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Study Guide - Unit 3
Big Things that Happened, 1450-1750 (By Chapter)
Ch. 15
Ottomans captured Constantinople-1453
Rise of Spanish Monarchy-1469
Portugese Round cape of good hope- 1488
Columbus sails the ocean blue- 1492
1st Spanish Colonies 1509
Magellan circumnavigates the globe 1519-1521
Ottoman defeated at battle of Lepanto 1572
French-british wars in india 1744
Ch. 17
Northern Renaissance 1450-1600
1st European Printing press 1455
Michelangelo 1475-1514
France & Spain invade Italian city states; beginning of decline!
Commercial Revolution 1500-1600
Luther’s 95 theses; beginning of Protestant Reformation 1517
Decline of witchcraft trials 1670-1692
Glorious Revolution in Britain; Parliamentary Monarchy; Some religious
tolerance; Political writing of John Locke – 1688-1690
Enlightenment - 18th century
European Population Boom – 1730- 1850
Beginnings of Methodism – 1730
Ch. 18
Much of Russia Freed from Tatars by Ivan the Great – 1462
Moscow Region free; Russian expansion presses south – 1480
Ivan the Terrible (1st to emphasize title of tsar; Boyar power reduced 1533–
Russian Expansion in central Asia; Western Siberia 1552- 1556
Time of troubles 1604-1613
Romanov Dynasty – 1613 – 1917
Russian Pioneers to Pacific – 1637
Law intact making serfdom hereditary – 1649
Founding of St. Petersburg – 1703
Ch. 19
Tready of Tordesilla – 1494
Cortez leads conquest of Mexico 1519 – 1524
Ch. 20
Portugese fort est. at El Mina – 1481
Beginnings of English slave trade – 1562
Fall of Songhay empire – 1591
Dutch est. colony at Cape of good Hope – 1652
Ch. 21
Ottoman Capture of Constantinople – 1453
Ottoman victory over Safavids at Chaldiran – 1514
Ottoman capture of Syria and Egypt – 1517
First Ottoman siege of Vienna – 1529 (Noticing a pattern, here?....)
Nadir Shah invades India – 1739
Ch. 22
Vasco de Gama opens the sea route around Africa to Asia – 1498 – 1499
Portuguese conquest or Goa in Western India – 1510
Portuguese conquer Malacca – 1511
Francis Xavier makes mass converts in India – 1540’s
Jesuits arrive in China – 1580’s
1st Japanese invasion of Korea – 1592
Dutch and British assault on Portuguese empire in Asia – 1600’s
Tokugawa Shogunate established – 1603
Christianity banned in Japan – 1614
Dutch East India Company Est. @ Batavia on Java – 1619-1620
Dutch capture Malacca; confined to Deshima island off Nagasaki – 1641
A few random Things to remember….
Conclusion: Asia and the First Phase of Europe's Global Expansion. Western exploration
and commercial expansion only touched most of Asia peripherally. In East Asia, Chinese and
Japanese strength blocked European domination of their lands. In South and Southeast Asia,
where European impact was stronger, most Asians retained control of their destinies. Asian
change came from indigenous factors that maintained old cultural and social influences. Even
in commerce and seafaring, where their influence was greatest, Europeans found it better to
become part of existing networks.
Global Connections: Gunpowder Empires and the Restoration of the Islamic Bridge
Between Civilizations. The early modern Muslim empires had sufficient internal reasons for
destruction, but their demise was made more certain by a common ignoring of the rising
European threat. Little effort was made to incorporate European technological advances. The
failure to meet the European challenge weakened the economic base of their empires as
revenues and profits were drained off by foreigners. Importation of European bullion brought
damaging inflation. Muslim leaders and scholars ignored these trends and caused serious
difficulties for the world of Islam in the future.
Global trade/Interactions (1450-1750)
East Asia:
China: many navigational inventions[sternpost rudder, lateen sails, astrolabe, magnetic compass]; relied on regional
trade; Japan: prohibited foreign trade
Western Europe:
Trade no longer land based only; Hanseatic League; European exploration and colonization; new navigational technology
utilized for voyages; British East India Company; stole info. From Spanish/Portuguese
Eastern Europe:
Russia: forced to establish agencies in Moscow/St. Pete; traded primarily with nomads of central Asia; Ottoman Empire:
European traders formed colonies with Constantinople; dismissed western tech and trade.
South Asia:
India encouraged to trade with West but was more preoccupied with imperial expansion.
Latin America:
Exploration of Portugal; Spain headed West-Columbus’s voyage; Reconquista delayed Spanish exploration; Vasco de
Gama, Dias, Ferdinand Magellan; haciendas formed;
Middle East:
Colonies formed here by western Europe. Traded with West but more interested in expanding empire;
Silk Road connected everyone; east to west (1200-1600); Renaissance; gunpowder; European colonization and
exploration; Commercial Revolution; Atlantic Slave Trade; ships used for trade; Crusades
***Think about how this connects to today!***
(Look @ regional/thematic outlines)
Gender Relations
1450-1750 CE
Japan- women live with
increased restrictions on
daily lives, obey husband or
face death.
Women educated at home.
Known as Warring Period
Queen mothers ran royal
house, kept relations with
foreign nations and
controlled marriage alliance.
Exploration & colonization
ensures spread of
language, culture,
Russia- nobles adopt
Western European culture
thru language (some spoke
French) and dressing style,
but ordinary peoples remain
the same.
Mughal outlaw Sati,
encourage widows to
remarry, Hindu-Muslim try
East Asia
Western Europe
Eastern Europe
South Asia
for better relations.
Women=Aristocrats, able to
supply income (all castes)
Changes brought by
Europeans, Columbian
Exchange, slavery
encouraged, European
disease diminish Aztec and
Incan culture and peoples.
Harems-complex social
network, originally nonIslamic slaves/prisoners,
mothers had influence if son
represented in court-became
members of sultan’s
extended family
Latin America
Middle East
1450-1750 CE
Demographic shifts
East Asia
1. Asia to Euro = yellow fever, malaria, small pox.
2. Malaysia + Indo + Sing = colonized.
3. Ming = brief exploration, but pull back = isolated.
4. Qing/Manchu Dynasty
5. Tokugawa Japan = united Japan, pop growth, rain
grain production increase, urbanized, quality weapons.
6. Pop growth in China
Western Europe
1. Syphilis
2. Growth of urban pop.
3. China + Japan colonized.
4. Exploration, colonization, imperialism.
5. Port: colonize Goa, Malacca, Sri Lanka.
6. Spain = Columbus.
7. English fight wars with Spain for territory.
8. Britain = colonized India.
9. Dutch = Indonesia, Africa Cape Colony.
10. Extract natural resources.
11. Colonize Americas.
12. Spanish + Port = bring in African Slaves to
13. Renaissance, Protestant Reformation, Scientific Rev,
Eastern Europe
1.Trade with nomads of Central Asia.
2. Cossacks: recruited peasants.
3. Russia = isolated from West, pushed eastward.
4. Not part of Renaissance.
5. Catherine the Great = enforced serfdom.
South Asia
1. Mughal India = Gunpowder Empire = use weapons to
maintain regional power.
2. Conflict between Hindus & Muslims.
3. Decline of power = vulnerable to outside influence.
4. Brit East India Company.
Latin America
1. Measles.
2. Monoculture.
3. Domestication of animals.
4. Exploitation of natural resources.
5. Columbian exchange.
6. Pop increase.
7. Horses = new method of labor.
8. Encomienda system = Am Feudalism.
9. Food: squash, beans, corn, potatoes, cacao =
population growth.
10. Euro disease kill Ams.
11. Huge Estates = Haciendas.
Middle East
1. Abbasid Caliphate = lose power.
2. Gunpowder empires: ottoman, safavid.
3. Influence Ren in Euro = go back to ideas of Greek
and Romans.
1. Atlantic slave trade = slaves taken from Africa =
deplete population.
2. Triangular Slave Trade – slaves from Af in Middle
Passage = many died, Euro give guns to Af.
3. Euro & Africa in Columbian exchange= horses, pigs,
goats, chili peppers, sugar cane.
4. Africans = separated from families.
Overall Major themes/turning points
1. Rise of nation states = rivalry between nations for
2. World Trade.
3. Columbian exchange – disease = unintended part =
bubonic plague.
4. Growth of urban population == famine, enclosure