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Unit II - Medieval, Renaissance Test
Student: _________________________
1. Plainsong is another term for Gregorian chant.
True False
2. Gregorian chant was always sung in Latin.
True False
3. During the Middle Ages, women did not participate in music making in the church except within convents.
True False
4. When several notes sung to one syllable of text, it is called a melisma.
True False
5. Gregorian chant is named after Pope Gregory I because
A. a dove came down from heaven and whispered the sacred music in his ear.
B. he wrote all of it.
C. he is credited with ordering the simplification and cataloging of church music.
D. he decreed that music should be used in church.
6. The earliest polyphonic works were called
A. motets.
B. plainchant.
C. troubadour songs.
D. organum.
7. The texts for secular music in the Middle Ages were written in
A. Latin.
B. French only.
C. the vernacular.
D. only in Italian.
8. The music of the Renaissance changed very little from the late Middle Ages.
True False
9. Setting each verse of a song to the same music is a formal structure called
A. free form.
B. binary form.
C. strophic form.
D. ternary form.
10. Education and literacy became more widespread during the Renaissance, in part due to the invention of the
printing press.
True False
11. The term Renaissance man is used to indicate someone who is well educated in many areas.
True False
12. The sixteenth century was, to some degree at least, a period of bawdy earthiness, irreverent humor, and
celebration of sensual love.
True False
13. The increased respect for the individual and for independent thought prevalent during the Renaissance is
A. the Counter-Reformation.
B. Protestantism.
C. humanism.
D. the Council of Trent.
14. The term a cappella refers to
A. music sung without accompaniment.
B. music that uses chant as the compositional basis.
C. music with lute accompaniment.
D. music performed during the Catholic Mass.
15. An Italian Renaissance secular musical genre with sentimental or erotic poetry was the
A. chanson.
B. chorale.
C. madrigal.
D. fantasia.
16. Music written to represent the literal meaning of the text uses a technique called
A. transcription.
B. word painting.
C. embellishment.
D. imitation.
17. To embellish music means to
A. continually repeat the sections in the same manner.
B. perform the music as a round.
C. change the words of a song.
D. add or change notes in the melody.
18. Match the songs with their descriptions.
1. Lied
2. Chanson
3. Madrigal
German secular song ____
Italian secular song ____
French secular song ____