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Peloponnesian War
Indiana World History Standards
SS.WH.2.5 2007
Greek Civilization: Identify and explain the significance of achievements of Greeks in mathematics, science, philosophy, architecture and
the arts and their impact on various peoples and places in subsequent periods of world history.
SS.WH.2.6 2007
Greek Civilization: Analyze the major events of the wars between the Persians and the Greeks, reasons why the Persians failed to
conquer the Greeks, and consequences of the wars for Greek civilization.
SS.WH.2.7 2007
Greek Civilization: Compare and contrast the daily life, social hierarchy, culture and institutions of Athens and Sparta; describe the rivalry
between Athens and Sparta; and explain the causes and consequences of the Peloponnesian War.
SS.WH.2.8 2007
Greek Civilization: Describe the role of Alexander the Great in the spread of Hellenism in Southwest and South Asia, North Africa; and
parts of Europe.
Today’s Objectives
- To understand the causes & outcome of the Peloponnesian War
- To understand how it sent the Greek world into decline
- To understand how the war ultimately lead to the unification of Greece
• After the Persian War
→ For a half century after the Persian Wars (480-431 BC),
Athens dominates Greek civilization (Athenian Empire)
…creates resentment among some city-states
…these city-states not in the Athenian Empire (Delian League)
join Sparta (Peloponnesian League)
Delian League vs Peloponnesian League
• Greek Civil War (431-404 BC)
The Greeks: “Peloponnesian War”
→ Sparta plus its allies and Athens plus its allies; Sparta
eventually wins, but at great cost after 27 years…
…Spartan army vs the Athenian Navy creates stalemate
…Sparta victory comes with help from the Persian Navy
Athenian Naval Superiority
• Greek Decline?
→ Permanently weakens Athens and makes Greece as a
whole less stable
…first step in the demise of the Greek way of life
…with Sparta & Athens weakened, allows a new power
to conquer & unify Greece (Philip II from Macedonia)
Essential Question
How did the conflict lead to the decline of Greece?
Target Questions
• What two leagues form after the Persian Wars?
• Who wins the Peloponnesian War?
• Who will conquer and unify Greece?
Required Reading Question(s)
1) How did the conflict lead to the decline of ATHENS?