Download Diet Truths

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Which of the following is true?
HDL is the good cholesterol.
HDL is the bad cholesterol.
HDL and LDL are the same.
HDL is found only in plant fats.
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Which of the following is true?
Exercise increases fat on the body.
Pregnant women should use BMI as a
predictor of health risks.
Body builders should not use BMI as a
predictor of health risks.
A candy bar is a nutrient dense food.
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Which of the following is true?
To lose your weight, calories consumed
must equal calories burned.
How food is prepared has no effect on the
calories consumed.
Plant foods have no fat calories.
To maintain your weight, calories
consumed must equal calories burned.
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Which of the following is true?
Nutrient dense foods are high in nutrients
relative to their caloric content.
Simple carbohydrates are better in your
diet than complex carbohydrates.
HDL is found only in plant fats.
LDL increases with exercise.
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Which of the following is true?
A person is considered obese if they are
10% over the standard weight for height.
3300 calories equals one pound of body
On average females naturally have a
higher level of HDL than males.
Being severely underweight is healthy.
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Which of the following is true?
Restoring body fluids is dehydration.
Carbohydrate loading is when minerals
become electrically charged when in
Milk is enriched with vitamins A&D.
Pregnant women should not use BMI as a
predictor of health risks.
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Which of the following is true?
There is no danger from drinking milk
directly from the farm bulk tank.
Media reports about food safety should not
be treated as established fact.
The danger of bulk tank milk is the same
as milk from the grocery store.
All fats are the same as far as cholesterol
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Which of the following is true?
Foodborne illnesses related to food
spoilage are often caused by viruses.
A persons activity level plays a minor role
in their caloric needs.
The inability to digest lactose in milk is an
example of a food allergy.
A BMI of 40 would be a low health risk
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Which of the following is true?
Milk that is treated by a process of heating
to destroy or slow pathogens is enriched.
If you have any doubts about whether a
food is spoiled, you should throw it away.
The ability to digest lactose in milk is an
example of a food allergy.
Cross contamination is when the body’s
immune system reacts to a food as if they
were pathogens.
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Which of the following is true?
Athletes should use BMI as a predictor of
health risk.
Athletes should use BMI as a predictor of
being in good shape.
Anorexia and bulimia are the same.
Athletes should not use BMI as a predictor
of health risk.
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Which of the following is true?
Athletes should use protein products.
A sound diet program does not have an
exercise component.
Vitamin B12 is found only in animal
Contaminated food always has a bad odor.
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Which of the following is true?
Generally, children and teens need more
calories than adults.
HDL increases with age.
HDL decreases with age.
Contaminated food always looks bad.
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Which of the following is true?
HDL increases with smoking.
Being overweight is not a health risk in all
Nutrient dense foods have a high calorie
to nutrient ratio.
Carbohydrate loading stores extra glucose
in the muscle.
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Which of the following is true?
Bulimia can lead to stomach tissue
damage and nutrient deficiencies.
A person who is overweight cannot suffer
from malnutrition.
Most Americans are underweight.
Fat has the same calories per gram as
Exercise increases LDL.
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Which of the following is true?
Fasting for long periods of time is safe.
After exercise, dehydration is important.
Modern medicine can cure anorexia
Nutrient dense foods are high in fat
Mainly females suffer from eating
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Which of the following is true?
Vitamins provide energy and calories.
Alcohol increases HDL.
Exercise is an important component in a
weight loss program.
Eating meals fast reduces the amount of
food consumed.
In gaining weight you should reduce your
caloric intake and exercise.
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Which of the following is true?
It is possible to “spot reduce” through
exercise and a nutritional diet.
Women who lift weights risk producing
large muscles like that of male
Fad diets can cause problems with one’s
Liquid protein diets are a safe way to lose
weight and get all of your nutritional needs
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Which of the following is true?
One of the benefits of exercise is a lower
All red meats contain the same amount of
One burns more calories when they run a
mile over walking one mile.
In a good weight loss program one should
lose between one half to one pound each
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Which of the following is true?
When trying to lose weight you should cut
calories from complex carbohydrates.
When trying to lose weight you should cut
calories from fats.
When trying to lose weight you should cut
calories from fruits and vegetables.
When trying to lose weight you should cut
calories from protein rich foods.
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Which of the following is true?
Signs of anorexia would include fasting.
A doughnut is a nutrient dense food.
Vegans will eat eggs and dairy products.
The best training diet is heavy with
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Which of the following is true?
Exercise is always bad for the elderly.
It is easy to lose weight without exercise.
Obesity means a person has to much
adipose tissue.
Weight problems do not effect the quality
of life.
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Which of the following is true?
In a weight loss program you should weigh
yourself only once a week.
Whole milk has 50% fat.
Our bodies do not need any cholesterol.
LDL increases with exercise.
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Which of the following is true?
Carbohydrate loading is safe for the
average teen.
People with eating disorders should seek
professional medical help.
HDL increases with smoking cigarettes.
A person can lose weight by simply
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Which of the following is true?
Water has calories.
HDL is found mainly in plant fats.
Carbohydrates are stored in the body in
the form of glycogen.
Over-the-counter food supplements are
always safe.
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Which of the following is true?
Most diets are successful and keep weight
off for an extended period of time.
Exercise reduces BMR.
Elderly people do not have special dietary
Most vegetarians eat dairy products and
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Eating foods that contain this type
of fat can make your cholesterol go
Trans fat
Polyunsaturated and monounsaturated
Saturated and trans fat
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Limiting the amount of salt
(sodium) in your diet can help:
Lower blood pressure.
Lower cholesterol.
Lower blood sugar.
Increase triglycerides.
Increase your dietary fiber intake.
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Where is saturated fat found?
In whole milk, butter, meat, poultry skin, and
In tropical oils such as cocoa butter, palm and
coconut oils.
Corn, soy and olive oil.
Carrots, celery and tomatoes.
Choices a and b.
Choices c and d.
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If the list of ingredients on a food
says “partially hydrogenated oil” the
food contains:
Heart healthy oils.
Lots of fiber.
Lots of protein.
Trans fat.
High amounts of vitamin C.
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Which main course contains the
least unhealthy fat?
6- ounce fried chicken breast with skin.
8- ounce slice roasted prime rib.
3- ounce tenderloin of beef, marinated and
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Which foods are good sources of
cholesterol-lowering fiber?
Oranges, apples, and pears.
Corn, barley, and oats.
Beans and legumes.
Avocados, Brussels sprouts, and carrots.
All of the above.
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The American Heart Association
recommends two serving per week
of which food because it contains
heart-healthy omega-3 oils?
Chicken breast.
Lean pork.
Fish like salmon and mackerel.
All of the above.
Non of the above.
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Which is heart-health for cooking?
Canola oil.
Olive oil.
Choices a and d.
Choices b and c.
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