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Lilith Rebellion’s Handy Guide to the Astrological Alphabet
(with a bit of helpful context):
Planets, and other celestial bodies in the solar system, create angles with each other as they orbit at differing
speeds. In astrology these angles are called aspects. The Earth (at the centre of the natal chart) is always the axis of
the angle formed between two other planets. The nature of the aspect will modify the energy expression of two
aspecting planets in the person’s life.
The 5 Major Aspects:
Aspect symbol
Aspect meaning
The Conjunction, 0.0
The conjunction can be harmonious or inharmonious, depending on the nature of the planets
involved. The energy of the two planets are fused together and they may act as one
(especially with a tight conjunction).
The Opposition, 180
The opposition is considered a inharmonious or challenging aspect. It is as if the planets
involved, are having a tense confrontation and fighting for dominance in the person’s life.
The goal is integration and wholeness, which might involve possible compromise.
The Square, 90
The square is considered a inharmonious or challenging aspect, but potentially easier to
manage than the opposition. It is as if the planets involved in the 90 aspect, are having an
argument. Like with the opposition, the tension and challenge inherent in this aspect can act
as a creative stimulus in the person’s life that propels them forward as they seek to integrate
the planetary energies.
The Trine, 120
The trine is considered a harmonious aspect and indicates that the planets are working well
together. It is as if the planets involved in the trine are having an enjoyable and reciprocal
conversation. The trine often indicates natural giftings in a natal chart that we may be at risk
of taking for granted because they come easily to us.
The Sextile, 60
The sextile is also considered a harmonious aspect, but it may take more conscious effort to
utilize this beneficial energy exchange between the planets, in contrast to the trine.
*There are a number of “minor aspects” in addition to the major aspects, but if you are just starting out, focus on
the major aspects for now! The minor aspects have a more subtle influence.
Orbs are the degree to which an aspect can deviate from the exact angle and still have an impact on the two
planets involved. Generally no more than an 8 orb is recommended for major aspects, but if the sun or moon are
involved in the aspect, a person may still feel the aspect at a 9-10 deviation from the exact angle.
Copyright © Lilith Rebellion
Aries, the ram
(Sun signs: March 21st –
April 20th)
Taurus, the bull
(Sun signs: April 21st –
May 20th)
Ruling Planet
(the glyph & the meaning of its name)
Inner, personal planet.
1st House
Element Quality
2nd House
Roman god of war.
~ 2 years to travel
through all the signs.
Inner, personal planet.
Roman goddess of
love, desire, beauty &
~ 1-2 years to travel
through all the signs.
Gemini, the twins
(Sun signs: May 21st –
June 21st)
*The asteroid Ceres, is
considered by some to
be the new ruler of
*Venus also rules Libra
3rd House
Inner, personal planet.
Roman messenger god,
‘trickster’ god, god of
~ 1 year to travel
through all the signs.
Cancer, the crab
(Sun signs: June 22nd –
July 22nd)
*Also rules Virgo
The moon
4th House
Inner, personal “planet” (angular)
or luminary.
The Divine Feminine,
associated with both
our inner & external
mother/ nurturer and
our inner child who
wants to be nurtured.
Leo, the lion
(Sun signs: July 23rd –
Aug. 22nd)
~ 28 days to travel
through all the signs.
The sun
5th House
Inner, personal “planet” (succedent)
or luminary.
Associated with the
Copyright © Lilith Rebellion
Roman god Apollo,
god of the sun,
prophecy, music,
healing – your creative
Virgo, the maiden
(Sun signs: Aug. 23rd –
Sept. 22nd)
Libra, set of weight
(Sun signs: Sept. 23rd –
Oct. 22nd)
Scorpio, the scorpion
(Sun signs: Oct. 23rd –
Nov. 21st)
~ 30 days to travel
through one sign, and ~
1 year to travel through
all the signs.
Roman messenger god,
‘trickster’ god, god of
*Also rules Gemini
Roman goddess of
love, desire, beauty, &
*Also rules Taurus
Outer, generational,
transpersonal planet.
6th House
7th House
8th House
9th House
Roman god of the
underworld; brother to
Jupiter and Neptune.
~ 248 years to travel
through all the signs.
Sagittarius, the
(Sun signs: Nov. 22nd –
Dec. 21st)
*Mars was the
traditional ruler of
Scorpio before Pluto
was discovered
Outer planet.
Roman god of all gods,
and god of the Earth
and Sky - equivalent to
Zeus in Greek
~12 years to travel
through all the signs.
Copyright © Lilith Rebellion
Capricorn, the
mountain goat
Outer planet.
(Sun signs: Dec. 22nd –
Jan. 19th)
Roman god of
agriculture, wealth,
liberation, and time.
Aquarius, the waterbearer
(Sun signs: Jan. 20th –
Feb. 18th)
~ 29.5 years to travel
through all the signs.
Outer, generational,
transpersonal planet.
10th House
11th House
12th House
Greek god of the
heavens / sky – named
after Ouranos, the only
planet named after a
Greek deity, instead of
a Roman deity.
~ 84 years to travel
through all the signs.
Pisces, two fishes/ the
(Sun signs: Feb. 19th –
March 20th)
*Saturn was the
traditional ruler of
Aquarius until Uranus
was discovered
Outer, generational,
transpersonal planet.
Roman god of the sea;
brother to both Jupiter,
god of Earth & Sky,
and Pluto, god of the
~ 165 years to travel
through all the signs.
*Jupiter was the
traditional ruler of
Pisces until Neptune
was discovered
These are 28 of the most important glyphs in astrology that I highly recommend you memorize! It will make life
easier for you as you continue to study astrology.
Once you have memorized the glyphs, you should be able to read an astrological sentence like this:
Copyright © Lilith Rebellion