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NAME: ________________________________________
DATE: ___________________
LESSON 4: Non-verbal Communication
• Students will know that they need to make conscious and subconscious decisions to
change their language and behavior based on audience, location and/or environment
• Students will value code switching and its function in society
• Students will be able to use situation-appropriate language and non-verbal communication to
communicate effectively
• How does non-verbal communication affect first impressions and/or how one may be perceived?
OPENING ACTIVITY : Stack the Deck (10 minutes)
For this exercise, you will need a regular pack of playing cards and a lot of moving–around space.
1. Shuffle the deck of cards well and walk around the room to give each student a card.
2. Instruct the students to keep their cards a secret. No one can see the type or color of another's
3. Make it clear to students that they will not be able to talk during this exercise.
4. Instruct students to assemble into 4 groups according to suits (hearts, clubs, diamonds, spades)
using nonverbal communication.
5. Once students get into those groups, they must line up in order of rank, from ace to king.
6. The group that lines up in proper order first wins!
MAIN ACTIVITY (:25-30 minutes):
1) Review Non-verbal communication and its relevance in the workplace (:05 minutes)
> Non-verbal communication: The process of using wordless messages to
generate meaning
2) MINI-WHITE BOARDS: Have students draw an emoticon of how they are currently feeling or
one they use often. Have students explain the emoticon and what feeling is it supposed to
Cut the attached “Guess my emotion” worksheet, give each student one, and have others
write their guesses of students acting out their emotion on white board (:05)
NAME: ________________________________________
DATE: ___________________
4) LARGE WHITE SHEETS: Cut the types of non-verbal communication page into strips. Break
students up into groups of 3-4 and have each group randomly choose one from the non-verbal
communication list (attached). They must list what to do or not to do in a job interview under
this category. SHARE RESULTS. (:10-15)
CLOSING ACTIVITY (:10 minutes)
1) Distribute CRITICAL THINKING hand-out: Students should choose from one of the two and write
a brief response about non-verbal communication and its relevance to the question.
2) Share responses and recap non-verbal.
• pens
• Mini white-board
• Types of non-verbal communication
• Large White Sheets (4-6)
• Copies of Critical Thinking Hand-out
• SmartBoard
NAME: ________________________________________
DATE: ___________________
Nonverbal Communication: Facial Expression
Facial expression is one type of nonverbal communication that is nearly universal in meaning. Though
different cultures generally ascribe different meanings to various types of nonverbal communication, the
NAME: ________________________________________
DATE: ___________________
meanings attributed to certain facial expressions, like the smile or the frown, remain quite similar throughout
the world. For example, a downcast look in New York will be a downcast look in Moscow. A smile in Belize
will signal happiness or joy just as it would in Barcelona.
Nonverbal Communication: Gestures
Hand gestures are a vitally important type of nonverbal communication that take on various meanings as you
navigate the world's cultures. One might immediately think of waving, giving a peace sign or a thumb's up.
One might see a raised index finger to signal that a person's team is "Number One." Politicians will use
specially designed gestures to emphasize points.
Nonverbal Communication: Paralinguistics
Paralinguistics simply means a type of vocal communication without the use of language. This includes voice
inflection, pitch, rhythm, loudness, and tone. A slow rhythm and hushed tone might signify gentleness or
concern, while heavy pitch and rising inflection might be attributed to anger or enthusiasm.
Nonverbal Communication: Body Language
Though body language and posture can be quite subtle, it can have an enormous impact on communication.
Crossed-arms might signify a closed-off or defensive attitude. Slumped shoulders and excessive leaning
might signify boredom. Again, these cues are subtle but powerful.
Nonverbal Communication: Proxemics
Proxemics refers to personal space. Different individuals prefer different distances when it comes to
speaking with others. Obviously, standing too close to someone while she or he is talking might bring about
feelings of discomfort or annoyance. When speaking to groups, individuals tend to need larger distances in
order to feel heard.
Nonverbal Communication: Eye Gaze
Eye gazing is a fascinating type of nonverbal communication. For example, the rate of blinking might actually
increase and the pupils dilate when friends or loved ones are encountered. This goes for interesting objects
as well. The eyes react very differently to outside stimulus depending on personal interpretation.
Nonverbal Communication: Haptics
Haptics simply refers to communicating through touch. Touching is used to signify love, affection, and
familiarity. It might also be employed in times of stress or sadness when comfort is needed. The force of a
handshake might signify extra enthusiasm between close friends while a firm, standard grip might be more
appropriate for a professional introduction.
Nonverbal Communication: Appearance
Appearance is a very important type of non-verbal communication. Physical appearance, including clothing
style and neatness, is the first thing people see when encountering one another. Studies in the area of color
psychology suggest that the colors of clothing can have big effects on mood and attitude. People make quick
judgments of character according to dress and appearance.
LESSON 4: Non-verbal Communication
NAME: ________________________________________
DATE: ___________________
Directions: Choose from one (1) of the two (2) choices below and provide a 2-paragraph
Which non-verbal cues have you demonstrated that led others to make errors in perception
Which nonverbal cues have others demonstrated that led you to make errors in your
perception? Why do you think these particular cues resulted in misinterpretation or
When you are at the library or other public place, note how people “mark their territory.” Do
they use their backpack or purse, books, or nothing at all? Also observe the size of people’s
personal space. Does one gender have a smaller space than the other? Does age make a
difference? In what situations does that distance decrease?
QUESTION CHOICE # _________________
RESPONSE #1: _________________________________________________________________