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Microbiology: Lower Respiratory Tract Infections
Age is a key determinant for pneumonia:
o Children: viruses are primary causes; bacteria cause secondary infections
o Adult: depends on a variety of risk factos
Adult pneumonia may be CA or HA/Nosocomial:
o CA Risks: alcohol abuse, occupational exposure, underlying condition
o HA Risks: immunocompromise and mechanical ventilation
Atypical pneumonias are caused by a pathogen other than S.pneumo: also defined as primary pneumonia that did
NOT involve an initiating viral infection
Streptococcus pneumoniae (Pneumococcus):
Virulence Factors (Relevant to Lower Respiratory Tract Infections):
o Polysccharide capsule (90 serotypes): primary virulence factor
Prevents complement deposition (C3b)
Prevents phagocytosis by alveolar macrophages
Facilitates evasion of lung surfactant
Abs to capsule confer host immunity
o Pneumolysin: sulfhydryl activated cytolysin (hemolysin)
Damages membranes (related to SLO); subunits oligomerize in cell membrane to form a pore
Cholesterol is cell membrane receptor
Acts on several cell types (pulmonary epithelium, PMNs and monocytes)
Role in Pathognesis:
 Evasion of the immune response and clearance from nasopharynx
 May permit spread to bloodstream from alveoli (bacteremia)
 Cell-bound form activates complement, contributes to inflammation
o Cell Wall TA and Peptidoglycan:
Gram (+) Shock: strong inflammatory response (similar to LPS in G negative); inflammation
elicits fever and lung damage (bloody sputum)
 Activate alternate complement pathway
 Production of IL-1 and TNF alpha
o Exclusively a human pathogen: many asymptomatic carriers (transient carriage also possible)
o Transmission: person to person (droplet spread)
o Recurrent pneumococcal pneumonia: is a presenting manifestation of AIDS
o Most common cause of acute bacterial pneumonia in any age group
o Establishment of Organism in Lower Respiratory Tract:
Aspiration of pneumococci from middle respiratory tract
Compromised cough reflex permits entry into lower respiratory tract
 Common Causes: stroke, alcoholism, drugs, anesthesia, viral infection
Alveolar Abs usually clear pneumococci from lower respiratory tract
o Acute Pneumonia: infection of lung parenchyma
Cough: with productive sputum (purulent material from alveoli)
Inflammatory Response:
 Complement components increase vascular permeability (fluid accumulates)
 Disrupted gas exchange (suffocation)
o Secondary Complications:
Bacteremia: due to inflammatory response and damage to endothelial cells
Acute Purulent Meningitis: bacteremia may lead to meningitis
 Pneumococci adhere to vascular endothelium in CNS and cause cell death
 Pneumococci breach BBB/BCB to enter CSF
Clinical ID:
o Sputum Gram Stain: important diagnostic tool, but issues
Major Problem: contamination with flora from oropharynx
 Sputum is MONOMICROBIC and contains PMNs
 Contaminating saliva is POLYMICROBIC and has squamous epithelial cells
G(+) lancet shaped diplococcic
No Lancefield grouping
Biochemical Tests:
Capsular serotyping
Quelling reaction (anti-capsule Abs)
Optochin (P disk) sensitive
Bile soluble (distinguish from viridians strep)
Blood Culture:
Detects bacteremia and confirms sputum sample
Latex agglutination used to detect circulating pneumococcal Abs
Radiology: shows bronchopneumonia that can consolidate to lobar pneumonia
Haemophilus influenzae:
Virulence Factors (Relevant to Lower Respiratory Tract Infections):
o Polysaccharide capsule
Subject to Ag variation
Hib most virulent (capsular serotype B)
o Normal Flora: commonly in upper respiratory tract
Humans can be carriers of both encapsulated and non-encapsulated (non-typable) strains
o Transmission: person to person (droplet)
o Peak Age Group: 2-5 years old
o Pneumonia: can be caused by both encapsulated and non-encapsulated strains
Encapsulated: similar disease to pneumococcal pneumonia
 Hib pneumonia: increased virulence with a higher incidence of positive blood
cultures (less common than non-typable because lower colonization rates)
Non-Encapsulated: less virulent
 Predisposing Factors of Nontypable Pneumonia:
o Chronic bronchitis
o Emphysema
o Obstructive pulmonary disease
o Acute Epiglotittitis: can also be caused by H.influenzae
Clinical ID:
o Sample Collection:
Sputum and blood cultures (positive in 10-15% of patients; higher with Hib pneumonia)
o Cultures:
G(-) coccobacilli
Fastidious (requires X and V blood factors for growth)
Legionella pneumophilia:
o Parasite of freshwater and soil protozoa: Acanthomoeba, Naeglaria
Found in reservoirs for ameba/bacteria (cooling towers, AC systems, plumbing, hospital
respiratory equipment); routine disinfection of cooling systems used as prevention
Existence inside ameba provides survival advantage
 More resistant to disinfectants
 Can survive over winter inside cyst of ameba
 May be capable of living outside of ameba in biofilms
o Transmission: inhalation (but NO person-to-person spread)
o Acute Pneumonia:
Generally low virulence in humans: most people have Abs because of it ubiquity in nature
Contributors to pathogenesis: nosocomial infections, immunocompromise, smoking,
excessive alcohol use, old age
Syndromes Caused:
Legionnaire’s Disease: severe pneumonia with a 2-10 day incubation period (high mortality
rate, especially in immunocompromise)
Pontiac Fever: nonpneumonic (no pneumonia) febrile illness with a 1-2 day incubation
period (self-limiting); may be immune response to inhalation of dead/low virulence strains
Disseminated Disease: very rare; usually presents with pneumonia after a long incubation
period (days-weeks)
o Disease Process:
Inhaled organism has tropism for lung alveoli and bronchioles (forms microabsecesses)
Has a surface protein that binds C3 (enhances its own phagocytosis)
 “Coiling” phagocytosis
 Uptake may also occur without opsonization (bacteria-induced phagocytosis)
Survives in monocytes/macrophages as intracellular parasite
Once in the cell, expresses 30 new proteins that:
 Prevent phagolysosome fusion and acidification of the endocytotic vesicle
 Induce accumulation of ribosomes and mitochondria around phagosome
 Facilitate scavenging of iron from transferrin
Multiplication of Legionella is normally inhibited in an activated macrophage
Clinical ID:
o Urine EIA test for soluble Ag
o Normal staining and culture techniques not useful:
Does not Gram stain well:
 May be visualized with simple stains devoid of decolorization or silver impregnation
 Appears thin, pleomorphic G(-) rod with filamentous forms also seen
Growth media:
 Requires amino acids L-cysteine, and ferric ions
 Also needs to be on buffered medium (pH restrictions)
 Slow growth (2-5 days)
o PCR: used by reference lab for identification (most human infections caused by Philadelphia strain)
o Microscopic exam of tissue required: since Gram stain not useful
Legionella should be suspected in cases of severe progressive pneumonia with no known
etiologic agent
Organism is rarely found in sputum
 Need to collect lung aspirate, transtracheal aspirate, or lung biopsy
Identification based on antigenic structure and DNA homology tests
 Indirect immunofluorescence of serum (rise in Ab titer to Legionella)
 Difficult to assess due to high exposure rates in population
o Serological Diagnosis (Summary Chart): immunofluorescence
Acinetobacter spp.
o Environment: lives in soil, water and on the skin of healthy people (especially healthcare workers); can
survive on dry surfaces for up to 20 days
o Antibiotic resistant: innately resistant to man classes of antibiotics
o Frequent cause of nosocomial infections
Pathogenesis: causes pneumonia and serious blood/wound infections in immunocompromised patients
Clinical ID: G(-) coccobacillus (resembles Haemophilus)
Mycoplasma pneumoniae:
Virulence Factors (Relevant to Lower Respiratory Tract Infections):
o Adhesin: binds sialic acid containing glycolupids or glycoproteins on bronchial epithelial cells
o Hydrogen peroxide: damages tissue
o Superoxide: damages tissue
o Autoantibodies may be generated during infection: homology between host cell and mycoplasma
membrane glycolipids; reactive to lymphocytes, smooth muscle, brain, lung tissue
o Common age group: teenagers
Transmission: droplet spread (very low infectious dose); common in closed communities
Organism shed both before and long after onset of symptoms
o Walking Pneumonia: less severe than other bacterial pneumonias
o Disease Process:
Colonization of bronchial epithelium interferes with ciliary action
Inflammation and exudate are the primary contributors to pathogenesis
o Second Infection Site: non-purulent otitis media
o Sequelae:
Immunopathology due to cross-reactive Abs
Possible complications:
 Hemolytic anemia
 Aseptic meningitis
 Pancreatitis
Clinical ID:
o Culture:
No organism in sputum
Organism grows too slow to culture (require cholesterol for growth)
No Gram stain (no cell wall)
Difficult to detect microscopically
o Structure:
Lack cell wall (no Gram stain or treatment with B-lactams); bound by triple membrane
containing sterols
o Serodiagnosis: can be used to detect circulating Ags or complement-fixing Ab
Ab to M.pneumoniae is diagnostic (disease has a long IP so patient presents with high titers)
o DNA hybdrization or PCR: also being developed for detection
o Serological Diagnosis (Summary Chart): complement fixation or IgM titers (ELISA)
Chlamydia pneumoniae:
Virulence Factors (Relevant to Lower Respiratory Tract Infections):
o Life Cycle:
Elementary Body: infectious stage that carries adhesin for receptor binding (attaches and
induces endocytosis into columnar epithelial cells)
Reticulate Body: replicates once in cell; metabolically active (uses host ATP)
 Eventually reorganize and release infectious EB from the cell
o Humans are only host: ~50% of adults seropositive, but reinfection still occurs
o Causes:
Atypical Pneumonia (Walking Pneumonia): in school children and young adults
o Clinical picture resembles M.pneumoniae
Clinical ID:
o Morphology/Growth:
G(-) outer membrane, but no cell wall (cannot Gram stain or treat with B-lactams)
Inclusions are glycogen (-)
o Detection:
Direct immunofluorescent staining of outer membrane proteins
DNA or RNA detection using probes and PCR
Inclusions do not contain glycogen
o Serological Diagnosis (Summary Chart): immunofluorescence or ELISA
Staphylococcus aureus:
o Acute pneumonia: secondary to some other insult to the lung (ie. influenza)
Empyema: purulent infection of pleural space (gains access by contiguous spread from infected lung)
Lung Abscess: complication of acute or chronic pneumonia (may be caused by aspiration of oral or
gastric contents)
Clinical ID:
o Samples: sputum, lung abscess aspirate, blood culture (disseminated infection)
G(+) cocci in clusters
Catalase (+)
Coagulase (+)
o Antibiotic susceptibilities required
o Radiology: used to diagnose lung absecesses
Mycobacterium tuberculosis:
Virulence Factors (Relevant to Lower Respiratory Tract Infections):
o Mycolic Acid (Cord Factor): long chain fatty acid
Resistance to drying and disinfectants
Promotes hypersensitivity granuloma
Promotes inflammatory response (TNF) and damage to lung tissue
o Lipoarabinomamman: cell wall glycolipid
Suppresses T cell proliferation
Prevents macrophage activation
o Sulfolipids (Polyanionic Lipids): inhibits macrophage phagosome-lysosome fusion
o Catalase: degrades hydrogen peroxide
o Ammonia Production: prevents acidification in phagolysosome
o Pathogenic Mycobacteria spp.:
M.tuberculosis: primary cause of TB
M.bovis: from infected milk; has been eradicated through pasteurization (rare cause of TB)
M.africanum: causes TB in Africa
M.avium complex (avium and intracellulare): opportunistic pathogens causing TB-like
disease; cause disseminated disease in AIDS patients
M.leprae: causes leprosy (degenerative disease of skin and nerves; rare in US)
o US Infection Points:
Incidence is significant amongst AIDS patients and immigrants
Outbreaks often occur in closed communities (nursing homes, shelters, prisons)
~1% are multi-drug resistant
o Types of TB:
Primary Infection: unapparent in 95% of cases
 Gohn (Primary) Complex: lung granuloma (due to DTH reaction) and enlarged LNs
Progressive Primary TB: occurs in ~5% of cases of primary TB (infection does not resolve)
 Disseminates: bloodborne or miliary TB
Reactivation TB: low percentage of cases (risk increases with age, alcoholism, diabetes,
decreased immune function)
 Common Site: apex of lung (highest oxygen tension- aerobic organism)
Disseminated TB: either due to progressive primary TB or reactivation TB
 Occurs through lymph or erosion of necrotic tubercle in lung
 Results in infection of liver, spleen, kidney, bone or meninges
o Tuberculin Skin Test:
Inject a purified protein derivative (PPD): autolyzed bacteria containing protein, lipid,
polysaccharide and nucleic acid injected under the skin and reaction read in 48-72 hours
DTH Reaction to PPD: local induration and erythema is positive reaction (seen 6 weeks after
primary infection)
Positive DTH Reaction Significance:
 Coincides with tubercle (hypersensitivity granuloma) formation
 Indicates exposure (to M.tuberculosis or cross-reactive species), but not necessarily
active disease (only 5% of skin test positive cases progress to active disease)
 BCG vaccination renders test invalid (will always be positive)
Negative DTH Reaction Significance:
 No exposure to organisms
In prehypersensitivity stage (within 6 weeks of exposure)
Loss of sensitivity (disappearance of Ag from primary complex)
Anergy due to immunocompromise (poor prognosis if test was previously positive)
o Transmission: aerosol inhalation, enters the lungs (primary focus)
o Engulfed by alveolar macrophages: carried to LN
o Resists innate defenses: PMNs, inactivated macrophages, lysozyme
o Humoral response is weak (IgM): no effective complement-mediated killing
o Cell-Mediated response:
Helper and cytotoxic T cells activate alveolar macrophages to ingest organisms
Activated macrophages prevent replication of organism; if there is an inadequate response,
the organism can replicate in the macrophage phagosome
Slow replication (part of pathogenesis)
Cytokine response to organism causes systemic TB symptoms (weight loss, fever)
o Containment of pathogen in tubercle (microscopic granuloma):
Made of multinucleated giant cells, activated macrophages and lymphocytes
Can become necrotic and caseous (cheesy)
Fibroblasts and collagen accumulate at lesion
Tissue destruction causes chronic productive cough and blood-stained sputum
o Potential fates of tubercle:
Become fibrotic/calcified with dead bacteria (shows up on chest X-ray)
Can remain dormant for years (source of reactivation)
Necrotic tubercles may erode into blood vessels (causing disseminated/miliary TB)
o DTH reaction confers long-lived memory and protection from re-infection:
Loss of prior DTH is a bad prognostic indication of rapidly progressing disease (see above)
Basis of tuberculin skin test
Clinical ID:
o Specimen collection: sputum, biopsy (sometimes), blood (if miliary TB)
o Staining: provides diagnosis BEFORE bacteria grows (slow growing)
Acid Fast Stain (Ziehl-Neelsen)
Chemotherapy monitored by periodic examination for AFB counts
o Cultivation:
Very slow growth: decontamination of sputum (4% NaOH) to inhibit faster growing bacteria;
appearance of visible colonies may take 2 weeks (24 hour doubling time)
Special media: Lownstein Jensen (LJ) agar or Middlebrook agar
o Rapid ID:
rRNA and DNA probes
PCR to detect common insertion sequence
Growth in 14C-palmitic acid (catabolized to CO2 which is therefore labeled and measured)
o Drug susceptibilities: done in reference labs
o Extensively drug-resistance TB (XDR TB): rare type of multidrug-resistant TB (MDR TB)
Resistant to first line and second line drugs
Pseudomonas aeruginosa:
Virulence Factors (Relevant to Lower Respiratory Tract Infections):
o Adhesins:
Protein pilus adhesin (binding to asialoGM1)
Non-pilus adhesin (binding to mucus)
o Alginate: polysaccharide capsule for biofilm formation
Permits colonization of lung and evasion of the host immune response
Regulated in response to environmental signals
o Elastase: protease that degrades lung elastin (tissue damage)
o Exotoxin A: similar structure/activity to diphtheria toxin (ADP ribosylation of elongation factor 2)
o Multiple resistance to antimicrobials and disinfectants:
Mutation leads to loss of porin and decreased entry of antimicrobials
Alteration of LPS to form that does not bind antibiotics
Etiology: common environmental isolate that can cause nosocomial infections (waterborne)
o Conditions causes:
Acute pneumonia
o Infections in Cystic Fibrosis:
CF Lung: increased mucus secretion due to defect in CFTR (causes decreased sialylation of
surface glycolipids)
Increased susceptibility to infection by Pseudomonas: because of increase in asialoGM1
Resistance to phagocytosis: Pseudomonas infecting CF lung phenotypically switch to mucoid
 Alignate gel + excess mucus in CF = physical barrier to phagocytosis
 In addition, anti-pseudomonas Abs may be defective in CF patients
Resistance to antimicrobials: alginate gel + excess mucus in CF = physical barrier to drugs
 Primary infection in younger age group by S.aureus; colonizing Pseudomonas
strains develop resistance to anti-staphylococcal drugs used to treat it
Lung tissue damage: persistent colonization and elastase release by pathogen results in
tissue damage and inflammation (recruited PMNs also release protease that contributes)
Infection rarely spreads beyond lungs in patients with CF
Clinical ID:
o G(-) rods in sputum
o Aerobic (OF Dextrose tubes demonstrate aerobic growth)
o Oxidase (+)
Aspergillus spp.:
Virulence Factors (Relevant to Lower Respiratory Tract Infections):
o Infectious conidia: germinate to mold form
o Hyphae: bind fibrinogen and complement components
o (Alflatoxin: produced by A.flavus growing on peanuts- potent carcinogen)
o Basics: common environmental mold that is an emerging etiologic agent of nosocomial pneumonia
o Predisposing Factors:
Chronic bronchitis
Immunosuppression (opportunistic infection)
o Requirements for infection:
Frequent inhalation of infectious conidia
Inhalation of fungal elements (spores) or colonization (allergic aspergillosis/Farmer’s lung)
o May colonize respiratory tract:
May lead to tissue invasion by hypae
Principal host defense is pulmonary PMN killing of invasive hyphae
o Infections Cause:
Acute Pneumonia
Lung Abscesses
Clinical ID:
o Lung aspiration, bronchial lavage, or biopsy:
Mold form: grows rapidly and is easily identified
Structure: typical septate hyphae with conidia (spore)
o Radiology: visible fungus ball can form in pulmonary cavity
Histoplasma capsulatum:
Virulence Factors (Relevant to Lower Respiratory Tract Infections):
o Dimporphic Growth Phase: mold in environment that produces infectious conidia; pathogenic yeast in
o Environmental source: associated with bird and bat droppings
o Transmission: inhalation of conidia (exposure is common, but disease is rare); no person to person
o Primary infection site: pulmonary
o Causes a chronic pneumonia: grows inside macrophages and produces a granuloma similar to TB; may
disseminate to infect organs of the reticuloendothelial system
o Immune response: T cell activation of macrophages to prevent intracellular growth (long term
immunity to re-infection)
Clinical ID:
o Samples:
Radiograph: granulomas resembling TB
Blood or biopsy required: sputum not useful
If disseminated infection: biopsy of liver, spleen, and LN
Isolation of yeast cells: in bone marrow
o Cultural isolation/histological identification (firm diagnosis):
Grows slowly on BAP and Sabouraud agar
Fungus appears dimorphic (yeast and mold forms)
Mold form produces tuberculate macroconidia (finger-like projections carrying spores)
o Seroological Tests:
There is widespread exposure and cross-reactivity to other pathogens
DTH skin reaction to mycelial Ag used for epidemiological analyses
Complement fixing Ab test for yeast and mycelial Ags predicts prognosis
o Immunodiffusion test
o DNA probe
Blastomyces dermatitidis:
Virulence Factors (Relevant to Lower Respiratory Tract Infections):
o Similar to Histoplasma: dimorphic growth phase
o Difference: yeast cells exist extracellularly, not in macrophages
o Geographic distribution: similar to Histoplasma (middle and SE US)
o More common in males: probably due to occupational exposure
o Conidia inhaled from soil: results in pulmonary infection with yeast cells
o PMN infiltration: and formation of granuloma, leading to chronic pneumonia
May mimic pulmonary tumor or TB
o May disseminate:
Chronic infection of skin and bone most common
 May even disseminate in subclinical infections
 Necrosis and fibrosis at infected area can lead to disfigurement
Dissemination to UG tract also possible
o Immune response:
T cell mediated response and cytokine-activated macrophages
Large yeast cells can resist oxidative and non-oxidative killing mechanisms
Clinical ID:
o Biopsy:
Large yeast cells with broad buds
Grows slowly on mycological media (~4 weeks)
o Serodiagnosis: hampered by cross-reactivity with other fungi
o No skin test
Coccidioides immitis:
Virulence Factors (Relevant to Lower Respiratory Tract Infections):
o Dimorphic growth phase
Mold: produces infectious arthroconidia
Spherule: invasive tissue form that produces reproductive endospores
o Geographical: Southwestern US (Valley Fever)
o Usually mild disease: Valley fever is acute pulmonary infection with cough, chest pain, and myalgia
o May become chronic pneumonia: occurs with decreased T cell response (AIDS, chemo)
o May disseminate: to skin, bone, joints and meninges (very rare)
o Disease Process:
Arthroconidia inhaled and converts to spherule
PMNs and macrophages respond
 Arthroconidia phagocytosed
 Spherule grows too large for phagocytosis
Release of endospores from spherules induces a strong inflammatory response
 Endospores phagocytosed
 Intracellular forms can prevent phagolysosome fusion and survive
Inflammatory response results in granuloma formation (15% cavitate)
o Immune Response:
Cell mediated (PMN, T Cell) immunity to arhtoconidia or endospores
Chronic or progressive infection can result in T cell anergy
 Spherules burst and pathogen load is so heavy it induces anergy)
Clinical ID:
o Best: detection of characteristic spherules in histologic sections
o Detection of complement fixing Abs indicates prognosis:
Low titers: primary pulmonary disease with good CMI response
High titers: disseminated disease and T cell anergy
o Skin test detects DTH, but is of limited value: due to common exposure
Positive: 1-4 weeks after onset and positive for life (indicates immunity to reinfection)
Negative: may be performing too soon after exposure or disease has progressed to anergy
o Immunodiffusion
o DNA probe
Pneumocystis (carinii) jirovecii:
o Very common infection of generally low virulence
o Causes PCP in immunocompromised hosts:
Premature infants
Patients undergoing chemotherapy
Organ transplant patients on immunosuppressants
AIDS (primary predisposing factor)
o Presenting Manifestation of AIDS:
Most common opportunistic infection in AIDS
Prophylaxis and HAART has reduced incidence
Occurs due to loss of T cell function (risk increases when T cell count below 200)
o Acute Pneumonia/Lethal Pneumonitis:
Progressive, diffuse pneumonia after:
 Corticosteroid use and leukemia
 AIDS onset (insidious onset; lesions outside of lung may also be seen)
Concurrent infections common (bacterial, fungal, parasitic, viral)
Alveoli become filled with desquamated cells, organisms, monocytes and fluid (foamy
Clinical ID:
o Classification:
Classified as a protozoan based on morphology and drug susceptibility
Classified as a fungus based on rRNA sequence homology with other fungi
Sample Collection:
Sputum induced with hypertonic saline (only usefully in AIDS patients because of larger
number of organisms)
Brochoalveolar lavage and transbronchial biopsies more helpful
Histological (Definitive):
Extracellular cysts and trophs seen
Latent infections characterized by scattered cysts in contact with alveolar cells
Based on Symptoms:
Mild or low grade fever
Typical signs of pneumonia absent (cough is non-productive)
Progressive dyspnea and tachypnea
Cyanosis and hypoxia
Death by asphyxiation