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Introduction to Athletic Training
Final Exam Study Guide Review Questions
Know the location of and be able to label the bony landmarks and ligaments of the knee.
Tibial tuberosity
Lateral Collateral Ligament
Medial Collateral Ligament
Anterior Cruciate Ligament
Posterior Cruciate Ligament
What type of joint is the knee?
What action does the quadriceps muscle group perform? Where are they located?
What action does the hamstrings muscle group perform? Where are they located?
Which calf muscle is the most superficial and helps with knee flexion?
What are the four ligaments of the knee and where area they located?
Know the following information about the injuries that occur at the knee.
Affected Structures
Mechanism of Injury
Signs & Symptoms
Patellar Tendinitis
Osgood – Schlatter’s
ACL Sprain
PCL Sprain
LCL Sprain
MCL Sprain
Meniscus Tear
Different types of surgery done for ACL and meniscus injuries.
Ankle, Foot & Lower Leg
Know the location of and be able to label the bones of the foot.
What muscles cause ankle dorsiflexion?
What muscles cause ankle plantar flexion?
What muscles cause ankle inversion?
What muscles cause ankle eversion?
Know the following information about the injuries that occur at the ankle.
Structures Affected
Mechanism of Injury
Signs & Symptoms
Structures Affected
Mechanism of Injury
Signs & Symptoms
Jones Fracture
Stress Fracture
Medial Tibial Stress
Syndrome (Shin
Achilles Tendon
Achilles Tendon
Inversion Ankle Sprain
Eversion Ankle Sprain
Ankle Dislocation
Do all concussions result in a loss of consciousness?
What are the mechanisms of injury for concussions?
What are the signs and symptoms of a concussion?
How do you prevent concussions?
What is second impact syndrome?
What disease did researchers find in the brains of every deceased athlete they
Describe each of the following types of budget.
o Spending Ceiling
o Spending Reduction
o Zero Based
o Line Item
o Lump Sum
Define and give examples of:
o Capital Equipment
o Non – expendable Equipment
o Expendable Equipment
Athletic Training Room Design
From where should the entire athletic training room be visible?
What flooring should be included in each area of the athletic training room?
o Hydrotherapy
o Rehabilitation
o Taping
What should be the “climate” of the athletic training storage room?
Environmental Concerns
What are the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion?
How is heat exhaustion treated?
To prevent heat cramps, you want to match fluid intake with what?
What other heat related illness are heat cramps associated with?
What causes heat syncope?
What is one thing you can do to manage heat syncope?
Where are the four main places you should apply a cold, wet towel to?
If you’re having heat stroke, your body temperature will be ________ degrees or over.
What are considered viable shelters during a thunderstorm?
What is the flash-bang theory and how is it calculated?
What are the rules/regulations regarding lightning and athletics?
Cervical Spine
What are the sections of the spine?
Label the different parts of the vertebrae.
Dermatomes and myotomes of the cervical spine and T1, T2.
Injuries to the cervical spine…
o Herniated disc
o Bulging disc
o Whiplash injury
o Stinger
o Cervical fracture
What are qualifying factors for an athlete to return to play?
Psychosocial Issues in Athletic Training
What are the signs/symptoms of anorexia?
What are the signs/symptoms of bulimia?
What roles can an athletic trainer play in helping athletes with psychosocial issues?
What are the five stages of grief?
What are the signs/symptoms of…
o Anxiety
o Depression
o Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder