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Guide to the Australian adult pre-exercise screening system
Professor Kevin Norton & Dr Lynda Norton
Guide to the Australian adult pre-exercise screening system
Professor Kevin Norton1 and Dr Lynda Norton2
School of Health Sciences, University of South Australia
2 School of Medicine, Flinders University
Copyright 2011 by Kevin Norton and Lynda Norton.
Published jointly by Exercise and Sports Science Australia, Fitness Australia and Sports Medicine Australia.
All rights reserved. Except for use in a review or for academic purposes, the reproduction or utilisation of this work in any form or by any
electronic, mechanical or other means including photocopying and recording, and in any information storage and retrieval system, is forbidden
without the written permission of the copyright owner.
ISBN: 978-0-646-56771-6
Notice: Permission to reproduce the following material is granted to instructors and agencies who have purchased this pre-exercise screening
textbook: pp 38-49 (case studies).
Why screen pre-exercise?
The risk of injury or death?
Physical activity recommendations
Negligence and duty of care
Adult Pre-exercise Screening System overview
STAGE 1 Overview
STAGE 1: compulsory questions
STAGE 1: decision
STAGE 2 overview
Risk factors:
1. Age and gender
2. Family history of heart disease
3. Smoking
4. Physical activity patterns
5. Body mass index
6. High blood pressure
7. High cholesterol
- Lipid definitions
8. High blood sugar
Other medical / health concerns:
9. Hospital admission in the last 12 months?
10. Current prescribed medications?
11. Pregnant or recent childbirth?
12. Muscle, bone, joint pain or soreness?
Completion of STAGE 2
STAGE 3 overview
STAGE 3 measurements
1. Body mass index
2. Waist girth
3. Blood pressure
Measuring blood parameters
4. Blood fats
5. Blood glucose
Completion of STAGE 3
Glossary of terms
Practice case studies
P r e - e x e r cise S c r eening
AAS Active Australia Survey
ABS Australian Bureau of Statistics
ACSM American College of Sports Medicine
AIHW Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
APSS Adult Pre-exercise Screening System
Australian Diabetes, Obesity and Lifestyle Study
BMI Body mass index (weight in kilograms/ height in metres squared)
BP Blood pressure
CDC Centres for Disease Control and Prevention
CHD Coronary heart disease
COPD Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CV Cardiovascular
CVD Cardiovascular disease
Disability adjusted life year
DBP Diastolic blood pressure
DDD Defined daily dose (average daily dose of a drug used for its main intention)
DHAC Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care
ESC European Society of Cardiology
ESH European Society of Hypertension
ESSA Exercise and Sports Science Australia
FA Fitness Australia
GP General Practitioner
HDL High density lipoproteins
JNC7 Joint National Committee on Prevention, Evaluation and Treatment of High Blood Pressure
LDL Low density lipoproteins
MET Metabolic equivalents (this is a measure of the multiples of resting metabolic rate)
Myocardial infarction
NCEP-ATP III National Cholesterol Education program-Adult Treatment Panel III
National Health & Medical Research Council
NHF National Heart Foundation
NHS National Health Survey
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
PA Physical Activity
Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme
RPERating of perceived exertion
RRRelative risk
SBP Systolic Blood Pressure
SMA Sports Medicine Australia
VLDL Very low density lipoproteins
WHO World Health Organization
P r e - e x e r cise S c r eening
P r e - e x e r cise S c r eening
Pre-exercise screening is used to identify people who may have
medical conditions which put them at a higher risk of an adverse
event# during physical activity/exercise. It is a filter or ‘safety net’ to
help determine if the potential benefits of exercise outweigh the risks
for an individual.
In 2010 three national organisations - Exercise and Sport Science
Australia (ESSA), Fitness Australia (FA) and Sports Medicine Australia
(SMA) - came together to standardise the way pre-exercise screening
was undertaken in the Australian health and fitness industry. Each
organisation was represented by dedicated professionals committed
to improving the way pre-exercise screening was performed and to
help promote widespread use of a simple screening system.
Over the years a number of screening tools have been used in the
fitness industry. Many had been designed ‘in-house’ while others
were adopted from key international organisations such as the
American College of Sports Medicine’s risk stratification system
or the Canadian PAR-Q (ACSM, 2010). The perception was that,
while each had its strengths, none was ideal for practical use in
the Australian industry. This led to the development of the 2005
SMA pre-exercise screening system*. This system was developed
in conjunction with the Commonwealth Department of Health and
Aged Care. Despite the 2005 screening system being recommended
by these organisations it was not used widely in the industry because
of the time and expertise required to administer the screening tool.
It needed to be more functional in a range of settings. A system was
required that was sensitive to help identify people at increased risk
when they were beginning an exercise program yet was practical and
easy to use. The system had to include the flexibility to be adopted as
a relatively quick initial self-assessment in a way that was similar to the
PAR-Q system but also include options for more detailed risk factor
assessments like the ACSM system.
Consequently, the three Australian organisations developed the
Adult Pre-exercise Screening System (APSS) and the core instrument
of the system - the Tool (APSS Tool) that were released in 2011.
This textbook can be used by exercise specialists and other health
professionals to accompany the tool. It provides these people with
an overview of the tool and how it can be best administered and
evaluated to make informed judgements about when to seek medical
support for people new to exercise programs or who are significantly
upgrading their physical activity patterns. The book also includes
additional details that may be used to help make screening decisions,
counsel clients and educate others in how to make best use of the
screening system. It also has more details about individual risk factors
and how exercise programs might be tailored to specific groups of
people with chronic health conditions.
Major differences in the new Adult Pre-exercise Screening System
include the fact Stage 1 can be self administered and evaluated. It
is the only compulsory stage and contains seven basic questions. It
was designed to be quick to administer even for people attending
fitness centres and health clubs on a casual basis. Another important
element of the new system is the transfer of greater responsibility
to the exercise leader. There is greater flexibility in the system to
encourage more people to begin physical activity at light-moderate
intensity levels without the need for medical check-ups. This has often
been perceived as a barrier to many people who may be confused
and concerned about how dangerous beginning an exercise program
might be for them.
The increased emphasis on exercise leadership and the capacity to
make decisions in the safe interests of clients is critical to the success
of the system. It also means exercise leaders need to understand all
aspects of the pre-exercise screening system including interpretation.
Equally, they must know how to prescribe exercise appropriate
to their client’s capabilities and health status. We want as many
people in Australia as possible to lead active and healthy lives. This
system can and should encourage more people to become active
and hopefully enjoy the process with full confidence in the exercise
Appreciation is expressed to the members of the task force who
undertook to develop the Adult Pre-exercise Screening System.
Together we spent many hours across many months working our
way through the challenges of developing a system that was practical
and easy to administer, yet sensitive enough to make the process
worthwhile. In particular the following people were instrumental in
the successful completion of this project: Professor Jeff Coombes,
Anita Hobson-Powell, Craig Knox, Nello Marino, Dr Robbie Parker,
and Dr Andrew Williams.
# an adverse event refers to an unexpected event that occurs as a consequence of an exercise session, resulting in ill health, physical harm or death to an individual
* SMA Pre-exercise screening system 2005, <>
P r e - e x e r cise S c r eening
Why screen pre-exercise?
It is irrefutable that across the population the health benefits
of physical activity outweigh the risks many fold. However, it
is also recognised that for some individuals there may be an
unacceptably high acute risk associated with starting a physical
activity program or substantially increasing their level of activity.
While the overall risk of a cardiovascular or cerebrovascular event
(for example, heart attack, stroke or sudden death) increases
during physical activity in the acute phase, there is a protective
effect over the longer term for those who regularly exercise. The
main cause of these specific adverse events in adults is prior
pathologies often related to atherosclerotic arterial disease.
Regular physical activity reduces the build-up of fatty plaques that
lead to atherosclerotic disease as well as increasing blood vessel
compliance, capillary density and myocardial size and strength.
There are other acute problems that may occur in some people
who have other pathologies. These are typically related to the
respiratory and metabolic systems but may occasionally involve
other physiological systems. If health and fitness professionals
can easily gather more information about the state of health or
disease of a person, it might help to reduce the possibility of a
problem occurring during exercise. There are no guarantees that
an adverse event might or might not occur. However, this prior
knowledge will assist in appropriate exercise prescription and
can significantly reduce the probability of serious injury or lifethreatening incidences.
The risk of injury or death?
The transient risk of physical activity should be put into perspective.
The probability of an adverse event of a significant nature is
extremely low. For example, regular exercisers have a risk of
dying during rest of about 1 in every 20 million hours compared to
sedentary people who have a risk of dying at rest of 1 in every 5.5
million hours- about a 3.6 fold increase. However, this increased
‘protection’ for regular exercisers comes at a cost. During exercise,
even those accustomed to exercising increase their risk of heart
attack or sudden death. Moderate exercise increases the chance
of dying (during the exercise) by about 4 fold, that is, to about
1 in every 5 million hours on average (for ‘apparently healthy’
or ‘low risk’ people). As the intensity of the activity increases
there is a progressively greater chance of suffering an adverse
cardiovascular event. The most intense exercise increases the
risk of adverse events to about 20 fold. Since humans are ‘at
rest’ for a large part of the day (relative to undertaking vigorous
exercise) then the long-term benefits for regular exercisers are
clear - exercise, in general, protects people from such extreme
adverse events.
Obviously, the risks of exercise are greater for those people who
are known to have cardiovascular disease, or ‘high risk’ individuals.
Overall, the risks of a major or fatal cardiovascular event occurring
among various coronary heart disease (CHD) patients (that is,
those known to have heart disease) attending rehabilitation
programs is between about 1 per 117,000 hours of activity (for a
major event such as a heart attack) to about 1 per 750,000 hours
(for death).
The risk of these adverse events increases in an exponential
fashion with increasing age, particularly for males above about 45
years and females above about 55 years - (see section on ‘AGE
and Gender’ below), and with increasing exercise intensity. This is
particularly important if the participant is unfit and unaccustomed
to the exercise intensity - hence the need to progress slowly and
with care. However, heart attack or sudden death rates are still
relatively low even among these ‘higher risk’ groups.
Physical activity recommendations
All major professional sports medicine groups advise that it is
safer (over the longer term) to become active than to remain
sedentary. Providing the activity is progressive and not too
intense early in the program the risks are extremely small for
serious adverse effects. For example, the Australian Adult Preexercise Screening System was developed by the three leading
exercise and sports medicine groups in the country. Together,
they suggest people who are free from cardiovascular, metabolic
or significant respiratory disease, and those without signs and/or
symptoms of disease/injury (that is, low - moderate risk groups)
can begin light-moderate-level physical activity programs without
the need for a medical check up or clearance. The Australian
National Heart Foundation (NHF) in a recent paper on physical
activity for people with cardiovascular disease (CVD) stated that,
providing the medical condition is stable, these patients can
P r e - e x e r cise S c r eening
also begin a light - moderate physical activity program without
the need for a medical check-up. They included the following
statements concerning patients with known CVD: ‘’A detailed
clinical assessment prior to recommending low to moderate
physical activity is generally unwarranted and counterproductive’’
and, further, ‘’it is not necessary that individuals starting a low to
moderate progressive program of physical activity perform an
exercise tolerance test’’.*
Negligence and duty of care
In recent years there have been considerable changes to laws
that govern the provision of recreation and sporting services.
These laws differ among the states but the changes were, in part,
designed to limit the ability of a plaintiff to sue for damages when
injured while undertaking recreational or sporting activities that
had significant ‘physical exertion or physical risk’. These activities
are typically described in the legislation as having ‘an obvious’ risk.
Joining a gym and beginning an exercise program are considered
part of the ‘recreational or sporting activities’. Therefore, while
changes to torts law (where people sue others for personal harm
they suffer as a result of negligence by the other person) have, in
theory, restricted the chance of successful litigation, there are still
cases that show it is happening and exercise professionals and
fitness centres are still successfully being sued for negligence in
relation to services they offer. Negligence requires three elements
to be satisfied: (1) a duty of care must be established between the
plaintiff and defendant, (2) there must have been a breach of that
duty by the defendant and (3) the damage (injury) must have been
the result of the breach, or caused by the breach of duty. The
following diagram outlines this process:
The important part here in relation to duty of care and negligence
is that breach of duty is often assessed in relation to professional
standards or recommended processes by the authority in a
particular field - in this case by groups such as SMA, ESSA and
FA. Since they are recommending pre-exercise screening is
undertaken then this becomes significant in law cases where a
person might be injured who hasn’t been screened or has not
been screened in a professional manner. While many fitness
centres and individual providers ask their clients to sign waivers
(which is a sensible practice) they may not always protect the
provider. In summary, courts have generally held that you can’t
waive your right to provide a duty of care and contracts saying
you waive the right for personal injury may not protect you in all
In relation to risk warnings it is good practice to advise people of
the potential risks when undertaking exercise. There can never be
complete safety in recreational and sporting activities that involve
significant physical exertion. However, the following examples
for two states help to guide exercise providers about steps they
should take to ensure adequate warnings are given. Make sure
you are familiar with the relevant legislation in your own state or
Section 5M of the Civil Liability Act 2002 NSW provides, in part,
as follows:
(There is) No duty of care for recreational activity where there is
a risk warning:
(1) A person (the defendant) is not liable in negligence for harm
suffered by another person (the plaintiff) as a result of the
materialisation of an obvious risk of a dangerous recreational
activity engaged in by the plaintiff.
(3) For the purposes of subsection (1), a risk warning to a person
in relation to a recreational activity is: a warning that is given
in a manner that is reasonably likely to result in people
being warned of the risk before engaging in the recreational
activity. The defendant is not required to establish that the
person received or understood the warning or was capable
of receiving or understanding the warning.
cases must
satisfy all 3
Figure 1. Elements in negligence
P r e - e x e r cise S c r eening
In SA the legislation is similar:
Recreational Services (limitation of liability) Act 2002 (SA)
Recreational services includes (commercial or non-commercial)
participating in:
(a) a sporting activity or a similar leisure-time pursuit, or
(b) any other activity that involves a significant degree of
physical exertion or physical risk, and
(c) is undertaken for the purposes of recreation, enjoyment
or leisure (includes horse-riding, bungee jumping and
other similar activities)
Personal injury includes bodily injury and mental / nervous
shock and death
Duty of care - a duty to take care or to exercise skill (or both)
Modification of a duty may operate if:
Companies register their recreational services and stipulate
the codes (standards) of practice under which they will
The person (consumer) can agree to services (contract) such
that a duty of care is governed by the registered code
If the consumer is injured the provider is liable only if he
establishes that a failure to comply with the code caused or
contributed to the injury.
Other states have similarly limited the ability of a plaintiff to sue
where they have been injured as the result of the materialisation of
an obvious risk of a dangerous recreational activity. This includes
undertaking exercise programs as long as the provider warns
them of the risk and complies with standards accepted within the
industry - such as pre-exercise screening and appropriate exercise
intensity prescription.
P r e - e x e r cise S c r eening
Adult Pre-exercise Screening System
The Adult Pre-exercise Screening System (APSS) consists of two
parts - a compulsory part (Stage 1) and an optional part (Stages
2 and 3).
The compulsory part of the pre-exercise screening consists of
general questions to determine if a person has any major or
uncontrolled cardiovascular, metabolic and respiratory diseases,
signs and symptoms of disease, or other medical issues that
represent a substantial risk when beginning or upgrading their
physical activity patterns. The option to undertake more detailed
screening and testing in Stages 2 and 3 allows the tester to
identify specific risk factors and other lifestyle behaviours that can
assist in appropriate exercise prescription.
Figure 2 below shows that Stage 1 is the compulsory stage. It
consists of a 7-item questionnaire that is self administered and
self assessed. Individuals without any medical problems and who
answer ‘No’ to all questions can begin an exercise program at
light-moderate intensity without further check-ups. Those people
who answer ‘Yes’ to any question in Stage 1 may have potential
problems that could be made worse by exercise.Therefore,
these individuals are referred to a medical practitioner or other
health professional. The other stages - Stage 2 and Stage 3 - are
optional. These stages provide the tester/health professional an
opportunity to gather information on a range of key risk factors.
This information can then be used to tailor the exercise program,
or possibly lead to a recommendation to seek further medical
advice. This optional section involves a requirement for qualified
health professionals administering the pre-exercise screening tool
to use professional judgement on what constitutes an extreme
risk factor value. Similarly, they should also judge whether a
particular combination of risk factors is present that, together,
might represent a high risker of an adverse event occurring during
exercise. The information contained in this textbook will help
fitness specialists and other health professionals to understand the
nature of the risk when exercising. It will also assist and guide them
in making judgements about the relative risks versus benefits of
exercise and appropriate intensity of prescribed exercise.
STAGE 1 (Compulsory)
Do I have any medical problems
that need to be checked out?
Answers ‘No’ to all questions
and completes Stage 1 only
Answers ‘Yes’ to any one or more
questions, then - seek medical or
other health professional advice
What other physical or medical conditions might modify my exercise / physical
activity program or do I have risk factors that need to be checked out?
STAGE 2 (Optional)
STAGE 3 (Optional)
Risk factors assessed
using a questionnaire
Risk factors measured
Undertake light/moderate
intensity physical activity/
Help to prescribe or modify
physical activity program
Extreme or multiple
risk factors*
Refer to GP or appropriate
allied health professional
Low risk individuals may proceed to
vigorous or high intensity exercise
Figure 2. A schematic showing the general Adult Pre-exercise Screening System.
* Note: Qualified health professionals administering the pre-exercise screening tool should use professional judgement on what constitutes an extreme risk factor value.
P r e - e x e r cise S c r eening
STAGE 2 & 3
This stage is self administered and self evaluated*
These stages are administered by trained assessors
The information obtained through Stages 2 and 3 will indicate
whether the individual is at moderate or low risk.
To identify individuals who may be at a higher risk of an adverse
event during physical activity.
• If the individual answers YES to any of the 7 questions, they
are advised to seek guidance from their GP or appropriate
allied health professional prior to undertaking physical activity/
• If the individual answered NO to all of the 7 questions, and
they have no other concerns about their health, they are
advised that they may proceed to undertake light-moderate
intensity physical activity/exercise.
What is meant by ‘light-moderate intensity activity’? A table on
‘Exercise Intensity Guidelines’ (Fig. 4) has been included in this
textbook on page 12.
To stratify risk, record and use either:
• The total of risk factors from Stage 2
• The total of risk factors from Stage 3 and questions 1 to 4 in
Stage 2
The total number of risk factors can be recorded in the space
If the individual has 2 or more risk factors, they are deemed to
be moderate risk. If the individual has less than 2 risk factors they
are deemed to be low risk. If there are extreme or multiple risk
factors, the exercise professional should use judgement to decide
whether further medical advice is required.
Individuals at moderate risk may participate in aerobic physical
activity/exercise at a light or moderate intensity.
Individuals at low risk may participate in aerobic physical activity/
exercise up to a vigorous or high intensity with appropriate
progression and supervision.
* Self administered and self evaluated means that there is an option for clients to complete this questionnaire (stage 1) on-line or in hard copy but without necessarily having a
health professional ask them the questions or assist in any other way. If the client has questions or concerns then they should be given the opportunity to seek assistance from the
organisation offering the service before beginning exercise.
P r e - e x e r cise S c r eening
AIM: to identify those individuals with a known disease, or signs or symptoms of disease, who
may be at a higher risk of an adverse event during physical activity/exercise.
This stage is self administered and self evaluated.
This screening tool can be administered to both regular and casual users of exercise services.
Once completed, the form should be filed with the clients records for future reference.
The 7 compulsory questions that form Stage 1 are shown in the
tool on the over page. These questions cover major areas of
cardiovascular, metabolic and respiratory diseases, and signs and
symptoms of disease. There is a question on ‘musculoskeletal
problems’ that could be made worse by undertaking physical
activity. Finally, there is a question on ‘other medical conditions’
that could make it dangerous for a person to begin an exercise
The proforma makes it clear how to manage the responses. A
person who answers ‘No’ to all questions can begin a physical
activity program at light-moderate intensity. An individual who
answers ‘Yes’ to any one or more needs additional attention
before beginning a physical activity program. This follow-up is
usually going to involve either a medical check or another health
professional to determine the balance of risk versus benefit for that
It is important to seek clarification of any ‘Yes’ responses before
referring a person on. For example, almost everyone has joint aches
and pains from time to time. This doesn’t always mean exercise is
contraindicated because it could be a minor ailment or a transient
problem or muscle damage from an unfamiliar activity. Similarly,
diabetics can benefit greatly from an appropriate exercise program
so having diabetes may not always require a check up before
starting a program. Also, everyone experiences a sensation of
dizziness when they stand too quickly or change position suddenly.
This is a natural part of a homeostatic response to maintain blood
pressure. The screening system doesn’t require these types of
examples to be routinely referred to GP’s or health professionals.
Over time, experience will often help clarify these situations. In
instances where the exercise professional has any doubts about the
health status of their client, then the best advice is to seek further
assistance from someone more experienced or from a medical
P r e - e x e r cise S c r eening
STAGE 1 compulsory questions
medical professional. No warranty of safety should result from its use. The screening system in no way guarantees against injury or
death. No responsibility or liability whatsoever can be accepted by Exercise and Sports Science Australia, Fitness Australia or Sports
Medicine Australia for any loss, damage or injury that may arise from any person acting on any statement or information contained in
this tool.
1.Has your doctor ever told you that you have a heart
condition or have you ever suffered a stroke?
Date of Birth:
Examples include, but are not limited to:
AIM: to identify those individuals with a known disease, or signs or symptoms of disease, who may be at a higher risk of
an adverse event during physical activity/exercise. This stage is self administered and self evaluated.
• Angina
• Cardiomyopathy
• Congenital
Heart Disease
• Coronary
Artery Bypass
• Heart Failure
Please circle response
Has your doctor ever told you that you have a heart condition or have
• Coronary
Do you ever experience unexplained pains in your chest at rest or
during physical activity/exercise?
• Heart Transplant 3.
Do you ever feel faint or have spells of dizziness during physical
activity/exercise that causes you to lose balance?
• Peripheral Vascular
Have you had an asthma attack requiring immediate medical
attention at any time over the last 12 months?
If you have diabetes (type I or type II) have you had trouble
controlling your blood glucose in the last 3 months?
Do you have any diagnosed muscle, bone or joint problems that you
have been told could be made worse by participating in physical
Do you have any other medical condition(s) that may make it
dangerous for you to participate in physical activity/exercise?
IF YOU ANSWERED ‘YES’ to any of the 7 questions, please seek
guidance from your GP or appropriate allied health professional prior to
undertaking physical activity/exercise
IF YOU ANSWERED ‘NO’ to all of the 7 questions, and you have no other
concerns about your health, you may proceed to undertake light-moderate
intensity physical activity/exercise
I believe that to the best of my knowledge, all of the information I have supplied within this tool is correct.
Figure 3. Stage 1 of the Adult Pre-exercise Screening Tool. The proforma shows the
7 questions and illustrates the management of people depending on their responses.
Note also the space for the client to sign after completing the questionnaire.
• Heart Valve Disease
• Post Myocardial
(heart attack)
• Heart Murmur
• Stroke
People who have had a heart attack or surgery such as a bypass
operation will know this is part of their medical history and
are likely to respond with a ‘Yes’ to this question. This doesn’t
immediately require them to seek medical clearance, it depends
on the circumstances and time since the event. Some people
report they have a heart murmur and have done so since they
can recall. If it hasn’t presented them any problems in usual daily
tasks then it is unlikely to require medical clearance. On the other
hand, people who report experiencing chest pain (angina) when
walking up stairs or perhaps when mowing the lawn are a more
significant concern. In this situation a medical check-up would
be recommended. A guide is provided by the National Heart
Foundation* who indicate that providing the medical condition
is stable, ‘these types of patients can begin a light - moderate
physical activity program without the need for a medical checkup’. However, they add - ‘a person’s current level of activity,
the severity of their cardiovascular condition, co-morbidities and
personal preferences should determine the approach and rate of
progress towards these goals’ (of 30 minutes of moderate activity
on most days of the week).
2. Do you ever experience unexplained pains in your
chest at rest or during physical activity/exercise?
Unexplained chest pains may be characterised by constriction,
burning, knife-like pains and/or a dull ache. These symptoms
are potentially related to an oxygen deficiency in areas of the
heart muscle. It is usually related to arterial blockage due to
P r e - e x e r cise S c r eening
the presence of fatty plaques. If a person reports this problem
a medical clearance should be recommended. These types of
conditions are made worse by exercise because the increased
work required by the heart muscle to pump blood around the
body also requires more oxygen to be delivered to the heart
muscle. If there is a partial blockage of a vessel then oxygen
delivery is compromised and could develop into a heart attack.
3. Do you ever feel faint or have spells of dizziness
during physical activity/exercise that causes you to
lose balance?
Examples of dizziness may include, but are not limited to lightheadedness or the feeling of near fainting, loss of balance or other
sensations such as floating or swimming. Although dizziness after
exercise should not be ignored, this may occur even in healthy
individuals. Be mindful that dizziness is sometimes reported by
people who are simply saying that when they stand up suddenly
they feel a transient light-headedness. This response to standing
up is common and a normal response. However, if it is more than
this type of situation, for example, if it occurs when seated or when
walking then further checks are warranted.
4. Have you had an asthma attack requiring immediate
medical attention at any time over the last 12
Medical attention refers to GP or hospital visit immediately
following an asthma attack. It does not include the self
administration of Ventolin, Becotide or any other inhalant. Asthma
is relatively common in Australia, particularly in the winter months
and pollen seasons. The AIHW (2011) estimates between 10-12%
of Adults have asthma. Increased wheezing and asthma symptoms
don’t always mean a medical check-up is required. The question
specifically refers to an asthma attack where immediate medical
attention was required. This covers the more extreme examples
where puffers and other medications have typically not been
enough to prevent more significant problems associated with
the asthma attack. These situations can be life-threatening and
therefore we want the screening system to be able to identity
potential problems with asthmatics who have a recent history of
severe attacks.
5. If you have diabetes (type I or II) have you had
trouble controlling your blood glucose in the last
3 months?
‘Trouble controlling’ usually refers to an inability to maintain a
stable blood glucose level, this may also include the diabetic who
sustains a hyperglycaemic (hyper) or hypoglycaemic (hypo) event.
Hyperglycaemia is a condition that occurs when blood sugar
(glucose) levels remain too high. Blood sugars vary from day to
day, however the WHO state that consistently high blood glucose
levels of >7 mmol/L over a number of days or a single measure
of >15 mmol/L results in hyperglycaemia. While participating in
exercise usually brings glucose levels down or holds it steady this
may not always be the case.
Symptoms of hyperglycaemia include:
• Anxiety
• Cold sweats
• Confusion
• Convulsions
• Difficulty speaking
• Dizziness/
• Double/blurry vision
• Irritability
• Lack of
• Shaking or
• Sleepiness
• Weakness
Hypoglycaemia is a condition that occurs when blood glucose is
too low. This occurs when your blood glucose level falls below
about 3.5 mmol/L, although this can vary. Blood glucose at this
level can be considered harmful. Exercise is more often related to
lower levels of blood glucose so hypoglycaemia is more likely to
occur in diabetics.
Symptoms of hypoglycaemia include:
• Hunger
• Shakiness
• Nervousness/
• Sweating
• Dizziness
• Confusion
Sources: International Diabetes Institute (2004); Diabetes Australia (2011)
P r e - e x e r cise S c r eening
6. Do you have any diagnosed muscle, bone or joint
problems that you have been told could be made
worse by participating in physical activity/exercise?
Most people have experienced acute muscle aches and pains.
Many also have chronic conditions that cause them to experience
pain and / or limitations in their daily tasks. Arthritis is a good
example of this type of chronic condition. Examples include, but
are not limited to the conditions listed below:
• Cerebral palsy
• Arthritis
• Bone fracture
• Chronic muscle
• Dislocations
• Joint replacement
• Multiple sclerosis
• Osteoarthritis
• Osteoporosis
• Muscular dystrophy
• Scoliosis
• Serious sprains or
• Parkinson’s disease
• Spondylolisthesis
• Spondylolysis
7. Do you have any other medical condition/s that may
make it dangerous for you to participate in physical
This final question of Stage 1 allows the person to indicate if they
have any other concerns or medical problems not covered in the
previous questions. Examples that might come up include, but are
obviously not limited to:
• Acute injury
• Hypertension
• Hypotension
• Limiting back or
foot pain
• Pregnancy
• Transplants
• Balance problems
• Cancer
STAGE 1 decision
If an individual answers YES to any of the 7 questions, they are
advised to seek guidance from their GP or appropriate allied
health professional prior to undertaking physical activity/exercise.
If an individuals answers NO to all of the 7 questions, and they
have no other concerns about their health, they may proceed to
undertake appropriate light or moderate intensity physical activity
/ exercise. At this stage the tester / participant may refer to the table
of exercise intensity guidelines shown in figure 4.
If further information about the number and type of risk factors is
required then the tester can proceed to Stages 2 and 3.
< 40%
Very, very light
RPE# < 1
40 to <55%
Very light to light
RPE# 1-2
55 to <70%
Moderate to
somewhat hard
RPE# 3-4
70 to <90%
RPE# 5-6
≥ 90%
Very hard
RPE# ≥ 7
• Epilepsy
A similar version of the ‘Exercise Intensity Guidelines’ was
published jointly by ESSA and FA in 2010 as part of a position
statement on physical activity and exercise intensity terminology
(Norton et al., 2010). The table is for reference purposes
and to encourage consistency in terminology among exercise
professionals. It contains information on the five levels of exercise
intensity along with approximate heart rate levels, ratings of
perceived exertion and other descriptors within each intensity
category that may be useful when prescribing exercise and
monitoring people being active.
• Activities that usually
involve sitting or
lying and that have
little additional
movement and a low
energy requirement
• An aerobic activity
that does not cause a
noticeable change in
breathing rate
• An intensity that can
be sustained for at
least 60 minutes
• An aerobic activity
that is able to be
conducted whilst
maintaining a
• An intensity that may
last between 30 and
60 minutes
• An aerobic activity in
which a conversation
generally cannot
be maintained
• An intensity that may
last up to about 30
• An intensity that
generally cannot be
sustained for longer
than about
10 minutes
# = Borg’s Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) scale, category scale 0-10
Figure 4. Exercise intensity guidelines (Norton et al., 2010).
P r e - e x e r cise S c r eening
STAGE 2 (Optional)
AIM: to identify those individuals with risk factors or other conditions to assist appropriate
exercise prescription.
This stage is to be administered by a qualified exercise professional (Minimum Certificate III
in Fitness with completion of screening and assessment units SISFFIT301A and SISFFIT307A
(or equivalent or existing exercise/fitness qualifications).
Stage 2 is an optional stage. This stage is about determining what
sort of risk factors and how many risk factors a person has. This
information is very valuable to help prescribe exercises tailored to
the individual. Knowing a person has a specific combination of risk
factors also enables the tester to establish a degree of confidence
in how the person is likely to respond to physical activity and
where there might potentially be problems. Like other screening
systems a person is classified as a ‘moderate’ or ‘low’ risk based
on the number of risk factors. If a person has 2 or more risk factors
at Stage 2 or Stage 3 then they are classified as a ‘moderate’ risk.
Less than 2 risk factors means they are at ‘low’ risk. However,
the new screening system is also structured to total up a number
of possible risk factors and to look specifically at individual risk
factors. This allows the exercise professional the ability to make
judgements about the relative risk a person may have when
beginning an exercise program. For example, if a person has
indicated they have an extreme risk factor such as very high blood
pressure or blood glucose values then the tester should always use
professional judgement to decide if medical clearance is required
before starting an exercise program.
We should try to encourage as many people as possible to
have an active lifestyle. However, a small proportion will have
conditions or risk factors that place them at an unacceptable level
for adverse events during even light activities. Greater flexibility in
the screening system brings greater responsibility on the part of
the tester. Therefore, less experienced testers should always be
more cautious and seek advice from more experienced exercise
specialists when prescribing exercise for people new to physical
activity programs.
To identify individuals with risk factors or other conditions that are
important to know when prescribing physical activities.
P r e - e x e r cise S c r eening
Specifically, STAGE 2 requires responses to 12 questions shown in
figure 5 related to the following risk factors:
1. Age and Gender
Date of Birth:
AIM: To identify those individuals with risk factors or other conditions to assist with appropriate exercise prescription.
Age is a well established risk factor for most diseases including
heart disease, various cancers, stroke and metabolic disorders.
If we live long enough we are guaranteed to develop some sort
of pathology that will end our lives. The trend in life expectancy
means we are living much longer now than at any time in recorded
history. Figure 6 over page shows how life expectancy in Australia
has increased over the past century. Importantly, the figure also
shows that healthy life expectancy (also called disability-free years)
has not kept pace with the increasing length of life. The net result
is a widening gap when more and more people have chronic
illness and other disabilities that we should be aware of. It is not
a linear increase in risk of these diseases, rather it accelerates as
we age. Figure 7 over page, for example, shows the rate of death
in Australia, for all causes in the population increases rapidly from
the age of about 70 onwards.
≥ 45yrs Males or ≥ 55yrs Females
+1 risk factor
Family history of heart disease (eg: stroke, heart
Do you smoke cigarettes on a daily or weekly basis or
have you quit smoking in the last 6 months? Yes No
Describe your current physical activity/exercise levels:
If female < 65yrs = +1 risk factor
Maximum of 1 risk factor for this
If currently smoking, how many per
day or week?
If male < 55yrs = +1 risk factor
If yes, (smoke regularly or
given up within the past 6 months)
= +1 risk factor
If physical activity level
< 150 min/ week = +1 risk factor
If physical activity level
≥ 150 min/ week = -1 risk factor
(vigorous physical activity/ exercise
weighted x 2)
sessions per week
minutes per week
When we screen people before an exercise program it is a simple
measure to ask them their age. Since age is related to the risk
of having a disease and the risk of dying then this risk factor is
important. More specifically, it gives us an idea about how likely
it is they may have an adverse response to exercise, particularly
vigorous or high-intensity exercise. In other words, this risk factor
(like all risk factors) can help us determine the probability that an
acute problem might occur if the physical activity is too intense
or inappropriate for the age and disease state of the person.
No-one is too old to begin an exercise program or to benefit
from an exercise program. It is a matter of appropriate exercise
Please state your height (cm)
BMI = ________________
BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2 = +1 risk factor
weight (kg)
Have you been told that you have high blood
pressure? Yes No
If yes, = +1 risk factor
Have you been told that you have high cholesterol?
Yes No
If yes, = +1 risk factor
Have you been told that you have high blood
sugar? Yes No
If yes, = +1 risk factor
STAGE 2 Total Risk Factors =
Have you spent time in hospital (including day admission) for
any medical condition/illness/injury during the last 12 months?
Yes No
If yes, provide details
Are you currently taking a prescribed medication(s)
for any medical conditions(s)? Yes No
If yes, what is the medical condition(s)?
Are you pregnant or have you given birth within
the last 12 months? Yes No
If yes, provide details. I am _____________
months pregnant or postnatal (circle).
Do you have any muscle, bone or joint pain or soreness that is
made worse by particular types of activity? Yes No
If yes, provide details
It is important to note that figure 7 shows the death rates for
females are lower at every age compared to males and this is why
the age cut-offs for the risk factors are different.
3 Screening Tool. The proforma shows
Figure 5. Stage 2 of the Adult
To obtain questions
pre-exercise baseline
of other
to key risk
that cardiovascular
can indicate
of This
anIII in
event 4during
Fitness; Measures
and 5 minimum
level, Exercise Physiologist*).
1. BMI (kg/m2)
BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2 = +1 risk factor
2. Waist girth (cm)
Waist > 94 cm for men and
> 80 cm for women = +1 risk factor
A risk factor is given if the person is male aged
45 or older, or female aged 55 or older
P r e - e x e r cise S c r eening
Figure 6. The trends in life expectancy at birth for Australian females (left) and males (right) across the last century. Also shown are the trends in disability-free life
expectancy for females and males. The grey shaded area between the two trend lines reflects the years spent with disability (data were available only for the period
shown). The figure has been generated using data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics Life Expectancy Tables (ABS, 2006) and the Australian Institute for Health and
Welfare on disability free years (AIHW, 2006).
Figure 7. Death rates in Australia relative to age for males and females. The figure
shows the acceleration in risk of dying (for all causes) up to 85+yr. The cut-offs
chosen as risk factors for males (>45 yr) and females (>55 yr) are conservative at
approximately 300 deaths per 100,000 population.
P r e - e x e r cise S c r eening
2. Family history of heart disease
3. Smoking
A biological mother or father with a history of heart disease
significantly raises an offspring’s risk of also getting heart disease,
regardless of ethnicity or country of birth.
About 1 in 5 Australian adults smoke. Although this is unacceptably
high it is the lowest level since the 1950’s when over 40% of all
adults smoked. The current percentage of smokers means about
3 million people smoke on a daily basis. A further 3.6% (around
600,000 people) report smoking occasionally and so are also at
risk of developing heart disease and other chronic conditions from
smoking tobacco products. The most common of these is chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) such as emphysema.
The findings from the INTERHEART study in Canada (Chow et
al., 2011) reinforces the need to include the question on family
history of heart disease in the screening system. The study
involved 12,000 patients from around the world who were being
treated for their first heart attack between 1999 to 2003 as well as
about 15,000 age- and sex-matched controls. About 18 percent
of patients who had suffered a heart attack also had parents with
a history of heart attack, compared to 12 percent of participants
without heart disease. Overall, people with at least one parent
with a history of heart disease were about 1.8 times more likely to
get heart disease themselves (an 80% increase) compared to no
parent with heart disease, even when factors such as the patient’s
age, sex, smoking, alcohol consumption, obesity level and region
of residence were considered. Further, the risk was the same
whether it was the father or mother who had the heart attack, and
higher still if both parents were affected. Similarly, the risk was
raised if the parent(s) had the heart attack before the age of 50.
Overall, it is clear there is a strong genetic component of this risk
for heart disease.
The bulk of evidence for family history as a risk factor comes from
many studies and the current risk cut-offs are also consistent with
the American College of Sports Medicine (2010).
First degree means a father, brother or son, or mother, sister
or daughter. Heart disease at these relatively young ages is
considered abnormal.
A risk is given if a 1st degree family member has had a heart
attack and was a male aged < 55 years or female < 65 years.
Of all the preventable risk factors (things that people can change),
tobacco smoking is responsible for the greatest burden on the
health of Australians, accounting for 7.8% of the total burden of
disease in 2003 (Begg et al., 2007). This means that about 7.8% of
all premature death and disability is caused by people smoking.
Tobacco smoking is a major risk factor for the following conditions:
• Coronary heart disease
• Stroke
• Peripheral vascular disease
• Numerous cancers
In 2003, an estimated 15,511 people died in Australia as a result
of tobacco smoking. Around 10% of deaths from cardiovascular
disease are due to smoking tobacco.
A risk is also given if a person reports they have stopped smoking
within the last 6 months (ACSM, 2010). This is because evidence
shows the residual negative effects are still present up to at least 6
months post quitting. Some anatomical and physiological changes
are irreversible. The question also asks how many cigarettes a
person has per day. This information is informative because there
is a strong association between the level of risk (for the diseases
outlined above) and the amount of tobacco used per day.
A risk factor is assigned to smokers irrespective of
how many cigarettes are smoked per day or if they
have stopped smoking in the last 6 months
P r e - e x e r cise S c r eening
4. Physical activity patterns
There is now no doubt that lifestyle changes, especially diet and
physical activity, can help to maintain quality of life and reduce
the gap between disability-free years and life expectancy. Physical
activity, a strong determinant of fitness, has also been shown to be
among the most important risk factors for preventable disease and
injury burden in Australia (Begg et al., 2007) as illustrated in figure 8.
The prevalence of inactivity as a risk factor is only one component
of the relative impact on public health. The other component is the
risk of disease associated with inactivity (commonly referred to as
the relative risk or odds ratio for disease or illness). Together, these
two factors can be expressed in terms of the percentage of the
population potentially affected. When compared to other common
risk factors for chronic disease such as smoking, hypertension, and
dyslipidaemia, the prevalence of inactivity is the highest. Furthermore,
the relative risk of disease associated with inactivity is also high.
Therefore, the risk across the population directly attributable to
inactivity is very significant (as shown in figure 8). The results shown in
figure 9 also illustrate the significant impact that physical inactivity has
on a range of specific diseases among the Australian population. The
figure shows low PA contributes in significant ways to all the diseases
shown. For example, inactivity accounts for an estimated 51% of all
ischaemic heart disease (58% for males and 42% for females).
Figure 8. Proportions of the burden
of disease (DALYs) attributable to
the most important modifiable risk
factors. Note the relative importance
of low PA patterns (redrawn using
data from Begg et al., 2007).
Figure 9. Proportions of the burden of disease (DALYs) attributable to physical
inactivity by specific cause and proportions by sex, Australia, 2003 (redrawn from
Begg et al., 2007 p 82).
The high risk of physical inactivity reinforces the need for inclusion
of this risk factor in the screening system. It also highlights the
importance of strategies to increase physical activity. For example,
altering patterns of physical activity could potentially have a greater
impact on population health than strategies to reduce smoking
or hypertension. The screening tool allows a summary of current
physical activity patterns to be described - both frequency and
intensity of activities.
This is using the weighted method of the Active Australia Survey where vigorous intensity activity is multiplied by 2 before summing all
minutes of activity. This is to account for the greater health benefits
of this higher intensity level when compared to ‘moderate intensity’
Recently there has been a growing interest in the effects of sedentary
work (or long periods of sitting) on risk of chronic illness. It has been
shown that even a few hours of inactivity can reduce insulin sensitivity
on tissue membranes. Over time these consistent bouts of sedentary
behaviour can lead to impaired glucose control and increase the risk
of type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome. While there is no specific
question in the pre-exercise screening tool on sedentary activity
patterns this should be an area of focus for behavioural change
P r e - e x e r cise S c r eening
The term ‘physical fitness’ encompasses many aspects of physical
work performance, the most important being cardiorespiratory fitness
and musculoskeletal fitness. Directly measured cardiorespiratory
fitness has been shown to be a strong predictor of all-cause
and cardiovascular mortality and morbidity, stroke and diabetes,
independent of the level of overweight, and many other risk factors
and co-morbidities (Church et al., 2004; Katzmarzyk et al., 2004; Mora
et al., 2007). This is also reinforced by Figure 10 showing increased
mortality risk for the lower fitness groups at any given BMI level.
The most commonly used metric to describe the level of fatness
among populations is body mass index (BMI). BMI is a weight-forheight measure that has been used throughout most of the world
since the 1950’s to estimate population trends in fatness. It has
some limitations for individual assessment but it a useful indice for
population trends. It is also easy for self-report data to be collected
on this measure, hence its widespread use, despite the obvious
There are standard BMI cut-offs to categorise people in terms of
their risk for type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Two of
the major international classification systems are shown in table
1. Basically, the risk of chronic disease and mortality goes up in
an accelerated way as BMI goes from overweight to obese and
beyond. The categories for overweight and obesity are useful
to track trends in the proportion of the population within these
categories. The WHO categories shown in the table have been
adopted as the national standard in Australia. Many studies have
found that overweight or obesity is associated with a wide range of
elevated risk factors and an increase in death and disability rates.
The most important of these are elevated rates of cardiovascular
disease, diabetes and some forms of cancers (specifically breast and
bowel) that occur as fatness levels increase among the population.
RR of mortality
5. Body mass index (BMI)
Figure 10. The generalised relative risk of mortality across a range of BMI levels
and fitness categories is illustrated. Three lines are shown to illustrate the estimated
change in relative risk as cardiovascular (CV) fitness changes among the populations
studied. The curves are drawn as simple approximations of the lines of best fit through
numerous published studies. The middle curve shows the overall pattern of increasing
relative risk of all-cause mortality at both lower and higher BMI levels. These are
shown relative to the ‘normal’ range of 18-25 BMI units. The top curve shows a higher
relative risk with low CV fitness at any given BMI level. Conversely, the bottom curve
shows mortality decreases at any given BMI if CV fitness level is high. These curves
show that for any BMI level, the risk of mortality is increased in a person of low fitness
and decreased in people with high fitness. The figure has been generated using many
of the major longitudinal studies reported in systematic reviews (Flegal et al., 2005;
McGee et al., 2005).
Physical activity pattern
A risk factor is given if the person fails to meet
150 min/wk of weighted physical activity
BMI (kg/m2 range)
WHO classification
NHLBI terminology
< 18.5
18.5 – 24.9
Normal range
25.0 – 29.9
30.0 – 34.9
Obese class 1
Obesity class 1
35.0 – 39.9
Obese class 2
Obesity class 2
≥ 40.0
Obese class 3
Obesity class 3
WHO indicates World Health Organisation
NHLBI indicates National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute
Table 1. Weight Classification by Body Mass Index (BMI).
There are several ways by which fatness increases the risk for
developing disease. Probably the most important is an overall
reduction in insulin sensitivity. Insulin is important to help glucose
move out of the blood into cells. If this is restricted because
of increasing fatness then glucose levels in the blood increase.
P r e - e x e r cise S c r eening
This leads to the pancreas producing more insulin to try to reduce
blood glucose levels. Eventually insulin secretion is very high and
its concentration in the blood is also elevated. High glucose levels
also damage small blood vessels and nerves, especially in the eyes,
kidneys and in the skin.
Increasing fatness raises circulating fat levels in the blood. This can
cause more glucose, triglycerides and very low density lipoproteins
to be secreted by the liver. Also, blood pressure can be raised
because there is increased stress hormone release.
All of these various changes in the body as a person becomes
overweight and then obese can contribute to the development and
progression of heart disease and diabetes.
How common is high BMI as a risk factor?
Overweight and obesity rates have been going up in most countries
around the world. The WHO has found acceleration in the proportion
of the general population across almost all age categories who are
classified as overweight or obese. The combination of reduced
manual labour and daily physical activity together with increased
access and consumption of energy-dense foods are involved in this
global problem. Figure 11 shows the results of a very important
study that demonstrated large decreases in energy expended
in occupational work. The amount of energy typically expended
at work is much less now thanks to automation and electronic
communication etc. compared to even a decade ago. We often try
to increase the level of leisure-time energy expenditure (through
exercise) but leisure time activity levels have been relatively stable
over time so it is less likely this has contributed substantially to the
rapid increases in obesity levels. However, it is an essential part of
the solution.
It seems paradoxical that while overweight and obesity levels
have gone up, we have also witnessed steady increases in life
expectancy. For example, in Australia there are less heart disease
and stroke episodes now than at any time in over the past four
decades. However,at the same time the number of cases of
diabetes has soared. There are now more than 1 million people in
Australia with diabetes.
Figure 11. The declining energy expenditure for males assessed across about 60 years. The graph shows trends of specific daily activities by time period and age categories.
It highlights the biggest decreases in daily energy use have come from (1) occupational activities, then (2) active transport and, finally, (3) exercise-related activity
(redrawn from data in Norman et al., 2003).
P r e - e x e r cise S c r eening
The explanation partly lies in the fact that medical management of
chronic disease has improved and many people are living longer
periods of their life with chronic illness related to this important
risk factor. Further, the management of obesity-related illnesses
involve the growing reliance on medical interventions such as
surgery and pharmacotherapy (see figure 12). The 1999-2000 the
Australian Diabetes, Obesity and Lifestyle (AusDiab) Study involved
about 50,000 Australians (aged 25 years and over). Based on these
results it was estimated that over 2.6 million Australians (21% of
the population) were obese (BMI > 30). This is more than double
the rate observed in 1980. The same survey estimated that 7.5
million Australians (or 60%) were overweight (BMI > 25, including
the obese group). Men (67%) were more likely to be overweight or
obese than women (52%). The proportion of overweight or obese
people increased across age groups and peaked at 55-74 years for
men (74%) and 65-74 years for women (71%).
6. High blood pressure (hypertension)
Blood pressure (BP) measures are relatively easy to take and have
therefore become part of routine checks in fitness centres. Despite
the fact Stage 1 and Stage 2 do not require direct measurements
of BP it is important that these measures are NOT discouraged.
Monitoring BP is simple and informative and if health and fitness
professionals have the expertise and time to conduct these
measures then BP assessment can still be part of the pre-exercise
Over the last two decades there have been large declines in the
prevalence of high blood pressure in the Australian population. For
men the prevalence has fallen steadily from 45% in 1980 to 14% in
2004-2005. The rate for women has also halved, from 29% in 1980
to 14% in 2004-2005 (AIHW, 2006). Similar trends have also been
seen internationally. Aggressive treatments of severe and malignant
hypertension from the 1970’s led to declines in hypertension until
the 1990’s when blood pressure control rates remained unchanged
and cardiovascular disease mortality rates appeared to climb
slightly again.
Ageing involves a progressive increase in resting blood pressure.
This increase places additional strain on the heart and vessels.
Hardening of the arteries is the major cause. Exercise training and
a diet low in saturated fats can help prevent and even reverse the
degree of hardening because it is known to keep blood vessels
more compliant or elastic. The World Health Organisation states
that systolic blood pressure > 140 mmHg or diastolic blood
pressure > 90 mmHg are risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
Figure 12. Trends in the use of medications for cardiovascular diseases. Note the
rapid rise in the use of lipid lowering statins, platelet inhibitors for anti-coagulation
and a range of anti-hypertensive medications. DDD is the defined daily dose per
1,000 population per day and is based on the assumed average dose per day of the
drug used for its main indication (data from AIHW, 2004 and AIHW, 2008).
There are numerous studies that have investigated the link between
levels of fatness and the relative risk of mortality, either all-cause or
specific. There is still, however, debate about the precise interaction
of the degree of over-fatness and the relative risk of premature death.
A risk factor is assigned in either Stage 2 (self-report) or
Stage 3 (measured) if the person has a BMI of 30 or greater
During exercise blood pressure is elevated quite a bit. In general, it
goes up in proportion to the intensity of activity. This is why exercise
intensity needs to gradually build over time and caution takes
place early in an exercise program. Sudden increases can make a
person feel nauseous. Extreme feats of weight lifting, for example,
have been associated with very high blood pressure (> 300 mmHg
SBP). This is not usually a problem for those who are younger and
accustomed to weight training but can be potentially dangerous to
others, especially the elderly and diseased. High intensity aerobic
exercise can also raise SBP well in excess of 200 mmHg.
P r e - e x e r cise S c r eening
Blood pressure (mmHg)
NHF classification
JNC7 classification
< 120
< 80
120 - 129
80 - 84
130 - 139
85 - 89
140 - 159
90 - 99
high normal
grade 1 (mild) hypertension
stage 1 hypertension
160 - 179
100 - 109
grade 2 (moderate) hypertension
≥ 180
≥ 110
grade 3 (severe) hypertension
ESC/ESH classification
stage 2 hypertension
high normal
grade 1 hypertension
grade 2 hypertension
grade 3 hypertension
Table 2. Blood pressure classification using the North American JNC7 classification and the European categories.
NHF: National Heart Foundation of Australia; JNC7: Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation and
Treatment of High Blood Pressure; ESC/ESH: European Society of Cardiology and European Society of Hypertension.
Clinical studies have demonstrated that control of hypertension
reduces total mortality, cardiovascular mortality, stroke and heart
failure events. These studies have identified that a reduction of only
2 mmHg in average diastolic blood pressure in a population can
result in clinically significant disease reduction. Several intervention
studies have established that increasing physical activity patterns
reduces blood pressure in hypertensive and normotensive adults,
even without of weight loss. The average change in blood pressure
across 54 separate studies in adults assigned to aerobic exercise
showed a 3.8 mmHg reduction in systolic blood pressure and a
2.6 mmHg reduction in diastolic pressure compared with control
subjects (Whelton et al., 2002). Blood pressure was significantly
reduced even in trials in which overall weight loss was minimal.
This suggests that exercise reduces blood pressure even when
there were no changes in body weight. In another review of trials
of weight loss and blood pressure it was found the effect on DBP
was larger when body weight was reduced by physical activity
compared with energy restriction, reinforcing the idea that physical
activity reduces BP by mechanisms unrelated to weight loss (Neter
et al., 2003). These reviews included a range of ages from 21-83 yr
(median age 46.6 yr).
There are internationally accepted recommendations for beginning
exercise and stopping exercise when blood pressure exceeds
levels that are considered safe. These may differ slightly but the
most common absolute contraindication for undertaking exercise
under resting conditions is when SBP exceeds 200 mmHg or DBP
exceeds 110 mmHg (ACSM, 2010). During exercise the absolute
contraindications for most people (typical exceptions include
athletes and individuals experienced in high-intensity training)
are SBP >250 mmHg or DBP >110 mmHg (ACSM, 2010). Blood
pressure responses during exercise are most often related to the
intensity of exercise. This may mean the intensity of the prescribed
exercise should be adjusted down to determine whether the
blood pressure response during exercise can be controlled within
safer levels.
A risk factor for high blood pressure is given in Stage 2 if
the person answers ‘Yes’ they have been told they have high
blood pressure OR if they are taking medication for high
blood pressure. In Stage 3 a risk factor is given if the person
has a resting systolic BP reading of >140 mmHg or resting
diastolic BP reading of >90 mmHg (If both are greater they
have a maximum of one risk factor for BP)
P r e - e x e r cise S c r eening
7. High cholesterol (hypercholesterolaemia)
NOTE: There are several lipids measured as part of Stage 3 of the
screening system. In addition to the risk factor for total cholesterol,
a risk factor is assigned if HDL is < 1 mmol/L or if triglycerides
are > 1.7 mmol/L or if LDL is >3.4 mmol/L. A positive risk factor
(good) is given if HDL is >1.55 mmol/L. However, it is important
to recognise that the total number of risk factors possible for the
lipid analyses is -1 to +1. For example, a person who has high total
cholesterol AND high LDL will only receive +1 risk factor.
Blood lipids
Lipids are a diverse group of compounds that play an essential
role in energy storage, cell membrane structure and as cellular
messengers. They are composed mainly of triglycerides,
cholesterol, phospholipids and proteins. Triglycerides, stored
as adipose tissue, are the major energy form in humans while
cholesterol is a major component of membrane lipids. Cholesterol
is transported in the blood in association with lipoproteins and
plays an essential role in the structure of cell membranes, steroid
hormones and bile salts. The lipoproteins in the blood range in
size from large chylomicrons, very low density lipoproteins (VLDL),
intermediate density lipoproteins (IDL), low density lipoproteins
(LDL), and smaller high density lipoproteins (HDL). Total cholesterol
is a measure of all the sub-fractions of cholesterol in the blood.
LDL cholesterol, in excess, is deposited as fatty plaques on
the walls of blood vessels and within the cellular structure of
arteries resulting in atherosclerosis and arteriosclerosis. It is
the concentration of LDL cholesterol that has been correlated
with increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Conversely, HDL
cholesterol has been shown to be consistently and strongly
associated with cardiovascular risk reduction. HDL facilitate
a process known as reverse cholesterol transport whereby
cholesterol in peripheral tissues is taken up by HDL and ultimately
returned to the liver for excretion in bile and faeces. HDL have
also been shown to have antiatherogenic properties which protect
the artery wall. They include stimulation of anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-clotting activity.
Population studies and clinical trials have shown that serum total
cholesterol levels are correlated to long-term risk of coronary
heart disease and cardiovascular disease mortality over a broad
range of cholesterol values. This relationship has been observed
in many populations throughout the world, in men and women
and across a range of ages although the strength of the relation
is weaker with increasing age. It has also been shown that a 10%
increase in total cholesterol (about 0.6mmol/L) was associated
with a 27% increase in the incidence of coronary heart disease. A
number of international guidelines have been developed, based
on the relative risks of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease
mortality associated with elevated cholesterol levels; these are
shown in table 3 below.
Table 3. Examples of North American and European guidelines for lipid levels.
In Australia, guidelines by the Australian Heart Foundation
indicate a risk factor for total cholesterol above 5.1 mmol/L while
the American College of Sports Medicine and American Heart
Association suggest a risk factor for total cholesterol above 5.2
mmol/L. This level has been adopted in the Adult Pre-exercise
Screening System.
A risk factor is given in Stage 2 if the person answers ‘Yes’
they have been told they have high cholesterol OR if they
are taking medication to lower cholesterol. In Stage 3 a risk
factor is given if the person has a total cholesterol level of
5.2 mmol/L or greater
P r e - e x e r cise S c r eening
Lipid definitions
Reducing blood lipids
Lipids is another name for ‘fats’ in the blood. There are many types
of lipids but the most important are:
What should I do to reduce my blood lipids?
Triglycerides - The most common type of blood fat. Triglycerides
are used for energy as well as for tissue building. Excess dietary
intake of carbohydrates, fats and oils, and proteins are all
deposited in fat cells as triglycerides (aim for < triglycerides 1.7
Cholesterol - This is a chemical substance that is a type of steroid.
It is made in the body and also absorbed from food eaten. It is
critical for health because it is used to produce many other steroid
hormones and it also forms part of cell membranes.
HDL - High-density lipoprotein. HDL is the ‘good’ cholesterol.
About 1/3 to 1/4 of all cholesterol is HDL. HDL removes
cholesterol from plaques developing within blood vessels. HDL is
made in the liver and the level increases with exercise training (aim
for HDL > 1.55 mmol/L).
LDL - Low-density lipoprotein. LDL is the ‘bad’ cholesterol. LDL
carries about 3/4 of the body’s cholesterol. Excess LDLs are
deposited in the walls of blood vessels forming fatty plaques.
These can grow to eventually block blood flow or rupture causing
serious health problems (aim for LDL < 3.4 mmol/L).
• Try to control body weight by reducing fat intake and
increasing physical activity. Physical activity also keeps
HDL-cholesterol levels higher
• Eat less saturated fat because saturated fat raises
LDL-cholesterol and triglyceride levels
• Eat more soluble fibre (eg, oats, barley, legumes,
some fruits and vegetables) and soy products that
can help lower cholesterol levels
• If high blood lipid levels persist your doctor may
prescribe medication to help lower cholesterol levels.
• Remember, even if you are on medication to help lower your
cholesterol level, it is still important to continue with healthy
eating and physical activity.
Total cholesterol generally increases with age up to about the
60’s. Average values then level off. At almost every age level
(except women in their 20’s and 30’s and men in their 20’s), more
than 50% of the population have total cholesterol levels that place
them above the higher risk threshold. This increasing pattern with
age is shown in figure 13.
Total cholesterol is a combination of all the cholesterol in the
blood. It is relatively easy to measure and is usually the first check
on blood lipid profile. The total cholesterol level is important but
the ratio of LDL to HDL is also informative (aim for total cholesterol
<5.2 mmol/L).
5.1 higher risk
Figure 13. The population distributions of total cholesterol are represented in this
figure. It shows the gradual trend upwards in the distribution with increasing age. The
risk factor cut-off is 5.1 illustrating about half of all Australian adults have a risk factor.
P r e - e x e r cise S c r eening
Trends in cholesterol levels
Results of the 1999-2000 AusDiab Study showed high blood
cholesterol (defined in the study as > 5.5 mmol/L) was present in
52% of Australian adults. Average cholesterol levels for both men
and women have remained fairly constant since 1980 when the first
nationwide monitoring was conducted, as illustrated in figure 14,
despite the rapidly accelerating use of medications (such as statins)
to reduce blood cholesterol levels as shown in figure 12 on page 20.
In controlled trials of plasma cholesterol reduction using a number
of different methods such as diet and medication it was estimated
that, following five years of ‘treatment’, a difference in cholesterol
concentration of 0.6 mmol/L was associated with a 25% to 27%
reduction in mortality from coronary heart disease events and a 10%
reduction in stroke.
Regular physical activity has been found to lower total cholesterol
levels. The average improvement in lipids following increased
physical activity has been shown to be a reduction of about 5%
in LDL cholesterol, 4% in triglycerides and 1% in total cholesterol.
There is also a typical increase in HDL cholesterol of between 4%
and 18% (0.05 - 1.0 mmol/L) following regular exercise participation.
These typical changes in lipid profiles have been estimated to
reduce cardiovascular disease risk by between 5% in men and 8% in
women. However, the reductions found with exercise are still much
less than the reductions found with medication intervention. Of
course, there are numerous other health benefits of exercise other
than just lowering cholesterol levels.
Total cholesterol level (mmol/L)
7.5 - level recognised by Medicare for
PBS-subsidised medication prescription
• males 35 - 75 yr
• females post-menopausal
6.2 - risk factor cut-off 1990
5.5 - risk factor cut-off 2000
5.1 - risk factor cut-off 2006
4.8 - Borderline risk
Figure 14. Proportion of adults (aged 25 - 64 years) with high blood cholesterol
(≥ 5.5 mmol/L), 1980 to 1999-2000. Based on measured data, age-standardised to the
2001 Australian population measured in capital cities only (adapted from AIHW 2004).
The column on the left shows some example
levels of total cholesterol. It shows that over time
the recommended level of cholesterol has slowly
been reduced. It appears the more we know
about the role lipids play in heart and vessel
disease the more appropriate it is to recommend
people try to reduce their levels.
P r e - e x e r cise S c r eening
8. High blood sugar (hyperglycaemia)
Diabetics find it difficult to regulate their blood glucose levels. The
World Health Organisation defines diabetics as those who cannot
control their blood glucose levels below the range of 7.0 mmol/L
after fasting (measured on two separate occasions). Pre-diabetic
conditions are present when fasting glucose sits between 5.5 and 7.0
mmol/L. A normal level is < 5.5 mmol/L after fasting.
A number of risk factors for developing diabetes have been
documented and include obesity, ageing, lack of physical activity,
and a familial disposition. They all appear to increase the risk of
developing the disorder and the risk is amplified if there are more
than one of these conditions present. Among individuals with
diabetes, cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of morbidity
and mortality (Ali & Maron, 2006), and adults with diabetes have a
two- to fourfold higher risk of cardiovascular disease compared with
those without diabetes (Wei et al., 2000). A major reason for the
high rates of cardiovascular disease in diabetics is the coexistence
of other risk factors such as abdominal obesity, hypertension and
dyslipidaemia (Zimmett, 2003).
How common is type 2 diabetes?
Numerous reports from around the world have highlighted the
increasing prevalence and incidence of diabetes. More than 5% of
the global adult population have diabetes and another 8% have
impaired glucose tolerance (Barr et al., 2006). From the baseline
AusDiab study the overall rate of diabetes in Australia was 7.4% and
an additional 16.4% had impaired glucose tolerance (Dunstan et al.,
2002). Diabetes accounted for 5.8% of the overall disease burden in
Australia in 2003 (AIHW 2006).
Questions 9 - 12 allow further information on the client that will help
in the prescription of a tailored physical activity / exercise program to
suit their current conditions and health status.
Why physical activity is important for diabetics
Many studies consistently show a significant reduction in the incidence
of type 2 diabetes among physically active individuals compared
with sedentary peers. In the Women’s Health Study, Weinstein and
colleagues (2004) showed that women (>45 years) who walked
more than 120 minutes per week were 34% less likely to develop
type 2 diabetes compared to women who did not walk regularly.
Similar results were found in the Nurses Health Study in the USA
(Hu et al., 1999) where a progressive reduction in the relative risk of
developing diabetes was found with increasing physical activity such
that women undertaking regular, vigorous physical activity were
46% less likely to develop diabetes than women who were inactive.
A Finnish study which followed 14,290 men and women over 12
years documented a 27% reduction in type 2 diabetes in those
individuals who were physically active for 30 minutes/day or more
(Hu G et al., 2004).
There is mounting evidence from clinical trials in Europe and the US
that lifestyle changes to reduce weight and increase physical activity
can prevent the progression from pre-diabetes to type 2 diabetes
and reduce the risk of diabetes by 60% (NHMRC, 2001). For example,
Tuomilehto and colleagues (2001) showed that incorporating
increased physical activity and healthy eating could reduce or stop
the progression of impaired glucose regulation to diabetes by
40-60% over a 3 to 6 year period. The role of physical activity in the
risk reduction appears to be more significant than the weight loss
(Blair & LaMonte, 2006). Physical activity has been shown to increase
insulin sensitivity and improve glucose metabolism by up-regulation
of the insulin-receptors and increased insulin and glucose delivery
to muscle (Goodyear & Kahn, 1998). Improvements in mitochondrial
function are induced by exercise training and this has been shown to
be highly correlated with both insulin sensitivity and VO2max (Zoll et
al., 2002). In a systematic review of fourteen randomised controlled
trials of exercise interventions for type 2 diabetes, it was found that
glycaemic control was improved, insulin sensitivity increased and
visceral adipose tissue was reduced in people with type 2 diabetes
following exercise programs (Thomas et al., 2006).
Physical activity is the best method to help reduce the likelihood
of developing type 2 diabetes. Exercise helps glucose move from
the blood into the tissues, particularly muscles, to be used for fuel.
People with higher glucose levels should incorporate exercise into
their lifestyle to prevent long-term health problems associated with
insulin resistance. The prevalence of diabetes is accelerating in a
similar way to the obesity epidemic.
A risk factor is given in Stage 2 if the person answers ‘Yes’ they have
been told they have high blood sugar (or glucose) OR if they are
taking medication to lower blood glucose. In Stage 3 a risk factor is
given if the person has a fasting glucose level of 5.5 mmol/L or greater
P r e - e x e r cise S c r eening
10. Current prescribed medications?
9. Hospital admission in the last 12 months?
The fact that the person is taking medication is an indication of a
medically diagnosed problem. Discounting that some medications
may be unrelated to medical illness or problems (for example,
contraceptive pills), almost all other pharmaceutical prescriptions
are taken to help with a medical condition or to alleviate
the symptoms of an illness. Some degree of judgement is
required here because it is relatively common for clients to list
‘medications’ that include contraceptive pills, vitamin supplements
and other non-pharmaceutical tablets. It is not expected that
fitness professionals will have an exhaustive understanding of
medications and their use. However, using common language it
is often important to know what medical conditions the drugs are
prescribed for.
The rationale for this question is the association between having
been admitted to hospital in the last year and the general health
status - even self assessed health status. A range of studies have
shown positive relationships between the rates of illness and
death and the number and length of hospital admissions in the
previous 12 months. This includes morbidity and mortality for
illnesses related to heart disease, lung disease (for example,
COPD and asthma), dementia, hip fractures, infectious episodes
and inflammatory bowel disease. The link between hospital
admission and risk of further problems is also strengthened
by studies showing admissions are correlated to ‘poor health’
status and, more importantly, negative health behaviours such as
smoking rates, alcohol consumption (not measured directly in the
screening process) and nutritional patterns.
P r e - e x e r cise S c r eening
11. Pregnancy or recent childbirth?
12. Muscle, bone or joint pain or soreness?
During pregnancy and after recent childbirth are times to be
more cautious with exercise. It is important for mothers to be
active during and after pregnancy but the physiological changes
taking place within the body mean there is an increased risk of
complications to the mother and / or fetus during pregnancy.
Generally this risk is small and appropriate exercise prescription
will result in improved health to mother and baby. These benefits
include assistance with weight loss, increased aerobic fitness,
maintenance of bone density, improved cholesterol levels, social
interaction and psychological well-being. Additional to these
health benefits, exercise after giving birth can hasten recovery,
assist with muscle strength and toning (SMA, 2009*). However,
during pregnancy, the joints gradually loosen to prepare for birth.
This may lead to an increased risk of injury. Those particularly
affected are the pelvic joints. Activities involving jumping, frequent
changes of direction and excessive stretching should be avoided
as should jerky ballistic movements.
Almost everyone has experienced some level of soreness following
unaccustomed exercise or activity. This is a common physiological
response and not really what this question is designed to identify.
Soreness due to unaccustomed activity is not the same as pain
in the joint, muscle or bone. Pain is more extreme and may
represent an injury or serious inflammatory episode or even
infection. If the ‘yes’ response is related to an acute problem then
it is possible further medical guidance may be required. This is
another example of where professional judgement is required
and follow-up questions may be warranted. If the person has a
condition such as arthritis or back problems then this is obviously
important to know for exercise prescription.
There are a number of reasons to stop exercise during pregnancy.
These include vaginal bleeding, unusual shortness of breath,
dizziness, headache, chest pain, calf pain or swelling, or unusual
muscle weakness.
Monitoring exercise intensity in pregnant women is best achieved
using a rating of perceived exertion (RPE) scale such as the Borg
scale rather than heart rate per se.
P r e - e x e r cise S c r eening
Completion of Stage 2
If the testers or client stops at the completion of Stage 2 then the
following illustrates the summation of the risk factor scores.
The maximum number of possible risk factors at the end of Stage
2 is 8 - corresponding to questions 1-8 in the APSS Tool.
Stage 2 allows the person to be classified as either a ‘moderate’ or
‘low’ risk based on the number of risk factors. If a person has 2 or
more risk factors at Stage 2 then they are classified as a ‘moderate’
risk. Less than 2 risk factors means they are at ‘low’ risk. However,
the new screening system is also structured to total up a number
of possible risk factors and to look specifically at individual risk
factors. This allows the exercise professional to make judgements
about an individual’s overall level of risk when beginning an
exercise program.
Stage 2 – Risk Stratification
At the completion of Stage 2, total all the risk factors from
questions 1-8. If the client has less than 2 risk factors, they
are deemed to be low risk. If the client has 2 or more risk
factors, they are deemed to be moderate risk.
Low risk:
Individuals may participate in aerobic physical activity/
exercise up to a vigorous or high intensity*
Moderate risk:
Individuals may participate in aerobic activity/exercise at a
light or moderate intensity*
*Please refer to the table on Exercise Intensity Guidelines
Sometimes a person may have a combination of risk factors
whereby the tester may not be comfortable for the client to begin
an exercise program without further medical clearance. In this
case professional judgement may dictate that medical clearance
is required before starting a program. In these rare instances the
person would technically be classified as a ‘high’ risk until cleared
of major problems.
A recent sample of over 550 adults (aged 18 - 65 yr) entering
gym programs revealed the following distribution of risk factors
at Stage 2 of the APSS tool (figure 15). Relatively few clients have
zero risk factors and many have multiple risks. Regular exercise can
help control and reduce these risk factors.
Figure 15. Proportion of adults (aged 18 - 64 years) versus number of
risk factors at the end of Stage 2 in the APSS tool (Norton et al., 2007).
P r e - e x e r cise S c r eening
STAGE 3 (Optional)
AIM: to obtain pre-exercise baseline measurements of other recognised cardiovascular and
metabolic risk factors.
This stage is to be administered by a qualified exercise professional (Measures 1, 2 & 3
– minimum qualification, Certificate III in Fitness; Measures 4 & 5 – minimum level, Exercise
Each question in Stage 3 includes a measurement protocol, current classification range and
instructions for risk factor calculation.
Stage 3 is another optional stage. This stage requires additional
measurements to be taken so it is expected that the tester has
additional skills and knowledge to be able to safely perform
these tasks. Also, the tester requires a deeper understanding of
measures such as blood lipids and what the various sub-fractions
are, what dietary and lifestyle factors can influence these values
and know the cut-offs / recommended levels for optimal health.
More details of these variables and their association with health
are outlined above in Stage 2. As a guideline the recommended
qualifications for undertaking measures 1-3 in Stage 3 are a
minimum of Certificate III in Fitness plus relevant skills in these
measures. It is recommended that a minimal qualification of
Exercise Physiologist or equivalent, and skills in extracting and
handling blood samples are present for those taking measures 4
and 5 in Stage 3.
The main difference between Stage 2 and Stage 3 is that Stage
2 obtains risk factor status based on questionnaire responses
whereas Stage 3 requires them to be measured. In this way
Stage 3 adds a level of accuracy over and above Stage 2 only.
To obtain pre-exercise baseline measurements of other recognised
cardiovascular and metabolic risk factors.
If yes, what is the medical condition(s)?
Are you currently taking a prescribed medication(s)
for any medical conditions(s)? Yes No
P r11. e Are
- eyouxpregnant
e rorcise
S c r eening
have you given birth within
If yes, provide details. I am _____________
the last 12 months? Yes
months pregnant or postnatal (circle).
Do you have any muscle, bone or joint pain or soreness that is
made worse by particular types of activity? Yes No
If yes, provide details
Specifically, Stage 3 requires measures of:
AIM: To obtain pre-exercise baseline measurements of other recognised cardiovascular and metabolic risk factors. This
III in Fitness; Measures 4 and 5 minimum level, Exercise Physiologist*).
1. BMI (calculated BMI from weight/(height)2)
1. BMI (kg/m2)
BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2 = +1 risk factor
- weight (kg)
2. Waist girth (cm)
Waist > 94 cm for men and
> 80 cm for women = +1 risk factor
- height (cm)
3. Resting BP (mmHg)
SBP ≥140 mmHg or DBP ≥90 mmHg
= +1 risk factor
2. Waist girth (cm)
Total cholesterol ≥ 5.20 mmol/L = +1 risk factor
Total cholesterol
HDL cholesterol >1.55 mmol/L = -1 risk factor
HDL cholesterol < 1.00 mmol/L = +1 risk factor
Triglycerides ≥ 1.70 mmol/L = +1 risk factor
LDL cholesterol ≥ 3.40 mmol/L = +1 risk factor
5 Fasting blood glucose*
Blood pressure
3. Resting blood pressure (mmHg)
Blood measures
Fasting glucose ≥ 5.50 mmol = +1 risk factor
4. Blood fats
STAGE 3 Total Risk Factors =
Total stage 2
Total stage 3
Plus stage 2 (Q1 - Q4)
Individuals at moderate risk may participate in aerobic
physical activity/exercise at a light or moderate intensity
(Refer to the exercise intensity table on page 2)
Individuals at low risk may participate in aerobic physical
activity/exercise up to a vigorous or high intensity
(Refer to the exercise intensity table on page 2)
- total cholesterol (mmol/L)
- high-density lipoprotein (HDL, mmol/L)
- triglycerides (mmol/L)
- low-density lipoprotein (LDL, mmol/L)
5. Fasting blood glucose (mmol/L)
exercise professional should use professional judgement to decide whether further medical advice is required.
Figure 16. Stage 3 of the Adult Pre-exercise Screening Tool. The proforma
shows the 5 measured variables and illustrates the risk factor stratification and
management of people depending on their cumulative risk factor score.
Risk factors are assigned to each of the variables measured at this
stage for a total of up to 9 risk factors in Stage 3 (waist girth is
the only new variable measured at this stage). Weight and height
do not carry a risk factor per se but BMI does. Also, HDL can be
either a positive (good) risk factor (if > 1.55 mmol/L) or a negative
(bad) risk factor (if < 1.00 mmol/L). In addition to these Stage 3 risk
factors you will need to add any additional risk factors that carry
forward from Stage 2. These are only risk factors associated with
questions 1-4 because Stage 3 measurements of variables such
as BMI and blood pressure etc supersede the Stage 2 responses
based on questions alone. In other words, if any variables
are measured at Stage 3 then use rather than the equivalent
questionnaire responses from Stage 2 in order to calculate the
total risk factor score.
P r e - e x e r cise S c r eening
Stage 3 measurements
2. Waist girth (cm)
This section describes the standard techniques to be used when
performing the anthropometry measurements.
Waist girth measures are related to the risk factor of abdominal
obesity. The recent ‘Measure-up’ campaign in Australia highlighted
the increased risk of problems such as diabetes and heart disease
when waist girth is elevated.
1. Body mass index (BMI)
BMI (calculated as weight/(height)2) is used to determine if a risk
factor is present. Use the Table provided (Table 1 page 18) to
determine if a risk factor is given. The table is based on accepted
international cut-offs for most populations. However, there are
published tables that have been shown to be more specific
for some Asian and Polynesian groups and possibly others.
A BMI > 30 is considered a cardiovascular risk factor.
Weight (kg)
Try to have the subject remove bulky clothes such as coats, boots
and even shoes. Taking care in the first instance always give you
greater confidence when these measures are repeated again at a
later date. The scales should ideally read accurately to within ±200g.
most commercially available scales have this level of accuracy.
You should also recognise that weight will fluctuate considerably
across the day depending on things such as exercise, fluid / food
intake and bathroom stops. Record the time of day when weight
is measured so comparisons are more reliable. For many women
there are also large fluctuations of several kilograms throughout the
monthly hormonal cycle. These fluctuations can translate up to 1
BMI unit during a day or 2 BMI units or more across a monthly cycle,
independent of any fat or lean tissue changes.
Height (cm)
An accurate measure of height is also important
for accurate calculation of BMI. Stand-alone
stadiometers are relatively inexpensive so these are
recommended. Alternatively, a wall-mounted system
is a little more robust but is typically more expensive.
Measure after the person takes a deep breath in
and stretches up to achieve peak height. Have them
look forward in a horizontal plane when you take
the measure. Height usually decreases throughout
the day by about 1%. This means around 1 - 2 cm
decrease during the day as our joints, predominantly
in the spine, compress due to gravity.
Waist girth is measured with a flexible
tape measure. It is measured from
the front so that the tape can be
positioned at the obvious narrowing
of the waist as shown in the figure.
However, many people do not have
an obvious narrowing so in these
cases it should be taken at the level
mid-way between the top of the Iliac
crest (hip bone) and the lower (10th)
rib. Instruct the person to stand
with their feet slightly apart and
to relax and breath normally. Take
the measure at the end of a regular
breath out.
Waist girth measurement
A risk factor for waist girth is given if a male has a waist > 94 cm
or a female has a waist girth > 80cm.
These are published by the World Health Organisation. They also
state there is a ‘greatly increased risk’ (for chronic disease) if the
waist girth is > 104 in males and > 88 cm in females.
P r e - e x e r cise S c r eening
3. Blood pressure measurement
The measurement technique for BP is a skill that is learnt over time
and with practice. The following guidelines have been modified
from the NHF (2010):
• The client should be seated and relaxed for several minutes
prior to measuring BP.
• The selected arm should be free of constricting clothing so
that the cuff can be wrapped around the upper arm without
• Wrap the cuff snugly around the upper arm, with the centre
of the cuff bladder positioned over the brachial artery and the
lower border of the cuff about 2 cm above the bend of the
• Ensure that the cuff is at heart level by supporting the arm.
• The blood pressure cuff should be inflated which temporarily
cuts off the blood supply to the arm. Palpate the radial pulse
while inflating the cuff and note the pressure at which the
radial pulse ceases to be palpable. Continue to inflate the cuff
a further 30 mmHg above this pressure.
• Deflate the cuff at a rate of 2-3 mmHg/beat or less while
palpating and note the pressure at which the radial pulse
• Fully deflate the cuff, wait approximately 30 seconds, then
inflate the cuff to at least 30 mmHg above that at which the
radial pulse reappeared.
• While deflating the cuff at a rate of 2-3 mmHg/beat or less,
auscultate over the brachial artery in the antecubital fossa.
• Record the result for systolic and diastolic BP to the nearest
2 mmHg. For the systolic reading, record the level at which
the beats (at least two consecutive beats) are heard, even
if they then disappear transiently with progressive deflation
(the ‘auscultatory gap’). The first Korotkoff sound is the
tapping sound first heard at the systolic pressure. Clear
tapping, repetitive sounds for at least two consecutive beats
is considered the systolic pressure. For the diastolic reading,
use disappearance of sound (phase V Korotkoff). The fifth
Korotkoff sound is a progressive diminished ‘thumping’ or
muted thumping as the cuff pressure drops below the diastolic
blood pressure. The disappearance of sound is considered the
diastolic blood pressure.
• Wait 30 seconds before repeating the procedure in the same
• Average the readings. If the first two readings differ by more
than 10 mmHg systolic or 6 mmHg diastolic, or if initial
readings are high, have the patient rest quietly for 5 minutes
then take several readings until consecutive readings do not
vary by greater than these amounts.
P r e - e x e r cise S c r eening
Measuring blood parameters
In Stage 3 of the screening process there is a requirement to
take blood samples to measure a number of lipid sub-fraction
concentrations and fasting blood glucose level. These techniques
are relatively simple to perform and there are many types of portable
analysers that give results within a minute or so - two examples are
shown. It is important that appropriate training has been undertaken
so that standard aseptic techniques are used when taking these
point-of-care measures. This means using the following guidelines:
• The person giving the sample may need to run their hand
under warm water and clench his/her fist several times to
increase the circulation to the finger. If a person is anxious
or cold then peripheral circulation will be reduced and blood
sampling will be difficult.
Reflotron analyser for
blood analysis
• The tester should use an alcohol swab to clean the end of the
finger to be pricked.
• Place the lancet on the fingertip - preferably the little or ring
fingers - and press slightly off to the side.
• Dispose of the lancet in a sharps container.
• The tester may need to gently ‘milk’ the finger to encourage
blood release. Note, however, values will be inaccurate if
blood flow is low and too much force is used to obtain blood.
This is because extracellular fluid will also be squeezed out with
the blood.
• The goal is to fill a capillary tube with the appropriate volume
for the analyser being used - typically 40ml for the lipid sample
and 15ml for fasting glucose concentration. Adhere to the
manufacturers guidelines for measuring the concentrations of
the various blood parameters.
• It is especially important to be careful in regard to infection
control. For this reason, wear gloves at all times, putting on a
new pair for each new person. Ensure each new finger to be
sampled is cleaned with an alcohol wipe. This will help reduce
the possibility of micro-organisms moving from the skin into
the blood.
Fasting blood samples are the preferred method to be used.
Fasting is defined by the American Heart Association as no food,
medication or liquid other than water for a period of 9-12 hours.
Cardiocheck analyser for
blood analysis
P r e - e x e r cise S c r eening
4. Blood fats
5. Blood glucose
A small sample of blood taken from a finger prick can be analysed
for a range of blood fats (lipids). Total cholesterol is the most
common type of blood fat measured because of its association
with heart disease. International standards point out that a total
blood cholesterol > 5.2 mmol/L is a risk factor for heart and blood
vessel disease. Chronic exercise training, especially vigorous
intensity training, has been shown to lower total cholesterol. Many
test kits now allow reliable measures of sub-fractions of lipids such
as triglycerides, LDL, and HDL. These measures can be much more
informative about the relative ratios of the ‘bad’ cholesterol (LDL)
versus the ‘good’ high-density lipoprotein. The machines are also
able to give these results within a couple of minutes.
A second blood sample may be used to measure the amount of
glucose (simple sugar) in the blood. Glucose measurement needs
to be taken while the client is in a ‘fasting state’. This means
refraining from eating for at least 9 hours before testing. Although
clients can drink water they should be advised not to consume tea
or coffee, even without sugar or milk, or any other type of drink.
This is important so that accurate results can be obtained.
The body likes to regulate blood sugar between a narrow range.
This is important because if it is too low then a person cannot
survive (the brain and nerves, for example, use glucose as their
major fuel source). On the other hand, if it is too high a person
can also suffer tissue damage to nerves and blood vessels (over
the longer term) and if it is really elevated this can lead to coma
and death. Impaired glucose regulation is the test for diabetes and
metabolic syndrome.
Type 2 diabetes is a metabolic disorder characterised by high
blood glucose and associated insulin resistance. The pathological
processes resulting in the development of diabetes involve a
gradual progression from normoglycaemia to hyperglycaemia.
This progression is characterised by abnormal insulin secretion
and insulin resistance, resulting in impaired glucose uptake
at the cellular level and excess glucose production by the
liver. An intermediate stage of impaired glucose tolerance and
impaired fasting glucose follows and, left untreated, this leads
to the development of the hyperglycaemia, which typifies type 2
diabetes. Classification of diabetes is made when fasting plasma
glucose levels are > 7.0 mmol/L on two separate occasions (WHO,
P r e - e x e r cise S c r eening
Completion of Stage 3
If the tester completes Stage 3 then the following illustrates the
summation of the risk factor scores.
The maximum number of possible risk factors at the end of Stage
3 is 9 - corresponding to questions 1-5 in Stage 3 of the APSS
Tool plus any risk factors assigned for questions 1-4 in Stage 2 of
the APSS Tool.
In total, a person’s risk factor score will always be out
of a possible total of 8 if they have completed STAGE 2
or out of 9 if they complete both STAGE 2 and STAGE 3.
Stage 3 – Risk Stratification
At the completion of Stage 3, total all the risk factors from
Stage 3 and questions 1-4 in Stage 2. Record the risk factor
total in the space provided on page 4 of the Screening
If the client has less than 2 risk factors, they are deemed to
be low risk.
If the client has 2 or more risk factors, they are deemed to
be moderate risk.
Low risk:
Individuals may participate in aerobic physical activity/
exercise up to a vigorous or high intensity*
Moderate risk:
Individuals may participate in aerobic activity/exercise at a
light or moderate intensity*
*Please refer to the table on Exercise Intensity Guidelines
P r e - e x e r cise S c r eening
Acute injury: Injury of short duration, rapid, and abbreviated in
Angina: Chest pain due to an inadequate supply of oxygen to
the heart muscle. The pain is typically severe and crushing, and
it is characterised by a feeling of pressure and suffocation just
behind the breastbone. Angina can accompany or be a precursor
of a heart attack.
Arthritis: Inflammation of a joint. When joints are inflamed, they
can develop stiffness, warmth, swelling, redness, and pain.
Bone fracture: A break in the bone. Although usually a result
of trauma, a fracture can be the result of an acquired disease of
bone, such as osteoporosis, or of abnormal formation of bone in
a congenital disease of bone, such as osteogenesis imperfecta
(“brittle bone disease”).
Brachial artery: The artery that runs from the shoulder down to
the elbow.
Cardiomyopathy: Disease of the heart muscle.
Cerebral palsy: An abnormality of motor function (the ability
to move and control movements) that is acquired at an early
age, usually less than 1 year, and is due to a brain lesion that is
Coronary angioplasty: A procedure in which a balloon-tipped
catheter is used to enlarge a narrowing in a coronary artery
caused by arteriosclerosis (hardening and thickening of the walls
of the artery). Also known as percutaneous transluminal coronary
angioplasty (PTCA).
Coronary artery bypass: A form of bypass surgery that can
create new routes around narrowed and blocked arteries,
permitting increased blood flow to deliver oxygen and nutrients
to the heart muscles.
Epilepsy: When nerve cells in the brain fire electrical impulses
at a rate up to four times higher than normal, a sort of
electrical storm, called a seizure, occurs in the brain. Epilepsy is
characterised by a pattern of repeated seizures.
Heart failure: Inability of the heart to keep up with the demands
on it, with failure of the heart to pump blood with normal
efficiency. When this occurs, the heart is unable to provide
adequate blood flow to other organs, such as the brain, liver,
and kidneys.
Heart transplant: An operation in which a diseased or
malfunctioning heart is replaced with a healthy donor heart taken
from a deceased person.
Heart valve disease: Can cause heart muscle weakness due to
too much leaking of blood or cause heart muscle stiffness from a
blocked valve.
Chronic muscle fatigue: Also referred to as Chronic Fatigue
Syndrome or Fibromyalgia. It is still not clear what the cause is
and it is often difficult to diagnose. It typically involves many of
the following symptoms: Fatigue not a result of exertion and
is not relieved by rest, often continuing for months or longer.
Unusual fatigue/weakness of longer than 24 hours following even
moderate exercise. May also include symptoms more commonly
associated with infectious episodes such as sore throat, fever or
chills, painful lymph nodes, joint pain and headaches.
Multiple sclerosis (MS): A disease that is characterised by loss of
myelin (the coating of nerve fibres). In MS, loss of myelin usually
affects white matter in the brain, but sometimes it extends
into the gray matter. Symptoms of MS range from numbness
to paralysis and blindness. People with MS experience attacks
of symptoms that may last days, months, or longer. For many
patients,the disease is progressive and leads to disablement,
although some cases enter long, perhaps even permanent,
Congenital heart disease: A malformation of the heart, aorta, or
other large blood vessels that is the most frequent form of major
birth defect in newborns. Also known as congenital heart defect,
congenital heart malformation, congenital cardiovascular disease,
congenital cardiovascular defect, and congenital cardiovascular
Muscular dystrophy (MD): One of a group of genetic diseases
characterised by progressive weakness and degeneration of
the skeletal or voluntary muscles that control movement. The
muscles of the heart and some other involuntary muscles are also
affected in some forms of muscular dystrophy, and a few forms
involve other organs as well.
P r e - e x e r cise S c r eening
Osteoarthritis: A type of arthritis caused by inflammation,
breakdown, and eventual loss of the cartilage of the joints.
Degenerative arthritis is the most common form of arthritis,
usually affecting the hands, feet, spine, and large weight-bearing
joints, such as the hips and knees.
Osteoporosis: Thinning of the bones, with reduction in
bone mass, due to depletion of calcium and bone protein.
Osteoporosis predisposes a person to fractures, which are often
slow to heal and heal poorly. It is most common in older adults,
particularly postmenopausal women, and in patients who take
steroids or steroidal drugs.
Pacemaker insertion: An inserted device or system that sends
electrical impulses to the heart in order to set the heart rhythm.
Parkinson’s disease: A slowly progressive neurologic disease
that is characterised by a fixed inexpressive face, tremor at rest,
slowing of voluntary movements, gait with short accelerating
steps, peculiar posture and muscle weakness, and low
production of the neurotransmitter dopamine.
Peripheral vascular disease: Atherosclerosis (presence of fatty
lipid deposits in the lining of an artery) of the arteries of the
extremities. Peripheral vascular disease can lead to pain in the
legs when walking that is relieved by resting.
Post myocardial infarction (heart attack): A sudden blockage
of a coronary artery. Not infrequently, this leads to the death of
part of the heart muscle due to its loss of blood supply. Typically,
the loss of blood supply is caused by a complete blockage of a
coronary artery by a blood clot. The interruption of blood flow is
usually caused by arteriosclerosis, with narrowing of the coronary
arteries, the culminating event being a thrombosis (clot). Death of
the heart muscle often causes chest pain and electrical instability
of the heart muscle tissue. Electrical instability of the heart may
cause ventricular fibrillation (chaotic electrical disturbance), resulting
in the inability of the heart to deliver oxygenated blood to the
body. Permanent brain damage and death can result from heart
attack unless oxygenated blood flow is restored within 5 minutes.
Heart attack deaths can be avoided if a bystander starts CPR
(cardiopulmonary resuscitation) within 5 minutes of the onset of
ventricular fibrillation. When paramedics arrive, medications and/or
electrical shock (cardioversion) to the heart can be administered to
convert ventricular fibrillation to a normal heart rhythm. Therefore,
prompt CPR and rapid paramedic response can improve the survival
chances after a heart attack. Also known as a myocardial infarction
(MI). See also cardiac arrest.
Scoliosis: Lateral (sideways) curving of the spine. The degree of
scoliosis may range from mild to severe.
Serious sprain: An injury to a ligament that results from overuse
or trauma and prevents participation in physical activity/exercise.
Serious strain: An injury to a ligament, tendon, or muscle that
results from overuse or trauma and prevents participation in
physical activity/exercise.
Sphygmomanometer: Blood pressure cuff, an instrument for
measuring blood pressure, particularly in arteries. Digital and
manual models are available. The two basic types of manual
sphygmomanometers are the mercury column and the gauge
with a dial face. The manual sphygmomanometer in most
frequent use today consists of a gauge attached to a rubber cuff
that is wrapped around the upper arm and is inflated to constrict
the arteries.
Spondylolisthesis: Forward movement of one vertebra in
relationship to an adjacent vertebra.
Spondylolysis: The breaking down (dissolution) of a portion of a
vertebra. Spondylolysis can be a cause of abnormal movement of
the spine (spondylolisthesis) and lead to localised back pain.
Stroke: The sudden death of brain cells due to lack of oxygen,
caused by blockage of blood flow or rupture of an artery to the
brain. Sudden loss of speech, weakness, or paralysis of one side
of the body can be symptoms.
Transplant: The grafting of a tissue from one place on the body
to another. The transplanting of tissue can be from one part of
a patient to another part as in the case of a skin graft using the
patient’s own skin, or from one patient to another patient as in
the case of transplanting a donor kidney into a recipient.
WebMD. Webster’s New World Medical Dictionary (3rd Edition).
Hoboken, NJ, U SA: Webster’s New World, 2009. p 21.
Copyright © 2009. Webster’s New World. All rights reserved.
P r e - e x e r cise S c r eening
Practice case study – #1
Stage 1 responses for client # 1
Stage 2 (questions 1-8) responses for client # 1
P r e - e x e r cise S c r eening
Stage 2 (questions 9-12) responses for client # 1
What decision did you make after Stage 1?
What decision did you make after Stage 2?
How many risk factors did Margaret have and what were they?
Were any extreme?
What is your general recommendation for exercise prescription
for Margaret? Are there any other issues / responses that you
are concerned about?
P r e - e x e r cise S c r eening
Practice case study – #2
Stage 1 responses for client # 2
Stage 2 (questions 1-8) responses for client # 2
P r e - e x e r cise S c r eening
Stage 2 (questions 9-12) responses for client # 2
What decision did you make after Stage 1?
What decision did you make after Stage 2?
How many risk factors did Donald have and what were they?
Were any extreme?
What is your general recommendation for exercise prescription
for Donald? Are there any other issues / responses that you are
concerned about?
P r e - e x e r cise S c r eening
Practice case study – #3
Stage 1 responses for client # 3
Stage 2 (questions 1-8) responses for client # 3
P r e - e x e r cise S c r eening
Stage 2 (questions 9-12) responses for client # 3
What decision did you make after Stage 1?
What decision did you make after Stage 2?
How many risk factors did Mary-anne have and what were they?
Were any extreme?
What is your general recommendation for exercise prescription
for Mary-anne? Are there any other issues / responses that you
are concerned about?
P r e - e x e r cise S c r eening
Practice case study – #4
Stage 1 responses for client # 4
Stage 2 (questions 1-8) responses for client # 4
P r e - e x e r cise S c r eening
Stage 2 (questions 9-12) responses for client # 4
What decision did you make after Stage 1?
What decision did you make after Stage 2?
How many risk factors did Belinda have and what were they?
Were any extreme?
What is your general recommendation for exercise prescription
for Belinda? Are there any other issues / responses that you are
concerned about?
P r e - e x e r cise S c r eening
Practice case study – #5
What decision did you make after Stage 1?
What decision would you make about progressing to Stage 2?
What is your general recommendation for Jimmy? Are there any
other issues / responses that you are concerned about?
Stage 1 responses for client # 5
P r e - e x e r cise S c r eening
Practice case study – #6
What decision did you make after Stage 1?
What decision would you make about progressing to Stage 2?
What is your general recommendation for Mike? Are there any
other issues / responses that you are concerned about?
Stage 1 responses for client # 6
P r e - e x e r cise S c r eening
Practice case study – #7
Stage 1 responses for client # 7
Stage 2 (questions 1-8) responses for client # 7
P r e - e x e r cise S c r eening
Stage 2 (questions 9-12) responses for client # 7
What decision did you make after Stage 1?
What decision(s) did you make after Stages 2 and 3?
Stage 3 responses for client # 7
How many risk factors did Chet have and what were they?
Were any extreme?
What is your general recommendation for exercise prescription
for Chet? Are there any other issues / responses that you are
concerned about?
P r e - e x e r cise S c r eening
P r e - e x e r cise S c r eening
P r e - e x e r cise S c r eening
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Pre-exercise risk identification and appropriate advice are vital components of any exercise service. Several pre-exercise
screening systems have been used in the Australian setting however there is a need for a system that is capable of
identifying risk while remaining practical and easy to use.
In 2010, three national organisations Fitness Australia, Exercise and Sports Science Australia (ESSA) and Sports Medicine
Australia (SMA) came together to support the development of the Adult Pre-Exercise Screening System (APSS). The
objective of new system is to offer a consistent high quality approach to pre-exercise screening, to enhance safety and
help create improved health outcomes for clients.
Pre-Exercise Screening: Guide to the Australian Adult Pre-Exercise Screening System is the perfect accompaniment for
exercise professionals and organisations using the new APSS. This comprehensive text provides an overview of the Adult
Pre-Exercise Screening Tool and explains how the tool can be used to evaluate the need for medical support for those
who are beginning an exercise program. Further information about individual risk factors and tailored programming for
people with health conditions is also provided. This level of information will greatly assist decision making and the ability
to counsel and educate the client.
In combination with the new APSS, this guide presents as an ideal learning and reference resource for all exercise and
health professionals.
Professor Kevin Norton is a lecturer and leading researcher in Exercise Science in the School of Health Sciences at
University of South Australia. As author of the Sports Medicine Australia Pre-Exercise Screening System (2005) and
Chairman of the Development Committee for the APSS (2011), Professor Norton has made a significant contribution to
the evolution of pre-exercise screening processes and risk factor assessment in Australia.
Dr. Lynda Norton is a lecturer in Health Promotion and Paramedic Science at Flinders University. Dr. Norton is a
researcher and author in the areas of physical activity interventions, injury epidemiology, and intensive care outcomes.