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number HO -103
type law
source HHPT 1997.02.28 / 3
host's body The National Assembly
signatory authority the President
approving authority
Effective Date 28.02.1997
type incorporation
status It works
place of acceptance Yerevan
adoption date 03.02.1997
date of signing 15.02.1997
ratification date
The expiry date
Popokhoghner and inkorporatsianer
ON THE PREVENTION of disease caused by Human Immunodeficiency Virus
H O © Central Bank
Adopted by the National Assembly
of the President's
objections and suggestions
on February 3, 1997
Preventing Disease Caused by Human Immunodeficiency Virus
This law defines the human immunodeficiency virus caused disease prevention, diagnosis and control procedures, as well
as the prevention of disease caused by Human Immunodeficiency Virus organizational, legal, economic and financial
Article 1.
The basic concepts used in the law
In this law the following basic concepts.
Human immunodeficiency virus (hereinafter referred to as HIV), a virus that affects the immune system and leads to
formation and development of human immunodeficiency syndrome.
HIV infection, long-term chronic infectious disease, which is caused by HIV.
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (the AIDS), a disease that develops HIV in infected people, is considered the last
stage of HIV infection, characterized by sports and other aspects of the immune system, causing the body becomes over
exposed to various infectious and oncological diseases. .
HIV-infected person, a person whose body was found in the virus or antibodies generated against the human
immunodeficiency virus. HIV-infected person, having no external signs of the syndrome, is considered to be a source of
AIDS patients, people with a deep lesion and pathological manifestations caused by human immunodeficiency virus
caused by the immune system.
(Article 1 edited by HO-63-N, 19.03.09)
Article 2.
AIDS prevention service
Armenia on HIV / AIDS prevention is carried out by state and local authorities within their delegated authority in the
manner prescribed by law, as well as health, educational and other organizations (irrespective of organizational-legal form)
the legislation of the Republic of Armenia competences reserved.
Armenia's population with HIV / AIDS Prevention and Monitoring in the Republic of Armenia to the National Center
for AIDS Prevention (hereinafter NCAP).
conducting HIV infection prevention measures and developing a national target program for efficient use of the funds
allocated to the authorized state body, which is approved by the Government.
HIV / tool in the fight against AIDS are eligible natural and legal persons (including foreign citizens, stateless persons,
foreign and international organizations), benefactors (individuals and legal entities, including foreign citizens, stateless
persons, foreign and international humanitarian organizations).
(Article 2 edited by HO -92 11.10.00, 19.03.09 HO-63-N)
Article 3.
Scope of this Law
This law applies to citizens of the Republic of Armenia, foreign citizens and stateless persons in the Republic of Armenia
(hereinafter referred to as entities), as well as enterprises operating in Armenia, (regardless of ownership of institutions and
Article 4.
The powers of the Government of the Republic of Armenia in the field of AIDS prevention
Government of the Republic of Armenia
a) regularly inform the public about AIDS prevention measures.
b) carry out AIDS surveillance by the authorized state bodies in the Republic of Armenia.
c) Establishment of the Republic of Armenia HIV-infected persons and AIDS patients' quality of specialized medical care
and services targeted programs.
d) create conditions for AIDS research and practical research.
e) carries out measures on moral and sexual education of adolescents, including HIV / AIDS prevention by means of
thematic issues relating to the inclusion in educational curricula.
f) establish conditions for personnel training in the field of AIDS prevention.
a) the Republic of Armenia in accordance with international agreements on the exchange of information on HIV and
AIDS prevalence.
h) approve the treatment of foreign nationals who were infected with HIV in order to enter the Republic of Armenia.
i) develop and implement the Republic of Armenia HIV / AIDS measures against the inter-institutional framework of the
state program on the prevention of HIV infection.
j) Ensure the availability of medical research in the detection of HIV infection, including anonymous HIV testing, which
is associated with the provision of hettestayin nakhatestayin and advice. Nakhatestayin hettestayin providing advice and
procedure established by the authorized state body.
k) establishes the procedure for the implementation of the post-test and doctors nakhatestayin HIV testing and
counseling to detainees and prisoners.
(Article 4 of the amended HO -32 09.02.00, 19.03.09 HO-63-N, 11.09.12 HO-181-N)
Article 5.
Funding for AIDS prevention and treatment programs
State funding for AIDS prevention and treatment programs is seen as a priority based on society as well as the necessity
of ensuring people's security and health.
HIV / AIDS funding in prevention, treatment and social protection of HIV-infected persons is carried out at the expense
of the state budget within the state targeted programs, as well as by other means not prohibited by law.
(Article 5 of the amended 11.10.00 HO -92, edited by HO-63-N, 19.03.09)
Article 6.
HIV-infected persons who guarantees of protection of rights and freedoms
The fact of being HIV-infected person who does not serve as a basis for the restriction of his rights and freedoms, unless
otherwise provided by law.
Article 7.
Foreign citizens and stateless persons entering the Republic of Armenia
(Article 7 repealed by HO-63-N, 19.03.09)
Article 8.
HIV-infected treatment of foreign nationals and stateless persons
(Title edited by HO-63-N, 19.03.09)
in the case of Armenia, foreign citizens and persons without citizenship detection of HIV in the body of their treatment
is organized according to the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.
HIV-infected foreign nationals as well as citizens of the Republic of Armenia established procedure, in accordance with
the law of access to treatment for stateless persons.
(Article 8 of the amended 09.02.00 HO -32, edited by HO-63-N, 19.03.09)
Article 9.
international agreements
If international agreements of Armenia define norms other than those provided in this Law, the norms of international
Article 10.
laboratory testing
laboratory tests are performed to detect HIV in health care facilities licensed by the Republic of Armenia (regardless of
In case of positive result HIV testing is carried out by NCAP's necessarily going to double research.
Laboratory tests are voluntary and anonymous HIV detection, except in cases provided for in Article 11 of this Law.
The persons who need blood transfusions, blood components or biological fluids, tissue and transplant organs, may
require double the laboratory testing to detect HIV.
Laboratory research on HIV and hettestayin nakhatestayin combined with counseling.
A study of children up to 14 years in the application made by or with the consent of their custodians, while children aged
14-18, their request or consent, unless otherwise provided by law.
(Article 10 supplemented by HO-63-N, 19.03.09)
Article 11.
HIV study subject groups
(Title edited by HO-63-N, 19.03.09)
Are subject to mandatory medical testing and counseling,
a) blood, body fluids, tissues and organs.
b) children born to HIV-infected mothers.
Doctors counseling and testing for HIV is provided,
a) pregnant women.
b) seravarakakirnerin.
c) drug addicts.
d) detainees and convicted persons.
All population groups have the right to receive voluntary counseling and testing for HIV.
The authorized state body established by the Government of Armenia 1 of this Article, the counseling and testing
procedures set out in paragraphs 2 and 3, except for the "d" of Part 2.
(Article 11 amended by HO -92 11.10.00, edited by HO-63-N 19.03.09, amended and supplemented by HO-181-N,
PRACTICE brings HIV-risk persons social security
Article 12.
Social Protection of Persons with HIV at work subject to the danger of infection
Enterprises, institutions and organizations of HIV-infected persons providing diagnosis and treatment of employees, as
well as for those employees whose work is related to HIV-containing material is defined
a) premium over wages.
b) shortened working day.
c) additional remuneration.
d) additional vacation.
These privileges and conditions attached to the order established by the Government of Armenia.
Health organizations are required to provide HIV testing of HIV-infected individuals, as well as medical personnel and
facilities necessary security conditions for the fulfillment of the obligations prescribed by the authorized state body.
(Article 12 edited by HO -92 11.10.00, 19.03.09 HO-63-N, amended 03.10.11 HO-257-N)
Article 13.
Providing or receiving medical care and services to HIV-infected persons entitled to compensation for
the damage caused
Providing or receiving medical care for HIV-infected persons who are entitled to compensation as prescribed by the
legislation of the Republic of Armenia.
Article 14.
The rights of persons infected with HIV
HIV-infected persons have the right to:
a) to receive written information about the research results.
b) to non-discriminatory treatment.
c) require the maintenance of medical confidentiality, except in cases established by legislation of the Republic of
d) continue to work, except in cases established by the Government of the Republic of Armenia.
e) obtain adequate consultation precautionary measures excluding the spread of HIV.
HIV-infected persons without their written consent may not be the subject of scientific experiments and research.
Article 15.
HIV-infected children and their parents (legal representatives) rights
HIV-infected children under 18 and disabled children under 18 to use the rights of the Republic of Armenia.
HIV-infected child's parents (legal representatives) have the right to:
a) the child was found in the hospital, dismissed at that time, and get set for the child and their benefits.
b) to use annual vacation time convenient for them.
The period of exemption from work to care for a child who is infected with HIV accounted for the length of service.
(Article 15 amended AL-63-N, 19.03.09)
Article 16.
HIV-infected person's duties
HIV-infected person or his legal representative is obliged to implement the precautionary measures established by the
authorized state body excluding the spread of HIV.
(Article 16 amended AL-63-N, 19.03.09)
Article 17.
Responsibility for violation of the law
Persons violating this Law, as well as enterprises, institutions and organizations bear responsibility in the manner
prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.
Article 18.
This law comes into force from the date of publication.
February 15, 1997
, LA -103
L. Ter-Petrosyan