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Name: ________________________________________
Core: ________
Prehistory Through Explorers
1. ____Serfs___________ were the least powerful people in the feudal system.
2. The first person to circumnavigate the earth was _Ferdinand Magellan___.
3. In the eyes of many, the Catholic Church had become corrupt during the Middle
Ages by selling indulgences and not serving the people. Who began a movement
to reform the church that was called the Reformation? __Martin Luther_______
4. What does prehistoric mean? Before written history_
5. Merchants from the West African kingdoms of Ghana, Mali, and Songhay
prospered by controlling the trade of which two goods? Salt and Gold_
6. Between 1519 and 1605, the American Indian population in Central Mexico
decreased from approximately25 million to 1 million people. Identify and
describe one reason why this population decline was so extreme. (2 Points)
..\OAT Extended Response Rubrics\Native Population Decline.rtf
7. The Renaissance was a period of the rebirth of interest in classical art,
architecture, and literature.
8. The Columbian Exchange is used to describe the introduction to and trading of
new products between Europe and North and South America. List two examples
of new products that came from Europe to North and South America. Also list
two products that went to Europe from North and South America.
Two products that came from Europe to the Americas were wheat and
domesticated animals like cows, pigs, chickens, and horses. Two products that
went from the Americas to Europe were corn and chocolate.
9. Barter means to trade goods without money.
10. Archaeologists find and study Artifacts to learn about ancient cultures.
11. Describe one way a physical feature can act as a barrier to migration and one way
a physical feature can help people migrate. One way a physical feature can act
Name: ________________________________________
Core: ________
as a barrier to migration is when mountains are in the way of the people
trying to migrate. Mountains can be too tall and rugged, even dangerous, to
try to cross. Physical features like rivers make migration easier because the
people migrating can travel faster by boat than on foot.
12. How did the arrival of Europeans change American Indians’ agricultural
practices? The arrival of Europeans changed American Indians’ agricultural
practices by bringing new crops like wheat as well as new technology like
metal plows that made farming easier.
13. Columbus set sail in 1492 C.E. He sailed for Spain. Spain had denied him
money on more than one occasion because they were fighting the Reconquista, or
reclaiming. Spain won a great victory and successfully reclaimed their territory
lost in Southern Spain. Who were the Spanish reclaiming their land from?
14. Johannes Gutenberg developed a Printing Press with movable type. This
invention revolutionized education in Europe by making books readily available
and increasing the number of people who could read and write.
15. Describe one possible way exploration will increase due to the conflict between
the Catholic and Protestant churches. As these two churches compete for
followers it is likely that they will seek out new converts in newly found lands
to add to the strength of their church. Some people may also move to new
lands to escape religious persecution.
16. The Crusades had a great impact on European culture during the Middle Ages.
Identify and describe two ways the Crusaders’ contact with the Middle East
changed European culture. (4 Points)
..\OAT Extended Response Rubrics\Crusades.rtf
17. When we talk about migration, we often use terms like push factor and pull
factor. Define push factor and pull factor and give an example of each. (4 Points)
A push factor is something that drives a group of people out of their homes
permanently like war, famine, disease, oppression, poverty, or natural
disasters. A pull factor is what attracts a group of people to move to a new
location like peace, no famine, no disease, freedom, economic opportunity, or
no natural disasters.
Name: ________________________________________
Core: ________
18. Prince Henry the Navigator, the Portuguese prince, started a navigational school
to gather the leading astronomers, geographers, and mathematicians in one place
to expand Portugal’s world exploration.
19. Juan Ponce de Leon searched all over Florida for the Fountain of Youth.
20. North and South America are named after Amerigo Vespucci.
21. Bartholomew Dias was the first European to sail to the southern tip of Africa. He
named that tip the Stormy Cape or The Cape of Good Hope.
22. Why was salt from West Africa so important to the people of Europe? Salt was
so important to the people of Europe because it was the sole means of
keeping meat fresh.
23. Hernan Cortez conquered the city of Tenochtitlan and the Aztec empire.
24. Francisco Pizarro conquered the Inca empire and claimed Peru for Spain.
25. Why did Europeans desperately want an all water route to Asia? The Europeans
desperately wanted an all water route to Asia so they could trade with Asia
while bypassing the Middle East where they were charged high fees to pass
through. It was also faster, safer, and cheaper than a land route.
26. Vasco Nunez de Balboa crossed the jungles of Panama and became the first
European to see the Ocean on the other side. We call it the Pacific Ocean today,
but what did Balboa call it? The South Sea
27. Many explorers were searching for an all water route through the Americas.
Magellan proved there was no southern route, so the explorers began searching
North America for an all water route through the continent called the Northwest
28. Vasco De Gama became the first European to find an all water trade route with
Asia by sailing around the southern tip of Africa to India.
29. Spain and Portugal laid claim to most of the land in South and Central America.
The English and French began concentrating their exploration in North America.
The French explorer, Jacques Cartier, was the first to sail up the St. Lawrence
River and claim the land for France, calling it New France.
30. The environment influences the way people live and work. Incan farmers adapted
to their mountainous environment by terracing their fields.
Name: ________________________________________
Core: ________
31. What was the basic structure of feudalism in Western Europe in the Middle Ages?
The basic structure of Feudalism in Western Europe in the Middle Ages was
that the kings had all the power. The nobles would pledge loyalty to a King and
provide wealth and armies. The armies consisted of Knights and serfs. Serfs
were allowed to live on nobles land in exchange for working the land and serving
in the army.
32. The West African kingdoms of Mali, Ghana and Songhay were trading with the
Muslims as early as 700 C.E. How did this effect the religion of the African
kingdoms? When the West African kingdoms began trading with the Arabs,
they were exposed to the culture of the Arabs. Arabs practice the religion of
Islam. As the West African kingdoms were introduced to Islam, many of the
people converted to the religion of Islam.
33. Leif Erikkson, son of Erik the Red, was the first European known to have set
foot on North America.