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The Shoulder Complex
E, K
1. The most important and most commonly injured bursa around the shoulder joint
is the:
A. subcoracoid bursa.
C. subacromial bursa.
B. subclavicular bursa.
D. subbicipital bursa.
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2. Which of the following muscles is not a part of the rotator cuff?
A. Infraspinatus
C. Supraspinatus
B. Subscapularis
D. Deltoid
M, A
3. The empty can test is used to determine injury to what muscle?
A. Deltoid
C. Long head of the biceps brachii
B. Infraspinatus
D. Supraspinatus
D, A
4. In which phase of observation is thoracic kyphosis detected?
A. Anterior
C. Posterior
B. Lateral
D. Inferior
5. What direction does the shoulder most commonly dislocate?
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A. Anteriorly
C. Medially
B. Inferiorly
D. Posteriorly
6. In a sternoclavicular sprain, the clavicle is generally displaced:
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A. downward and posteriorly.
B. downward and anteriorly.
C. upward and posteriorly.
D. upward and anteriorly.
M, A
M, K
7. With an anterior glenohumeral dislocation, the athlete’s arm is (in):
A. slight abduction and external rotation.
B. slight abduction and internal rotation.
C. internally rotated with the elbow flexed at 90 degrees.
D. a neutral position with the arm at the side, thumb pointing forward.
8. Prevention of shoulder injuries is accomplished by all of the following except:
A. learning how to fall.
B. development of extreme flexibility.
C. strengthening.
D. correct throwing technique.
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9. Each of the following athletes is prone to overuse injuries of the shoulder except:
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A. football quarterbacks.
C. volleyball players.
B. baseball pitchers.
D. bowlers.
10. The reason impingement injuries occur in the shoulder is due to:
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A. a single traumatic event resulting in instability.
B. continual use of the arm below 90 degrees of elevation.
C. reduction of the space through which the supraspinatus muscle can pass.
D. inflammation of the deltoid tendon.
11. The mechanism for an acromioclavicular sprain is:
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A. external rotation of the shoulder.
B. a fall on an outstretched arm.
C. a blow from behind the shoulder
D. All of the above are mechanisms.
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12. A dislocated shoulder outwardly displays:
A. a flattened deltoid.
C. a depressed sternum.
B. a high riding clavicle.
D. normal shoulder contours.
13. When an athlete has suffered a clavicle fracture he/she will show which of the
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following signs and symptoms?
A. The clavicle appears lower than the unaffected side.
B. The athlete is supporting his/her arm with the unaffected arm.
C. Palpation at the injury site reveals tenderness.
D. All of the above
14. In which phase of the throwing motion are the external rotators of the rotator cuff
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contracting eccentrically?
A. Cocking
C. Deceleration
B. Acceleration
D. Follow-through
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15. Which of the following tests is used for glenohumeral instability?
A. Empty can
C. Horizontal adduction test
B. Forced flexion test
D. Apprehension test
16. Which muscle(s) primary function is to assist with stabilization of the shoulder?
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A. Rhomboids
C. Deltoid
B. Rotator cuff
D. Pectoralis major
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17. In which phase of the throwing motion is maximum external rotation achieved?
A. Wind-up
C. Acceleration
B. Cocking
D. Deceleration
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18. The acromion process is part of which bone?
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A. Scapula
C. Spine
B. Humerus
D. Clavicle
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M, A
19. Which of the following is known as the true shoulder joint?
A. Sternoclavicular joint
B. Glenohumeral joint
C. Acromioclavicular joint
D. Scapulothoracic joint
20. An athlete comes off the field supporting an injured arm with the head
tilted towards the injured shoulder and the chin turned towards the opposite
side. Which injury have they likely sustained?
A. Shoulder dislocation
B. AC joint sprain
C. Fractured clavicle
D. Fractured sternum
21. Which of the following rotator cuff muscles abduct the shoulder?
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A. Infraspinatus
C. Subscapularis
B. Teres minor
D. Supraspinatus
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E, K
22. The sternoclavicular joint is the only bone-to-bone joint that holds the shoulder
complex onto the thorax.
23. The acromioclavicular joint is a strong joint reinforced by several key
24. Signs of biceps tenosynovitis include pain in the posterior aspect of the arm,
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swelling, and crepitus.
25. The rotator cuff muscle most commonly injured is the infraspinatus.
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26. The continual use of the arms above the horizontal plane in an athletic
endeavor has been known to lead to an impingement syndrome.
27. An acromioclavicular sprain is most often induced by a direct blow to the tip
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M, A
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of the shoulder, pushing the acromion process downward, or a fall on an
outstretched hand.
28. Physicians generally agree that a first-time dislocation may be associated with
a fracture,; and therefore its treatment is beyond the scope of a coach's or athletic
trainer's duties.
29. Most direct causes of anterior glenohumeral dislocations are situations in
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which the arm is forced into abduction, external rotation, and extension.
30. An athlete with a fractured clavicle will usually hang the arm at his or her side,
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internally rotated to relieve the stress on the supporting structures.
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31. Tenosynovitis of the long head of the biceps muscle is common among athletes
who execute a throwing movement as part of their event.
32. Transmitted forces from a fall is one of the two main mechanisms by which the
clavicle is fractured.
33. Contusions that commonly occur on the lateral aspect of the upper arm can lead
to myositis ossificans; thus this area needs to be protected.
34. The rotator cuff is most commonly injured with low velocity, dynamic rotatory
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35. After a shoulder dislocation is reduced, the athlete should be placed in a sling for
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at least 1 week.
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D, A
36. A common mechanism of injury causing a humeral fracture is forced external
rotation and abduction of the shoulder.
37. The empty can test is done with the arm in 90 degrees of flexion and horizontal
adduction with the thumb pointing down.
38. Because impingement is the primary mechanism leading to subacromial bursitis,
treatment involves finding and correcting the biomechanical faults that led to
the problem.
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