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2015 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence
Predicting Stock Price Movements Based on Different
Categories of News Articles
Yauheniya Shynkevich1, T.M. McGinnity1,2, Sonya Coleman1, Ammar Belatreche1
Intelligent Systems Research Centre, Ulster University, Derry, UK
School of Science and Technology, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, UK
[email protected], {tm.mcginnity, sa.coleman, a.belatreche}
Abstract—Publications of financial news articles impact the
decisions made by investors and, therefore, change the market
state. It makes them an important source of data for financial
predictions. Forecasting models based on information derived
from news have been recently developed and researched.
However, the advantages of combining different categories of
news articles have not been investigated. This research paper
studies how the results of financial forecasting can be improved
when news articles with different levels of relevance to the target
stock are used simultaneously. Integration of information
extracted from five categories of news articles partitioned by
sectors and industries is performed using the multiple kernel
learning technique for predicting price movements. News articles
are divided into the five categories of relevance to a targeted
stock, its sub industry, industry, group industry and sector while
separate kernels are employed to analyze each one. The
experimental results show that the simultaneous usage of five
news categories improves the prediction performance in
comparison with methods based on a lower number of news
categories of news articles divided according to their levels of
relevance to the target stock.
This research paper studies how the simultaneous use of
financial news articles with different levels of relevance to the
target stock can give an advantage in financial news-based
forecasting. To achieve this goal, the Global Industry
Classification Standard (GICS) is employed for dividing
stocks by industries and sectors and for assigning their
corresponding news articles to five categories: stock-specific
(SS), sub-industry-specific (SIS), industry-specific (IS),
group-industry-specific (GIS) and sector-specific (SeS) news
items. Every article from a large database is examined based
on its relevance to the target stock and included into
corresponding news categories. The SS subset of news
consists of the articles directly relevant only to the target
stock. The SIS, IS, GIS and SeS subsets of data are formed
from articles relevant to the stock’s sub industry, industry,
group industry and sector respectively.
The Multiple Kernel Learning (MKL) technique is often
employed for integrating different types of data [8], [9], [10],
[11]. It uses several kernels for learning from separate subsets
of data. The MKL approach applied in this study utilizes from
two to fifteen separate kernels each assigned to either a SS,
SIS, IS, GIS or SeS subset of news articles. The experiments
show that an attempt to divide articles into different
categories, analyze them separately and then combine the
resulting predictions into a single decision demonstrates a
promisingly improved performance when compared with
approaches based on a single subset of news.
Stock price movements are driven by publications of
financial news. Investors’ decisions are made based on the
available information considering how a new piece of data
will influence the market. News articles incorporate
information about a firm’s fundamentals, the activities in
which a firm is involved and the expectations of other market
participants about future price changes [1], [2]. An enormous
amount of textual information is provided by real-time trading
applications with a tremendously increased broadcasting speed
[3]. For over a decade researchers have been working on
automated frameworks that analyze large amounts of financial
news articles, extract relevant information and use it for
financial forecasting [4]. As it has been shown in previous
research works [5], the fluctuations of stock prices and the
publications of related news articles are strongly related.
Existing data mining methods were employed and expanded to
study how news items affect the stock price [6], [7].
According to the reviewed literature, a predefined criterion is
generally employed by researchers to select news articles
relevant to an analyzed stock from a large collection of
documents. After relevant articles are selected, the researchers
tend to treat every article as having potentially the same
impact on stock prices. Thus far, no previous research has
been found regarding simultaneous analysis of different
978-1-4799-7560-0/15 $31.00 © 2015 IEEE
DOI 10.1109/SSCI.2015.107
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows.
Section II provides a review of the related literature and
explains the methodology utilized. Section III specifies raw
data, outlines data pre-processing and the machine learning
approaches used and describes the performance metrics used
for analysis. Section IV discusses experimental results.
Section V contains conclusions and incentives for future work.
A. Representation of News Articles
Trading systems provide a huge amount of textual data to
capital market traders. Official announcements, analysts’
recommendations, financial journals, discussion boards and
news feeds from news wire services are examples of
information available to investors [6].
extraction, feature selection and feature representation. This
terminology was applied in later works [1].
Wüthrich et al. [12] made the first attempt to use textual
information for stock market prediction. A dictionary of terms
obtained from a domain expert was utilized for assigning
weightings to features and generating probabilistic rules to
predict daily price changes of five stock indices. A trading
strategy based on the system predictions demonstrated that
positive returns can be gained using financial news.
Lavrenko et al. [13] developed the Analyst system that
included language models, used the price time series and
classified the incoming news. The authors showed that profits
can be produced using the designed system. Gidofalvi and
Elkan [14] created a system for predicting short term price
movements. News articles were aligned, scored using linear
regression in relation to the NASDAQ index and then
assigned with an “up”, “down” or “unchanged” label. The
author concluded that the stock behavior is strongly correlated
with the content of a news article from 20 minutes prior to 20
minutes after the publication. Chan [15] examined monthly
returns using headlines about particular companies and found
that the publications of bad news cause a strong negative
market drift. Kloptchenko et al. [16] focused on official
company reports and confirmed their ability to indicate the
company’s future performance. For example, a change in the
written style of a report can indicate a significant change in
company productivity. The relationships between companies’
average returns and their media coverage were examined by
Fang and Peress in [17]. The authors concluded that stocks
with high coverage significantly underperformed compared
with stocks not featured in the media. Garcia [18] investigated
the relationship between sentiments of articles in the New
York Times and stock returns and concluded that news
content helps to forecast stock returns and investor sentiments
have an outstanding effect during recessions. Tetlock [19]
examined the interactions between the content of daily articles
published by the Wall Street Journal and the stocks. The
findings showed that highly pessimistic news cause a decrease
in market prices and notably increase trading volume. In [20],
Schumaker and Chen investigated the benefits of grouping
financial news by similar industries and sectors. The proposed
research is similar to [20] in that it utilises articles with
different levels of relevance but is different in their usage.
Schumaker and Chen examined only one category of news
articles at a time and compared the performance of the
predictive system based on articles relevant to either the stock
itself, its sub industry, industry, group industry or sector, or
the whole universal dataset of news. In our proposed
predictive system articles from several categories are used
simultaneously. To date, no existing research work has
involved the division of financial news items into different
categories, processing them separately and then integrating
multiple predictions made based on these independent news
categories into a single prediction decision.
The feature extraction step involves the generation of a list
of features that sufficiently describe the documents [21].
Schumaker et al. [6] compared several textual analysis
techniques applied to financial articles, including the Bag-ofWords, Noun Phrasing, Named Entities and Proper Nouns
approaches. The authors claimed that Proper Nouns showed
better results than the others. Hagenau et al. [1] explored the
performance of the Bag-of-Words, Noun Phrases, N-Grams (a
sequence of N words) [22] and word combinations techniques
and found that the word combinations approach significantly
outperformed the others. In this study, the Bag-of-Words
approach is used for feature extraction, where symbols such as
pronouns, articles and prepositions as well as numbers,
punctuation marks and stop words are removed from the data.
Then word stemming techniques are usually applied to every
word. Semantically empty terms are eliminated and the
remaining words are utilized to represent the article. This
method is often preferred in research studies for its intuitive
meaning and simplicity.
When expressive features are selected from the list of all
extracted features, those containing the least information are
neglected [21]. In some research works, a dictionary
containing a list of terms selected by domain experts is
utilized [12]. Others employ statistical information about the
articles, e.g. term frequency - inverse document frequency
(TF*IDF) [9], [21], [23], [24]. Recently, the use of external
market feedback was proposed in a number of research works.
Wang, Liu and Dou [10] used the Chi-square test to select
features for predicting volatility. Hagenau et al. [1] examined
the efficiency of the Bi-normal separation and Chi-square test
methods for evaluating the explanatory ability of a word. The
external market feedback was employed in both methods and
showed promising results. In this study, the Chi-square test is
selected for feature selection.
In feature representation, the whole set of documents is
represented in a machine learning friendly format [1]. For
example, a feature vector of n elements is formed from each
document, where n is the number of selected features [21].
The fact that a feature appears in a document is usually
regarded as an important factor. In [25], the membership value
was computed for each term and binary representation was
used for assigning weights in the developed trading system. In
other research works, real values are assigned to the weights.
Luss and d’Aspremont [23] employed TF*IDF calculations
for feature weights when predicting abnormal returns. In [10],
the direction of changes in volatility were forecast with
TF*IDF values used as weights. Because of their popularity in
the reviewed literature, the TF*IDF values are used in this
study for computing feature weights for each data point.
The textual data pre-processing is an essential part of text
mining. With respect to financial forecasting based on news,
the target of the pre-processing is to extract important
information from a given set of news articles that signals a
change in a price, and to represent it in a machine learning
friendly format. Mittermayer [21] suggested to divide the preprocessing procedure into three preparatory steps: feature
After all steps of the pre-processing are completed, the
processed articles need to be aligned with the price data and
subsequently labelled. The news articles are generally
classified into two (positive or negative) or three (positive,
negative or neutral) classes. Each class corresponds to the
effect of a published news article on an asset price. Rachlin et
al. [25] specified five classes to highlight the degree of
influence of a news item. In this study, news articles were
classified into having positive or negative effect.
evidence that MKL has previously been employed to analyze
different news data categories for financial forecasting.
B. Predicting from News Articles
Different artificial intelligence approaches are employed
for learning from financial textual data for predicting the
market reaction; examples include Artificial Neural Networks
(ANN) [26]; Naïve Bayes [14] and Support Vector Machines
(SVM) [1], [5], [24]. In [2], the impact of financial news
articles on Chinese stock markets was investigated where
Support Vector Regression (SVR) was used to show that
releases of online financial news have negative impacts on the
market. The performances of Naïve Bayes, k-Nearest
Neighbour (kNN), ANN and SVM classifiers were compared
in [3] where an approach for supporting risk and investment
management was designed based on the text analysis and
machine learning. Taking into account both classification
results and computational efficiency, the paper recommends to
use the SVM classifier for learning. The Naïve Bayes and
SVM techniques were employed by Antweiler and Frank [27]
for classifying the messages extracted from Yahoo Finance
and Raging Bull websites into bearish, bullish or neutral.
SVM slightly outperformed Naïve Bayes in terms of out-ofsample accuracy. Hagenau et al. [1] utilized SVM for
classifying the effect of a message on the market price into
positive or negative. The authors state that a pilot comparison
study showed that SVM performs better than Naïve Bayes and
ANN. Considering the previous findings, the SVM method is
recognized as the most promising machine learning technique
for text classification [1]. SVM employs the principle of
structural risk minimization that minimizes the upper limit of
the expected risks and construct a robust model to avoid the
over-fitting problem. Many machine learning approaches use
the empirical risk minimization principle to minimize the error
of training that may lead to over-fitting.
In the current study, MKL was utilized as the main
machine learning approach and SVM and kNN were used for
comparison purposes. For this purpose, an implementation of
the MKL, SVM and kNN algorithms proposed by Sonnenburg
et al. [29] in the SHOGUN toolbox was employed. This
toolbox was previously used in several experimental studies
[8], [10]. It does concurrent estimation of the parameters and
optimal weights by repeating the training procedure used for a
simple SVM.
This section gives details about the design of the newsbased predictive system. It explains how news categories were
specified, describes raw textual data, and discusses the data
pre-processing, machine learning approaches and performance
metrics used for evaluation.
A. Industry Classification
GICS aims to support asset management and investment
research. It was designed by Standard & Poor’s (S&P), a
financial services company, and Morgan Stanley Capital
International, an independent provider of global indices,
products and services. According to the GICS structure,
companies are allocated to four categories: sub industry,
industry, group industry and sector. Schumaker and Chen [20]
utilized GICS to explore the advantages of using financial
news articles grouped by similar sectors and industries. In the
current study, the GICS classification was used to allocate
news articles between five news categories. The categories
correspond to the target stock and to all stocks from the target
stock’s sub industry, industry, group industry and sector. In
this study, 16 stocks from the S&P 500 stock market index that
belong to the Health Care sector were selected for analysis.
Only those stocks that have more than 400 articles published
about them during the period of study were chosen.
Additionally, the ensemble methods are actively used for
forecasting financial markets. The results obtained from base
learners can be comparatively enhanced using these methods.
An ensemble learning algorithm is a computational
intelligence approach that integrates a set of base learners into
a single model [28]. Recently, the MKL technique was used in
financial forecasting to combine several kernels for learning
from different features extracted from financial news articles
and price data [8], [9], [10], [11]. In [9], information from
market prices and financial news articles was integrated using
the MKL method. The results state that the MKL approach
outperforms models based on simple feature combinations and
a single information source. In [10], the MKL model with
RBF kernels was suggested for predicting volatility
movements. MKL showed higher performance than single
kernel methods. The news articles used in both papers [9] and
[10] are written in traditional Chinese, hence the developed
models were not tested on English news articles. In [8], a
stock price prediction system that uses time series price data,
numerical dynamics of news and comments and semantic
analysis of their content was presented. The model extracts
features from these sources of data and forms separate subsets
of features, which are then integrated and analyzed by the
MKL method. However, the reviewed literature showed no
B. News Articles Data
Financial news articles published about the stocks of
interest during a five year period from September 1, 2009, to
September 1, 2014, were downloaded from the LexisNexis
database. LexisNexis contains news releases from major
newspapers, and was used in previous research works [17].
Each article in this database is supplemented with a list of
relevant companies and corresponding relevance scores. A
relevance score specifies a degree of relevance of an article to a
company listed among relevant companies and is expressed as
a percentage. It measures the quality of the match between a
company and an article, which is based on the keyword
frequency, its weight and location within the document. Three
providers of news items that showed sufficient press coverage
of stocks constituting the S&P 500 market index were selected:
McClatchy-Tribune Business News, PR Newswire and
Business Wire. The Health Care sector includes 53 stocks from
the S&P 500 index. News articles relevant to each of these
stocks published during the period of study were downloaded
from the LexisNexis database. The total number of the
collected articles is 51,435. For every article, the following
information was stored: month, day, year, heading, body, a list
C. Historical prices data
Historical prices were used for selecting the most
expressive features from news articles and for labelling the
data instances. Time series of prices were downloaded from
Yahoo! Finance, a publicly available website [30]. The features
were selected based on the market feedback defined as a stock
price move on the next trading day following the day of
publication. The price move was defined as the difference
between the open and close stock prices on the next trading
day. A two class classification problem was considered in this
research work. Labels ‘Up’ or ‘Down’ that corresponded to an
increase or decrease in the target stock price, respectively, were
assigned to each data instance. Daily data were used in the
analysis due to the lack of intraday data. However, it is worth
noting that daily price observations were utilized in a number
of previous research works on financial forecasting from
textual data [12], [27], that demonstrated that the market
reacts slowly to new pieces of information and this reaction
can be captured and explored using daily data. Table I gives
details on the stocks used, the total number of data points and
the fractions of each class.
of relevant companies, a list of relevant tickers and a list of
corresponding relevance scores. For every article, a
corresponding date of publication is constructed from the day,
month and year. The heading and body were combined into a
pool of words used as the textual data for information
extraction. In order to define the article’s degree of relevance
to the companies, lists of tickers and corresponding relevance
scores were examined. An automated procedure for forming a
set of articles relevant to the target company was employed. It
checked every article for its relevance to the target company.
The article was selected only if the target company’s ticker was
among relevant tickers to the article and a corresponding
relevance score was greater than or equal to 85%. When
forming a set of articles related to the sub industry, industry,
group industry or sector, every article is examined to determine
whether at least one ticker of a company from the sub industry,
industry, group industry or sector of interest, respectively, is
present among the article’s tickers, and then whether its
corresponding relevance score is higher than or equal to 85%.
The article was selected for further analysis only if these
conditions were satisfied. As a result, five subsets of news
items corresponding to SS, SIS, IS, GIS and SeS were formed.
D. Textual data pre-processing
When designing a news-based predictive system, the
textual data pre-processing is particularly important. According
to the Bag-of-Words approach that was used for feature
extraction, every article was prepared as follows. At the
beginning, numbers, websites’ addresses, emails, hyperlinks,
punctuation, and symbols other than letters were filtered out.
Next, capital letters were converted to lowercase, words
consisting of one or two characters and stop words were
removed. Then stems were extracted from each word using
Porter’s stemming algorithm [31]. Finally, a list of unique
features extracted from the dataset was formed and features
occurred in two or less articles were eliminated.
After the formation of the subset of articles was
completed, articles published on the same date were checked
for originality. All unique articles published on the same date
were concatenated. This step was necessary to eliminate
repetition because some articles were downloaded several
times for different stocks or news sources. This procedure was
carried out separately through every textual data subsets. In
the forecasting system, predictions were made only for dates
following the dates when at least one article was published
about the target stock. A number of data points was defined at
that stage for every stock. A single data instance corresponds to
a date when an article, specific to a target stock, was published.
When forming other data subsets, articles relevant to other
news categories were collected only for those dates.
& Supplies
& Services
& Services
Company Name
# data
'Up' labelled
data points, %
'Down' labelled
data points, %
Medtronic plc
Agilent Technologies Inc
Abbott Laboratories
Boston Scientific Corporation
Johnson & Johnson
Baxter International Inc
PerkinElmer Inc
Covidien plc
St. Jude Medical Inc
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
McKesson Corporation
Aetna Inc
Cigna Corp
UnitedHealth Group Inc
Humana Inc
WellPoint, Inc
The scores were computed for each unique feature using
the Chi-square method based on the market feedback as a sum
of normalized deviations [1]:
2 Oij Eij Eij ,
category of news articles. In this study the MKL technique
with different combinations of linear, polynomial and
Gaussian kernels was utilized. Five news categories, SS, SIS,
IS, GIS and SeS, were used where separate kernels were
utilized for learning from different categories. In order to
determine a combination of news categories that leads to the
highest prediction performance, a number of combinations
were considered. Firstly, each subset of news articles was used
independently to predict price movements. In this case, only
one kernel of either linear, polynomial or Gaussian type was
required, hence SVM was utilized. The kNN approach was
also employed to learn from each subset for comparison.
Secondly, combinations of subsets were used for prediction
starting from a combination of the SS and SIS subsets with
different types of kernels. After that the subsets of broader
news categories, IS, GIS and SeS, were added consecutively.
When a certain kernel type was utilized, a separate kernel of
this type was employed to learn from each subset of news. The
most complex combination included subsets for all five news
categories with three different types of kernels assigned to
each subset. Weights learnt for every kernel indicate its
usefulness and contribution towards making the final decision.
j 1
where i corresponds to the feature order, Oij and Eij are its
observed and expected frequencies within the set of news, and
j indicates four possible events: the feature occurred within
positive news, j=1; it occurred within negative news, j=2; it
did not occur within positive news, j=3; it did not occur
within negative news, j=4. Thus, the observed frequency of
the feature occurring in positive news is defined as a fraction
of positive news where this feature appears. The observed
frequencies of the feature occurring in negative news and not
occurring in positive or negative news are defined in a similar
way. If a feature does not imply any positive or negative
meaning, it should occur uniformly among positive and
negative news. Thereby, the expected frequency of the feature
occurring in positive or negative news is the general frequency
of the feature occurring in all documents. Analogously, the
expected frequency of the feature not occurring in positive or
negative news is the general frequency of the feature not
occurring within the whole set of news. Therefore, when a
feature occurs uniformly among positive and negative news
articles, it has a zero Chi-square value. If a feature appears in
positive articles significantly more often than in negative
articles or vice versa, its Chi-square value is higher than zero.
Once the Chi-square scores are calculated for every feature, a
list of unique features is sorted in descending order of the
scores and 500 features having the highest Chi-square values
are chosen as an input. The use of 500 features is considered
to be a sufficient representation of news articles. In [1], 567
features were selected for the Bag-of-Words approach.
This procedure below was followed separately for every
considered stock. The dataset was divided into training,
validation and testing datasets in a chronological order. First
50% of the data points were used for training the system. The
subsequent 25% of the data points were used for validation, a
phase required to tune model parameters. The C parameter,
defined as a penalty rate for misclassification used within
MKL and SVM, is required to be tuned. Furthermore, when
Gaussian and polynomial kernels were utilized, the Gaussian
kernel width and the degree of the polynomial were also tuned
during the validation. A grid search was employed to identify
good parameter combinations where values of C and gamma
were selected from exponentially growing sequences
C={2·10-3, 2·10-2,…, 2·107} and γ={2·10-15, 2·10-13,…, 2·10-1}
respectively as suggested in [32]. For kNN, an optimal
number of neighbors was found during the validation using
the grid search. The range of values was selected based on an
empirical rule of thumb proposed in [33] where the choice of k
is set equal to the square root of the number of training
instances. In this study, the number of training data points
varies from 208 to 422. A slightly broader range of
k={5,6,…,30} was utilized to select the optimal number of
nearest neighbors. The remaining 25% of the data instances
were utilized to test the developed predictive system. The
accuracy was used to measure the model performance with
different settings of parameters during the validation phase.
As a final preliminary step, the dataset of articles is
converted to a format appropriate for machine learning. Here,
each news article is transformed into a feature vector of 500
elements [21] where TF*IDF values are computed to represent
each feature. When a feature does not occur in an article, its
TF*IDF value equals zero. So, the result is a sparse matrix of
size 500*[number of data points] where each value is equal to
the corresponding TF*IDF value. It is worth noting that the
SS, SIS, IS, GIS and SeS subsets of news are processed
separately through the above described procedure, and
different lists of unique features and therefore different feature
matrices are constructed for each subset. After textual preprocessing is completed, labels ‘Up’ or ‘Down’ are assigned
to data points. Each data point contains a label and 500 feature
values for each of five subsets.
F. Performance Measures
For each of 16 stocks, the predictive performance of the
machine learning techniques was measured using the
prediction accuracy and return per trade. Prediction accuracy
is a measure commonly used in pattern recognition to
characterize the classification performance of a machine
learning technique [30]. Return per trade is used for evaluating
the performance of a trading system. It is important to
determine the price direction, which is described by the
accuracy. However, correctly identifying large price
movements is more valuable than identifying small
E. Machine learning techniques
In MKL, the resulting kernel is a linear combination of
several sub-kernels:
Kcomb x, y = j K j x, y ,
j 0,
= 1.
where Kcomb(x,y) is the combined kernel, K is a number of
kernels, and βj are weights learnt for each sub-kernel Kj(x,y).
MKL allows the assignment of a separate kernel to each
difference is likely to be caused by the way the experiments
were conducted, for instance, the usage of different of
movements. Mistakes in predicting movements with almost
zero return have little lasting effect on the overall performance
of the trading system. To study the developed predictive
system from a trading point of view, it was evaluated as a
trading system using simulated trading. Each time the system
predicted an increase in the price on the following trading day
(an ‘Up’ movement) based on news articles published on the
current day, it was regarded as a buy signal and an amount of
money X was invested in the considered stock on the
following day at the opening price. At the end of the trading
day the stock was sold. The return per trade was computed as:
Rt Ct Ot Ot
B. The MKL approach
Table III represents the experimental results obtained
using the MKL approach using different sets of data and
different combinations of kernels. The highest accuracy and
return obtained for each data subset are highlighted in bold.
The first section of Table III presents the results where only
SS and SIS data were included in the analysis. For treating
both data subsets equally, different types of kernels were taken
in pairs so that each subset is analyzed by the same set of
kernels. The following combinations of kernels were
considered: two Gaussian, two linear, two polynomial, a
combination of two Gaussian and two linear, a combination of
two Gaussian and two polynomial, a combination of two
linear and two polynomial, and finally a combination of two
Gaussian, two linear and two polynomial kernels, respectively.
The highest prediction accuracy (74.76%) was achieved when
all types of kernels were employed for learning. This value is
higher than the highest accuracies obtained using SVM for the
SS and SIS subsets, 68.86% and 73.34% respectively. A
number of kernel combinations returned the same maximum
return of 0.39%. This results are consistent with [34] and
confirm that the MKL method that simultaneously analyzes
the SS and SIS subsets produces higher results than SVM and
kNN that considers only one type of data at a time.
where Ot and Ct are the open and close price on the trading
day following the publication day of news articles, Rt is the
return from a trade. When a ‘Down’ price movement was
predicted, it was considered as a sell signal. In this case, an
amount X of the stock was short sold at the open price on the
next trading day and bought back at the end of that day, and
the return per trade was computed as:
Rt Ot Ct Ot
This section focuses on the experimental results produced
by the developed news-based prediction system. Both
accuracy and return presented in the tables below were
averaged over 16 analyzed stocks.
The second column of Table III displays results of the
simultaneous analysis of the SS, SIS and IS data. The
combinations of kernels were structured as in the previous
section, but three kernels of each type were taken instead of
two. The highest accuracy (77.36%) and return per trade
(0.45%) were achieved using polynomial kernels. The same
accuracy and return were achieved for a combination of
polynomial and linear kernels, but zero weights were assigned
to linear kernels for all 16 stocks, which indicated that linear
kernels did not contribute to the overall prediction decision.
As discussed in [34], the selection of the parameter C is the
most likely reason why linear kernels receive zero weights
when combined with Gaussian and/or polynomial kernels. The
optimal value of this parameter for Gaussian and polynomial
kernels typically lies in a range (1:200), whereas this value for
linear kernels typically lies in a range (2000:2000000). The
difference in optimal values is likely to cause zero weights to
be learnt for linear kernels when it is combined with Gaussian
and polynomial kernels. Both accuracy and return achieved
using MKL based on three subsets are higher than those of
MKL based on two subsets, and than SVM and kNN based on
any single subset. These results show that the inclusion of the
industry related news improves the prediction performance.
A. The SVM and kNN approaches
This subsection analyzes the performance across all levels
of the GISC classification. Table II describes the prediction
results obtained using the SVM with different types of kernels
and kNN machine learning techniques applied to either SS,
SIS, IS, GIS or SeS datasets. This study is conducted in a
similar way to [20] where the system was trained on the
different GICS classification levels but the universal set of
news articles was not taken into consideration in this study.
The highest accuracy and return obtained for every subset
were highlighted using bold font in the table. SVM
outperforms kNN for all stocks and datasets in terms of both
accuracy and return. Comparing the use of different kernels,
SVM based on a polynomial kernel generally performs
slightly better than that based on Gaussian and linear kernels
in terms of both accuracy and return, however all three types
of kernels display comparatively good results. It is important
to highlight that the accuracy of predictions increases when a
broader range of news articles is considered. The highest
metrics obtained among all data subsets are underlined in
Table II and correspond to the group industry data. This
indicates that more important information can be extracted
from the news articles relevant to the whole group industry
rather than from only news articles specific to the stock and its
industry. However, considering a much broader range of the
articles relevant to the whole sector slightly decreases the
overall performance. In [20], the measures peaked for the
sector-based model and then steadily decreased when the level
of generalization was reduced. This behavior is similar to the
behavior observed in the current study but the level of GISC
classification that produced the highest results is different. The
In the third column of Table III, when four categories of
news articles are used in MKL, the highest achieved accuracy
(79.14%) and return (0.48%) were again obtained using
polynomial kernels. As in the previous section, the highest
results were also obtained for a combination of linear and
polynomial kernels, but zero weights were assigned to the
linear kernels. It indicates that adding group industry news
improves the performance of the MKL approach.
Data subset (total period of study is from September 1, 2009, to September 1, 2014)
Machine Learning
SVM, Gaussian
SVM, Linear
SVM, Polynomial
Data subsets (total period of study is from September 1, 2009, to September 1, 2014)
SS and SIS data
SS, SIS and IS data
Accuracy Return
SS, SIS, IS and GIS data
Accuracy Return
2 Gaussian
3 Gaussian
2 linear
3 linear
2 polynomial
0.39% 3 polynomial 77.36%
2 Gaussian &
2 linear
3 Gaussian &
3 linear
2 Gaussian &
2 polynomial
3 Gaussian &
3 polynomial
2 linear &
2 polynomial
3 linear &
3 polynomial
2 Gaussian,
2 linear &
2 polynomial
3 Gaussian,
3 linear &
3 polynomial
Accuracy Return
4 Gaussian
66.54% 0.29%
5 Gaussian
4 linear
72.90% 0.37%
5 linear
0.45% 4 polynomial 79.14% 0.48% 5 polynomial
4 Gaussian
&4 linear
Kernel Type
5 Gaussian &
5 linear
4 Gaussian
5 Gaussian &
78.50% 0.44%
5 polynomial
4 polynomial
4 linear & 4
5 linear &
79.14% 0.48%
5 polynomial
4 Gaussian,
4 linear & 78.50% 0.44%
4 polynomial
5 Gaussian,
5 linear &
5 polynomial
Accuracy Return
82.40% 0.53%
82.40% 0.53%
achieved. Polynomial kernels received higher weights than
Gaussian. Stock-specific and sector-specific news obtained
high weights of approximately 26% in total whereas weights
for other categories of news equal approximately 15%. The
weights indicate that every category of news articles
contributed when the final prediction decision was made while
stock-specific and sector-specific news provide more useful
information for prediction. The results in Tables III and IV
highlight the importance of distinguishing between different
categories of news, treating them separately when preprocessing the information, and integrating the extracted and
learnt information at the later stage instead of combining
everything in the early stage and expecting the machine
learning method to learn from mixed data.
67.95% 0.30%
Data subset
SS, SIS, IS, GIS and SeS data
Finally, all five categories of news articles were utilized
for price movements’ prediction. The last column of Table III
presents the obtained results. The highest prediction accuracy
(82.40%) and return (0.53%) were obtained using a
combination of Gaussian and polynomial kernels, and a
combination of all three types of kernels with zero weights for
the linear kernels. The simultaneous analysis of five categories
of news articles provides the highest results among all
considered combinations which highlights the importance of
inclusion of different types of new articles specifying separate
sub-learners explicitly for each category of data. Table IV
represents the weights assigned to the Gaussian and
polynomial kernels when the highest accuracy and return were
This research study explores whether the simultaneous
usage of different financial news categories can provide an
advantage in financial prediction system based on news. Five
categories of news articles were considered: news relevant to a
target stock and news relevant to its sub industry, industry,
group industry and sector. Each category of news articles was
pre-processed independently and five different subsets of data
were constructed. The MKL approach was used for learning
from different news categories; independent kernels were
employed to learn from each subset. A number of different
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