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K. V. Tamil Selvi et al., International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945
Research Paper
1K. V. Tamil Selvi, 2P. Thangaraj, 3O. Ravi
Address for Correspondence
Department of Mathematics, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, Erode District,
Tamil Nadu, India.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology,
Sathyamangalam, Erode District, Tamil Nadu, India.
Department of Mathematics, P.M. Thevar College, Usilampatti, Madurai District,
Tamil Nadu, India.
The aim of this paper is to introduce α-sets in ideal topological spaces. The relationships
between the class of α-sets and the related sets are discussed.
KEYWORDS AND PHRASES. - set, α- set, weak - set, t- -set, α*- -set, α- -openset,semi-regular set, regular--closed set.
In 1986, Tong [32] introduced -sets and in 1989, Tong [33] introduced -sets in topological
spaces. In 1998, Dontchev [7] introduced the class of -sets which lies between the class
of -sets and the class of -sets. In 2009, Ekici and Noiri [11] introduced the class of αsets which is weaker form of the class of -sets. They also studied the relationships
between α-sets and the related sets; and some decompositions of α-continuity, αcontinuity, continuity and -continuity were provided by them.
In this paper, the class of α-sets is introduced in ideal topological spaces. Some new
relationships between the class of α-sets and the related sets are obtained. Also,
properties of α-sets are discussed.
In the present paper(X,τ) or(Y,σ) will denote topological spaces with no separation properties
assumed. For a subset V of X, let cl(V) and int(V) denote the closure and the interior of V,
respectively, with respect to the topological space(X,τ).
An ideal on a topological space (X, τ) is a non-empty collection of subsets of X which
satisfies the following conditions.
(1) A∈and B⊆A imply B∈and
(2) A ∈and B ∈imply A∪ B ∈.
Given a topological space (X, τ ) with an ideal on X if (X) is the set of all subsets
of X, a set operator (•)* : (X) →(X), called a local function [34] of A with respect to τ and
is defined as follows: for A  X, A* (, τ ) = {x ∈X | U ∩A  for every U∈ τ(x)} where
τ(x)={U ∈ τ | x ∈ U}. A Kuratowski closure operator cl* (•) for a topology τ * ( , τ ), called the
* -topology, finer than τ is defined by cl* (A) = A  A* (, τ ) [25]. We will simply write A* for
A* (, τ ) and τ * for τ * ( , τ ). If is an ideal on X, then (X, τ ,) is called an ideal topological
space. Notice that int* (A) denotes the interior of A in (X, τ* ).
Definition 1.1.A subset H of an ideal topological space (X, τ, ) is called
1. α--open [16] if H ⊆int(cl* (int(H))),
2. semi--open [16] if H ⊆cl* (int(H)),
3. pre--open [8] if H ⊆int(cl* (H)),
4. t--set[16] if int(cl* (H)) = int(H),
5. an α* --set[16]if int(H)=int(cl* (int(H))),
6. regular--closed[22]if H=(int(H))*,
7. * -closed [21] if H* ⊆ H or cl* (H) = H,
8. semi* --open[12] if H⊆cl(int * (H)),
9. semi* --closed[12] if its complement is semi*--open,
10. β--open [16] if H ⊆cl(int(cl* (H))),
02010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 54A10, 54C10, 54D10, 54D15
11. β--closed[16] if its complement is β--open
Int J AdvEngg Tech/Vol. VII/Issue II/April-June,2016/1012-1019
K. V. Tamil Selvi et al., International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945
12. semi --regular [23] if H is both a t--set and a semi -open set,
13. β--regular [35] if H is both a β-I-open set and an α*--set,
14. strong β--open [18] if H ⊆cl* (int(cl* (H))),
15. τ*-dense [20] if cl* (H) =X,
16. an α-set [28] or αI N3 -set[3] if H∈α (X) ={A∩B:A is α--open and B is
17. an α -set [28] or α N4 -set[3] if H∈α (X)={A∩B: A is α--open and B is an
α* --set},
18. an  -set [16] if H∈(X)={A∩B:A is open and B is an α* --set},
19. an   -set [23] if H∈  (X) ={A∩B : A is open and B is semi--regular},
20. weak  -set [35] if H ∈W (X)={A∩B:A is open and B is β-- regular},
21. weakly--locally closed [24] if H∈WLC(X)={A∩B:A∈τ and B is* -closed},
22. an  -set [22] if H∈ (X)={A∩B:A∈τ and B is regular--closed},
23. a  -set [16] if H∈ (X)={A∩B:A∈τ and B is at--set}.
Proposition 1.2.
[23] Every regular--closed set is a semi--regular but not conversely.
Proposition 1.3.
[16] Every t--set is an α* --set.
Proposition 1.4.
[23] Every-se tis a -set.
Proposition 1.5.
[16] Every open set is an α--open but not conversely.
Proposition 1.6.
[2]The following are equivalent for a subset H of an ideal topological space (X, τ, ):
(1) α--open.
(2) semi--open and pre--open.
Proposition 1.7.
[18] Every semi-I-open set is a strong β--open.
Proposition 1.8. [23]
(1) Every semi--regular set is at--set.
(2) Every semi-I-regular set is a semi-I-open set.
Proposition 1.9.
[23] For a subset of an ideal topological space (X, τ, ), the following property holds:
Every AB-set is semi- -open.
Remark 1.10.
[35]The following properties hold for a subset of an ideal topological space (X, τ, ):
(1) Every semi--regular set is β--regular but not conversely.
(2) Every-set is a weak -set but not conversely.
(3) Every weak -set is a -set but not conversely.
(4) The notions of α--open sets and weak -sets are independent.
Remark 1.11.
[14] Let H be a subset of an ideal topological space (X, τ, ). Then the β--closure of
H, denoted by β--cl(H), is the smallest β--closed set containing H.
Remark 1.12.
[22] Every regular--closed set is * -closed.
Remark 1.13.
[29] Let H be a subset of an ideal topological space (X, τ, ). The smallest semi*-closed set containing H is called the semi*--closure of H and is denoted by s*-cl(H).
Theorem 1.14.
[29] Let (X, τ, ) be an ideal topological space and H ⊆ X. Then the following hold:
s *cl(H) =H ∪ int (cl* (H)).
Int J AdvEngg Tech/Vol. VII/Issue II/April-June,2016/1012-1019
K. V. Tamil Selvi et al., International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945
Theorem 1.15.
[29] Let (X, τ, ) be an ideal topological space and H be a strong β--open subset of X.
Then s* cl(H) is semi--regular.
[28]The following are equivalent for a subset H of an ideal topological space (X, τ, ):
(1) H is an α -set.
(2) H=U∩s*cl(H) for some α--open set U
Proposition 1.17.
[2] Let H be a subset of an ideal topological space (X, τ, ).
(1) If V is semi--open and A is α--open ,then H=V∩A is semi--open.
(2) If V is pre--open and A is α--open, then H=V∩A is pre--open.
Lemma 1.18.
[4] Let (X, τ, ) be an ideal topological space and A⊆ X. Then A is
α--open if and only if A = U∩V where U is open and int(V) is τ* -dense.
Definition 1.19.
[6] A subset H of an ideal topological space (X, τ, ) is said to be-dense if H* = X.
Definition 1.20.
[6] An ideal topological space (X, τ, ) is said to be -hyper connected if every non
empty open subset of X is -dense.
Theorem 1.21.
[30] Let H be a subset of an ideal topological space (X, τ, ). Then the following holds.
H is semi--regular if and only if H is both strong β--open and semi* --closed.
Proposition 1.22.
In an ideal topological space (X, τ, ),
(1) if U ∈ τ and W is α--open set, then U∩W is α--open[26].
(2) if U ∈ τ and W is β--open set, then U∩W is β--open[17].
Definition 1.23.
[12] An ideal topological space X is called *-extremally disconnected if the *-closure of
every open subset of X is open.
Lemma 1.24.
[19] Let K be a subset of an ideal topological space (X, τ, ). If N is open, then
N∩cl * (K) ⊆ cl* (N∩K).
An ideal topological space (X, τ,  ) is called I-submaximal [1, 13]if every τ*-dense subset
of X is open.
[13]For an ideal topological space(X, τ, ),the following properties are equivalent:
(1) X is-submaximal.
(2) Every pre--open set is open.
(3) Every pre--open set is semi--open and every α--open set is open.
2. α-sets
Definition 2.1.
A subset H of an ideal topological space (X, τ, I) is called
(1) an α-set if H ∈ α(X) ={U  V:U is α- -open and V is semi- - regular}.
(2) an  -set if cl* (int(H))=X.
Remark 2.2.
(1) Every α- -open (semi- -regular)set is an α-set but not conversely.
(2) The following diagram holds for a subset H of an ideal topological
space (X, τ, ):
 -set
 -set
 -set
Int J AdvEngg Tech/Vol. VII/Issue II/April-June,2016/1012-1019
K. V. Tamil Selvi et al., International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945
α- set
α -set
None of these implications is reversible as shown in the following examples.
Example 2.3.
Let X = {a, b, c, d}, τ = {∅, {a},{b},{a, b},{b, c},{a, b, c},X} and I={∅,{b}}. Then {a, d} is
an α -set but not an α- -open.
Example 2.4.
Let X, τ and be as in Example2.3. Then {a, b, c} is an α-set but not a semi-Iregular.
Example 2.5.
Let X={a, b, c, d},τ={∅,{a},{d},{a, d},X} and I={∅,{d}}. Then {a, b} is an -set but
not an - set.
Example 2.6.
Let X={a, b, c, d},τ={∅,{d},{a, c},{a, c ,d},X}and={∅,{c},{d},{c, d}}.Then {b } is a
- set but not an -set.
Example 2.7.
In Example 2.6,{a, b, d} is a - set but not a - set.
Example 2.8.
Let X, τ and be as in Example 2.5.Then {a, b, d} is an α -set but not an  - set.
Example 2.9.
Let X={a, b, c, d},τ={∅,{a},{a, b},X} and ={∅,{c}}.Then {a, b, c} is an α- set but not a
- set.
Example 2.10.
In Example 2.6, {b} is an α- set but not an α- set.
Example 2.11.
Let X, τ and be as in Example2.5.Then {a, b, d } is an α - set but not a - set.
Example 2.12.
Let X={a, b, c},τ={∅,{a, b}, X} and ={∅,{c}}. Then {b, c} is an α- set but not an
Proposition 2.13.
For a subset of an ideal topological space (X ,τ, ),the following property holds:
Every α- set is semi-  -open.
Proof. Let H be an α- set. Then H = U∩V where U is an α-- open set and V is a semi-regular set. By Proposition 1.8, V is a semi--open set. By Proposition 1.17(1), H is semi-open.
Theorem 2.14.ThefollowingareequivalentforasubsetHofanidealtopological space (X, τ, ):
(1) H is an α- set.
(2) H is a semi- -open and an α-set.
(3) H is a strong β- -open and an α- set.
Proof. (1)⇒(2): Every α- set is a semi- -open and an α- set.
(2) ⇒(3):Obvious.
(3) ⇒(1):Let H be a strong β- -open and an α- set. By Lemma1.16, H= U∩s*cl(H)
for some α--open set U. Since H is strong β--open, by Theorem1.15, s* cl (H) is semi -regular. Hence, H is an α- set.
Example 2.15.
(1) Let X, τ and be as in Example 2.3. Then {a, c} is an α-set but not a semi--open.
(2) Let X = {a, b, c, d, e}, τ = {∅, X, {a}, {e}, {a, e}, {c, d}, {a, c, d}, {c, d, e},{b, c, d,e},
{a, c ,d, e}} and ={∅} then {b, c ,d} is a semi--open but not an α -set.
Example 2.16.
(1) Let X, τ and be as in Example 2.3. Then {a, c} is an α- set but not a strong β-open.
(2) Let X, τ and be as in Example 2.6. Then {a} is a strong β--open but not an α- set.
Theorem 2.17.
The following are equivalent for a subset H of an ideal topological space (X, τ, ):
Int J AdvEngg Tech/Vol. VII/Issue II/April-June,2016/1012-1019
K. V. Tamil Selvi et al., International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945
(1) H is an α--open.
(2) H is a pre- -open and an α-set.
Proof.(1) ⇒(2): Since every α--open set is a pre--open and an α-set, it is obvious.
(2) ⇒(1): Let H be a pre--open and an α-set. By Proposition 2.13, H is semi-open. Since H is semi--open and pre-- open, by Proposition 1.6, it is an α--open.
Example 2.18.
(1) Let X = {a, b, c}, τ = {∅, {a}, {b}, {a, b}, X} and ={∅,{a}}.Then {b, c} is an αset but not a pre--open.
(2) In Example 2.12,{a, c} is a pre- -open but not an α- set.
Theorem 2.19.
The following are equivalent for a subset H of an ideal topological space (X, τ, ):
(1) H is an α-set.
(2) H=A∩B where A is an-set and B is an  - set.
Proof.(⇒) : Let H be an α-set. This implies H = C∩D where C is α--open and D is
semi--regular. By Lemma 1.18, we have C = E∩F where E is open and F is an  -set.
Moreover, we have H=C∩D=E∩F∩D=(E∩D)∩F such that A= E∩D is an -set and B=F is
an -set.
(⇐) : Let H=A∩B where A is an - set and B is an  -set. Since A is an -set,
there exist an open set U and a semi--regular set V such that A = U∩V. We have
H=A∩B=U∩V∩B=(U∩B)∩V where U∩B is, by Lemma1.18,an α-- open. Thus, H is an
Example 2.20.
(1) Let X = {a, b, c, d}, τ = {∅, {c}, {a, c}, {b, c}, {a, b, c},{a, c, d},X} and
={∅,{c}}.Then{c} is anset but not an  -set.
(2 )Let X , τ and be as in Example 2.9. Then {a, b, c} is an  -set but not an
Theorem 2.21.
Let (X, τ, ) be an ideal topological space. Then the following are equivalent.
(1) X is- hyper connected.
(2) Every semi--open set is an -dense set.
(3) Every α-set is an -dense set.
(4) Every-set is an -dense set.
Proof .(1) ⇒(2): Let H be a semi--open set. Then there exists an open set G such that G  H
 cl* (G). Since G is -dense, G* = X and so H*= X which implies that H is an-dense.
(2) ⇒(3): is clear, by Proposition 2.13.
(3) ⇒(4): is clear, by Remark 2.2.
(4) ⇒(1):Let H be a non empty open set. Then H is an-set and so by (4),H is an dense set.
Theorem 2.22.
Let H be a subset of an - submaimal ideal topological space (X, τ,  )Then the following
are equivalent.
(1) H is at--set.
(2) H is a semi*--closed set.
(3) H is both an α*--set and an α-set.
(1) ⇒(2): H is a t--set implies that int(H) = int(cl*(H)) which implies int(cl*(H))  H
and so H is a semi*--closed set. Conversely, if H is semi*--closed, then int(cl*(H))  H and so
it follows that int(cl*(H))=int(H).Hence H is a t--set.
(2) ⇒(3): Clearly int(H)  int(cl*(int(H))). But int(cl*(int(H)))  int(cl*(H))  H and
so int(cl*(int(H)))  int(H). Hence int(cl*(int(H))) = int(H) which implies that H is an α*--set.
Also, H = H∩X where H is a t--set by (1) and X is α--open. Thus H is an α-set.
(3) ⇒(1): Suppose H is both an α*--set and an α-set. Th en H = U∩V where U
is an α-- open and V is a t--set. Now int (cl*(H)) = int (cl* (U∩V))  int [cl*(U)∩cl* (V)]=int
Int J AdvEngg Tech/Vol. VII/Issue II/April-June,2016/1012-1019
K. V. Tamil Selvi et al., International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945
(cl*(U))∩int (cl*(V)) = int (cl*(U)) ∩ int (V)=int [cl* (U)∩ int (V)]  int (cl* [U∩ int (V)]) =
int (cl* (int (U∩V))) = int (cl* (int (H))) = int (H) and so int (cl*(H))  int (H). But
int (H)  int(cl*(H)) which implies that H is a t--set.
Example 2.23.
Let X = {a, b, c, d}, τ = {  , {a, b}, {a, b, c}, {a, b, d}, X} and  = {  , {b}}. Then {a}
is an α*--set but not an α- set and {a, b} is an α-set but not an α*--set. This shows that
α*--sets and α- sets are independent of each other, in general.
Theorem 2.24.
Let H be a subset of an -sub maximal ideal topological space(X, τ,  )Then the following
are equivalent.
(1) H is semi--regular set.
(2) H is semi*--closed set and an α-set.
(3) H is an α*--set and α -set.
Proof.(1) ⇒(2): is clear. [see Theorem 1.21]
(2) ⇒(3):is clear.[see Theorem 2.22]
(3) ⇒(1): If H is an α-set,byTheorem 2.14, H is both a semi--open and an αset. Again, if H is an α*- -set, by Theorem 2.22, H is a t- -set and so H is a semi-- regular set.
Remark 2.25.
The following examples show that the concepts of semi*--closed set and α-set are
independent of each other in general.
Example 2.26.
Let X, τ and be as in Example 2.12.Then {c}is a semi*-I-closed but not an α-set.
Example 2.27.
Let (R, τ) be the real numbers with the usual topology τ with ideal={∅}. Then R\{0} is
an α-set, but it is not a semi*- -closed set. If ={∅}, then H* =cl(H) and cl* (H)=cl(H)
for every subset H of an ideal topological space. Let A = R \{0}. Then cl*(A) = R and
int(cl* (A)) = R. Since int(cl* (A))  A, A is not a semi*--closed set. On the other hand,
A=A∩R where A is open (and hence α- -open) and R is semi- -regular. This shows that A is an
Example 2.28.
Let X, τ and be as in Example2.12.Then {a, b } is an α-set but not an α* - -set and
{c} is an α* - - set but not an α-set. This shows that α- sets and α*- -sets are independent
of each other, in general.
Theorem 2.29.
Let(X, τ, )bean* - extremely disconnected ideal space. Then the following property
α  O(X)=α(X) where α O(X)denotes the family of α--open subsets of X.
We know that every α--open set is α-set. Hence α O(X) ⊆α(X). Suppose H
∈ α(X). Then H = U∩V where U is an α--open and V is a semi--regular. Now V is semi-regular implies that V is a t--set and also a semi--open. Hence int(V) = int(cl*(V)) and V
 cl* (int(V)) which implies that int(V) = int(cl* (V)) and cl* (V) = cl* (int(V)). Since X is * extremally disconnected, int(cl* (int(V))) = cl* (int(V)) = cl* (V). Thus, int(V) =
int(cl* (V)) = int(cl* (int(V)))= cl* (V)  V and so V is open. We have U is α--open set and V
is open set. By Proposition 1.22, H = U∩V is α--open. Therefore α(X) ⊆ αO(X). Hence
αO(X) =α(X).
3. Further Properties
Theorem 3.1.
The following are equivalent for a subset H of an ideal topological space (X, τ, ):
(1) H is open,
(2) H is α- -open and-set,
(3) H is α- -open and weak-set,
(4) H is α- -open and a -set.
Int J AdvEngg Tech/Vol. VII/Issue II/April-June,2016/1012-1019
K. V. Tamil Selvi et al., International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945
Proof.(1) ⇒(2):Obvious.
(2) ⇒(3): Obvious, by Remark1.10.
(3) ⇒(4): Obvious, by Remark1.10.
(4) ⇒(1): By the α--openness of H, H ⊆ int(cl* (int(H))) = int(cl* [int(U∩V)]) where
U ∈ τ and V is an α*--set. Hence H  U∩H  U∩int(cl* [int(U∩V)]) = U∩int (cl* [int(U)∩int
(V)]  U∩int[cl* (int(U))∩cl* (int(V))] =U∩int(cl* (int(U)))∩int(cl* (int(V))) =U∩int(V) = int (U∩V)
= int (H). This shows that H is open.
Example 3.2.
The notions of α- -open sets and-sets are independent as is shown in[23].
Example 3.3.
See Remark 1.10.
Example 3.4.
The notions of α--open sets and -sets are independent as is shown in [16].
Definition 3.5.
A subset H of an ideal topological space(X, τ,) is called a-set if H = G∩B,
where G is open and B is β--closed.
The family of all  -sets of a space(X, τ , )will be denoted by  (X).
Theorem 3.6.
Let H be a subset of an ideal topological space(X, τ, ).Then
H∈  (X) if and only if H=G∩β- -cl(H)for some open set G.
Proof.(⇐) : Assume that H = G∩β--cl(H) for some open set G. Since β--cl(H) is β- -closed,
H∈  (X),
(⇒) : Let H∈(X). We have H=G∩A where G is open and A is β-- closed. Since H
⊆ A, β--cl(H) ⊆ β--cl(A) = A. Hence, G ∩β--cl(H) ⊆ G∩A = H ⊆G∩β--cl(H) and hence
H = G ∩β--cl(H).
Definition 3.7.
A subset H of an ideal topological space (X, τ, ) is said to be
(1) gβ--closed if β--cl(H) ⊆M whenever H ⊆M and M is open set in X.
(2) gβ--open if XH is gβ--closed.
Theorem 3.8.
For a subset A of an ideal topological space (X, τ, ),the following are equivalent.
(1) A is β--closed,
(2) A is a  -set and gβ- -closed.
Proof.(1)⇒(2):Since every β--closed set is a-set and gβ--closed, it is completed.
(2) ⇒(1):Let A be a  -set. Then we have A=G∩β- -cl(A) for an open set G in X. We
have A  G. Since A is gβ--closed, then β--cl(A) ⊆G. Thus, β--cl(A)  G ∩ β-
-cl(A) = A and also, A is β--closed.
Theorem 3.9.Let H be a subset of an ideal topological space (X, τ, ). If H ∈(X),then
(1) β--cl(H)|H is β--closed.
(2) H∪(X|β--cl(H)) is β--open.
Proof.(1)Let H∈(X).By Theorem 3.6, H=V∩β--cl(H) for some open set V. Hence β-cl(H)\H = β--cl(H)\(V∩β--cl(H)) = β--cl(H)∩(X\(V∩β--cl(H))) = β--cl(H)∩ ((X\V)∪ (X\β-cl(H))) = (β--cl (H)∩(X\V))∪ (β--cl(H)∩ (X\β--cl(H))) = (β--cl (H)∩(X\V))∪∅= β--cl(H)
∩(X\V). Thus, β--cl(H)\H is β--closed.
(2)Sinceβ--cl(H)\Hisβ--closed,X\(β--cl(H)\H)isβ--open.HenceX\(β- - cl(H)\H)=X\
(β--cl(H)∩(X\H))=(X\β--cl(H))∪ H.Thus,H∪(X\β--cl(H))is β--open.
Remark 3.10. We obtain the following diagram for the subsets stated above:
Int J AdvEngg Tech/Vol. VII/Issue II/April-June,2016/1012-1019
K. V. Tamil Selvi et al., International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945
Remark 3.11.
In the above diagram, none of the implications is true as is shown by the following
four Examples and the above Examples(2.5,2.6,2.7and2.8).
(1) InExample2.23,{a}is weak-set but not an -set.
(2) InExample2.23,{b}is-set but not weak -set.
(3) InExample2.23,{b}is weakly- -locally closed set but not-set.
(4) InExample2.20,{a}is-set but not weakly- -locally closed set.
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