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Astable Multivibrators
Oscillator Basics
Technician Series
©Paul Godin
Created February 2007
Modified March 2015
◊ Astable
◊ No stable state
◊ Produces alternate high/low states
◊ Astable Multivibrators are also known as:
◊ Clocks
◊ Oscillators
astable 1.2
Uses of Astables
◊ Provide edges for edge-triggered devices
shift registers
Digital to Analog / Analog to Digital converters
communications, etc…
◊ Can provide sound for certain applications
◊ practical audible sound in the 100Hz to 5kHz range
◊ exercise caution when applying square waves
to speakers
astable 1.3
Period and Duty Cycle
Duty cycle describes the ratio of the time in the high state
versus the overall period of the pulse.
D.C. 
 100%
tH  tL
astable 1.4
Does Duty Cycle Matter?
◊ To an edge-triggered device, does the duty
cycle affect its operation?
◊ If a 10% D.C. clock is applied to the following
circuit, what is the output D.C.?
astable 1.5
Square waves and speakers
◊ Cautions:
◊ The average power for a square wave is higher than
for a sine wave with the same peak voltage. Speaker
coil damage may result.
◊ A speaker is an electro-mechanical device. It is
physically unable to produce the instantaneous
motion of a square wave. Damage to the cone and
physical structure may result.
◊ Speakers have a low impedance and likely represents
a greater load than the driving circuit is capable of
handling. Damage to the driving circuit may result.
astable 1.6
Speaker Interfaces
Use cheap speakers!
Keep the output voltages low.
Use an output device that can handle the load.
Filter the output square waves
◊ Use an RC circuit in series.
◊ Use an audio transformer.
Discussion in class
astable 1.7
Schmitt-Triggered Oscillators
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Oscillator Circuits
◊ Describe the output for the following device:
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Oscillator Parameters
◊ In
the previous oscillator circuit:
What determines the output frequency?
What is the waveform of the output?
What determines the duty cycle?
◊ How can we slow the process down?
In-Class Discussion
astable 1.10
Controlling the Simple Oscillator
◊ The output frequency of the oscillator can be
adjusted by adding an RC to the circuit:
astable 1.11
Schmitt Oscillator
◊ The separation between Vt+ and Vt- can be used
to create an oscillating circuit.
◊ An RC network is used to control the oscillation
rate by controlling the charge and discharge time
of the capacitor voltage.
◊ Easy oscillator to build. Used where precise or
accurate frequency isn’t necessary.
◊ displays
◊ visual effects
astable 1.12
Simple Oscillator Output
Vc: Charge/Discharge Cycle
Charge Time
Discharge Time
Oscillator Animation
astable 1.13
Schmitt Trigger Oscillator Control
Schmitt Triggered Oscillators may be controlled
by the use of RC circuits.
To achieve a specific frequency, the values of R
and C may be calculated.
astable 1.14
The Simple Schmitt Oscillator
◊ Advantages:
◊ Easy to build
◊ Fair range of frequency
◊ Small footprint
◊ Disadvantages:
◊ Unstable, as the frequency will vary with temperature
◊ Difficult to predict values due to the range of Vt+ and
Vt- between different gates, even within the same IC
astable 1.15
Crystal Oscillators
astable 1.16
Crystal Oscillators
◊ Crystal Oscillators are commonly used in
conjunction with microprocessors,
communications circuits and other frequencysensitive devices because of their:
ease of use
astable 1.17
Crystal Oscillators
A crystal oscillator is constructed from a piece of quartz
crystal that is cut and shaped to the appropriate size.
A property called piezoelectricity happens with quartz
If pressure is applied, it creates voltage
If voltage is applied, it physically vibrates
When a voltage is applied to the crystal, it vibrates at a
very specific frequency.
Crystal oscillators commonly require small capacitors
to aid with the back-and-forth voltage, and require a
source of current.
astable 1.18
Crystal Oscillator Circuits
There are many different configurations for crystal
oscillators. Following are some examples of basic circuits:
astable 1.19
Crystal Oscillator Circuits
There are many other ways to create a
stable oscillation with crystals.
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Crystal Oscillator Circuits
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Crystal Oscillators
Crystal Oscillators are often packaged in an ovalshaped metallic “can”.
Those with 2 leads require external circuitry; those
with 4 leads typically already possess the internal
circuitry required to produce the oscillation (voltage
and ground needs to be applied).
astable 1.22
Operation of the Simple Oscillator
1- Logic 0 read by
input of inverter.
4-Output becomes
logic 0.
5- The capacitor
discharges to VT-.
2-Output becomes
logic 1.
3- Capacitor voltage
increases to VT+. The
gate senses a logic 1
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©Paul R. Godin
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