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Nuclear Fusion and Fission
Name: _________________________________________
TP: _______
Nuclear Decay Processes
Radioactive decay involves the emission of a particle and/or energy as one atom changes into another. In most
instances, the atom changes its identity to become a new element. There are four different types of emissions
that occur.
Alpha Emission
Alpha (Ξ±) decay involves the release of helium ions from the nucleus of an atom. This ion consists of two
protons and two neutrons and has a 2+ charge. Release of an Ξ±-particle produces a new atom that has an atomic
number two less than the original atom and an atomic weight that is four less. A typical alpha decay reaction is
the conversion of uranium-238 to thorium:
+ 42𝛼 +
We see a decrease of two in the atomic number, which
is the left subscript (uranium to thorium) and a decrease
of four in the atomic weight, which is the left superscript
(238 to 234). Usually the emission is not written with
atomic number and weight indicated since it is a
common particle whose properties should be
memorized. Quite often the alpha emission is
accompanied by gamma (Ξ³) radiation, a form of energy
release. Many of the largest elements in the periodic
table are alpha-emitters.
Emission of an alpha particle from the nucleus.
Beta Emission
Beta (Ξ²) decay is a more complicated process.
Unlike the Ξ±-emission, which simply expels a
particle, the Ξ²-emission involves the
transformation of a neutron in the nucleus to a
proton and an electron. The electron is then
ejected from the nucleus. In the process, the
atomic number increases by one while the atomic
weight stays the same. As is the case with Ξ±emissions, Ξ²-emissions are often accompanied by
Beta emission.
A typical beta decay process involves carbon-14, often used in radioactive dating techniques. The reaction
forms nitrogen-14 and an electron:
+ βˆ’10𝑒
Again, the beta emission is usually simply indicated by the Greek letter Ξ²; memorization of the process is
necessary in order to follow nuclear calculations in which the Greek letter Ξ² without further notation.
Gamma Emission
Gamma (Ξ³) radiation is simply energy. It may be released by itself or more commonly in association with
other radiation events. There is no change of atomic number or atomic weight in a simple Ξ³-emission. The
composition of the atom is not altered, but the nucleus could be considered more β€œcomfortable” after the shift.
This shift increases the stability of the atom from the energetically unstable (or β€œmetastable”) atom to a more
stable form of the nucleus.
Positron Emission
A positron is a positive electron (a form of antimatter). This rare type of emission occurs when a proton is
converted to a neutron and a positron in the nucleus, with ejection of the positron. The atomic number will
decrease by one while the atomic weight does not change. A positron is often designated by Ξ²+.
Carbon-11 emits a positron to become boron-11:
+ +10𝛽
An Unexpected Result
Nuclear fission was first discovered by two German scientists, Fritz Strassman
and Otto Hahn, in the 1930s. They began their work by bombarding uranium
with neutrons, hoping to create larger elements. Instead, they were very
surprised to find Ba-141, a much
smaller element. They immediately
contacted a fellow scientist in the field,
Lise Meitner, who carried out
calculations to demonstrate that fission
had taken place.
Nuclear Fission
Radioactive decay by the release of
alpha or beta particles is not the only way new atoms are formed. When
a neutron collides with a nucleus the nucleus splits into two atoms, each
of which is roughly half the mass of the original atom. A small amount
of mass is β€œleft over” and released as energy, as predicted by Einstein’s
famous equation E=mc2, that relates mass and energy. This process is
known as nuclear fission. The neutron must be a β€œslow” neutron,
traveling at a speed that is approximately that of the molecules of a gas
at the same temperature in the system producing the neutrons. Highspeed (β€œfast”) neutrons will not result in nuclear fission.
Fission of a uranium nucleus produced by collision with a neutron.
The example above illustrates the basic nuclear fission process. A neutron (generally produced by some
controlled process, not usually a natural event) collides with an atom of U-235. Momentarily, a U-236 atom
forms which then splits into two smaller atoms (Kr-93 and Ba-141) in the diagram. This process results in the
release of three new neutrons, which can then initiate fission reactions with more atoms. We will see later how
this propagation of neutrons can be employed in a reactor for the generation of electricity.
An extended version of this process can be seen in the figure to the
right. Not every collision of a neutron with U-235 results in a
fission reaction. A neutron from the initial fission process may
strike an atom of U-238, which does not continue the process.
Another neutron may not collide with a nucleus and is lost in the
environment. However, a third neutron produced from the initial
collision can collide with more U-235 and continue the chain
reaction to produce more neutrons.
Fission reaction with U-235.
Typical nuclear fission reactions balance in terms of mass. The
total mass of the reactants is equal to the total mass of the
+ 10𝑛 β†’
+ 142
56π΅π‘Ž + 2 0𝑛 + π‘’π‘›π‘’π‘Ÿπ‘”π‘¦
There are a total of 236 mass units on the left of the equation and
236 mass units on the right. In the same manner, we see 92 protons
on the left and 92 on the right. The energy that is released is the
binding energy that holds the nucleus together.
Another set of fission products from U-235 can be seen in the
following reaction:
+ 10𝑛 β†’
+ 139
57πΏπ‘Ž + 2 0𝑛 + π‘’π‘›π‘’π‘Ÿπ‘”π‘¦
Again we see that the total number of mass units and of protons is equal on both sides of the equation.
How are elements born?
A number of reactions take place in the sun that cannot be
duplicated on Earth. Some of these reactions involve the
formation of large elements from smaller ones. So far, we have
only been able to observe formation of very small elements
here on Earth. The reaction sequence observed appears to be
the following: Hydrogen-1 atoms collide to form the larger
hydrogen isotopes, hydrogen-2 (deuterium) and hydrogen-3
(tritium). In the process, positrons and gamma rays are formed.
The positrons will collide with any available electrons and
annihilate, producing more gamma rays. In the process,
tremendous amounts of energy are produced to keep us warm
and continue supplying reactions.
Nuclear Fusion
In contrast to nuclear fission, which results in smaller atoms being
formed from larger ones, the goal of nuclear fusion is to produce
larger materials from the collision of smaller atoms. The forcing of
the smaller atoms together results in tighter packing and the release
of energy. As seen in Figure to the right, energy is released in the
formation of the larger atom, helium (He) from the fusion of
hydrogen-2 and hydrogen-3 as well as from the expulsion of a
Nuclear fusion reaction between deuterium and tritium.
This release of energy is what drives research on fusion reactors
today. If such a reaction could be accomplished efficiently on Earth,
it could provide a clean source of nuclear energy. Unlike fission
reactions, nuclear fusion does not produce radioactive products that
represent hazards to living systems.
Nuclear fusion reactions in the laboratory have been extraordinarily difficult to achieve. Extremely high
temperatures (in the millions of degrees) are required. Methods must be developed to force the atoms together
and hold them together long enough to react. The neutrons released during the fusion reactions can interact with
atoms in the reactor and convert them to radioactive materials. There has been some success in the field of
nuclear fusion reactions, but the journey to feasible fusion power is still a long and uncertain one.
Nuclear Fusion and Fission
Name: _________________________________________
TP: _______
1. Create some form of organizer to summarize the different types of nuclear decay (there are four). Your
organizer should include a verbal and pictorial representation of each type.
2. In one sentence, describe what is happening in the figure accompanying nuclear fission.
3. In one sentence, describe what is happening in the figure accompanying nuclear fusion.
4. Determine if the following claims are valid or invalid, and support your answer with evidence from the
chemical equations and/or pictures and reasoning.
a. In beta decay, a new element is formed.
Claim: __________________
b. In gamma decay, a new element is formed.
Claim: __________________
c. In nuclear fission, atomic weight is not conserved from the beginning of the reaction to the end.
Claim: __________________
d. Nuclear fission is a chain reaction.
Claim: __________________