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GEOG 1200
Value: 12.5% of course grade
Time allowed: 1 hour
Number of questions to be attempted: 50
Answer all of the following multiple choice questions, using the IBM and a pencil.
Write your name and student number as directed at the top of the IBM sheet.
There are 50 questions. For each there are 5 possible answers, lettered A, B, C,
D, and E to choose from. Choose the BEST answer and then against the
relevant question number place a pencil mark within the bubble at the
appropriate letter on the IBM sheet.
NOTE: You must not make more than one mark for each question; multiple
choices will result in the question being scored "incorrect". You must ensure that
any errors are erased completely.
1. An air mass that forms over warm tropical oceans would be designated by
which of the following symbols?
A) mP
B) mA
C) cP
D) cA
E) mT
2. An air mass that forms over northern continental interiors would be designated
by which of the following symbols?
A) mP
B) mA
C) cP
D) cA
E) mT
3. A continental Polar air mass differs from a maritime Polar air mass in that:
A) continental Polar air masses are colder than maritime Polar air masses
B) continental Polar air masses contains less moisture than maritime Polar
air masses
C) continental Polar air masses originate over oceans, whereas a maritime Polar
air masses originate over land
D) continental Polar air masses originate over Arctic oceans and nearby land,
whereas maritime Polar air masses form over a distinct latitude zone from 20 to
30 degrees latitude
E) continental Polar air masses originate over form over the eastern Arctic,
whereas maritime Polar air masses form over western Arctic
4. Cold fronts compared to warm fronts are:
A) slower moving, with more intense rainfall
B) faster moving, with more intense rainfall
C) slower moving, with less intense rainfall
D) faster moving, with less intense rainfall
E) faster moving, with rainfall of long duration
5. Warm air at the center of a wave cyclone is forced off the ground intensifying
precipitation during which of the following stages?
A) early stage
B) open stage
C) closed stage
D) occluded
E) dissolving stage
6. What are hurricanes known as in the Indian Ocean region?
A) hurricane
B) typhoon
C) cyclone
D) depression
E) wave cyclone
7. The Simpson-Saffir scales measures which of the following phenomena?
A) Rainfall amounts associated with hurricanes
B) Damage produced by a tornado
C) Ground motion associated with an earthquake
D) Mean wind speed associated with a hurricane
E) Mean wind speed associated with a tornado
8. A/An _______________ forms when a cold air mass penetrates a warm air
A) warm front
B) occluded front
C) cold front
D) stationary front
E) anticyclone
9. In middle and high latitudes, the dominant form of weather system is the
_______________, a large inspiral of air that repeatedly forms, intensifies, and
dissolves along the polar front.
A) warm front
B) wave anticylone
C)wave cyclone
D) cold front
E) hurricane
10. A/An ________________ is a small but intense vortex with very high wind
A) hurricane
B) tornado
C) typhoon
D) cyclone
E) anticyclone
11. The amount of net carbohydrate remaining after respiration has broken down
sufficient carbohydrate to support a plant is the:
A) primary production
B) net primary production
C) biomass
D) gross photosynthesis
E) net photosynthesis
12. The dry weight of living organic matter in an ecosystem within a designated
surface area is used to describe:
A) primary production
B) net primary production
C) bioclimatic frontiers
D) gross photosynthesis
E) net photosynthesis
13. Which of the following climate types would generally have the highest levels
of primary productivity?
A) dry, tropical semi-arid
B) tundra
C) Mediterranean
D) boreal forest
E) wet equatorial
14. A geographic boundary corresponding with a critical limiting level of climate
stress beyond which a species cannot survive is referred to as a/an:
A) sere
B) bioclimatic frontier
C) habitat
D) niche
E) disjunction
15. A subdivision of the environment describing the space that an organism
inhabits and its functional role in an ecosystem is referred to as a/an:
A) sere
B) bioclimatic frontier
C) habitat
D) niche
E) disjunction
16. The phenomenon whereby plants produce a chemical toxin to reduce
competition from other plants is referred to as:
A) allelopathy
B) symbiosis
C) parasitism
D) herbivory
E) commensalism
17. Animals that have adapted to extreme shortages of water are referred to as:
A) xeron
B) xeralfs
C) xerolls
D) xerophytes
E) xeric
18. Which of the following features does not characterize cold-blooded animals?
A) active only in warmer times of the year
B) become dormant in cooler time of the year
C) hibernate in burrows or nests
D) sweat to reduce temperature in hot weather
E) seek shelter in winter to reduce fluctuations of temperature
19. Daylight length especially in mid-latitudes controls seasonal activity. This is
referred to as:
A) edaphic
B) photoperiod
C) seral
D) xeric
E) phreatic
20. Parasitism an example of which of the following processes?
A) succession
B) symbiosis
C) allelopathy
D) predation
E) herbivory
21. The interaction between species whereby one species is benefited and the
other unaffected is referred to as:
A) succession
B) protocooperation
C) allelopathy
D) predation
E) commensalism
22. Plants that attach themselves to the trunks and branches of tropical trees are
referred to as:
A) forbs
B) epiphytes
C) sclerophylls
D) lichens
E) emergent crowns
23. Free 1 point for everyone!
24. Chaparral vegetation is found in which of the following forest types?
A) low-latitude rainforest
B) subtropical needleleaf forest
C) mid-latitude deciduous forest
D) coastal needleleaf forest
E) sclerophyll forest
25. Boreal forests may be classified as which of the following forest types?
A) low-latitude rainforest
B) subtropical evergreen forest
C) mid-latitude deciduous forest
D) needleleaf forest
E) coastal broad leaf forest
26. The proportion of sand, silt and clay in a soil is referred to as the:
A) soil profile
B) soil configuration
C) soil enrichment
D) soil structure
E) soil texture
27. Finely divided, partially decomposed organic matter is referred to as:
A) colloids
B) humus
C) sesquioxides
D) regolith
E) litter
28. Soil grains are grouped together in large masses known as:
A) colloids
B) peds
C) sesquioxides
D) sols
E) bases
29. A soil may be said to be saturated under which of the following conditions?
A) potential evapotranspiration exceeds soil water recharge
B) potential evapotranspiration exceeds actual evapotranspiration
C) actual evapotranspiration exceeds potential evapotranspiration
D) actual evapotranspiration equals potential evapotranspiration
E) actual evapotranspiration is less than potential evapotranspiration
30. The movement of clays out of the E horizon is referred to as:
A) illuviation
B) eluviation
C) salinization
D) humification
E) transformation
31. Which of the following soils would you find associated with the extensive
grasslands of the Prairies?
A) chernozemic
B) brunisolic
C) cryosolic
D) gleysolic
E) luvisolic
32. Which of the following soils would you find under forest with a weak
accumulation of clay in the B horizon?
A) chernozemic
B) brunisolic
C) cryosolic
D) gleysolic
E) luvisolic
33. The horizon that normally accumulates clay in a soil is referred to as the
_________ horizon
A) A
B) B
C) C
D) O
E) P
34. Which of the following types of soil particle is the smallest in size?
A) sand
B) gravel
C) colloids
D) clays
E) silt
35. A clastic rock containing pebbles of hard rock is a:
A) mudstone
B) claystone
C) shale
D) siltstone
E) conglomerate
36. Which of the following is a type of carbonate rock?
A) sandstone
B) limestone
C) coal
D) rhyolite
E) basalt
37. Petroleum, coal and natural gas are referred to as:
A) evaporates
B) carbonates
C) hydrocarbons
D) schists
E) metamorphic rocks
38. Which of the following rocks results from the metamorphosis of limestone?
A) slate
B) schist
C) quartzite
D) gneiss
E) marble
39. Which of the following rocks results from the metamorphosis of sandstone?
A) slate
B) schist
C) quartzite
D) gneiss
E) marble
40. Which of the following is associated with a subduction zone?
A) oceanic trench
B) midocean ridge
C) rift valley
D) axial rift
E) continental shield
41. The original supercontinent first envisaged by Wegener is referred to as:
A) Koppenland
B) Wegenerland
C) Pangea
D) Laurasia
E) Gondwanaland
42. If you were to move from a continental landmass out to sea, in what order
would you encounter continental and ocean basin relief features?
A) continental slope, continental shelf, continental rise, abyssal plain
B) continental shelf, continental rise, continental slope, abyssal plain
C) continental shelf, continental slope, continental rise, abyssal plain
D) continental rise, continental slope, continental margin, abyssal plain
E) continental margin, continental slope, continental shelf, abyssal plain
43. The ________ is the soft, hot layer of rock located in the ________.
A) lithosphere/crust
B) crust/mantle
C) asthenosphere/mantle
D) asthenosphere/crust
E) crust/asthenosphere
44. The Mohorovicic discontinuity is located between the:
A) inner core and outer core
B) core and the mantle
C) mantle and the crust
D) asthenosphere and the outer mantle
E) lithosphere and the core
45. Comparatively inactive regions of very old continental rocks are referred to
A) continental shields
B) suspect terrains
C) alpine chains
D) mountain arcs
E) orogenic belts
46. Fragments ejected from a volcano ranging in size from boulders to fine dust
are collectively referred to as:
A) lava
B) lahar
C) ash
D) tephra
E) pumice
47. Lava associated with composite volcanoes is:
A) thick gassy and felsic
B) thick gassy and mafic
C) fluid gassy and mafic
D) fluid with little gas and felsic
E) fluid with little gas and mafic
48. The location inside the earth where an earthquake originates is termed its
A) focus
B) orogeny
C) epicenter
D) face
E) mineralogic substrate
49. The correct term for a marine wave caused by volcanic or earthquake activity is
A) tidal wave
B) storm surge
C) pingo
D) tsunami
E) tombolo
50. Lava associated with shield volcanoes such as those in Hawaii is:
A) thick gassy and felsic
B) thick gassy and mafic
C) fluid gassy and mafic
D) fluid with little gas and felsic
E) fluid with little gas and mafic