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Grade 6 Social Studies, Quarter 1, Revised 2014
Basic Geography and History skills, Prehistory, Mesopotamia, and Ancient Egypt: Students begin with an introduction to geography and the
study of history including maps, timelines, and early human development. Students will analyze the geographic, political, economic, and
social structures of early Africa through the Neolithic Age which led to the development of the Mesopotamian and Nubian civilizations as well
as the beginning of Ancient Egypt.
Student Friendly “I Can” Statements
Geography and Study of History Standards
6.7 Recognize time designations and the
abbreviations, including:
 B.C.
 B.C.E.
 C.E.
 circa (c. or ca), decades, centuries,
prehistoric, historic
Geography and Study of History
I can identify the basic components of a
world map, including the compass rose, map
key, scale, latitude and longitude lines,
continents, and oceans.
I can identify basic geographic forms,
including rivers, lakes, bays, oceans,
mountains, plateaus, deserts, plains, and
coastal plains.
I can use a variety of maps to understand
geographic and historical information,
including political maps, resource maps,
product maps, physical maps, climate maps,
and vegetation maps.
Geography and Study of History Resources
Geography for Kids (maps and games)
Discovery Education- Landform and Climate
video clips and lesson plans
Our Interactive Maps:
Eduplace: World Civilization Interactive Maps
I can identify the job characteristics of
archaeologists, anthropologists, geologists,
and historians.
Discovery Education-Archaeologist Video Clip
I can create a timeline vertically and
horizontally using BCE, CE and BC, AD and
order events of the past.
Time Line Generator
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I can recognize the designations for time
dating, including BCE, BC, AD, CE, circa,
centuries, decades, prehistoric, and historic.
Human Origins Standards
Human Origins (Prehistory)
6.1 Identify sites in Africa where
archaeologists and historians have found
evidence of the origins of modern human
beings and describe what the archaeologists
I can identify sites in Africa where
archaeologists and historians have found
evidence of the origins of human ancestors
and describe what the archaeologists found.
6.2 Provide textual evidence that
characterizes the nomadic hunter-gatherer
societies of the Paleolithic Age (their use of
tools and fire, basic hunting weapons, beads
and other jewelry).
I can read an article and pull out textual
evidence to identify disadvantages and
advantages of nomadic and early farming
lifestyles, including shelter, food supply,
domestication of plants and animals, and
their use of tools, fire, basic hunting
weapons, and jewelry.
How To Read a Timeline PowerPoint
Human Origins Resources
Discovery Education-Mesopotamia: from
Nomads to Farmers video and lesson plans
Ötzi the Iceman Online Museum
Virtual Visit to the Caves of Lascaux
SWS: Early Man Migration Map
6.4 Evaluate the climatic changes and human
modifications of the physical environment
that gave rise to the domestication of plants
and animals and new sources of clothing and
Stone Age Project:
I can describe the types of early communities, Neolithic Brick Project
including nomadic, fishing, and farming.
Mysteries of Catalhöyük!
I can evaluate how climatic changes lead to
the domestication of plants and animals, and
Primary Documents and Supporting Texts to
new sources of clothing and shelter.
Read: Digital collections of early African art and
tools, including cave paintings and spears
6.5 Summarize the impact of agriculture
related to settlement, population growth, and
the emergence of civilization.
I can summarize how the development of
farming led to settlement, population growth
and the emergence of civilization.
WCE.SS6.1 Describe early types of
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Pearson Textbook:
o Art Articles 6-10
o Stages of Human Society A-E
Khan Academy: Agricultural Revolution
6.3 Explain the importance of the discovery of
metallurgy and agriculture.
I can explain the importance of the discovery
of metallurgy and agriculture.
Mesopotamia Standards
Mesopotamia (c.3500-1200 B.C.)
6.6 Identify and explain the importance of the
characteristics of civilizations, including:
 the presence of geographic
boundaries and political institutions
 an economy that produces food
 a concentration of population in
distinct areas or cities
 the existence of social classes
 developed systems of religion,
learning, art, and architecture
 a system of record keeping
 technology
I can identify on a map the location of early
civilizations and geographic features
surrounding the fertile crescent.
6.8 On a historical map, locate and describe
the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, Zagros and
Caucuses Mountains, Persian Gulf, Caspian
and Black Sea, Dead Sea and Sea of Galilee
and explain why the region is referred to as
the Fertile Crescent.
I can locate the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers,
Zagros and Caucuses Mountains, Persian
Gulf, Caspian, Black, and Dead Seas, and the
Sea of Galilee on a map.
*6.10 Trace the development of agricultural
techniques that permitted economic surplus
and the emergence of cities as centers of
culture and power. *correlates with Social
Studies standard 6.5.
I can recognize the steps that give rise to
complex governmental organizations,
including nomadic, farming, village, city, citystates, and states.
I can identify the characteristics of a
History Teacher Remix: Civilization
Mesopotamia Resources
Primary Documents and Supporting Texts to
Read: excerpts from the Epic of Gilgamesh;
digital collections of the ancient Mesopotamian
plow, wheel, sailboat, cuneiform tablets, and
the stylus
I can identify the basic components of
culture, including language, common values,
traditions, government, art, literature,
lifestyles in Mesopotamia.
Journals through History Ancient
I can explain the reasons cultural groups
developed or settled in Mesopotamia.
Ancient Mesopotamia Interactive Website
I can describe and explain they region was
referred to as the Fertile Crescent.
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Khan Academy: Mesopotamia
(review first)
British Museum Mesopotamia Website
Interactive Map Fertile Crescent
I can justify how agricultural techniques and
economic surpluses contributed to the
development of cities.
6.12 Explain the effects of how irrigation,
metalsmithing, slavery, the domestication of
animals, and inventions such as the wheel,
the sail, and the plow on the growth of
Mesopotamian civilizations.
6.11 Explain the significance of polytheism
(the belief that there are many gods) as the
religious belief of the people in
Mesopotamian civilizations.
6.13 Analyze the important achievements of
Mesopotamian civilization, including its
system of writing (and its importance in
record keeping and tax collection), literature
(Epic of Gilgamesh), monumental architecture
(the ziggurat), and art (large relief sculpture,
mosaics, and cylinder seals).
I can categorize different inventions and
systems that helped to develop
Mesopotamian civilizations including;
irrigation, metalsmithing, slavery, the
domestication of animals, and inventions
such as the wheel, the sail, and the plow.
I can classify Mesopotamia as a polytheistic
civilization and explain what that means.
I can distinguish between various piece of
Mesopotamian art and architecture.
I can identify the reason for developing a
system of writing in Mesopotamia and the
importance of the Epic of Gilgamesh.
Epic of Gilgamesh sources
I can compare and contrast the lives of
individual citizens in various governmental
organizations including monarchial systems.
6.14 Write an informative piece explaining
the significant contributions of
Mesopotamian leaders, including Hammurabi
and Sargon, and explain the basic principle of
justice in Hammurabi’s Code (“an eye for an
I can I can write an informative piece
explaining the significant contributions of
Hammurabi and Sargon to Mesopotamia and
the role of Hammurabi’s Code as a means of
I can describe the forms of early writing,
including cuneiform.
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Online Activity for Code of Hammurabi
Pearson Textbook:
o Art Archive #5
o Sumerian Artifact – Cuneiform Writing
Writing in Cuneiform
WCE.SS6.2 Describe cuneiform.
6.9 Summarize Sumer, Babylon, and Assyria
as successive civilizations and empires and
explain the development of city-states,
identify Kish, Akkad, Ur, and Nineveh, and the
significance of Sargon and Hammurabi.
I can identify major technological advances in
Mesopotamia, including tools, irrigation,
wheel, river dikes, development of farming,
advances in weaponry, written language.
MTSU Primary Sources: Write Like a Sumerian
Activity-math connection
*correlates with Math standard GLE.06061.7
and CCSS.6.EE.B.7 re: solving equations for
cases in which p, q and x are all nonnegative
rational numbers.
I can identify characteristics, including
economy, social relations, religion, and
political authority of various societies in
I can name the possible causes of change in
Mesopotamian civilizations, including the
environmental change, political collapse, new
ideas, warfare, overpopulation, unreliable
food sources, and diseases.
6.43 Conduct a short research piece with
supporting details of Second Babylonian,
Persian, and Median Empires, including
Nebuchadnezzar, the Hanging Gardens of
Babylon, Cyrus the Great, Darius the Great,
and Xerxes.
I can conduct a short research piece with
supporting details of the Second Babylonian
Empire, including Nebuchadnezzar and the
Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Cyrus the Great,
Darius the Great
Ancient Egypt Standards
Ancient Egypt (c. 3000-1200 B.C.)
6.15 On a historical map locate the
Mediterranean and Red Seas, the Nile River
and Delta, and the areas of ancient Nubia and
Egypt. Identify the locations of ancient Upper
and Lower Egypt and explain what the terms
mean. On a modern map, identify the
I can reproduce a map of ancient Egypt that
includes the Mediterranean and Red Seas,
the Nile River and Delta, the areas of ancient
Nubia and Egypt.
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Ancient Egyptian Resources
Egyptian Web Quest
Discover Egypt:
PBS-Secrets of the Pharaohs
modern countries of Egypt and the Sudan.
6.17 Develop a visual representation of the
structure of Egyptian society including the
role of the pharaoh as god/king, the concept
of dynasties, the importance of at least one
Egyptian ruler, the relationship of pharaohs
to peasants, and the role of slaves in ancient
I can identify the locations of ancient Upper
and Lower Egypt and explain what the terms
Intro to Egypt:
Children’s University of Manchester Website
I can recognize on a modern map the location
of the modern countries of Egypt and Sudan.
Discovery Education Animated Video
(printouts included)
I can create visual representation of the
structure of Egyptian society.
Discovery Education Egypt
Lesson Plans and Video Clips (including
Extra Resources:
Meme maker
Smithsonian Institute Primary Resources and
6.18 Cite evidence from informational texts
to explain the polytheistic religion of ancient
Egypt with respect to beliefs about death, the
afterlife, mummification, and the roles of
different deities.
I can explain the religion of the ancient
Egyptians using evidence from informational
Videos and Projects for Most Civilizations
The Story of Mankind-The Birth of Democracy
Crash Course in Indian History with Tim
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