* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
World History 6 Ws: Historical Event Activity Why do we study history???...because it is important, it is interesting, it is intriguing and it is happening all the time! Your task is to research ANY event in history. It can be ancient history or current history, and it should be something that is of importance or interest to YOU! Use the 6 Ws (Who, What, Where, When and Why) handout to record the information you find. You may do your research in the World History textbook and/or online. After completing your research, you will be asked to share your event with the class and to place your event on a post-it note for the timeline on the back board of our classroom. Grading Criteria: 20 points 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Complete each of the 6 Ws: 6 points Be specific with information: 6 points Give valid examples for the importance/interest of the event: 2 points Identify two (2) sources for a bibliography…MLA format: 4 points Make sure it is readable/neat: 2 points *NOTE: You may create a Google Doc and share it with me (nfisher) if your handwriting is hard to read! Non-Honors: 4. Identify one (1) source for a bibliography…MLA format: 4 points Historical event ideas include important births or deaths, Nobel Prize winners, turning points in history, completion of important monuments, disasters, crowning of kings/queens, inauguration of presidents, important wars/battles, signing of peace treaties, major sports events, completion of famous works of art or music, famous inventions, cures for diseases, etc.