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Thoracic Spine, ribs, sternum, clavicle, scapula
Muscles of Inspiration
Diaphragm, External Intercostals
Accessory Muscles - Sternocleidomastoid & scalenes
Muscles of Expiration
Abdominals, internal intercostals, pelvic floor muscles
Lung Function - Chemical Exchange
O2 diffuses from alveoli into the blood and CO2 from the blood into the alveoli
More pressure on the inhalation when diaphram goes down into abdominal cavity
Biomechanics & Kinesiology
Costovertebral - head of rib to costal fovea of 2 vertebral bodies & disc.
Sternocostal, sternal ,costochondral, interchodral,
Costotransverse - Tubercle of rib to transverse process of vertebra
Joints of the Head of the Ribs - 1-7 Rotate - 8-10 Glide - 11 & 12 Float
Inspiration movement of Thoracic wall
Diaphragmatic Vertical Diameter Movement
accessory muscle breathing -- sternocleidomastoid, scalenes
Bucket Handle - Transverse Diameter Movement
movement Ribs 2-10 -- ribs out and up
Pump Handle Movement - Anterior Posterior Diameter Movement
Ribs 2-6, sternal end of ribs rise w/ movement at costovertebral joint
Sternal end of ribs rise with movement at costovertebral joint
Types of Breathing
Diaphragmatic Breathing
primary source of air exchange; inhale diaphragm muscles contract & pull down, ribs flare slightly, bottom of lungs downward to
bring in air exhalation is passive as diaphragm returns to normal lungs shrink back to size, air is compressed into small space,
air pressure in lungs higher than outside pressure equalized by passively pushing out air
Forced Inspiration
Muscles work in combination & increase movement & facilitate breath i.e.
Diameter of thorax in all 3 directions,
Thoracic extension -anterior inhale (dart/swan)
Lateral flexion - unilateral breath (mermaid/w/ rotation)
Spine flexion - posterior breath (roll down),
Rotation and flexion/rotation - combination breath
Forced Expiration
Muscles work in combination & decrease diameter of thorax in all 3 directions
Abdominals (particularly obliques), Pelvic Floor Muscles, quadratus Lumborum
Latissimus Dorsi and serratus posterior superior and inferior
Accessory Breathing
Often considered Faulty breathing patterns using: anterior cervical muscles, scalenes, SCM, upper traps
Purpose of Breathing in Pilates -Sustained posture w/ dynamic breath. Example - 100's and swimming
Force Couples Breathing Muscles
1. pelvic floor, transverse abdominus, diaphragm, lumbar multifidus
2. Serratus Posterior Superior & Inferior, flared rib cage
Motor Control
Optimal Normal Breathing should match the demand of the activity either resting, sedentary or advanced
movement with increased demand for stability and or complex organization
Faulty Movement Organization that breath can challenge
Flared Rib Cage can be associated w/ poor diaphragmatic breath, rigid thorax, hypermobility of cervical or lumbar spine
Excessive Thoracic Kyphosis can be assocated w/ poor posture & breathing habits and pathology
1. Accessory Breathing can be associated w/ cervical spine or brachial plexus dysfunction
2. Inefficient Diaphragmatic Breathing can be associated w/ pain inhibition from low back pain
3. Excessive Breathing
4. Over-recruitment of muscles of forced expiration
5. Lack of connection between ribs and pelvis
Practical Applications of Movement Principle
(breath facilitates movement)
Inhalation facilitates when hips move into flexion, when shoulders move into extension, & generally helps if you breathe into
your chest more to extend the spine preventing spinal flexion during hip flexion (femur arcs etc.) and shoulder extension
(arm arcs). Inhalation generally facilitates scapular elevation (gliding) and internal rotation of humerus
generally facilitates spinal stability during hip extension or shoulder flexion thereby preventing the spinal extension.
facilitates scapular depression (gliding) and external rotation of the humerus
Breath helps Core Control & Axial Elongation
Hydraulic amplifier effect helps spinal stability with hip flexion and shoulder extension "Cylinder of support' force couple
Diaphragmatic breath organizes the mover
This provides a connection that transmits forces efficiently through entire body. Force couple or synergy
between plevic floor abdominal region & thorax allows for connectedness essential for Pilates Sequencing
Teach your clients to maintain what you give.
Prana, Breath and Mind are equally and naturally related. If we learn to control one then the others will follow.
Prana according to Robert Svoboda, is the energy that drives life, the power that animates the body, enlivens the mind, spurs
the soul, is life's inspiration, its foundation, its tenacity; it is the sure hand on the tiller, the wise voice of good counsel, the
urge for health and harmony, that craves to transform our bodies into temples where we can take shelter from the karma
of the world. It is at work every minute, every hour, every second and in every cell of every living organism.
inhale - widen lower lobes of back of lungs, widen sides of ribs deep to mat, expand back into the mat
exhale - slide sternum towards pubic bone, slide shoulder blades towards pelvis, funnel rib cage 3 dimensionally to pelvis,
let gravity soften around the sternum
as you inhale put up the sails of your back smile across the forehead, face, chest and rib cage
inhale a fountain of water/energy wells up from the base of your pelvis out through the top
of your head. Exhale the water rains down around you, softening your face, jaw, shoulders, sternum and ribs
hands on sternum and belly to assess breathing style
hands on lateral aspect of ribcage to help thoracic movement in trasverse plane
hands on posterior inferior ribcage to help lower lobe breathing