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International Kings, Queens and Rulers – Information Sheet
Julius Caesar declared himself emperor of the Roman
Empire in 49 BC. He was a famous military leader who
helped to build the Roman Empire by invading and
conquering many nations, including Britain. The other
leaders in Rome grew jealous and tried to overpower
Caesar. However, his soldiers were very loyal and they
helped him to defeat many of his opponents. The Roman
people loved him because he promised to bring them
wealth. They even named the month of July after him.
However, Caesar still had many enemies and he was
murdered by them in 44 BC.
Tutankhamun ruled Ancient Egypt more than 3000 years
ago, from 1333 BC to 1323 BC. Kings of Egypt were
known as Pharaohs. Tutankhamun was not a very well
known leader. He is only famous because fantastic
treasures were found in his tomb by explorers in 1922.
Like all Pharaohs, when Tutankhamum died, his body was
mummified and he was buried in a tomb full of gifts and
things that a King might need in the 'after world'. X-rays of
Tutankhamun's mummy show that he had broken his leg
and had probably died of an infection caused by this.
Pachacuti was ruler of the Inca Empire in Peru, South
America, from 1438 to 1472. Pachacuti was a great leader
and looked after his people. He built fabulous cities and
fortresses and his army defeated many neighbouring
tribes. He never killed the tribes he overpowered, instead
inviting them to join his Kingdom, making it bigger and
stronger. It is believed that Machu Picchu, known as the
'Lost City of the Incas', was built for Pachacuti. Machu
Picchu can still be seen today, sitting on a ridge high up in
the mountains in Peru.
Montezuma II was Emperor of the Aztecs from 1502 to
1520. The Aztec Empire was the largest and most
advanced civilisation in South America, covering what is
now Mexico, and it lasted for nearly 3000 years. The
Aztecs made beautiful art and clever games which are still
played today. It is believed Montezuma II ruled his people
well. However, Montezuma was captured when the
Empire was invaded and taken over by the Spanish.
Today, when tourists get tummy upsets while on holiday in
Mexico, they are said to have 'Montezuma's Revenge'.
International Kings, Queens and Rulers – Information Sheet
Qin Shi Huang was the first Emperor of China and he
ruled from 221 BC to 210 BC. Qin conquered many
neighbouring states and united them into the Chin
Dynasty, which is now China. He began building the Great
Wall of China to mark the northern border of his kingdom
with Mongolia. Emperors after Qin Shi Huang continued
building the wall until it was more than 6000km long. It still
stands today and is so big that it can be seen from space.
Qin Shi Huang also had a life-sized army built from
terracotta to guard his tomb when he died.
Mansa Musa I was King of the Mali Empire in West Africa
from 1312 to 1337. Mansa means 'king of kings' or
'emperor'. Musa I was a devout Muslim and, like all
mansas before him, he went on pilgrimage to Mecca and
appointed a deputy to rule during his absence. It is
thought that when Mansa Musa I served as deputy, the
King before him went on an adventure to find the end of
the Atlantic Ocean, and never returned. Mansa Musa I
was very wealthy. He built many fantastic buildings,
including the mosque and university in Timbuktu which
are still there today.
Alexander III was the King of Macedonia in Ancient
Greece from 336 BC to 323 BC. He became known as
Alexander the Great because he created one of the
largest empires in history. When he became Emperor he
spent many years fighting and conquering neighbouring
lands, including the huge Persian Empire, which covered
much of the Middle East and stretched into Europe and
Asia. Alexander learned about the world from Aristotle, a
famous Greek teacher.
Ivan IV was King of Russia from 1533 to 1584. He
crowned himself the first Tsar of Russia, or supreme ruler,
when he was 16. He was known to Russians as Ivan
Grozny, which means Ivan the Terrible or Ivan the
Awesome. Ivan IV did much to improve Russia, but he is
best remembered as being a fierce and brutal leader. He
spent many years trying to spread his empire west without
success. Ivan became sick and nasty. He ordered his
troops to torture and kill any ordinary citizens who he
thought were against him, and he even murdered his son
in a fit of rage.
International Kings, Queens and Rulers – Information Sheet
Geronimo was an Apache Indian who lived in what is now
known as Arizona, in America. In 1858 his wife and family
were murdered by Mexican soldiers who were trying to
take over Indian lands. He led the Chiricahua Apache
Indians in many battles against Mexican and American
leaders to try to win back Indian lands. He was captured
by the United States Government and held for 23 years
until he died. The cry 'Geronimo!' was used by American
parachute troops in the 1940's, as they jumped from a
plane. It is still used today by anyone jumping from a
Shah Jahan I was the Shah, or Emperor, of India from
1627 to 1658. He was one of the most famous and
powerful men in the world. The area he ruled, known as
the Mogul Empire, was enormous and he built many
fantastic buildings. The most famous building is the Taj
Mahal, which is a tomb he had built for his wife, Empress
Mumtaz Mahal, when she died. The Taj Mahal is
considered to be one of the most beautiful and romantic
buildings in the world. It is a symbol of the true love Shah
Jahan had for his beloved wife.
Marie Antoinette was Queen of France from 1774 to 1792.
Her husband was King Louis XVI. The royal family lived in
luxury while the ordinary French people were very poor.
This led to the French Revolution when the people fought
for better conditions. Some say that Marie Antoinette
declared "Let them eat cake" when told that the poor had
no bread to eat. Other historical reports say that she was
just not aware of how bad life was for the poor. The
monarchy was defeated and Marie Antoinette and her
husband were beheaded by guillotine.
Emperor Jimmu was the first Emperor of Japan and the
founder of the Imperial Dynasty, which was the Japanese
royal family. It is believed he ruled from 660 BC to 585 BC
and lived to be 126 years old. Very little is known about
the Emperor Jimmu and his life. All Japanese Emperors
are believed to have come from the same family, starting
with Jimmu who is supposed to be a direct descendant of
the Japanese Sun Goddess. Emperors are the Head of
State and leader of the Japanese Shinto religion. They are
greatly respected by the Japanese people.