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.....there will emerge two centers of world significance: a socialist centre, drawing to itself the
countries that incline towards socialism, and a capitalist centre, drawing to itself the countries that
incline towards capitalism. Battle between these two centers for command of the world economy will
decide the fate of capitalism and of communism in the entire world”
After being Allies during WWII, the U.S. and U.S.S.R. soon viewed each other with increasing suspicion
Their political and economic differences created a climate of icy tension that plunged the two countries into an
era of bitter rivalry known as the Cold War.
At the heart of the tension was a fundamental difference in political and economic systems. America is a
democracy that has a capitalist economic system, free elections and competing political parties
In the U.S.S.R., the sole political party – the Communists – established a totalitarian regime with little or no
rights for the citizens.
Origins of the Cold War
At the conclusion of World War Two, the USA, Britain, and USSR met at Yalta and Potsdam.
What was agreed to at these meetings?
The concept of the _____________ __________________symbolized the ___________________
fighting and ______________________________ dividing ___________________ into two
separate areas from the end of World War II in 1945 until the end of the Cold War in 1991. On either
side of the Iron Curtain, states developed their own international economic and military
______________________ and _______________________________________
Which famous world leader coined the phrase “ Iron Curtain”? ____________________________
The Soviet Union suffered an estimated _____ million WWII deaths, half of whom were
As a result they felt _______________ in their claim to Eastern Europe. Furthermore, they felt they
needed Eastern Europe as a ______________ against future German ___________________
Define “Domino Theory” – _________________________________________________________
Truman Doctrine:
Truman had been horrified at the pre-war Allied policy of ____________________ and was
determined to stand up to any _________________ ________________________.
The Truman Doctrine in March 1947 promised that the USA
“would support free peoples who are resisting subjugation by armed minorities or by outside
It signalled the end of U.S. “____________________” policies in regard to foreign policy.
1. What was the Marshall Plan and what was its goal?
Map of Marshall Plan Aid
The Soviet response to the Marshall Plan was to establish the Co_____________ for M_________
Econ______ __________________ (aka – Molotov Plan).
Stalin believed that economic integration with the West would allow Eastern Bloc countries to
__________________ Soviet control, and that the US was _____________________ a pro-US realignment of Europe.
The Soviet system was as much dependent upon creating a self-contained economic bloc as it was in
maintaining a _______________ _____________________ system.
Stalin therefore ________________ Eastern Bloc nations from _______________ Marshall Plan aid.
Communist Takeover in Czechoslovakia:
In early _________, following reports of strengthening "reactionary elements", Soviet operatives
executed the coup d'état in Czechoslovakia, the only Eastern Bloc state that the Soviets had
permitted to retain ____________________ structures. The __________________ President was
__________________ to resign, a new ___________________ constitution was ratified. Complete
takeover by Czech communists.
1. Why was this “coup” seen as a distressing warning sign to many European nations and the United
Berlin Blockade/Airlift:
1. What was the purpose of the Berlin Blockade?
The airlift marked a rise in _________________ between the West and the Soviets, but it also
helped _______ _______________ left by World War II.
Almost immediately, The United States, Great Britain, and France shifted from Germany's
___________________ to its __________________.
"The airlift was the starting point for Germany's inclusion in the West and for the
reconciliation with the Western powers,"
………Berlin Mayor Eberhard Diepgen
Allied cooperation paved way for formation of new military alliance, North Atlantic Treaty
Organization, ___________.
By 1949, when Western European nations had signed/joined ___________, a mutual defense pact.
This was to help defend against or deter communist aggressions within Europe.
By _____, the Soviet Union created the ______________ __________ in response to
Nevertheless, for _____ years, NATO and the Warsaw Treaty never directly waged war against
each other in Europe; but the United States and the Soviet Union and their respective allies
_________________ each other in Europe, while working and fighting for _________________
within the wider Cold War (1945–91) all over the world.
Red Scare:
2. Why did the fall of China to communist revolutionaries scare so many people, especially in
The most famous and influential anti-Communist activist was Senator _______________________,
a Republican from Wisconsin.
McCarthy took advantage of people’s concern about Communism by making __________________
claims about thousands of influential people across the U.S.
The “Red Scare”, (aka. ______________________) dominated US politics for several years 194853.
Korean War (1950 - 53):
On June 25, North Korean _______________ forces cross the _____th parallel and invade South
On June 27, Truman orders U.S. forces to assist the _______________ Koreans
The U.N. Security Council condemns the invasion and est’d a 15-nation fighting force.
________________ troops enter the conflict by year's end to assist the _________ Koreans.
1. Why was the Korean War so significant to the history of the Cold War?
Khrushchev's De-Stalinization (1956)
In a speech, February 14, Soviet leader _____________ _______________ denounces the
policies of _____________.
______________________ spelled an end to the role of large-scale _____________ labor in the
Khrushchev rejects the Leninist idea of the _________________ of _________ and calls for a
doctrine of "________________ __________________" between capitalist and communist
1. How was Soviet reaction to the Hungarian Uprising of 1956 contrary to Nikita Khrushchev’s
statement of de-Stalinization?
Brinkmanship and the Cuban Missile Crisis:
January 1, 1959 leftist forces under _______________ _______________ overthrow Fulgencio
Batista . Castro ______________________ the sugar industry and signs trade agreements with
the ____________________________. The next year, Castro seizes ___________________
and __________________ on the island.
U.S.-organized invasion force of 1,400 Cuban ______________ is defeated by Castro's government
forces on Cuba's south coast at the ___________________________.
Launched from Guatemala in ships and planes provided by the ______________ _____________,
the invaders surrender on April 20 after three days of fighting. ___________________ takes full
responsibility for the disaster.
After Bay of Pigs invasion, the ________________________ installed ________________
missiles in Cuba.
After U-2 flights Kennedy ordered a ____________ ________________ of Cuba on October 22
until the Soviet Union _________________ its missiles.
Khrushchev threatened ____________ if the Soviet ships were stopped, boarded, or fired upon.
On October 28, the Soviets ________________ to remove the missiles, defusing one of the most
dangerous confrontations of the Cold War.
This maneuver of pushing a situation to the brink succeeds by forcing the opponent to _________
___________ and make ___________________. This might be achieved through diplomatic
maneuvers by creating the impression that one is _____________ to use _________________
methods rather than ________________.
1. Name two other situations in which brinkmanship has been utilized.
a. ____________________________
b. ____________________________
2. In his famous Berlin speech, why does John F. Kennedy state “let them come to Berlin”?
3. In general, what is the overall message of JFK’s speech?
After a long siege, Vietnamese _________________ under Ho Chi Minh defeat ______________
colonial forces at Dien Bien Phu on May 7, 1954.
In July, the Geneva Accords divide the country at the _____th parallel, creating a _____________
and ____________Vietnam.
The United States assumes the chief responsibility of providing ________________________ aid
to South Vietnam.
Czechoslovakia and Brezhnev Doctrine (1968):
On January 5, reformer Alexander Dubcek came to
power as general secretary of the Communist Party in
Czechoslovakia, pledging __________________ and
__________________. The Prague Spring
movement swept across the country.
Soviet and Warsaw Pact leaders sent
_________________ troops in to quell the uprising.
Dubcek was arrested and hard-line
___________________ restored to power.
In September 1968, one month after the invasion of Czechoslovakia, Brezhnev outlined the Brezhnev
Doctrine, in which he claimed the right to _______________ _____ __________________ of any
country attempting to replace Marxism-Leninism with ____________________. During the speech,
Brezhnev stated:
“When forces that are hostile to socialism try to turn the development of some socialist
country towards capitalism, it becomes not only a problem of the country concerned, but a
common problem and concern of all socialist countries.”
…...Leonid Brezhnev
Period of Détente:
______________ and __________________ proclaimed a new era of "____________________
___________________" and established the groundbreaking new policy of _________________
(or cooperation) between the two superpowers.
Nixon becomes the first U.S. president to visit ______________, meeting with Mao Tse-tung on
February 1972.
The two countries issue a communiqué recognizing their "________________ _______________"
while making it clear that "normalization of relations" was in all nations' ____________ interests.
The renewal of friendly relations changes the balance of power with the Soviets.
The S________________ A___________ L________________ T______________ refers to
two rounds of talks and corresponding international treaties involving the United States and the
Soviet Union-the Cold War superpowers—on the issue of ________________ ________________.
There were two rounds of talks and agreements: ____________ (1972) and ____________ (1979)
The ______________ _______________ or Helsinki Declaration was a signed declaration in an
attempt to improve _________________ between the Communist bloc and the __________.
Afghanistan to Star Wars:
Afghanistan (1979)
December 1979, 100,000 ______________ troops invaded Afghanistan as communist Babrak Karmal
seized control of the government.
U.S.-backed Muslim guerrilla fighters waged a costly war against the Soviets for nearly a decade
before Soviet troops withdraw in __________. Afghanistan became the Soviet
Poland and Solidarity
In August 1980, __________ _______________ led massive strikes at the Lenin shipyards in
Gdansk, __________________.
The strikes soon spread to other cities and formed the nucleus of the ________________
The communist government ______________ to worker demands on August 31, and recognized their
right to form ____________and _______________. First signs of cracks in the Soviet, communist
Star Wars
March 1983, ________________ outlined his Strategic Defense Initiative, or
"___________________," a space-based defensive shield that would use lasers and other advanced
technology to destroy attacking missiles far above the Earth's surface.
Soviets accuse the U.S of _____________ the 1972 Antiballistic Missile Treaty.
Soviets forced to ______________ heavily to match the program causing near _______________
collapse. Crack number two.
Gorbachev -1985:
On March 11, Mikhail Gorbachev came to power in the Soviet Union. Gorbachev ushered in an era of
1. What does Ronald Reagan emphatically tell Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev to do? What would
the symbolic meaning be in this action?
Gorbachev renounced the _______________ ________________, which pledged to use Soviet
force to protect its interests in Eastern Europe.
On September 10, Hungary opened its border with Austria, allowing East Germans to flee to the
After massive public demonstrations in East Germany and Eastern Europe, the Berlin Wall fell on
________________, _____, __________.