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World History
Unit I Test
Please make sure to answer all questions on the Scan-Tron.
I. Matching (1 Point Each)
For each set match each term to its best definition. Each term/letter will only be used once.
Set # 1
A. Khyber Pass
B. Fertile Crescent
C. Denmark
D. L’Anse aux Meadows
E. Hungary
1. Land given to the Huns eventually became this country.
2. Settlement in Canada established by Leif Ericson on a Viking migration.
3. Sargon I conquered territory in this region to form the first empire in world history.
4. Important migration and trade route in ancient India.
5. Recently imposed a tax on incoming refugees to fund social services the refugees may access.
Set # 2
A. ziggurat
B. loess
C. oracle bones
D. polytheism
E. dynasty
6. Nutrient rich soil that allowed for agriculture and permanent settlements in ancient China.
7. Temple structure at the center of many Mesopotamian city-states.
8. series of rulers from the same family, a common ruling system in ancient civilizations
9. belief in multiple gods and spirits, a common religious system in ancient civilizations
10. used by ancient Chinese individuals to contact gods, spirits, and ancestors
Set # 3
A. Menes
B. Kublai Khan
C. Albert Einstein
D. Attila the Hun
E. Basher al-Assad
11. German Jewish refugee who migrated to the United States and later participated in the Manhattan Project.
12. Became the first pharaoh of Egypt when he united Upper and Lower Egypt.
13. Mongol leader who completed the conquest of China and established the Yuan Dynasty to rule China.
14. Was persuaded by the Pope to abandon his conquest of Rome.
15. President of Syria whose brutal crackdown on pro-Democratic protests is one factor that has prompted a
massive refugee crisis.
II. True/False (1 Point Each)
Please mark A for T statements and B for false statements. You do not have to correct false statements.
16. One negative consequence of the transition from nomadic communities to permanent settlements was that
close contact between large groups of people and between people and domesticated animals allowed for
diseases to spread more easily.
17. Ferdinand and Isabella, rulers of Spain, issued the Alhambra Decree to set up Jewish only neighborhoods
that they forced Spanish Jews to move into.
18. The establishment of permanent settlements often led to increased class and gender inequality when
compared to nomadic communities.
19. Given the harsh climate in which they live, the Evenki have primarily been a nomadic people throughout
history basing their lifestyle on following herds of reindeer.
20. One consequence of the slave trade was the introduction of Islam into the Americas since many of the
enslaved West Africans had previously converted to Islam due to their contacts with Muslim traders.
21. For several decades China has limited families from the majority ethnic group to two children however
since that has not proven effective at curbing population growth Chinese authorities are now restricting
families to one child only.
22. High population density in some of the world’s largest countries has led to people settling in areas that are
often vulnerable to flooding or other natural disasters.
23. Irish immigrants to the United States were welcomed by Americans given the terrible experiences of the
Irish during the Potato Famine.
24. Many German Jewish refugees sought to escape Hitler and the Nazis by traveling aboard the Saint Louis to
Cuba however they were turned away and most settled in various countries of western Europe.
25. The largest numbers of Syrian refugees can be found in the Middle Eastern countries found surrounding Syria.
III. Multiple Choice (2 Points Each)
Please mark the answer choice that you feel best completes or responds to the question. There is only one
answer per question. Please make sure that for this section you are only marking in the A-D column.
26. China and Japan are currently experiencing tensions over China’s claim to and creation of islands in the
A. Yangtze River
B. East China Sea
C. Indian Ocean
D. Pacific Ocean
27. Which two groups experienced migration based on resource shortages?
A. Bantu and Mongols
B. Irish and Syrians
C. Bantu and Irish
D. Vikings and Huns
28. Which was an environmental effect of urbanization in the late 1800s and early 1900s?
A. the process of desertification
B. the spread of new animals and plants to permanent settlements
C. widespread deforestation
D. the introduction of animal diseases to human populations
29. Which of the following countries used a campaign of aggressive birth control distribution to control its
population growth for much of the 20th century?
A. China
B. India
C. Nigeria
D. Iran
30. When development in cities spreads beyond the original city limits and begins to encroach on green spaces
and natural lands surrounding them it produces a phenomenon known as?
A. decentralization
C. urban sprawl
B. conservatism
D. industrialization
31. What geographic features determined the location of early civilizations of Egypt, Mesopotamia, China, and India?
A. oceans and coastlines
B. rivers and valleys
C. fertile soils and plains
D. rainy seasons and forests
Use the map to answer questions 32-34.
32. According to the map titled “The Slave Trade,” where were most slave forts located?
the Cape of Good Hope
the west coast of Africa
the Middle Passage
33. According to the map titled “The Slave Trade,” the British imported approximately how many slaves to
their colonies?
1.7 million
2.1 million
3.6 million
9 million
34. According to the map titled “The Slave Trade,” the greatest number of African slaves were taken to
British North America.
C. the British West Indies
D. the French West Indies
35. The Nile was important to the Ancient Egyptians because
A. It provided a source of water in an otherwise very dry climate.
B. During the yearly flood nutrient rich soil was deposited along the banks of the
Nile that allowed for farming.
C. It provided an easy way to travel through the kingdom and trade with other nations.
D. All of the above.
36. The hunter gather way of life made it impossible for people to live
A. in one place forever
B. in groups
C. without systems of government
D. without spoken language
37. The main purpose of the pyramids in Egypt was to function as:
A. places to live during the annual floods of the Nile.
B. centers of learning.
C. tombs.
D. palaces.
38. What is Catal Huyuk?
A. The name of the force of good according to Zoroaster.
B. One of the first permanent farming communities.
C. The site of a famous battle between the Persians and the Chaldeans.
D. A famous Egyptian city where temples to Ra were built.
39. The best-known work of Sumerian literature, the Epic of Gilgamesh, was written in
A. cuneiform.
B. the Phoenician alphabet.
C. pictographs.
D. AD 1000.
40. The early Indus settlements of Harappa and Mohenjo Daro can best be described as
A. disorganized units.
B. small villages.
C. well planned and carefully laid out.
D. lacking clean water and sanitary conditions.
IV. Essay (25 Points)
Settlement and migration patterns have had tremendous effects on world history throughout time. Choose
THREE groups from the list below and discuss their experiences with migration and the consequences that
their migration had/is having (for themselves and/or for the world).
The Huns
European Jews
Syrian Refugees