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Section VII Exercise Prescription and Programming Considerations
1. Which of the following upper body resistance exercises would be inappropriate for a client who fails
both the shoulder flexion and shoulder abduction flexibility screens?
Overhead shoulder press
One arm row
Triceps kickback
2. __________ refers to the amount of time between training bouts and is important to program
appropriately so that adaptation responses are possible.
Rest interval
Recovery period
Training volume
Exercise duration
3. Which exercise would be the best choice for increasing a 48-year old female’s upper body strength
while placing a demand on her spinal stabilizers?
Bench press
Triceps pushdown
Push-ups off a bench
Lat pulldown
4. You have a client with the following fitness parameters:
29 year old female
136 lbs
RHR 72 bpm
VO2max = 45 ml/kg/min
Body Fat 30%
Cholesterol: 178 mg/dl
Failed shoulder rotation flexibility screen
Failed spinal extension R.O.M. screen
Failed hip extension R.O.M. screen
Based on the available information, what muscles would you emphasize as part of her flexibility
Deltoids, back extensors, lateral rotators of the hip
Rotator cuff, trunk flexors, hip flexors
Pectoralis major, back extensors, hamstrings
Deltoids, back extensors, glutes
5. You have a client with the following fitness parameters:
49 year old female
180 lbs
RHR 82 bpm
RBP 136/100
Body Fat 38%
Cholesterol 189 mg/dl
Failed Knee Flexion Screen
Failed Hip Extension Screen
VO2max = 28 ml/kg/min
She has been cleared for exercise, but the medical clearance form says to avoid dramatic elevations in
blood pressure. Which of the following would be a poor choice for leg training?
Single leg extension for 10 repetitions
Squats holding a 6 lb medicine ball
Leg press 70% 1RM for 12 repetitions
Body step ups on a box - 8 repetitions each leg
6. One of the primary contributors to exercise-induced adaptations is the ____________ of the exercise,
often expressed as a percentage of maximum.
7. Which of the following flexibility techniques can be effectively used as a warm-up for physical
Static stretching
Dynamic flexibility
PNF stretching
All of the above
8. ________ is the recommended intensity range for aerobic improvements in healthy individuals when
prescribing exercise using the heart rate reserve (Karvonen formula) or VO2max formulas.
9. To improve a client’s functional movement capabilities, _________ should be emphasized in the
resistance training program.
isolative movements primarily emphasizing prime mover muscle groups
integrated, multiple joint and multiple planar exercises that are velocity specific
selectorized resistance training machines for increased muscle fiber recruitment
exercises performed in a seated position to reduce assistance from other muscles
10. The beginning phase of a resistance training exercise program should emphasize ________.
8-12 RM resistance and multiple sets
6-8 RM heavy resistance
proprioception and skill acquisition
resistance machines
11. _________ is a high intensity training method designed to increase the number of motor units
recruited within targeted muscle groups by performing the same exercise with a lower amount of
weight immediately after completing the first set.
The drop set technique
Circuit training
Pyramid training
12. You have a client with the following fitness parameters:
42 year old female
136 lbs
RHR 82 bpm
VO2max = 33 ml/kg/min
Body Fat 29%
Cholesterol: 238 mg/dl
Failed trunk flexion flexibility screen
Based on these factors what exercise method would be the best choice?
Aerobic training
Flexibility training
Resistance training
Power training
13. Which of the following training methods has the greatest caloric yield in a 30-minute training session
when performed at an RPE of 12-14?
Circuit weight training
Heavy resistance training
Flexibility training
14. The optimal number of repetitions for hypertrophy training would be between ________.
15. A warm-up should last __________ prior to intense exercise.
at least 20 minutes to assure accurate nutrient delivery
at least 3-10 minutes to increase aerobic metabolism in the muscle trained
less than 5 minutes to preserve glycogen
at least 10 minutes to decrease enzyme activity in opposing muscle groups
16. Aerobic training programs for weight loss should emphasize _________.
the highest attainable training intensities
exercise in a sustained fat burning zone
walking programs
low volume but high intensity
17. Training for muscle tone is most effectively attained using _________.
isometric exercises where balance is required
10-15 repetitions with short rest periods
3-5 RM with 2-3 minutes of recovery
the super-slow training method
18. __________ is the training principle that identifies the outcome as defined by the appropriate stress
demand applied to the physiological system.
Progressive overload
Principle of reversibility
19. Following one month of participation in an aerobic training program, which of the following would
have to be readjusted for a previously untrained client?
Target heart rate range, due to an elevation of resting heart rate
Target heart rate range, due to a reduction of resting heart rate
Relative training intensity, due to an increase in max heart rate
Max heart rate, due to a reduction in respiration rates
20 The ____________ system of training is based on the premise that an individual has greater strength
capabilities during the eccentric phase of a contraction compared with the concentric phase.
Drop set
Negative set
21. Why would a traditional strength training program using three sets of 10 repetitions NOT be effective
for a female personal training client exercising twice a week for weight loss and muscle tone?
The intensity is too high
The activity should be aerobic
The mode of exercise builds too much muscle
The activity does not burn enough calories
22. Which of the following would be the best superset for a high school football player’s power training
Bench press and push-ups
Military press and step ups
Leg curls and pull ups
Back squats and medicine ball jump squats
23. As part of an exercise and dietary strategy to achieve weight loss, which of the following examples
would be the minimum requirement to meet a goal of one (1) pound of fat loss per week assuming the
client consumes a neutral caloric balance?
Reduce caloric intake by 100 per day, exercise expenditure by 100 per day
Reduce caloric intake by 200 per day, increase caloric output by 800 per day
Reduce caloric intake by 200 per day, increase caloric output by 300 per day
Reduce caloric intake by 500 per day, increase caloric output by 500 per day
24. You have a client with the following fitness parameters:
44 year old male
171 lbs
RHR 83 bpm
RBP 128/82
VO2max = 27.2 ml/kg/min
Leg press 180 lbs
Body Fat 18%
Push-up test: 18
Failed Apley back scratch test
Failed hip flexion flexibility screen
Based on the available information, what should be the primary goal of his exercise prescription?
Reduce body fat and increase leg strength
Increase upper body strength and improve flexibility
Increase flexibility and decrease body fat
Improve aerobic capacity and improve flexibility
25. Which of the following resistance training systems is the best choice for an individual looking for
weight loss and improvements in total body strength?
Aerobic conditioning
Pyramid training system
Complex training system
Circuit training system
26. What is the ideal rest period when training to increase the size of a muscle (hypertrophy
< 30 seconds
30-60 seconds
90-120 seconds
> 2 minutes
27. When designing a personal training program for a previously sedentary client with a goal of weight
loss, the training program should focus on _____________.
aerobic training
weight training
muscular endurance
caloric expenditure
28. You have a client with resistance training goals that are performance-based for tennis. Which of the
following describes the most logical progression of her program?
a. From heavy resistance with low repetition ranges to lower weight, higher repetition
resistance training.
b. From a closed-chain, prime mover emphasis to less stable, complex environments involving
exercises aimed at total muscle involvement and faster movement speeds.
c. From a complex environment with low resistance to heavier resistance in a more stable
environment to emphasize prime movers for increased force production (i.e. less stabilizers
and more isolation of the prime movers).
d. From light circuit training and superset exercises using high repetitions to pyramid set
resistance training with higher resistance and lower repetitions.
29. When attempting to have an experienced client perform a higher volume of work to increase muscle
mass and tone in a one-hour training session, which of these common weight training program
systems would be the best choice?
Pyramid sets
Single sets
Negative sets
30. You have a 44-year old male client with a resting heart rate of 68 bpm. If using the Heart Rate
Reserve Method (Karvonen formula), what would be his optimal training intensity range for aerobic
exercise aimed at cardiorespiratory improvements?
not enough information
31. You have a male client with the following fitness parameters:
38 years old
Body Fat 25%
211 lbs
Cholesterol: 180 mg/dl
RHR 65 bpm
Weak abdominals
RBP 129/85
Failed Thomas Test
VO2max = 45.2 ml/kg/min
Failed trunk flexion screen
Based on the available information, ________should be the primary emphasis of his exercise
improved flexibility
improved muscle strength
decreased body fat percentage
improved aerobic capacity
32. Which of the following most likely contributes to angular momentum in the dumbbell side raise and
biceps curls, thereby reducing the force required of the prime mover?
Concentric hip flexion
Concentric hip extension
Isometric trunk flexion
Eccentric scapular protraction
33. Which type of training uses controlled movements through a full range of motion to improve
Ballistic stretching
Active assisted stretching
Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation
Dynamic stretching
34. ___________ can be used to make resistance training more performance-based.
Foam rollers
Closed-chain exercises
All of the above
35. The order of resistance training exercises in a single bout should be ________.
from lower intensity to high
from single-joint to multi-joint actions
from exercises using more musculature to less musculature
from low speed to high speed movements
36. __________ is an example of a dynamic flexibility exercise for a client.
Alternating toe touch march
Chest press completed through partial ROM
Complete shoulder flexion with a five-second contraction of the latissimus dorsi
A trainer pulling a client’s arm to move his shoulder into horizontal abduction
37. When applying the principle of progression in an exercise program, it is appropriate to increase the
intensity by no more than _________ per week.
up to 12.5%
38. A functional warm-up consists of __________.
a. integrated movement patterns that enhance joint stability through enhanced proprioception
and improved energy transfer through the kinetic chain
b. enhancing the specific neuromuscular pathways employed by the activities in the training
c. prolonged continuous movement such as riding an exercise bike
d. activities incorporating large muscle movements through gradually increasing ranges of
39. From the list below, choose the option that is most logically organized into an appropriate resistance
training program for the lower body, assuming the intensity expressed as a percentage of 1RM is
Seated calf raise, squat, seated leg extension, Romanian deadlift
Squat, seated calf raise, Romanian deadlift, seated leg extension
Romanian deadlift, seated leg extension, seated calf raise, squat
Squat, Romanian deadlift, seated leg extension, seated calf raise
40. Which of the following group of exercises would be the best choice for a person wanting to increase
his or her power?
Box jumps, power cleans, medicine ball chest pass
Squat, deadlift, bench press
Cable chops, knee raises, lunges
Military press, pull-ups, box step-ups
41. All exercise programs should include _________, which refers to a training stimulus that accounts
for continuous adaptations.
progressive overload
macro programming
plateau cycling
42. A novice client will make dramatic strength gains during the first month of training mainly because
of __________.
increased anabolic hormone concentrations
increased protein synthesis
improved neuromuscular efficiency
increased metabolic rate
43. _________ is a recommendation for lean weight gain.
Ensuring that protein intake is approximately 1.5g per kilogram of body weight
Adding resistance training to the exercise routine
Increasing caloric intake by approximately 500 kcal per day
All of the above.
44. Supersets can be used to effectively train for muscle hypertrophy due to the effect the intensity has
on _____________.
neural adaptations
muscle fiber recruitment
increased blood flow
output of catecholamines
45. Which of the following would result in less caloric expenditure than expected during an aerobic
training session?
a. consuming a beverage containing electrolytes during the training session
b. jogging with a 1% decline on the treadmill
c. holding onto the rails of the stairclimber
d. utilizing an estimated maximal heart rate to dictate the training zone
46. Your 38 year-old male client finds himself sitting at a desk for the majority of his workday. As a
result, he has very tight hip flexors which seem to be contributing to some low back pain. Which of
the following exercises should you integrate into his program to strengthen the lower body while
also stretching the hip flexors?
a. back squat
b. leg press
c. single-leg squat
d. Romanian deadlift
47. The stretch performed in the image is designed to increase the flexibility of which muscle?
a. deltoid
b. pectoralis major
c. tricep
d. subscapularis
48. Your client fails the shoulder flexion assessment test. What muscle is tight?
a. anterior deltoid
b. rotator cuff
c. latissimus dorsi
d. triceps
49. What causes the temporary increase in metabolic rate experienced after an anaerobic training
a. blood pooling
b. excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC)
c. metabolic equivalents (METs)
d. rate of perceived exertion (RPE)
50. What intensity should be recommended for reaching volitional fatigue when performing 10
repetitions of the bench press?
a. 50% 1RM
b. 65% 1RM
c. 75% 1RM
d. 90% 1RM
51. If the intensity is consistent across all lifts, which exercise should be performed first in a training
a. upright row
b. military press
c. side raise
d. bench press
52. Which of the following supersets represents a “contrast set”?
a. bent-over row and bench press
b. barbell bicep curl and tricep pushdown
c. bench press and high-speed medicine ball chest passes
d. body squats and push-ups
53. What aerobic training intensity would be the recommended starting point for a 55 year-old client
who was previously sedentary, overweight and deconditioned?
a. 50-60% VO2max
b. 70-90% of heart rate max
c. 16-18 on the Borg scale (RPE)
d. 60-80% of heart rate reserve
54. In order to account for decreased frequency of training, what should be increased to minimize losses
of strength and power?
a. circuit training
b. training intensity
c. training duration
d. aerobic interval training
55. Using the Karvonen formula, what is the target heart rate for your 38 year-old client who has a
resting heart rate of 85 beats/min, if the goal is to have him exercise at 70% of heart rate reserve?
a. 109 beats/min
b. 143 beats/min
c. 153 beats/min
d. 194 beats/min
56. What is the constant characteristic of a circuit training program?
a. resistance-based exercises using machines
b. body weight movements performed at high speed
c. multiple exercises completed sequentially with transitional rest periods
d. alternating upper and lower body exercises
57. Which component of an exercise program is used to enhance physical readiness by improving
system efficiency?
a. warm-up
b. cool down
c. intervals
d. plyometrics
58. A decrease in the size of fast-twitch muscle fibers ____________.
a. does not occur
b. is a potential negative result of higher-volume aerobic training
c. occurs when strength training is performed less than 4 days/week
d. is a positive adaptation associated with speed training as it reduces weight
59. Which of the following represents a cause for concern during a steady-state, aerobic training
a. heart rate exceeding 145 beats/min
b. systolic blood pressure exceeding 160 mmHg
c. significant increase in diastolic blood pressure
d. none of the above; all are normal responses
60. What is the minimal rest interval required for repeat performance during 6RM compound lifts?
a. 30-60 seconds
b. 60-90 seconds
c. at least 2 minutes
d. at least 4 minutes
61. Which of the following statements regarding hypertrophy training is accurate?
a. free weights are best because they require additional stability
b. rest intervals between sets should be at least 2 minutes to allow ATP to regenerate
c. machines are useful because they isolate the target muscle
d. older clients should perform 12-15 repetitions to maximize gains
62. Use of the pyramid system would be ideal for which of the following clients?
a. a beginner looking to lose weight and maximize caloric expenditure
b. an individual seeking power gains through plyometrics
c. an athlete seeking to refine sport-specific movement patterns
d. a trained individual looking to maximize strength gains in a compound lift
63. You are training a healthy 35 year-old male who states his main goal is to add 20 lbs of muscle. He
is hoping to attain these gains by working with you twice a week for 60 minutes over the next 3
months. How should you advise this client?
a. the goal can be met with proper muscle group emphasis, but there is no time
forcardiovascular training
b. a one-hour training session is not long enough for hypertrophy training
c. the total training duration and volume per week is too low for the desired outcome
d. two sessions per week for a hypertrophy training goal would require the use of circuits for
adequate volume
64. ________ is a measurement of the body’s ability to extract oxygen from blood, and is quantifiable
adaptation response associated with aerobic exercise programs.
a. cardiac output
b. (a-v)O2 difference
c. stroke volume
d. ejection fraction
65. When designing an exercise program for a client who is focused on increasing lean mass, what is
the ideal training intensity for each of the lifts to be performed?
a. 40-50% 1RM
b. 55-65% 1RM
c. 70-85% 1RM
d. 90-95% 1RM
66. When exercising at high altitudes the amount of oxygen bound to hemoglobin decreases; what is a
common physiological response to this environmental change?
a. increased max heart rate
b. increased (a-v)O2 difference
c. increased heart rate response
d. increased metabolic rate
67. __________ represents the standard deviation for the Heart Rate Max formula, which is an
important consideration when writing aerobic exercise programs.
a. 2-3 beats/min
b. 5-8 beats/min
c. 10-12 beats/min
d. 15-18 beats/min
68. Your client is jogging on the treadmill for 30 minutes. After about 6 minutes he reaches his target
heart rate, which is maintained (fluctuates less than 5 beats/min) for the duration of the training.
What type of training is your client performing?
a. steady-state training
b. interval training
c. circuit training
d. high-intensity training
69. In order to allow for proper recovery following a 12-repetition standing dumbbell shoulder press,
the rest interval before the next set should be at least ___________.
a. 30 seconds
b. 1 minute
c. 2 minutes
d. 5 minutes
70. Which of the following would be the correct course of action if your client hurt her hamstring
during interval sprints?
a. stop the training session, provide basic first aid if necessary and write up an incident report
b. have her stretch the muscle before continuing to exercise
c. switch modalities to aerobic exercise
d. immediately perform a diagnostic assessment to determine the specific issue and its severity
71. What is a common work-to-rest ratio when programming sets with a primary focus of muscular
a. 1:1
b. 1:3
c. 1:5
d. 1:10
72. When instructing a client on how to use aerobic equipment, which of the following is accurate?
a. incorrect use of aerobic equipment will decreased caloric expenditure
b. aerobic training should only take place before resistance training
c. maximal caloric expenditure is achieved by performing moderate-intensity, steady-state
d. the elliptical trainer burns the most calories and is the safest option
73. Proper execution of the single-leg Romanian deadlift will dynamically stretch the:
a. gastrocnemius
b. hip adductors
c. rectus abdominus
d. quadriceps
74. The device used to measure joint angles is referred to as a ____________.
a. caliper
b. goniometer
c. spirometer
d. tape measure
75. When constructing appropriate exercise prescription for strength training, how much should the
total load be increased per week when expressed as a percentage range?
a. 2-5%
b. 7-9%
c. 10-12%
d. 15-20%
76. The principle of overload is associated with ______________.
a. employing high-intensity interval training with short rest intervals
b. challenging a physiological system with a stress above what it is accustomed to
c. varying the training intensity over multiple training sessions to avoid injury
d. performing endurance training over long distances
77. When performing a lift using a 70% 1RM intensity, approximately how many repetitions
correspond with volitional fatigue?
a. 2 repetitions
b. 5 repetitions
c. 8 repetitions
d. 12 repetitions
78. Excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) can result in ____________.
a. an increase in post-activity fatigue
b. a decrease in carbohydrate utilization
c. an increase in the metabolic rate
d. an elevation in resting blood pressure
79. What is the predicted maximal heart rate of a 60 year-old male client?
a. 140 beats/min
b. 160 beats/min
c. 185 beats/min
d. 220 beats/min
80. Which back exercise would be selected to activate the biceps to the greatest degree?
a. Chin-ups
b. Pull-ups
c. Seated row
d. One arm row
81. Which would be the best superset if the program goal was total-body strength?
a. Cable trunk rotation followed by cable side raises
b. Bicep curls followed by calf raises
c. DB step-ups followed by incline DB press
d. Romanian deadlift followed by BB good mornings
82. The risk of blood pooling after a high-intensity training session is minimized by ___________.
a. an appropriate cool down
b. a hot shower
c. a protein shake
d. an ice bath
83. Which of the following cardiovascular measurements should increase most dramatically during an
aerobic training session?
a. stroke volume
b. diastolic blood pressure
c. systolic blood pressure
d. lactate threshold
84. What is the appropriate rest interval between sets of 12-15 repetitions to maximize adaptations in
muscle tissue?
a. 5-15 seconds
b. 30-45 seconds
c. 60-75 seconds
d. 90-120 seconds
85. Which of the following exercises can be used to train the rhomboids and latissimus dorsi together in
a functional manner?
a. pull-ups
b. seated row
c. theraband pullovers
d. MB chop slams
86. Which of the following statements regarding pyramid training is accurate?
a. The system uses high repetitions and short rest intervals
b. The system is used for power development when integrated with plyometrics
c. The system is used for strength development as it provides progressive overload and neural
d. The system is optimal for beginners seeking hypertrophy through motor rehearsal
87. Exercising at high altitudes is difficult for individuals who are not accustomed to it because
a. the air is very dry
b. the partial pressure of oxygen in the air is reduced
c. necessary respiration rates reduce with increasing altitude
d. all submaximal heart rates are decreased when at high altitudes
88. Approximately how many calories does the body use per liter of consumed oxygen?
a. 1 calorie
b. 5 calories
c. 50 calories
d. 100 calories
89. Which of the following positive adaptations to your client’s blood lipid profile should occur
following an 8-week aerobic training program?
a. decreased use of triglycerides as a fuel
b. decreased use of trans fatty acids as a fuel
c. increased production of LDL-C
d. increased production of HDL-C
90. On average, how many days of inactivity does it take to initiate the detraining effect for a client who
was working on improving their aerobic fitness?
a. 2 days
b. 7 days
c. 14 days
d. 21 days
91. Your physically-active client wants to add muscle mass as his primary goal. You explain that when
focusing on hypertrophy training, he should anticipate seeing increases in lean mass after ______.
a. 1 week
b. 2-3 weeks
c. 4-6 weeks
d. 8-10 weeks
92. How many repetitions should an individual be able to complete to fatigue if they are utilizing 85%
a. 6 repetitions
b. 8 repetitions
c. 10 repetitions
d. 12 repetitions
93. When designing an exercise program for a healthy novice client, resistance training exercises should
be performed using which of the following set-repetition schematics?
a. 2 sets of 4-6 repetitions
b. 3-4 sets of 8-10 repetitions
c. 2-3 sets of 12-15 repetitions
d. 1 set of 20-25 repetitions
94. Which exercise would be most limited by a lack of lower body flexibility?
a. Box jumps
b. Unilateral leg press
c. Lunges
d. Leg curls
95. When programming for power development, which of the following is the most important
consideration related to exercise selection?
a. the speed of the movement
b. the number of muscles involved
c. the age of the client
d. the anaerobic endurance of the client
96. During the physical evaluation of your 56 year-old male client, you find that he is unable to
appropriately complete an abdominal curl-up through a full ROM during assessment of muscular
endurance in the trunk. What should you do?
a. encourage him to use whatever form is necessary so that he completes at least one repetition
b. stop the test and explain that not everyone is capable of properly performing an abdominal
curl-up; then continue with additional assessments
c. stop all assessments and have the client obtain medical clearance prior to any additional
physical activity
d. spot the client at the shoulders and assist him in performing at least 8 repetitions
97. After your client completes the informed consent and health status questionnaire, you determine that
she requires a medical clearance prior to engaging in physical activity due to a previous medical
condition. Which of the following could you still complete as part of your assessment?
a. submaximal VO2max test
b. bench press max-repetition test
c. body composition test
d. one-mile walk test
98. The purpose of the informed consent document is to ______________.
a. attain documentation identifying voluntary participation by the client
b. outline program schematics for training
c. establish baseline measurements for short- and long-term goal setting
d. list current and/or past medications the client has been prescribed