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Appendix II – Teaching Activity Summary (Part B)
Chapter 4 Presenting Information on the Internet
Learning Objectives
Design factors for
presenting information
effectively on the Web.
Learning Outcomes
Outline and discuss the
Learning Activities
Teaching Methods
Web sites demonstration
The teaching method is
various factors to be
and discussion on the
basically following the
web site structure, audience
considered in the
successful design factors.
description of it in Unit 1.1.
awareness, content purpose, site
construction of web pages.
Explore what are the
Successful design factors include
map, use of the workspace
possible evaluation
It would be good if there are
available on each page,
criteria in designing web
more class discussions and
arrangement of elements on
pages through the activity
sample web pages to show
screen, appropriateness of
in the Research Problems
students the good and bad
in this unit.
design factors.
graphics/sound/animations, use
Understand what the
of frames and meaningful
design factors are for web
contextual links, grouping related
page development through
information into tables/lists,
providing channels for feedback,
Further understanding of
providing details in
the design factor
downloadable files, and
considerations through the
structuring contents for easy
Worksheet activity as
group effort.
Hardware constraint and platform
Acquire more
compatibility factors include
understanding and
computer processing power,
experience in actual
bandwidth limitation, browser and
evaluating of web pages
plug-in compatibility, viewing
in the activity of the
environment, and language and
Hand-On Exercise.
colour compatibility.
Some exercise questions
Students should be able to
to revise the materials
analyze and judge the use of the
learned in this unit.
right resolution and file format
for images and photography in
order to keep download times
 Web design factors for
different user groups
 Web Accessibility Standards
Know that there are
Explore what are the
The teaching method is
guidelines to cater for web
possible and different
basically following the
special users such as providing
accessibility by people with
design factors in
description of it in Unit 1.1.
an additional text-only version,
special needs.
designing web pages for
Appreciate some popular
special groups through the
It would be good if there are
descriptions and text links in
standards or guidelines for
activity in the Research
visits or chances to talk to
existing websites to make the
web accessibility #
Problems in this unit. This
special groups of web users.
web pages more accessible to
activity can be combined
with Research Problems
in Unit 4.1.
Understand there are
different groups of web
users and different design
considerations for
different groups through
Understand what is a web
Design consideration for
and including brief
the visually-impaired.
usability evaluation tool
and how it can be used
through the Worksheet
activity as a group effort.
Know and try to evaluate
a website for the NO
guideline in HK. #
Some exercise questions
to revise the materials
learned in this unit.
Chapter 5 Web Authoring Tools
Learning Objectives
Simple web page development
Learning Outcomes
Construct simple web pages.
Learning Activities
Attempt and find out how
The teaching method is
Students can work on
to create a web page
basically following the
construction of web page
online the activity in the
description of it in Unit
by using different features
Research Problems in this
(e.g. links, anchors, lists,
Students can try to
tables, frames, Mailto and
Understand what the basic
explore the HTML tags
Fill-out Forms). They
HTML tags through
themselves by viewing the
should also be able to
source of the web pages
embed multimedia
Further understanding of
generated in the Research
elements in the web page
the HTML tags by
Problems activity in this
and apply a consistent
creating a set of web
unit. Teachers can
look and style across a set
pages to present an idea
encourage students by
of web pages.
through the Worksheet
providing some initial
activity as group effort.
ideas. Once they can
More practice in HTML
guess the basic syntax of a
file editing in the activity
HTML page, they can use
of the Hand-On Exercise.
a simple editor, like MS
Some exercise questions
Notapad, to create their
to revise the materials
own for trials.
Teaching Methods
learned in this unit.
Browser window manipulation
Create and manipulate browser
Explore what pop-up
The teaching method is
windows, related
basically following the
programming which
attributes and the related
description of it in Unit 1.1.
students may find it
This unit involves
tools are through the
For this unit, it is
activity in the Research
recommended for each
should adjust the depth of
Problems in this unit.
student to have more hand
treatment accordingly.
Understand how to create
on experience in doing some
Javascript is chosen
and set up pop-up
Javascript programming and
because of its popularity,
windows through
individual work of the
available free and
Hand-On Exercises is
abundant free
Further understanding of
downloadable modules.
how to use pop-up
Students can create
windows through the
pop-up windows,
Worksheet activity.
manipulate window
Acquire more experience
location, and window
in actual creating pop-up
size, and allow scrollbars
windows in the activity of
to appear when necessary.
the Hand-On Exercise.
Students can embed
Some exercise questions
messages in browser
to revise the materials
window’s status bar such
learned in this unit.
as displaying the current
date, time, URL and its
 Including special effects in web
Perform special effects.
Explore what are the
The teaching method is
possible special effects
basically following the
available for web page
description of it in Unit 1.1.
display through the
activity in the Research
Javascript is used here
Students can create
special effects such as
For this unit, it is
scrolling messages,
Problems in this unit.
recommended for each
rotating image banners,
Understand how to create
student to have more hand
mouse over effect,
some special effects on
on experience in doing some
blinking text and
web pages through
Javascript programming and
changing colours.
individual work of the
Further understanding of
Hand-On Exercises is
how special effects can be
used properly through the
Worksheet activity as
group effort. This activity
can be combined with the
one in Worksheets of Unit
Acquire more experience
in actual
including/creating special
effects on of web pages in
the activity of the
Hand-On Exercise.
Some exercise questions
to revise the materials
learned in this unit.
Publishing web pages
Copyright considerations #
Publish web site.
Explore what are the tools
The teaching method is
Appreciate the copyright and
to detect plagiarism
basically following the
of getting a domain name
ethic issue #
through the activity in the
description of it in Unit 1.1.
and web hosting.
Research Problems in this
Students study the basics
Students can transfer web
unit. #
pages onto web sites on
Understand what the
the Internet.
necessary steps in
publishing web pages
through lecturing.
Appreciate the ways to
protect our web contents
being stolen by others
through the Worksheet
activity. #
Acquire some experience
in publishing a web page
in the activity of the
Hand-On Exercise.
Some exercise questions
to revise the materials
learned in this unit.
Chapter 6 Dynamic and Interactive Web Pages
Learning Objectives
 Server-side
 Introduction to PHP #
Learning Outcomes
Understand the differences
Learning Activities
Teaching Methods
Explore what are the
The teaching method is
between server-side and
server-side and client-side
basically following the
involve programming.
client-side technologies.
technologies and the tools
description of it in Unit 1.1.
Students not interested in
Basic PHP programming #
for server-side Web
activity in the Research
recommended for each
should adjust the depth of
Problems in this unit.
student to have more hand
treatment accordingly.
Understand what the
on experience in doing some
PHP is recommended
server-side and client side
PHP programming and
because it is relatively
technologies through
individual work of the
easier to learn, and there
Hand-On Exercises is
are abundant free
Know how to install PHP
downloadable modules
through the Worksheet
activity. #
Have some basic
experience in writing a
PHP programin the
activity of the Hand-On
Exercise. #
Some exercise questions
to revise the materials
programming may find it
For this unit, it is
development support
The units in this chapter
developments through the
for server-side web
available in the Internet.
learned in this unit.
Client-side scripting
Describe the characteristics of
client-side scripting.
Explore what some of the
The teaching method is
scripting for client-side
basically following the
web development through
description of it in Unit 1.1.
Javascript is used to
illustrate the examples.
the activity in the
Research Problems in this
This unit can be treated as a
continuation of Unit 5.3. It
Understand what is
is recommended for each
client-side scripting
student to have more hand
through lecturing.
on experience in doing some
Some understanding of
Javascript programming and
the different web servers
individual work of the
and their installations
Hand-On Exercises is
through the Worksheet
activity as group effort. #
Acquire more experience
in retrieving system time
and supporting data input
with Javascript in the
activity of the Hand-On
Some exercise questions
to revise the materials
learned in this unit.
 Developing interactive menus in
web pages
Create interactive menus upon
user selection.
Explore what the different
The teaching method is
types of menus for
basically following the
Javascript is used to
illustrate the examples.
applications and web
description of it in Unit 1.1.
pages through the activity
such as the 2-level
in this unit.
continuation of Unit 5.3 or
interdependent select list,
Understand how to create
Unit 6.2. It is recommended
pull down menu and
interactive menus through
for each student to have
click-to-expand menu.
more hand on experience in
Further understanding of
doing some Javascript
the use of menus by
programming and individual
performance a user
work of the Hand-On
preference review through
Exercises is encouraged.
Acquire more experience
in developing a menu in
web pages in the activity
of the Hand-On Exercise.
Some exercise questions
to revise the materials
learned in this unit.
interactive user selection,
This unit can be treated as a
group effort.
Students can create
in the Research Problems
the Worksheet activity as
 Input
Validate and manipulate input
Explore what are the
The teaching method is
different ways to validate
basically following the
data, numeric data,
Understand HTML form and
a piece of data (HKID is
description of it in Unit 1.1.
required input, length of
form processing.
used as an example) the
Students can check text
input. They can also
activity in the Research
For this unit, it is
manipulate radio buttons
Problems in this unit.
recommended for each
and check boxes.
Understand what the
student to have more hand
needs and the methods to
on experience in doing some
validate values for all
validate and manipulate
PHP and Javascript
input data and create
input data through
programming and individual
quizzes and simple
work of the Hand-On
mathematics games by
Compare the different
Exercises is encouraged.
performing simple
ways in validating data
Students should be able to
through the Worksheet
activity as group effort.
Acquire some experience
in data validating with
PHP and Javascript in the
activity of the Hand-On
Exercise. #
Some exercise questions
to revise the materials
learned in this unit.
 Client information management
 Using files and databases to store
client information #
Retrieve and save client
Explore what the steps to
The teaching method is
enable Cookies in
basically following the
for collection of user
Appreciate how client
different types of web
description of it in Unit 1.1.
Students can use Cookies
information can be saved and
browsers and the settings
manipulated with files and
in IE through the activity
It is a difficult unit which
databases #
in the Research Problems
covers files and databases.
in this unit.
Students with better
Understand what how
technical knowledge would
Cookies are used through
suit and benefit more. It is
recommended for each
Know how to store and
student to have more hand
retrieve web information
on experience in doing some
with files and databases
PHP programming and
through lecturing.
individual work of the
Further understanding of
Hand-On Exercises is
the design and use of
Cookies through the
Worksheet activity.
Acquire more experience
in storing web data with
PHP and MySQL in the
activity of the Hand-On
Exercise. #
Some exercise questions
to revise the materials
learned in this unit.