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Systemic Exam III Review (From Class)
1. Spinal nerve roots (aka ventral rami) that come from the following peripheral nerves:
a. Axillary nerve- C5,6
b. MCN- C5, 6, 7
c. Suprascapular N- C5, 6
d. Median N- C5, 6, 7, 8 & T1
e. Radial N- C5, 6, 7, 8 & T1
f. Thoracodorsal N (aka middle supscapular n)- C6, 7, 8
g. Long Thoracic N- C5, 6, 7
h. Ulnar N- C8, T1
i. Lower supscapular n- C5, 6
j. Dorsal scapular n- C5
2. What portion of the brachial plexus do the following directly ( key word) arise from?
a. Lower subscapular n- post chord
b. Lateral pectoral n- lateral chord
c. Thoracodorsal n- post chord
d. Axillary n- post chord
e. MCN- lateral chord
f. Ulnar n- medial chord
3. Spinal nerve roots that form the following peripheral nerves?
a. Lesser occipital nerve- C2,3
b. Phrenic n- C3, 4, 5 (keep diaphragm alive)
c. Transverse cervical n- C2,3
d. Greater (aka Great) auricular n- C2,3
e. Supraclavicular n- C3,4
i. Has 3 branches
f. Femoral nerve- C2, 3, 4 (kick the door)
g. Illioinguinal nerve- L1
h. Obturator- L2, 3, 4
i. Illiohypogastric- L1
j. Genitofemoral- L1,2
i. Has 2 branches
k. Lumbosacral trunk- L4, 5
l. Tibial nerve- L4,5 & S1, 2, 3
m. Sup Gluteal Nerve- L4,5 & S1
n. Inf gluteal n- L5 & S1, 2
o. Common peroneal–L4, 5 & S1, 2
4. Classify the joint b/t 2 vertebral bodies
a. Symphisis
b. Amphiarthrosis
c. Secondary Cartilaginous
Where is trochlear notch of ulna?
a. Ant. Proximal
b. Articulate with trochlear notch of humerus
c. Aka semilunar notch
Trapezius m insert directly sup to what muscle?
a. Inserts directly above deltoid muscle origin
b. Lateral clavicle, acromion, spine of scapula
Axons carry info away from soma. Dendrites carry info twd soma.
What info to bipolar neurons carry?
a. Special
b. E.g. sight, sound, equilibrium
State the Bell Megendie Law
a. Dorsal root- sensory
b. Ventral root- motor
Functional components of radial nerve?
b. GVE to smooth muscles (eg. erector pillie muscles) and glands (eg. Sweat)
c. GSE to skeletal muscle
Cranial nerves have special, general, or both. Spinal nerves only have general.
Influx of sodium (EPSP) gets the cell closer to threshold.
Transverse cervical crosses SCM in horizontal plane.
Deep peroneal loss causes foot drop.
If you lose the common peroneal nerve, can you still dorsiflex the foot?
a. NO
If you lose the common peroneal nerve, can you still invert the foot?
a. Yes
b. Why? B/c you can still use the tibialis posterior
If you lose the common peroneal nerve, can you still evert the foot?
a. NO- b/c can’t use peroneus longus, brevis, and tertius
What 2 layers of meninge have CSF? Arachnoid & pia
What never innervate levator scapular? Dorsal scapular nerve
Entrapment of what nerve causes carpal tunnel syndrome? Median nerve
Cutting what nerve roots prevents flexion of the elbow?
a. C5, 6, 7, 8 & T1
Cutting which nerve roots prevents extension of the knee?
a. L2, 3, 4 (kick the door)
Which roots form sup trunk of brachial plexus?
a. C5, 6
Winged scapula is caused by damage to? Long Thoracic N
25. Wrist drop due to damage of what? Radial n
26. Muscles innervated by ulnar nerve?
a. Flexor carpi ulnaris
b. ½ of flexor digitorum profundus
27. Sapheneous nerve comes from what nerve? Femoral nerve
28. Nerve roots that innervate glut max? L5 & S1,2
29. Nerve on ant. surface of psoas major muscle?
a. Genitofemoral
30. Damage to nerve causes loss of feeling to thumb? C6
31. Nerve roots innervate shoulder abducting muscles? C5,6
32. 2 nerve form sciatic nerve? Tibial and common peroneal
33. Cutting what nerve prevents extension of elbow joint? Radial nerve
34. What nerve innervate Palmaris longus m? Median n
35. What are the signs of Erb Duchenne palsy?
a. Drop shoulder
b. Internal rotation of shoulder
c. Flexion of wrist
36. What muscles does the femoral nerve innervate?
a. Quadriceps femorus (4 muscles)
b. Part of the Pectineus
c. Sartorius
d. Illiacus
37. T4 nerve root exits b/t what vertebra? T4 & 5
38. What nerve roots innervate tensor fascia latae muscle?
a. L4, 5 & S1
39. Action of piriformis muscle? External rotate femur, abduct femur
40. Nerve roots form pudendal nerve? S2, 3, 4
41. Where is L4 spinal segment found in the vertebral column? Region of T11-L1
42. How many dermatomes? 30
43. How many spinal nerves? 62 (31 pairs)
44. C1 spinal nerve has no dermatome
45. Spinal nerves that form the intercostals nerves? T2-T12
46. What nerve innervates the skin b/t digits 1 & 2 of foot? Deep peroneal
47. Cl- assoc w/ IPSP. Na- assoc with IPSP
48. Pia matter forms denticulate ligaments
49. Descending tracts carry what info? Motor
50. Ascending carries what? Sensory
51. What nerve innervates TMJ? CNV-3
52. Most herniated discs herniated in postereolateral direction.
53. Recurrent meningeal branch of spinal nerve innervates post. IVD
54. Lateral horn T1-L2 is where soma of preganglionic symp nervous system is located
55. Nicotic receptors are found where?
a. Ganglia
b. Adrenal medualla
c. Myoneural jxn of skeletal muscle
Tissues innervated by postganglion sympathetic cholinergic neurons?
a. Eccrine sweat glands
b. Blood vessels of skeletal m
Damage to nerve causes claw hand? Ulnar
Stimulating alpha receptors causes what on BP? Increase
a. FYI:
i. Alpha 1- blood vessels
ii. Alpha 2- at synapses (autoinhibitory)
How many pulmonary veins in humerus? 4
Branches of aortic arch?
a. Brachiocephalic Trunk
i. Right common carotid branches off it
b. Left common carotid artery
c. Left subclavian
Affect peripheral resistance of blood? Diameter, Viscosity, Length
Ventricular systole, AV valves are? Shut
Draw and name branches of circle of willis
a. Basilar
b. Posterior Cerebral
c. Posterior communicating
d. Middle cerebral
e. Ant. Cerabl
f. Ant communicating