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(Chapters 34-45)
1. The Animal Kingdom includes species that are eukaryotic, multicellular, &
heterotrophic. They are aquatic, marine, & terrestrial.
a) invertebrates - without backbones
b) vertebrates - with backbones that surround & protect nerve cord
2. Symmetry describes an animal according to its shape.
a) invertebrates can have asymmetry (no symmetry & have an irregular
shape (sponge) or radial symmetry with body parts radiating outward from a
center (hydra)
b) some invertebrates & all vertebrates have bilateral symmetry & can be
divided down their length into similar left & right halves
3. Invertebrate animal phyla:
a) Porifera - sponges - aquatic & marine - simplest animals - no
b) Cnidaria - jellyfish, hydra, sea anemones, corals - aquatic & marine stinging tentacles for defense & capturing prey
c) Platyhelminthes - flatworms & Nematoda - roundworms - simple but do
have organs & systems - soil, aquatic, parasitic
d) Mollusca - aquatic & marine - snails, slugs, oysters, clams have hard outer
shell made of chitin - octopus & squid covered with same substance but
does not form a hard shell
e) Annelida - aquatic, marine, terrestrial - segments - earthworms & leeches
f) Arthropoda: aquatic, terrestrial, marine - exoskeleton/jointed appendages
1) Subphylum Crustacea - lobsters, crabs, shrimp
2) Subphylum Uniramia - insects, millipedes, centipedes
(Order Insectivora)
3) Subphylum Chelicerata- spiders, ticks, scorpions
(Order Arachnida)
g) Echinodermata - marine - sand dollar, starfish - spiny skin
4. Vertebrates are Phylum Chordata. Some are ectothermic & regulate body
temperature by taking in heat from environment. (fish, frogs, snakes, turtles)
Endothermic species regulate body temperature internally. (birds & mammals)
5. Subphylum Vertebrata includes these classes:
a) Chondrichthyes - fish with skeletons of cartilage & skin of sandpaper
texture - marine - sharks & stingrays
b) Osteichthyes - bony fish with scales - when they spawn large numbers of
eggs & sperm are released into the water & few will reach adulthood marine & aquatic - bass & catfish
c) Amphibia - frogs, toads, salamanders - aquatic & terrestrial - eggs are
fertilized externally, have no shells, & are laid in water or moist places larva have gills for aquatic-living that mature into lungs for land-living
d) Reptilia - turtles, snakes, lizards - terrestrial & aquatic - dry, scaly skin internal fertilization & live birth or leathery eggs that are buried
e) Aves - birds - feathers, beaks, hollow bones, wings - terrestrial
f) Mammalia - hair - females secrete milk from mammary glands for young aquatic, marine, terrestrial - orders of mammals:
1) Monotremata - lay eggs - spiny anteater/duckbill platypus
2) Marsupialia - live birth/carry young in pouch - possum/kangaroo
3) several orders of placental mammals have young that mature in
mother’s body & have live birth (Orders Primate, Carnivora) monkeys, cats, whales, dolphins, rabbits, armadillos, anteaters, skunks,
horses, dogs, humans, & bats
6. Some animals live together in social groups. Individuals in societies have
specialized jobs & are better able to gather food & protect themselves as a
group. (bees & ants - some species of birds & monkeys)
7. Animal reproduction facts:
a) Simple animals (sponges, jellyfish) form small buds that break off & grow.
b) Regeneration allows some organisms to regrow missing parts (lizard tails,
tadpole legs & tails, sea star arms), & a small piece of an organism can
become a complete new organism (flatworms).
c) Most sexually reproducing animals have separate male & female adults
(jellyfish, insects, clams, spiders, fish, amphibians, reptiles, & mammals).
d) Hermaphrodites (earthworm) produce both eggs & sperm in same animal.
e) Large animals such as elephants produce few offspring over their lifetime
because many offspring will survive to adulthood.
8. Some animals undergo a series of changes in form & size as they develop. This
is called metamorphosis.
a) incomplete metamorphosis - grasshoppers & termites - fertilized egg
hatches & young insect is called a nymph - it looks like a small adult with
no wings - it grows & molts (sheds its exoskeleton) several times until it
becomes a winged adult
b) complete metamorphosis - butterflies, beetles, moths - fertilized egg
hatches as segmented larva (caterpillar) that eats, grows, & molts - larva
then enters pupa stage - body shortens, loses exoskeleton, & is encased in
cocoon - larval tissues develop into a complete winged adult
c) amphibian metamorphosis - frogs, toads, salamanders - changes from
aquatic larva tadpole to terrestrial adult - tail & gills disappear - legs &
lungs appear - mouth broadens & teeth & jaws develop
9. To help them survive & reproduce, animals have patterns of behavior by which
they respond to a stimulus in their environment.
a) innate behaviors are genetically programmed by inheritance - toad
capturing prey, fight-or-flight, parenting, spider courtship, marking
territory, threat displays, migration, hibernation
b) learned behaviors are a result of practice or experience - horse
habituation, ducklings recognizing mother, nest-building, conditioning
kittens to food/can opener, insight & problem-solving