Download Status of Virgo : Past, Present, Future

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Document related concepts
European Gravitational Observatory
“Raison d'être”, origin, structure
& future perspectives
Federico Ferrini – EGO Director
The history of the project
The VIRGO Collaboration
 First studies:
– Brillet (Nice): optics
– Giazotto (Pisa): seismic isolation
 Collaboration Italy - France established in
CNRS and INFN approved the VIRGO project.
1997 Construction starts near Pisa
EGO –ICRR Meeting 4/5 October 2011
The history of the project
Foundation of EGO in 2000
2004/2005 Commissioning
2006 Physics
Netherlands: Nikhef joined EGO in 2006
 EGO Council approved Advanced VIRGO in
Poland (POLGRAW) & Hungary (RMKI) joined
EGO in 2010
EGO –ICRR Meeting 4/5 October 2011
EGO in synthesis
Consortium to support
& operate VIRGO
and promote
cooperation for
gravitational waves
in Europe
The Structure
EGO Council
Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee
Virgo Spokesperson
EGO Director
Directorate services
Interferometer operation
Site & Infrastructure
Technical Coordination for upgrades
EGO Staff ~ 65 FTE
EGO –ICRR Meeting 4/5 October 2011
EGO Council
President: Stavros Katsanevas
Vice-President: Benedetto D’Ettorre
CNRS delegates:
Jean-Marie Hameury
Pascale Rubin
INFN delegates:
Angelo Scribano
Enrico Iacopini
NIKHEF observer:
Frank Linde
Isabelle Aleci
Roberto Pellegrini
EGO –ICRR Meeting 4/5 October 2011
EGO –ICRR Meeting 4/5 October 2011
A large infrastructure :
• 3 km long arms: ΔL / L = 10-21
• 60 ha of land; ~150000 m3 of buildings
• The largest high vacuum system in Europe : 7000 m3
P ≅10-9 mbar
• High tech optics
• Several class 10 clean rooms
•15000 m3 thermo stabilized to +- 0.2 °C
• 600 kW electrical power
• 24h/24h data taking; 1 TB/day collected
LAPP – Annecy
LMA – Lyon
INFN – Padova-Trento
NIKHEF – Amsterdam
INFN – Napoli
RMKI - Budapest
INFN – Perugia
OCA – Nice
INFN - Pisa
INFN – Firenze-Urbino
LAL – Orsay
INFN – Genova
INFN – Roma 1
APC – Paris
INFN – Roma 2
LKB - Paris
POLGRAV - Warsaw
EGO Aims according to Statute
The Consortium shall have as its purpose the
promotion of research in the field of gravitation in
EGO pursues the following objectives:
“Ensures the construction of the antenna VIRGO,
its operation, maintenance and upgrade as well
as its exploitation.”
EGO –ICRR Meeting 4/5 October 2011
EGO Functioning
Human Resources:
Staff: 64.5 FTE
36: Engineers and applied physicists
Nationalities: Italy +
15 FTE: France, Germany, The Netherlands
United Kingdom, Russia
Financial Resources:
CNRS (France)
INFN (Italy)
Nikhef (The Netherlands)
RMKI (Hungary)
Polgrav (Poland)
EGO –ICRR Meeting 4/5 October 2011
EGO Support to VIRGO
To ensures operation, maintenance and upgrade
of the interferometer VIRGO:
Infrastructures & laboratories:
EGO –ICRR Meeting 4/5 October 2011
Optics Group: Main tasks
• Maintenance and support for all the on-site Virgo activity in which
optical and electro-optical expertise is required, in particular:
Injection and detection system
Local controls
• Involvement in commissioning activity:
Interferometer pre-alignment and automatic alignment
Injection system
Detection system
Diffused light
Thermal effects
• Reference within the collaboration for support in optics for Virgo.
R&D activities, e.g. “High power input optical components for
Advanced Virgo”.
• Main group involved in the Advanced Virgo INJ Subsystem
Electronic Group: Main Tasks
• Electronics Maintenance/Upgrade
-Suspension electronics production, assembly and installation
-Suspension electronics documentation, maintenance and upgrade
-Injection System electronics maintenance support
• Commissioning support
-Injection System electronics characterization and troubleshooting
-Environmental Monitoring characterization
-Specific devices electronics modification
•Advanced Virgo
-Development of the Electronic needed for the INJ Subsystem
-Electronic Standardisation
Operations group: Main Tasks
Automation of ITF procedures
– Coordination, maintenance, upgrades
Detector Monitoring
– Coordination, maintenance, requirement definitions, testing
Operation of Clean Rooms
– Management and maintenance
Commissioning support
– Mirror Suspension Control,
– Alignment,
– Noise hunting
Partecipation to the SAT AdV Subsystem
– In vacuum cabling
– Superattenuator components assembly
EGO Aims on a larger horizon
Carries out research in the field of gravitation
of common interest of the Members
Promotes contacts among scientists and
engineers, dissemination and training for
young researchers
Promotes co-operation on experimental and
theoretical gravitational waves research
in Europe
EGO –ICRR Meeting 4/5 October 2011
EGO Recent Actions
Organization of II ASPERA Technology Forum
20-21 October 2011, focus on “Optics and Laser”
Addressed both to the GW experiments and to the
“traditional” telescopes (CTA, Magic, ….)
Member of IDPASC, International Doctorate Network in
Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology, since 2011
Organization of ISAPP 2010, International School on AstroParticle Physics: ”Early Universe & GWs”
EU Researchers’ night partnership with INFN-LNF
EGO –ICRR Meeting 4/5 October 2011
EGO & Training
Established in 2004, the VIRGO EGO Scientific Forum
is composed of 47 research groups active in the
European scientific community.
 A total of 18 fellowships with a two-year duration have been
funded in Italy (7), Spain (3), France (2), Germany (2), Greece (1),
Hungary (1), Poland (1) and UK (1).
 A yearly school to introduce Physics students to gravitational
waves is organized since 2006. In addition, VESF launched a
complementary yearly school on GW Data Analysis in 2010.
More than 150 graduating students were introduced to GW and
to the techniques used to detect them.
EGO –ICRR Meeting 4/5 October 2011
Coordination of EU projects:
2004/2008 ILIAS (Integrated Large Infrastructures for
AstroParticles Science) project, coordinator of the
networking activity: GW Antenna
2008/2011 Einstein Telescope
• coordination and management of the project
• support to the ET science team
• interface with the EC
• reporting activity
2011/2015 ELiTES project
• coordination and management
EGO –ICRR Meeting 4/5 October 2011
EGO MTP 2012/2016
The main activities foreseen in the EGO Medium Term Plan
 Construction of the Advanced VIRGO detector, 2011/2014.
 Commissioning of AdV & early science run, 2015.
 From 2016, AdV science run.
 R&D and subsequent implementation necessary for a
significant sensitivity increase of Advanced VIRGO beyond the
design sensitivity, 2013/2016
 Einstein Telescope in the framework of a European
collaboration, to produce a Conceptual Design Report, and
potentially continue with the Technical Design Report.
EGO –ICRR Meeting 4/5 October 2011
Present of GW research in Europe
o There is a scientific case
o There are scientific and technological competencies, developed locally
in Laboratories
o There are research infrastructures, thanks to the vision of National
o There are industries which provided the high-tech components,
acquiring know-how to be spent on the market
o There are first class World-wide technology transfers and/or spin-off
from EGO/VIRGO and GEO600: (a) mechanics (IT), (b) lasers (DE),
(c) mirrors (FR & DE)
o The two EU interferometers have done a common science run during
summer 2011
o The National scientific communities have demonstrated to be able to
cooperate on a common project (the Einstein Telescope)
o There is a well consolidated management (EU grants, EU projects,
science and technology workshops, R&D, training)
EGO –ICRR Meeting 4/5 October 2011
EGO & GEO600
A multi-sited Research Infrastructure
Lead 3rd Generation Interferometers
Local & Global
The virtuous quadrilateral:
EGO –ICRR Meeting 4/5 October 2011
Three Steps:
Active participation in EU GW projects
Increase the participation of the National
GW communities in Europe to EGO
Develop the dialogue with the GW
communities in other regions of the World
EGO –ICRR Meeting 4/5 October 2011
• An efficient, responsive and light structure to
support Virgo and promote European
collaboration under supervision by national
• EGO existence relies on Virgo/AdV success
• The future of GW inVIRGO
Europe depends upon a
stronger collaboration between EU countries.
EGO may prefigure the required infrastructure.