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For Philosophical Entertainment, Insight, and Awareness
Observe life like a scientist and live life as an artist.
Experience the perfection of now.
Perfect the art of living through unconditional love.
~ Michael Mercury ~
(916) 834-4321
[email protected]
‘Personal Astrology Readings by Mercury’ are insightful, original gifts for birthdays,
anniversaries, and for clarification in your life. Readings are conducted in person, or via
the phone at (916) 834-4321. All readings are taped.
The Cosmic Clock
The Moon rules the emotions and tone of the day. For this reason, your awareness of
its location can give you a better understanding of influences at play. The Planets signify
the mythological opportunities for each day.
(All times PST)
I use 00 degrees of the Sun Sign that the Sun is in on any given day.
Monday, January 4: The Moon is in Virgo all day. The Sun in Capricorn
is conjunct to Mercury retrograde in Capricorn at 11:06 a.m. PT This is
a time for discovering information that has been hidden. This is the month to
have deep internal introspection for a clear vision for knowing what you
want to accomplish this year? Communication is supported in every aspect
that you choose. Consider taking a positive approach to the way you manage
your money this year?
This is a good day and a positive week for everyone to slow down and make
sure you keep your awareness in the present. This is a time for investigating
what you want to do, but this is not the time to implement. Your attitude in
life makes all the difference for the way you live and the way you
experience the mystery that you represent. Mercury is still retrograde and the
lesson is to slow down, which is most important for your implementation.
"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees
the opportunity in every difficulty." ~ Sir Winston Churchill
Monday, January 4, that’s your Mercury Minute.
Tuesday, January 5: The Moon is in Virgo most of the day and then
later in the day the moon enters Libra at 8:58 p.m. PT Mercury in
Capricorn is conjunct to Venus in Capricorn at 2:39 a.m. The best way
to heal any relationship is to be able to communicate and keep a friendly
tone. Getting upset is not in anyone’s interest. To be aware and alert at all
times is like being a telescope and microscope at the same time. Meditation
and prayer are good sources for inner awareness, because they explore the
idea of consciousness for your growth.
There is a quality for financial growth this year, but now is not the time
to make any major moves or decisions. As the year flowers you’ll find the
correct path for bringing your life into a better financial position. Listen for
the best communication and live life as if it were the single most important
thing you do, because it is!
There is no pillow so soft as a clear conscience. ~ French Proverb
Tuesday, January 5, that’s your Mercury Minute.
Wednesday, January 6: The Moon is in Libra all day. When the Moon
finds itself in this air sign, it would be wise to find balance through
moderation in all that you choose to do. It is always good to be deliberate
and precise. Place your attention on what you do, because this allows your
intelligence to express itself. Observe the energy of life, which is presented
in an infinite pallet of possibilities. Consider easing into being who you are
and don’t interfere with you’re own essence. Let life come to You and then
react with your essence for what you do.
To be gentle is how one can with stand the slings and arrows of infinite
possibilities appearing from Know where!? Its almost the day when you set
yourself free! Yes, that is correct, free yourself from the limits that you place
on other’s and yourself! Killing is the least gentle thing Mankind does to
himself and others. Man kills or heals more than any other living thing on
planet earth.
He who is deprived of gentleness is deprived of good.
The Prophet Muhammad
Wednesday, January 6, that’s your Mercury Minute.
Thursday, January 7: The Moon is in Libra all day. A powerful day with
the morning having challenges and the later in the day all of life seems to
flow flawlessly forward. What is love? This is also a mystery that only you
can decide by U! To enjoy every day and moment of life is your potential
bliss, your given the tools, toys and material stuff to do what can be done!
Consider love as the matrix mystery that awaits your awakening for this is
the stuff that dreams are made of! With all the planets getting ready for a
new season for doing, keep your eye on your environment so that you can
harmonize with what is before you and not on what doesn’t exist. History
happens and then history repeats. Which came first, the history or the repeat
of the history? Truth and justice are important considerations for love to
God is love. Therefore love. Without distinction, without calculation,
without procrastination, love. Henry Drummond Thursday, January 7,
that’s your Mercury Minute.
Friday, January 8: The Moon enters the sign of Scorpio early in the
morning at 2:00 a.m. PT The simple fact that when you live with a
direction for what is most important to you then all things come into
alinement as if magic were happening. Spiritual healing is a good approach
for the energy this month. If you have any doubt about what you believe in
then its time for you to look within to appreciate how important your
thinking is and how important you choice’s reflect your awareness. Do you
enjoy what you do? Do you enjoy how you make a living? These are
significant questions, which if asked and contemplated then you can grow in
the direction and manor to which you were born?
All fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) you have many challenges coming
your way this month, but keep to the simple and don’t over-react and then
you learn what needs to be done for your liberation. Fire signs are going
through a major shift when it comes to your way of life this year!
Lives based on having are less free than lives based on doing or being. ~
E.Y. Harburg
Friday, January 8, that’s your Mercury Minute.
Saturday, January 9: The Moon is in Scorpio all day. Any challenges you
encounter today are of your making and you create all that happens in your
life. Know that you are the equation of eternity and you are the matrix for
what you choose to be and what you decide to do. Time is to slow for those
who wait and time is to swift for those who do and time is too long for those
who choose not to love and time is too short for those who love! Which one
is you?
Be one with your words and be your words as you do and speak. Life is the
expression of the earth and your life is an expression of mother-earth and
creation. All water signs (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio) are going to experience
deep feelings that provide you clarity for what is on your mind and what is
weighing on your heart?
"We have too many high sounding words, and too few actions that
correspond with them." -- Abigail Adams
Saturday, January 9, that’s your Mercury Minute.
Sunday, January 10: The Moon is in Scorpio as the day begins and then
the Moon enters Sagittarius at 10:10 a.m. PT By staying in the moment
and being aware you can access the truth of each situation and each person.
Any difficulties you encounter are going to be challenging you this week.
Financial problems may aries in the next few months, therefore pay attention
and keep a tight rein on your expense’s. Keep to the simple and avoid
complicated choices.
Keep a peaceful attitude for the best way to operate around troublesome
people that you encounter in the next few weeks. With winter there can be a
tendency to get a bit gloomy, however keep a positive frame of mind for a
healthy way to live. You encounter difficult conversations so keep your
focus on the information and don’t take it personally whatever you do.
Yesterday is ashes; tomorrow is wood. Only today does the fire burn
brightly. ~ Old Eskimo proverb
Sunday, January 10, that’s your Mercury Minute.
* * *
sponsored in part by:
The Mountain Astrologer magazine
is recognized as the best astrology magazine in the world. Each issue has a
student section, articles by and for professional astrologers, a forecast section,
daily aspects, the astrology of world events, astrological data and more.
October/November 2008