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Directions – Write the Question, Write the answer and then skip a line.
1. Water is a polar molecule because it has a partial separation of charge. This happens because although it is
formed by covalent bonds between the oxygen and two hyrdrogen atoms, the “sharing” of electrons is
unequal. The electrons spend more time around the hydrogen atoms than the oxygen atom therefore the
hydrogens have a negative charge and the oxygen has a positive charge.
2. An enzyme catalyzes a specific reaction working like a lock and a key or puzzle pieces. Each enzyme fits
with one substrate.
3. A solution with a higher concentration of OH- ions than H+ ions is considered to be alkaline or basic.
4. The four main classes of macromolecules found in living things are: Lipids, Proteins, Carbohydrates, and
5. Enzymes are produced by living cells- they are biological catalysts that usually are not used up in a
6. The heterotrophs of the world would die from starvation (lack of energy) if the autotrophs of the world
were to disappear. The autotrophs eat the energy producing photosynthesizers and serve as prey for the
9.Define the following characteristics of life
a. Metabolism
b. Reproduction
c. Sensitivity/ responds to Stimuli
d. Cells
e. Homeostasis
ab. Organization/Complexity
ac. Growth (cell division/cell enlargement)
ac. Evolve (as a species)
Choose the best answer
10. Which kingdom contains heterotrophic, multicellular, eukaryotic organisms that absorb their food after
extracellular digestion?
11. Which kingdom has prokaryotic, unicellular members that were the first organisms on Earth?
12. What is meant by a “control” in an experiment?
13. We use the scientific method every day. Imagine your car doesn't start one morning before school. Which
of these is a reasonable HYPOTHESIS regarding the problem?
a. I'm going to be late.
b. I'm out of gas.
c. Check if your lights were left on.
d. Kick the tires.
e. Add a quart of oil.
14. A carefully formulated scientific explanation that is based on a large accumulation of observations and is in
accord with scientific principles is termed….
15. In the mouthwash lab the _________ variable was the mouthwash and the __________ variable was the
absence or presence of a ring of inhibition.
16. When preparing a wet mount slide, you should gently lower the cover slip at a 45 degree angle to:
17. What is the difference between a compound and a molecule?
18. What are hydrogen bonds? Describe/ draw.
19. Where in water do hydrogen bonds occur?
20. Name the properties of water that contribute to its role in living organisms.
At which pH will enzyme X function most optimally
Where in the body would you expect enzyme X to function?
A cell produces protein by using organelles called
What is the function of the mitochondria?
What is the function of the cytoskeleton?
What is the function of the nucleus?
The structures responsible for cell movement are…
What is the function of the vacuole?
What are membrane-bound sacs that package and secrete cell products?
. If a cell is immersed into a hypertonic solution, what will happen to the cell?
A student poured water with dissolved starch and sugar into dialysis tubing (like a plastic bag). The color
inside the bag was white. She placed the bag into a beaker of water and iodine. The iodine in the beaker was
yellow. The next day the liquid inside the bag had turned blue/black. The liquid in the beaker had become
pale yellow in color.
31. The dialysis tubing/plastic bag was permeable to what?
32. One idea explaining what happened in this lab is that the bag has tiny pores. If that is the case, which
substance must be made of particles that are BIGGER than these pores?
33. The dialysis tubing/plastic bag represents the…..
34. define osmosis
35. define facilitated diffusion
36. define passive diffusion
37. define active transport
38. define endocytosis
39. define exocytosis
40. define pinocytosis
41. define phagocytosis
42. define “semi-permeable”
43. What is the difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes?
44. What are channel proteins?
45. What is the function of genes in chromosomes?
46. Elephants have large ears in order to increase the amount of surface area their bodies have. Since they live
in a hot climate it is advantageous for them to have increased surface area, for their otherwise large volume, so
they can release heat through diffusion.
47 Pinocytosis is a form of passive transport where a cell ingests large molecules or bacteria.
48 Glucose and amino acids travel into the cell through integral proteins in a form of passive transport called
“facilitated diffusion”.
Bacteria are prokaryotes.
49 The form of endocytosis that is most like drinking, because this is the way cells take in fluids and dissolved
solutes, called pinocytosis, requires energy in the form of ATP.
50 Both prokaryotes and eukaryotes contain at least some membrane bound organelles.
51. In the cell size-diffusion lab, the largest cube had the largest % of area unreached by diffusion. This means
that more of the large cell would have died compared to that of the small cell.
52 Cells are small because small things have a low surface area to volume ratio. This means that small cells
have a large amount of surface area for substances to diffuse through and a relatively small volume through
which to diffuse.
53 Water, oxygen, and carbon dioxide can pass through the cell membrane any way they wish. They can go
through the phospholipids in the bilayer and /or through the proteins. They travel back and forth across the
membrane by simple diffusion.
54 The sodium-potassium pump uses one molecule of ATP to pump three sodium ions out of the cell and two
potassium ions into the cell.
55 Draw a mitochondrion and label the parts.
56 Draw a chloroplast and label the parts
57 Label the part of the chloroplast where the calvin cycle occurs
58. What is the main product of glycolysis?
59. What is the main product of anaerobic respiration in humans?
60. Name the products of anaerobic respiration in yeast.
61. Name the enzyme that catalyzes the synthesis of ATP from ADP and phosphate. Ie. the enzyme that makes
ATP is called….
62. Define chemiosmosis
63. What is a CAM plant?
64. What is a C3 plant?
65. What is a C4 plant?
66. Name 2 C4 plants.
67. What is the difference between CAM plants and C4 plants?
68. Name two CAM plants
69. Name one C4 plant
70. What are the reactants and products of photosynthesis?
71. Write the equation for photosynthesis
72. Where in the cell does glycolysis occur?
73. How does rat poison work?
74. Draw the electron transport chain and explain how energy is made (ATP)
75. What is meant by lactic acid buildup?
76. In aerobic respiration, the protons build up in the space between the inner and outer mitochondrial membranes.
77. Anaerobic respiration gives you more ATP than aerobic respiration.
78. After pyruvic acid is made, it travels into the lysosome where it is broken down to make energy.
79. To make one PGAL molecule in the Calvin cycle, it would require 9 ATP molecules for energy.
80. The reactions of photosynthesis are almost the reverse of glycolysis and cellular respiration.
81. ATP-synthase is not really an enzyme, it’s just a transmembrane protein.
82. Chemiosmosis refers to the buildup of hydrogen ions on one side of the membrane, their subsequent flow across
the membrane, and the resulting synthesis of ATP.
83. The Calvin cycle occurs in the mitochondrial matrix.
84. Water is split to become oxygen in the light reactions, and the purpose of this is to donate electrons to
chlorophyll a.
85. You would expect most photosynthesis to occur at wavelengths of light around 240 nm and 760 nm because
this is where chlorophyll a absorbs the most light.
86. What is a karyotype?
87. Name the stages of 1) meiosis, 2) Interphase
88. Name two gametes
89. Draw and label binary fission. Name an organism that uses binary fission
90. Four haploid cells are produced in the male during a process known as…
91. What are autosomes?
92. The random separation of homologous chromosomes, which occurs during Anaphase I, is called:
93. In guinea pigs, black fur is dominant. If a black guinea pig is crossed with a white guinea pig and the litter
contains a white offspring, the genotype of the black-haired parent is probably…
94. Snapdragons have red and white flowers and show incomplete dominance. When snapdragons that are
homozygous dominant are crossed with white homozygous recessive plants, the resulting offspring will
be…(probability of phenotype)
95. Gregor Mendel, in his law of segregation, stated that “a pair of factors is segregated or separated, during the
formation of gametes.”
96. Mendel’s law of independent assortment proved to have a real genetic basis when scientists could study and
understand meiosis. The law of independent assortment later referred to events occurring at metaphase II of
97. Each of several alternative forms of a gene is called an allele.
98. The flower is the reproductive part of the plant. The female part of the flower, which receives pollen from the
male, is called the anther.
99. The male part of the flower, which produces the pollen, is called the stigma.