regional metamorphanorthite over a distance of a few microns and in ism in the Bergell Alps evolving in the Cretaceousto
Fig. 5. Darkfield electron photomicrographs illustrating changes in microstructure during decomposition of andesine (a) into albite
(b-c) and anorthite (d-g) in specimen Sci 1649. (a) Intermediate plagioclase with periodic APB's, "e"-fringes resolved; (b) more sodic
area with "e"-structure still present but rvith a narrower fringe spacing; (c) albite with submicroscopic albite (010) twins; (d) opening of
the periodic APB structure by pairwise recombination leaving only a few isolated loops in the An-rich region (e); (f) lamella of anorthite
with a few relic "b" APB's in intermediate plagioclase with h periodic "e" structure; (g) "c" APB's in anorthite imaged with "c"reflections. (Fringes are visible on the original photograph but cannot be distinguished in this reproduction due to the coarse screen. e
fringes in Fig. 5b are roughly parallel to those in Fig. 5a, and are spaced 35A).
Fig. 6. Selected-area electron diffraction patterns ofalbite (a), andesine (b), and anorthite (c) in the same specimen as Figure 5. Fig.
6a corresponds to region in Fig. 5c, 6b to 5a, and 6c to 5e-g.
the east (Bernina-Malenco), and increasing in intensity and moving westwards, where it culminates in
late Miocene in the Lepontine metamorphism. This
regional metamorphism is overprinted in the Oligocene by a brief event of contact metamorphism
caused by the emplacement of the Bergell granite
during intense tectonic movements. The contact
metamorphism is younger than the regional metamorphism in the east but is postdated by the Lepontine metamorphism further west.
This research
by NSF grantEAR76-14756.
of a JEM l00C electron microscope obtained with grant EART?00127 has been essential in this study. I am most indebted to F. J.
Turner for stimulating discussions and some light-optical analyses
and to R. Coleman and P. H. Ribbe for efficient and constructive
editing and reviewing of the manuscript.
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Manuscript received, April 16, 1979;
acceptedfor publication, July 5, 1979.