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1.A doctor needs to prepare the plan of the treatment realization complex and
prophylactic actions among the population in the subordinated territory. What
actions should be taken by him for the secondary preventive maintenance of the
diseases of this plan?
*The prevention occurrence of the diseases.
Elimination of factors of illnesses occurrence.
Improvement of conditions of the population life.
Prevention of illnesses complications.
Realization of rehabilitations actions.
2.A pediatrician carried out the analysis of death rate of newborn. What should be
taken for an observation unit in the study?
*A child who died after 28 days of life.
A child who died on the first month of life.
A child who died in the age of till 1 year.
A child who died in the first 7 days.
A child who died during delivery.
3.A therapist carried out the analysis of disease of the population on a fixed site.
What source of the study provides the full account of acute diseases?
*Manipulation in an out-patient institution.
Specially organized research.
Manipulation in an out-patient institution.
Cause of death.
Interrogation of the population.
Routine inspections.
4.A workshop doctor studied disease on temporary disability of an enterprise.
Which statistical documents can be used to determine the parameters of diseases
with the temporarily disability?
*A report on temporarily disability, a disability form.
A report on temporarily disability, a card of dispensary supervision.
A report on temporarily disability, the summary sheet of the account of disease of
the population.
A disability form, a statistic card of the patient who was discharged from hospital.
A disability form, the medical death certificate.
5.A doctor studied the rate of infectious disease in a city. What basic registration
document is needed for the registration and studying of the infectious diseases?
*An emergency notification.
A medical card of the outpatient.
A card of the vaccinations account.
A statistical coupon of final diagnoses registration.
A statistic card of the patient who was discharged from a hospital.
A card of dispensary supervision.
6.An assistant of head physician investigated the level of disease of the population
which is registered in a polyclinic for past 5 years. With what help of statistical
sizes he may calculate the level of prevalence of illnesses?
*Absolute sizes.
Standardized sizes.
Average sizes.
Relative sizes.
Sizes of dynamic lines.
7.In a polyclinic, a worker due to acute respiratory disease has visited a doctor.
Carry out the professional duties may not. All period of disability was treated is
out-patient. On what term the attending physician personally may issue the
disability form to the worker?
*15 days.
5 days.
14 days.
30 days
All period of a temporary disability.
8.On a medico-social expertise (MSE), a patient with amputated legs (both) was
examined. The patient may not serve himself, requires the constant help and care.
In what group of an invalidity (stable disability) of health the patient is
9.In a city 4 infectionist doctors serve 10 000 population. What statistics index
reflects in serving the population with infectionist doctors?
Relative intensity.
10.In a study of diseases of the population in city, the diseases of respiratory
system is about 45%. What statistics indexes reflect the densities of respiratory
Relative intensity.
11.In city among 1000 populations, 500 cases of an urolithic diseases have been
registered. What statistics index reveals the morbidity of the population with an
urolithic disease?
Relative intensity.
12.In the end of a year, in a hospital a total amount of patients treated received
during one year and mid-annual amount of beds used for the treatment of patients
were registered. What parameters of work in a hospital can be used to calculate the
given data?
*Bed fund of a hospital.
Tern over bed.
Average annual occupying of bed.
Average duration of patients stay in hospital.
Average duration of bed time.
13.The population of city has the following age structure: 0-14 years - 30%; 15-44
years - 50%; 50 and more years - 20%. What type of the age structure of
population of the given city?
Slowed down.
14.A patient who has addressed to a family doctor in a polyclinic was diagnosed:
dysentery. What registration document the doctor should issue?
*An emergency notification.
A statistical coupon for registration of final diagnoses.
A message on the major not epidemic disease.
A disability form.
A control card of dispensary supervision.
15.A family doctor should give the characteristic of the populations disease of a
site for summarizing the annual report of the polyclinic. What documents are used
for registration and studying of the common (prevalence) disease?
*A coupon of out-patient, statistical coupon for registration of final diagnosis.
A control card of dispensary supervision, coupon of out-patient.
A history of child development, the coupon of out-patient.
A medical card of out-patient, the emergency notification.
A disability form, statistical card of the patient who was discharged from hospital.
16.A pediatrician revealed a case of an epidemic parotitis. What document should
he fill for registration of an infectious disease?
*An emergency notification.
A medical card of the outpatient.
A history of the child development.
A card of the account of vaccinations.
A coupon of the out-patient.
17.In a city polyclinic 11 600 cases of diseases was registered during one year.
Among them: influenza and acute respiratory diseases-5800, diseases of blood
circulatory system-3480, diseases of gastrointestinal tract-1300, other diseases1020. What relative parameter can be used to calculate these data?
Relative intensity.
18.In area N, 1156 cases of disease has been registered among 1000 population.
What parameters characterize prevalence of diseases among the population?
19.A health of the population is characterized by group of parameters. What
parameter concern to demographic?
*General death rate.
Physical development.
20.Among the workers of an industrial enterprise 1200 cases and 12000 days of
temporary disability was registered. What parameter of diseases with temporary
disability should be calculated on the basis of these data?
*Average duration of one case.
Amount of cases of temporary disability on 100 workers.
Amount of days of temporary disability on 100 workers.
Densities of workers who were never sick during one year.
Densities of workers who long and frequently were sick.
21.A working woman’s 4 year old child was sick. Diagnosis: the focal pneumonia.
Treatment is out-patient. What maximal term of a disability form can be given by
the authorities of children’s polyclinic for the care of the sick child?
*During the whole period of the disease.
5 days.
10 days.
30 days.
15 days.
22.A local doctor has been ordered to prepare the plan of a realization complex of
the treatment and prophylactic actions among the population in the subordinated
territory. What actions should be taken by the doctor as initial (primary) preventive
maintenance of diseases?
*Preventive vaccination.
Prevention of occurrence of diseases.
Prevention of complications of illness.
Actions concerning improvement of quality of life of patients.
Actions for improvement of conditions of life of patients.
23.A therapist carried out the analysis of adult population health state on a fixed
site. What groups of the population health parameters will be included in this
*Demographic, morbidity, invalidity, physical development, premorbid condition.
Morbidity, invalidity, death rate, physical development, average life expetancy.
Life way, morbidity, invalidity, physical development, birth rate.
Birth rate, morbidity, invalidity, physical development, life way.
Mortality, lethality, physical development, invalidity, average life expectancy.
24.A work shop doctor carried out the analysis of the health state of the workers in
an enterprise annually. What dispensary groups of a health are divided among the
workers of the enterprises in the annual report?
*Healthy, practically healthy, patients of 3rd stage of compensation.
Healthy, acute diseases, patients of the subcompensated period.
Healthy, frequently sick of compensated period.
Healthy, non epidemic diseases, practically healthy.
Healthy, temporary disability, patients of decompensated period.
25.A regional pediatrician carried out the analysis of the infant's morbidity in the
subordinated territory. What parameters were used?
*Death rate of children till 1 year of age, sex, causes.
Death rate of children till 1 year, still birth, sex.
Lethality of children till 3 years according to age, causes.
Death rate of teenagers in a district, causes.
Death rate newborn in a district, sex, causes.
26.A therapist studied the level of common disease (prevalence) of the population.
What registration statistical documents are used for this purpose?
*Statistical coupons for registration of final diagnoses with a mark (+) and (-).
Statistical cards of the patient who was discharged from hospital.
Statistical coupons for registration of final diagnoses with a mark (+).
Statistical coupons for registration of final diagnoses with a mark (-).
Control card of dispensary supervision.
27.A local doctor carried out the analysis of the diseases in a subordinated site.
What kind of the diseases determines the group as a frequently and prolong sick?
*With the temporary disability.
Acute infectious.
The basic non epidemic illnesses.
28.A patient was hospitalized for three months concerning a heavy trauma. What
maximal term a disability form may be given to the patient for continuous
treatment with favorable clinical and working prognoses?
*12 months.
1 month.
2 months.
3 months.
4 months.
29.In region D, in age structure of the population there’s gradual increase in
persons more than 60 years of age for the past 15 years. What dynamics of charges
will be observed on granting of medical aid in the given region in other equal
conditions (a price level, inflations etc.)?
*Charges are increased.
Charges decrease.
Charges are stabilized.
Charges do not change.
Charges are proportionally reduced.
30.In a region D, a lethality of a myocardial infarction for the past 5 years is
marked. The situation demands an estimation of efficiency of granting of medical
aid to these patients. Determine the observation unit:
*A cardiologic hospital.
Cases of hospitalization in a cardiology hospital concerning myocardial infarction,
On time consultation by medical aid in a cardiology hospital,
Complexity of cardiologists.
Diagnostic equipment of a cardiology hospital.
31.A local doctor should prepare the report about health condition of the
population of the subordinated territory. What medical parameters of the health
population should be used?
*Demographic, morbidity, invalidity, physical development, premorbid condition.
Morbidity, invalidity, death rate, physical development, average life expetancy.
Life way, morbidity, invalidity, physical development, birth rate.
Birth rate, morbidity, invalidity, physical development, life way.
Mortality, lethality, physical development, invalidity, average life expectancy.
32.In a study of disease with the temporary disability among of machine-building
factory workers, average duration of one case is about 20 days. What diseases have
affected size of parameter?
Subacute period.
Premorbid form of illnesses.
Conditionally severe.
33.A patient with the acute bronchitis consulted a doctor. The patient is
categorized as disabled. How many maximum days the doctor may issue the
disability form personally?
*15 days
14 days
7 days
25 days
10 days.
34.A patient has received the disability list for 10 months continuously concerning
a trauma with a favorable clinical and working prognoses. Who has the right to
estimate of the patient’s stable disability?
*Medical-social expertise (MCE).
A head physician of a hospital.
A head physician and a family doctor .
A family doctor after the agreement of managing branch.
A medical commission.
35.In a district, the absolute figures registered in a year by dysentery disease:
January-6; February-9; March-11; April-10; May-16; June-23; July-19; August-33;
September-58; October-19; November-11; December-5. Total cases per year-220
cases. What kind of graphic can be used to represent the monthly fluctuations of
the disease from an average level?
*A radial diagram.
A map diagram.
A map gram.
A sector diagram.
A bar diagram.
36.In the structure of a region population, the densities of people from 0 till 14
years is about 25%, it is equal with the densities of the people from 50 years and
above. What concept of the population characterizes this demographic situation?
37.In 100 delivery, women who had risk factors there was 30 premature babies and
in 100 delivery, women who had no risk factors there was 5 premature babies.
What method of statistical data is used by the doctor to estimate the essence of
divergence in the compared groups?
*Correlation analysis.
Criterion of Student (t).
Average sizes.
Relative sizes.
38. In an area, the authorities of children's polyclinic need to perform vaccinations
to 4800 children and teenagers. 4800 children were examined but preventive
vaccinations were done only to 4320 persons, 480 children were medically
temporarily contra-indicated to vaccination. What size of parameter "Completeness
of scope by preventive vaccination of children and teenagers whom were subjected
to vaccinations in this area?
*10 %
60 %
70 %
90 %
100 %.
39. Maintenance of medical cards of the population in an area is carried out by the
registration department of a polyclinic; arranged with their numerical number and
with the first letter of surname of the patient. What system of medical cards
maintenance is used in this polyclinic?
*Alphabetic – number.
40.In the 12th patient, the family doctor has determined high level of sugar in blood
and has appointed him for an appropriate treatment. Who else from the family
members of this patient should consult the doctor immediately for check up of
sugar level in a blood as to carry out preliminary preventive measures?
*All members of family.
Members of families, where father is ill.
Persons up to 15 years.
Persons more than 60 years.
Members of families, where mother is ill.
41.350 workers of a factory were subjected to undergo prophylactic medical
inspections in the present year, 325 workers were examined in a territorial
polyclinic. Result - one worker was temporarily discharged from work, 15 have
passed the subsequent improvement in sanatorium, 10 have received a dietary
meal. What parameter describes the prophylactic work of the polyclinic in this
*Completeness of scope by the periodic medical inspections.
Frequency revealing of the diseases during inspections.
Densities of persons whom are being improved in a dispensaries.
Densities of persons whom are under a dietary meal.
Densities of the persons whom were temporarily discharged from a work.
42.About 6200 people live in an area. The rural local hospital agreed to provide
prophylactic treatment to 560 agricultural workers with different risk factors.
Prophylactic treatment was given to 400 workers. 120 of the workers had
cardiovascular diseases, from which 90 of them were under dispensary inspection.
What parameters is the most suitable to estimate the organization of prophylactic
medical examination in the above hospital?
*Densities of persons whom were subjected to routine inspections.
Densities of persons in whom disease was revealed.
Densities of persons in whom diagnose was revealed for the first time.
Densities of the workers who were under routine inspections.
Frequency of cardiovascular diseases.
43.A therapist from a city hospital examined a 37 year old patient. He is a worker
of an industrial enterprise. Diagnose of the examined patient: dysentery. What
action should be done by the doctor in the first place?
*Hospitalization of the patient in hospital.
Temporary discharge of the patient from work.
Distribution of a disability list for the whole period of disease.
Bacteriological inspections.
Realization of preventive vaccinations.
44.What is the maximal term can be given for the medico-social expertise (MSE)
to a patient after acute myocardial infarction with unfavorable clinical and working
*4 months.
1 month.
2 months.
3 months.
5 months.
45.An unemployed man had fracture of thigh’s and was sent to the trauma
department in the polyclinic were was treated 25 days. What period of the
temporary disability in this case?
*From the 1st day during the whole period of the illness.
DF 6 days, next medical certificated (MC) arbitrary form.
MC for 5 days, next DF from the 6th day.
MC and DF das not given.
DF signed by the head physician from the 6th day.
46.In a city, lives 100 000 population. During one year 160 had infectious diseases,
from which 75 of them suffered influenza. What parameter is used on influenza
disease in relation to all infectious diseases?
Relative intensity.
47.To study the disease of an agricultural population in a given area, the population
was selected as the object of the research. What the statistical material method
should be used in the research for the given volume?
The monographic description.
Basic file.
48. A 35 year old worker was sent to the traumatologist. Diagnose: fracture of the
right forearm. The trauma has taken place during renovation of an apartment. How
to issue the disability form (DF) for the above patient?
*DF from the 1st day.
Medical certificate (MC) form for the 5th day and DF from the 6th day.
MC arbitrary form for 5 days, next DF.
MC form for 10 days, DF from the 11th day.
MC arbitrary form for whole period of treatment.
49.What parameters should be taken into consideration by the doctor from a
therapeutic hospital, in analyzing the quality of work for the attestation report?
*Lethality, frequency of complications, average duration of treatment
Average employment of bed in year, complete using of bed fund, mortality.
Lethality, frequency of complications, invalidity, prevalence.
Structure of hospitalized patients, amount of patients in the mid annual, morbidity.
Lethality, over straining of internship doctors, pathological affection.
50.The parameter of general death rate in area A. is 11.9‰ and in area B. is
15.9‰. According to age structure of the population more than 50 years old in area
A. is 30% and in area B. is 40%. It is necessary to calculate the difference between
the age structure of the population and general death rate. What method of medical
statistics is used in this case?
*Standardized parameters.
Correlation factor.
Criterion (t) of Student.
Average sizes.
Relative sizes.
51.According to the references in a district polyclinic on influenza cases of a
population: January-257 cases, February-222, March-210, April-81, May-26, June5, July-3, August-8, September-19, October-29, November-49 and December-152.
It is necessary to present the prevalence of seasonal fluctuations of influenza. What
kind of graphic representation is the most suitable in this case?
*Radial diagram.
Sector diagram.
Bar diagram.
Map diagram.
52.A family doctor of a rural medical ambulance station was called to check a 42
year old. On inspection of the patient the doctor suspected dysentery. What
document should the doctor issue in this case?
*Emergency notification.
Statistical coupon of the final diagnose.
Medical certificate (MC) on infectious disease.
Discharging the patient from the outpatient medical card.
Giving out news on infectious disease immediately.
53.A laparoscopic cholecystectomy was introduced in the practice of surgical
branch of a hospital. As a result, average duration of postoperative treatment was
reduced up to 3.4±0.8 day compared to 7.3±1.1 day in usual cholecystectomy.
What medical statistics method is used to confirm the reliability differences of the
*Coefficient by Student (t).
Standardized parameters.
Factor of correlation.
Average sizes.
Relative sizes.
54.Daily average of lethality in surgical branch of a city hospital in 2013 is 0.1%
and in 2014 is 0.5%. The prospective reason of growth of lethality in 2014 is old
system of hospitalization as result of first aid work. The parameters calculated
under the condition of identical distribution of patients on terms of hospitalization:
in 2013-15 and in 2014-11. What method was used for calculation of these
conditional parameters?
Calculation of average sizes.
Calculation of relative sizes.
The analysis of dynamic numbers.
55.In city C, the work of cardiology cabinets in a polyclinic was studied.
Determine the observation unit.
*Each case of a cardiological pathology.
Cardiological study.
Each case of the reference in the given study.
Each kind of result of cardiovascular diseases.
Licence of cardiological department.
56.The therapists of a city hospital during the day served the population in 3 parts:
reception, in a district, in in-patient department. Every 2 years the therapists need
to be in charge in in-patient department for 3-4 months. On what system the
doctors work?
*Three shifts.
Territorial section.
Two shifts.
Night duty.
Work shop section.
57.In area A, the frequency of infectious hepatitis in 2012 is 100%, the following
year the parameter are: 2013 increase on 2,5% and 2014 increase on 25%. What
parameter was used in the analysis of the given data?
Rate of growth.
58.Patients with reconvalescence of infectious diseases, patients with chronic
pathology and short term acute one and healthy persons visited a treated doctor in a
dispensary. Who from the above patients should be referred to III group of health?
*Patients with chronic pathology.
Patients with a short term acute pathology.
Patients with reconvalescence of infectious diseases.
A healthy persons.
All categories of patients given.
59.A growth of gynecological disease was observed among girls of 12-14 years of
age. 20% of them required hospitalization. Choose the most rational combined
stage of medical aid organization in this case.
*Pediatrician, children’s gynecologist, gynecological hospital.
Obstetrician, gynecologist of polyclinic, gynecological hospital.
Pediatrician, children’s gynecologist, obstetrician.
Pediatrician, obstetrician, gynecologist.
Pediatrician, gynecological hospital, obstetrician .
60.In city B. about 23% of cardiovascular disease was registered among the
population. What statistics are given?
Average size.
61.In the study of an establishment, in the current year 10% of people were never
sick, 30% fell sick once, 15% fell sick twice, 5% fell sick four times, all others - 5
and more times. What densities of the employees referred to I group of health?
*40 %
10 %
55 %
60 %
22 %
62.During a medical preventive examination of the population patients with
chronic diseases and different pathological conditions were registered. What
parameter is used for studying the given situation?
*Pathological affection.
General disease.
Initial disease.
Disease with temporary disability.
63.The head physician of a polyclinic has given a task to the local cardiologist: to
calculate cases of myocardial infarction of an area. What document determines the
primary morbidity of myocardial infarction of the population?
*Statistical coupons with mark (+).
Statistical coupons with a mark (+) and (-).
List of medical inspections.
A medical card of the out-patient.
The coupon on reception to the doctor.
64.The head physician of a polyclinic has given a task to the local doctor: to
determine the spreading of ischemic heart diseases (IHD) of an area. What
document determines the spreading (prevalence) of the disease in the given area?
*Statistical coupons with mark (+) and (-).
Statistical coupon with a mark (-).
Statistical card of patient discharged from the hospital.
Coupon on reception to the doctor.
List of medical inspections.
65.The local doctor has to determine the pathological affection of the population
with chronic bronchitis of an area. What document has to be used in this case?
*List of the preventive examinations.
Coupon on reception to the doctor.
Statistical coupon with a mark (+).
Statistical coupon with a mark (-).
Statistical coupons with marks (+) and (-).
66.The organization of methodical room of central district hospital was subjected
to study the birth rate in all territory of an area. The manager of the organization
has been charged to carry out this task with the statistical doctor. What document is
used to study a birth rate of the population?
*Medical birth certificate.
Birth certificate.
Card of physical development of the child.
Health certificate on birth/delivery.
Exchange card of pregnancy.
67.A permeation to the sanatorium was allocated to a patient who works as a
manufacturer. It is necessary to prepare medical documents by the family doctor.
Who will direct the patient to the sanatorium treatment?
*Medical commission (MC).
Medico-social expertise (MSE).
Family doctor.
Head of department.
Trade-union committee.
68.After a prolonged dispensary supervision of a patient, the family doctor decided
that the invalidity (stable disability) of the patient is accepted. Who will direct the
patient to the medical-social expertise (MSE)?
*Medical commission (MC).
Family doctor.
Head of department.
Trade-union committee.
Managing branch of a policlinic.
69.A child was born in a pediatric site. The nurse of the pediatric site informed the
doctor. When should the pediatrician consult a child for the first time?
*In the first 3 days after discharge from maternity home.
In the first 3 days after delivery.
In the first 13 days after discharge from maternity home.
In the first month after delivery.
In the first month after discharge from maternity home.
70.Structure of the population in region N: densities of people from 0 to 14 years
are 15% and densities of people more than 50 years are 30%. Estimate structure of
the population which characterizes the given demographic situation.
*Regressive structure of the population.
Stationary structure of the population.
Progressive structure of the population.
The accelerated structure of the population.
The slowed down structure of the population.
71.Structure of the population in region N: densities of people from 0 to 14 years
are 31% and densities of people more than 50 years are 20%. Estimate structure of
the population which characterizes the given demographic situation.
*Progressive structure of the population.
Emigration of the population
Regressive structure of the population
Stationary structure of the population
Immigration of the population
72.In region N, under the favorable environmental-climate, ecologic and social
economic conditions, people have moved to this region from another region.
Therefore the amount of pensioners has increased. The state administration has
estimated the reserve capacity of this region, which has a number of privileges that
causes similar mass resettlement from abroad. Estimate movement of the
population that characterizes last demographic phenomenon?
*Immigration of the population.
Re-immigration of the population.
Emigration of the population.
Repatriation of the population.
Re-emigration of the population.
73.A pregnant woman (term of pregnancy 11 weeks) is registered in a female
consultation and was under supervision during all term of the normal pregnancy.
What documents should be given by the doctor to the above patient for a delivery
in a maternity hospital?
*Exchange card.
Individual card of the pregnant women.
Direction to hospitalization.
Disability list.
Information from SES.
74.In a company during the first half year, among of 2000 male and 4000 female
workers, 320 male workers and 280 female workers had trauma. In the second half
year, among of 6000 male and 2000 female, 720 and 160 workers got injured
respectively. Which statistical data processing method is optimum for elimination
of disagreements in the working structure according to sex and different level of
Regressive analysis.
Average sizes.
Relative sizes.
75.A pregnant woman, term of pregnancy 10 weeks, registered herself in a female
consultation and was under supervision during all term of the normal pregnancy.
What is the optimal term of pregnancy in this case for the doctor to give the
exchange card of a maternity home?
*30 weeks.
28 weeks.
33 weeks.
34 weeks.
36 weeks.
76.In center N. with 250000 populations, 420 children were born in one year. 120
of the delivery were premature, 200 were normal and 100 of them were overdue
delivery. What document enables us to receive the most exact information on
frequency of different terms of delivery in this center?
*Deliveries history.
Individual card pregnancy women.
Journal of reception pregnant and delivered women.
Exchange card of a maternity home.
History of newborn development.
77.A pregnant woman (term of pregnancy 10 weeks) registered herself in a female
consultation. How many times is necessary for the woman to attend the female
consultation during her normal pregnancy?
78.A patient after an industrial trauma had significant loss of eyesight, had eye
operation and requires preparation for other industrial activity. What kind of
rehabilitation should be directed by the doctor in the first place in this case?
*Professional rehabilitation.
Social rehabilitation.
Psychological rehabilitation.
Medical rehabilitation.
Full rehabilitation.
79.The value of arterial pressure and age of patient were studied in 200 patients
suffering from hypertensive disease. What statistical value (size) is necessary to
measure the force of relation between the specified signs?
Student (t) criterion.
Factor of a variation.
Mistake in representation.
Sigma deviation.
80.In the reception of a hospital, a 43 year old man of severe condition was
delivered by an ambulance. The doctor diagnosed: myocardium infarction. The
patient died in 2 hours though medical measures were carried out. Which specialist
can conclude the main cause of death in this situation?
*Doctor - pthologanatom (outhopsist).
Doctor on duty.
Ambulance doctor.
Medico-legal (forensic) expert.
81.In a cardiological branch of city hospital 80 patients hypertonic and ischemic
heart disease were hospitalized. 20 patients had improved health after discharge
from the hospital. What is the best place for the patients to improve their health?
*Branch of rehabilitation.
Day time hospital.
Hospital. (in-patient department).
Branch of rehabilitation.
Cardiological dispensary.
82.According to the family doctor practice, the causes of death during the present
year, in the first place-cardiovascular diseases (60%), second-neoplasm diseases
(18%), third-traumas (8.3%) and so on. What diagrams can be used by the doctor
to illustrate the structure of the given phenomena?
83. Analysis health condition of the population and a level of medical aid in the
cardiological dispensary are such: level of primary cardiovascular diseases - 62%0,
level of general cardiovascular diseases - 483.55%0, death rate due to
cardiovascular diseases - 10.9%0, densities of death cases due to cardiovascular
diseases out of all causes of death - 67%0, level of primary invalidity due to
cardiovascular diseases - 16.2 on 10 thousand population. Which of the above
parameters is extensive value?
*Densities death cases due to cardiovascular diseases out of all causes of death.
Level of a primary cardiovascular diseases.
Level of a general cardiovascular diseases.
Level of a primary physical inability due to cardiovascular diseases.
Death rate due to a cardiovascular diseases.
84.A local therapist has diagnosed acute bronchitis in a patient. What registration
document should be filled by the doctor to register the disease?
*Statistical coupon for registration of the final diagnosis
Medical card of the outpatient.
Case report.
Statistical card of the patient who was discharged from hospital.
Emergency notification.
85. Photochronometric research on patients whom have consulted the therapist of
polyclinic No:1 in city A, in 2003 the preparation and acquaintance with medical
documentation is spent 10.6%, for interrogation of the patient - 15.1%, survey and
inspection - 35.9%, on other elements of work - 38.4% of general time on
reception of one patient. What kind of diagram is possible to illustrate the results of
the above research?
86.In medical organization, therapeutic efficiency on a new method of treating
acute respiratory viral infection had been studied. In the experimental group of 10
people, average duration of treatment was 5 days and in the control group of 10
people was 7 days. Name the most probable reason, the differences after
calculation of average sizes which appeared statistically doubtful (p > 0.05).
*Not enough a number of a supervision.
Insignificant relative difference of the parameters.
Small duration of a treatment.
Insignificant absolute difference of the parameters.
Non-uniform the groups.
87.In a study of an average level and character of some various laboratory
parameters, the data are: general blood protein - sigma deviation ± 4g/l, coefficient
variation - 6%, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) - ± 2 mm/hour, 23%. What
values are varied the most?
*Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR).
The general blood protein.
Differences in the values are absent.
Additional calculations are necessary to study the values.
To study the values it is necessary to increase the amount of supervision.
88.A study in a relation between the body temperature and the pulse rate of a set
patient suffering from an influenza has been carried out. The calculated coefficient
correlation is equal to +0.5. Estimate the strength and direction of a relation
between these values.
*Average, positive.
Strong, positive.
Average, negative.
Strong, negative.
Week, negative.
89.The structure of a primary disease of the population on the 17 th class of disease
was investigated. What type of a diagram may help to illustrate the given research?
90.To estimate the health of the children population the following parameters were
used: a prevalence of a disease, primary disease, structure of the disease,
pathologic affection and invalidity. What parameters reflect the level of disease in
children with chronic diseases and morphologic-functional impairment?
*Pathologic affection.
Primary morbidity.
General morbidity.
Morbidity with temporary disability.
91.In study of disease in city N, it was established that the population of different
administrative areas differs from their age structure. What statistical method allows
in excluding the influence of this factor on indexes of the disease?
Dynamic numbers calculation..
T-criteria by Wilcokson.
Calculation of average sizes.
92.70 000 population lives in an area. People from 0-14 years old is 13%, from 1549 years old is 52%, more than 50 years old is 35%. What kind of diagram may
help to illustrate the age structure of the population in this area?
93.For an information on a number and structure of the population estimation of
the population amount is carried out. What kind and method of research it is?
*Selective simultaneous.
Continuous simultaneous.
Continuous current.
Selective current.
The basic file.
94.Concentration albumin (g/l) in blood serum of 10 women whom were under one
inspection: 42, 41, 44, 47, 38, 40, 35, 38, 43 and 41. What statistical parameter is
related to these values?
Dynamic lines.
95.As a result of introduction of a new technique of treatment average duration of
hospitalization in the experimental group of patients is 12.3±0.2 days compared to
15.4±0.4 days in the control group of patients whom were treated under the old
scheme. What coefficient criterion is possible to calculate the differences of these
*Reliability (Student (t) criterion).
T-criterion by Wilcokson.
Criterion of marks (z-criterion).
Criterion of conformity (x²).
Factor of reliability (Student (t) criterion).
Criterion Kolmogorava-Smirnova.
96.In a study depending on the relation of the level of polluted atmospheric air and
prevalence of respiratory diseases, the coefficient pair correlation r is equal to
+ 0.82. Estimate the force and direction of the relation.
*Strong, positive.
Average, positive.
Average, negative.
Strong, positive.
Week, negative.
97.Cases of death of patients in a hospital: January-10 cases, February-9, March-7,
April-7, May-8, June-5, July-3, August-2, September-4, October-6, November-8
and December-11 lethal cases. What kind of diagram may help to illustrate these
98.A worker who is under dispensary observation concerning duodenal ulcer, the
enterprise have allocated permit to sanatorium treatment for 24 days. Duration of
annual main holiday of the worker is 24 days. What order of registration of
temporary disability in this case?
*A medical commission (MC) issues a disability Form (DF) for 24 days.
Head of department issues DF for 24 days.
Family doctor issues DF for 24 days,
Family doctor issues sanatorium card for 24 days.
MC issue medical certificate for 24 days.
99.A pregnant nurse attended the female consultation concerning pregnancy.
During the delivery there was complication due to a surgical intervention. There is
a medical certificate from the obstetrician department. What duration of antenatal
and postnatal a disability form (DF) should be given in this case?
*70 days before delivery and 86 (70+16) days after one.
70 days before delivery and 70 days after one.
56 days before delivery and 70 days after one.
56 days before delivery and 56 days after one.
90 days before delivery and 90 days after one.
100.Citizen H, twisted his leg as he was on his way to work. After the supervision
of medical aid diagnose: rupture of the ligament of right ankle joint. He was treated
as out-patient for 18 days. How to issue the disability form (DF) in this case?
*DF from the first day during the whole period of treatment is issued.
Medical certificate (MC) for 5 days and from the 6th day DF is issued.
MC for 10 days and DF for 8 days is issued.
DF for 10 days is issued only.
DF for 14 days and for 4 days MC is issued.
101.A working woman’s 5 years old child was suffering from smallpox which
lasted for 17 days. Treatment was carried out as out-patient under the supervision
of the mother. How to issue the disability form (DF) for the working woman in this
*DF for the whole period of the disease is issued.
DF maximum for 14 days and the rest 3 days medical certificate (MC).
DF maximum for 7 days and the rest 10 days MC.
MC for the whole period of the disease.
DF maximum for 10 days and the rest 8 days MC.
102.A pregnant women visited the obstetrician-gynecologist for the first time. She
was directed for further consultation to other specialists. Which the specialists she
should consult be?
*Therapist and dentist.
Otolaryngologist (ENT) and ophthalmologist.
Therapist and neurologist.
Dentist and tuberculosis specialist.
Dentist and cardiologist.
103.In a therapeutic branch of a hospital 500 patients were under treatment and
400 of them were workers. Before discharging from the hospital disability list (DL)
was issued to the workers. Who has the right to sign the DL?
*Head physician, the attending physician.
Managing branch, the assistant of head physician on a medical part.
Attending physician, head physician on expertise working ability.
Head physician, head physician on expertise working ability.
Managing branch, the assistant of head physician on expertise working ability.
104.In the aim to reveal diseases of the workers in an enterprise, periodic medical
observation was carried out. Who bears the responsibility of workers who are
under observation?
*Administration of the enterprise.
Administration of territorial polyclinic.
Administration of territorial hospital.
Committee of trade union of the enterprise.
The doctor – profpathologist.
105.After a prolonged treatment of a patient, the medical commission decided that
the invalidity (stable disability) of the patient is accepted. Who will estimates a
stable disability (invalidity)?
*Medical-social expertise (MCE).
Family doctor.
Head of department.
Trade-union committee.
Managing branch of a polyclinic.
106. A 11 year old boy has been sick for five times during last year due to acute
respiratory disease. What group of health this boy belongs to?
107.The establishments which take part in realization of medical expertise can be
treatment and prophylactic establishments, medical commission of the Ministries
of Defence and Internal Affairs, bureau of a medico-social expertise (MSE),
bureau of medico legal (forensic) expertise and so on. Determine the institutions
which will carry out medico-social expertise of temporary invalidity.
*Medical organization.
Medical commission of the Ministry of Defence.
Sanitary – prophylactic organization.
Medical commission of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Bureau of medico legal (forensic) expertise.
108.A working mother is on leave for taking care of her 3 years old child. She is
partly paid during this holiday. She fell ill and was hospitalized. What document
will be given to the working father who will carry out the care of the child during
the mother’s illness?
*Disability form (DF) for all period of mother’s treatment.
Medical certificate (MC) for all period of mother’s treatment.
Disability form (DF) for 10 days of mother’s treatment and MC for next rest days.
MC for all period of mother’s treatment.
Statistical card of patient discharged from the hospital.
109.It is known that the main goals of medico-social expertise (MSE) are revealing
the causes and an establishment of groups of invalidity, granting of labour
recommendations to invalids. What task is assigned by MSE relating to temporary
loss of working ability?
*Revealing and establishment of invalidity group.
Recommendations on changing to other work.
Labour recommendations.
Establishment of the rights on reception of the social help.
Authorization of continuation disability list for ending of the treatment.
110.A patient with duodenal ulcer received disability list continuously for 4
months with unfavorable clinical and working prognoses. Who has the rights to
establish group of invalidity?
*Medico-social expertise (MSE).
Family doctor.
Managing therapeutic branch.
Head physician.
Medical commission (MC).
111.A family doctor was called to check a man on 21 year old. On inspection of
the patient the doctor suspected dysentery. In what period the emergency
notification should be send to the centre of higen and epidemiology in this case?
*12 hours.
24 hours.
6 hours.
48 hours.
9 hours.
112.According to a work report of the polyclinic the data on distribution of
diseases on class of illnesses, densities and levels of different diseases and also
about decrease of general disease on 5 % are received. What parameters from the
above are intensive?
*Levels of different diseases.
Distribution of diseases on class of illnesses.
Decrease of the general disease on 5 %.
Densities of different diseases.
Structure of disease.
113. A clinical-statistical research of action of a new pharmacological preparation
on patients with ischemic heart disease has been carried out. What parametrical
criterion (coefficient) may be used for an estimation of reliability of results?
*Coefficient by Student (t).
Standardized parameters.
Factor of correlation.
Average sizes.
Relative sizes.
114. A patient who is under dispensary observation concerning stomach ulcer, has
been addressed with treatment-diagnostic purpose thrice per year and prophylactic
purpose twice per year. What polyclinic service will be considered initial?
*The first consultation during the year with the diagnosis registered earlier.
The first consultation during the month.
The first consultation during the present year.
The first consultation during the year with the given purpose.
The first consultation during last 12 months.
115.In a district a case of disease: dysentery was revealed. Who will check a health
condition of the contact persons?
*A family doctor.
A doctor-infectionist.
A head of hospital.
A medical commission.
116.An insured worker have exempted from work at his own will on 03.08.2014.
The same day he fell ill and at 23:30 he called for an ambulance (first aid) and was
hospitalized. Diagnose: acute appendicitis. What document and from what data
will be issued to estimate disability?
*The disability form (DF) from 03.08.2014.
The DF from 03.08.2014.
The DF from 04.08.2014.
The medical certificate from 03.08.2014.
The discharge card of in-patient.
117.A complex measure will be carried out in an enterprise with harmful working
conditions to decrease the level of the disease. To achieve a greater effect the
workshop doctor allocates group who is a frequently and prolong sick. What kind
of disease can be determined under this group?
*With temporarily disability.
The most important non-epidemic diseases.
General disease.
Acute infectious.
118.Demographic parameters belong to the parameters which characterizes the
health of population. Which of the following can be used for calculation of these
*Amount of population.
Amount of out-patients.
Amount of population subjected to medical observation.
Amount of workers.
Amount of in-patient.
119.According to results of five years monitoring, it is estimated that
environmental factors has influence on the parameters of population health. What
statistical method of calculation is selected for the estimation of correlation
between the specified signs (values)?
*A coefficient correlation.
A coefficient reliability of differences.
A coefficient relativity.
A standardized coefficient.
A dynamic lines parameters.
120.Gynecological disease among 10 girls who were under medical prophylactic
inspection was studied. What kind of prophylactic inspection is used in the given
121.For the pass 3 years patient A. is under dispensary observation in a polyclinic.
Diagnosis: chronic bronchitis. In the present year he had consulted for a medical
aid three times concerning exacerbation of the disease. What statistical document
is necessary to be filled for the account of the disease?
*One statistical coupon with mark (+) in the first consultation is filled.
On all three consultations statistical coupons with mark (+) are filled.
One statistical coupon with mark (-) in the first consultation is filled.
One statistical coupon with mark (+) in the first consultation and mark (-) on
On all three consultations statistical coupons with mark (-) are filled.
122.Employer A. was on a business trip in another city. He fell ill and was
hospitalized in the city hospital. What should be the order of issuing disability
form (DF) in this case?
*With the permission of head physician of the city hospital.
With the permission of the medical commission (MC).
With the permission of the head of department.
With the permission of hospital managing branch.
Personal attending physician.
123.Worker B. was a temporarily disabled for 16 days due to illness. He was
treated as out-patient on a family doctor. What term the family doctor has the right
to issue the disability form personally?
*15 days.
5 days.
30 days.
14 days.
10 days.
124.A machine operator of a country association was treated for 18 days in a rural
medical ambulance station in which only one family doctor works. What maximal
term the doctor personally has right to issue the disability form?
*15 days.
10 days.
14 days.
5 days.
During the all period of the temporarily disability.
125.A 5 year old child was treated in a children hospital for 28 days. The care of
the child was carried out by the working mother. On what maximum term the
disability form (DF) should be issued to the mother?
*For all period of stay in the hospital with the child.
DF 14 days, next 14 days medical certificate (MC) is given.
DF 10 days, next 18 days MC is given.
DF 20 days, next 8 days MC is given.
DF 25 days, next 3 days MC is given.
126.Working woman A. was under observation of obstetrician-gynecologist of a
female consultation concerning pregnancy which finished with pathological
delivery. What term of the disability form should be given to this woman?
*156 days.
140 days.
90 days.
70 days.
56 days.
127.The age structure of the population of an area is: children of 0-14 years are
15%, people in the age of 15-49 years is 50% and people more than 50 years old is
35%. Estimate the type of age structure of the population.
Slowed down.
128.A patient has consulted a family doctor twice per year (in March and
November). In both visits diagnose was the same: acute viral-respiratory infection.
What documents is necessary to be filled for registration of this disease?
*On each case separately statistical coupon with a mark (+).
On the first case the statistical coupon with a mark (+), on the second - is not filled.
On each case separately statistical coupon with a mark (-).
On the first case the statistical coupon with a mark (+), on the second - (-).
On the first case the statistical coupon with a mark (-), on the second - (+).
129. In a rural medical site, cancer of cervix is growing progressively. Therefore,
planned inspection is carried out among the women. What kind of medical surveys
will be carried out?
130.Parameters of work in the hospitals of medical organization of a big city was
estimated last year, finally the medical commission of the central city hospital
decided to develop a day-time hospital in a city polyclinic. What was the basic
purpose of the acceptance of this decision?
*Rational use of bed fund.
Increase of complete using of bed fund.
Reduction of patients duration stay in a hospital.
Reduction of lethality with hospital help.
Optimization of average employment of bed during one year.
131.Worker A., was hospitalized due to pneumonia for 16 days. What term the
disability form (DF) is given in this case for?
*All period of the treatment DF is given.
DF 15 days, next 1day - medical certificate (MC) is given.
DF 6 days, next 10 days - MC is given.
DF 10 days, next 6 days - MC is given.
All period of treatment MC is given.
132.In city L, in comparison with last year the level of tuberculosis disease has
increased on 12%. What parameter is used for the analysis?
133.A factory worker consulted a traumathologist. Diagnosis: household trauma.
The worker was temporarily for 25 days lost his working ability, treatment outpatient. How to issue temporarily disability?
*A disability form (DF) for 15 days is given personally by traumathologist and 10
days a medical commission (MC) prolong.
MC for all period of treatment.
DF for all period of treatment by the traumathologist is given.
DF for the 5 days, next 10 days - MC is given.
MC for the 5 days, next 10 days - DF is given.
134. Worker E. who wanted to apply for work has passed medical prophylactic
inspection. It is recognized that he is able to work in the conditions of the given
factory. What kind of medical prophylactic inspection has the worker passed?
135.A factory worker 25 years old consulted a family doctor. Diagnosis: acute
pneumonia. A treatment in-patient in 17days. How to issue a temporarily working
*All period of treatment a disability form (DF) is given.
DF 15 days, next 2 days a medical certificate (MC) is given.
DF 7 days, next 10 days - MC is given.
DF 10 days, next 7 days - MC is given.
All period of treatment MC is given.
136.A factory worker consulted a traumathologist. Diagnosis: lags trauma. The
worker was temporarily for 45 days lost his working ability, treatment in-patient.
How to issue a temporarily working disability?
*All period of a treatment a disability form (DF) is given..
DF 15 days, for rest- a medical certificate (MC) is given.
DF 5 days, for rest- MC is given.
DF 10 days, for rest- MC is given.
All period of a treatment MC is given.
137.Choose a method of graphic representation of monthly information about the
number of registered cases of acute intestinal infection and their comparison to the
average monthly values, obtained for 5 last years:
*The radial.
The figured.
The linear.
The sector.
138.A pregnant woman was registered in a maternity welfare clinic in her 11th
week of pregnancy. She was being under observation during the whole term, the
pregnancy course with twins was normal. What is the optimal term of pregnancy
in this case to give the disability form of this pregnant woman?
*28 days.
25 days.
30 days.
27 days.
31 days.
139.An employee had an abortion by medical indications on the 6.03.2014 and she
stayed in a hospital till 17.03.2014 due to a complication. What term is the
disability form issued for?
*12 days.
3 days.
4 days.
10 days.
11 days.
140.A family doctor was commissioned with a task to work out a plan of
treatment-and-prophylaxis actions for the population of his district. What actions
of secondary prophylaxis must he include into this plan?
*Prevention of disease complications.
Rehabilitation actions.
Disease prevention.
Improvement of population's living conditions.
Elimination of disease causes.
141.200 patients suffering from essential hypertension were examined in order to
obtain data about patients' arterial pressure and age. What statistic value should be
applied in order to measure relation between these characteristics?
*Correlation coefficient.
Sygmal deviation.
Coefficient of variation.
Representation error.
Student's coefficient.
142.A pregnant woman was registered in a maternity welfare clinic in her 11th
week of pregnancy. She was being under observation during the whole term, the
pregnancy course with the twins was normal. What duration of antenatal and
postnatal the disability form should be given in this case?
*84 days before delivery and 110-after one.
70 days before delivery and 70-after one .
56 days before delivery and 70-after one.
56 days before delivery and 56-after one.
90 days before delivery and 90-after one.
143.A 39-year-old man with a sore throat, fever, and headache. He was treated
with penicillin for presumed streptococcal infection. He returns after a week with
hypotension, fever, rash, and abdominal pain. He responds favorably to
chloramphenicol, after a diagnosis of Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Select the
study design it most appropriately illustrates.
*Case report.
Case series report.
Clinical trial.
Case-control study.
Cohort study.
144. An employee has a temporarily working disability for 6 months as a result of
a hip fracture and hi needs an assistance. Treatment in out-patient. What maximal
term of the disability form (DF) can be given by the authorities of polyclinic for
the care of a family members of the sick men?
*3 days, next the medical commission (MC) prolongs till 7 days.
4 days, next MC prolongs till 7 days.
5 days, next MC prolongs till 8 days.
6 days, next MC prolongs till 9 days.
7 days, next MC prolongs till 10 days.
145.A total of 3500 patients with thyroid cancer are identified and surveyed by
patient interviews regarding past exposure to radiation. Select the study design it
most appropriately illustrates.
*Case series report.
Clinical trial.
Case-control study.
Cohort study.
Case report.
146.A total of 10,000 Vietnam veterans, half of whom are known by combat
records to have been in areas where Agent Orange was used and half of whom are
known to have been in areas where no Agent Orange was used, are asked to give a
history of cancer since discharge. Select the study design it most appropriately
*Cohort study.
Case series report.
Clinical trial.
Case-control study.
Case report.
147.Patients admitted for carcinoma of the stomach are age- and sex-matched with
fellow patients without a diagnosis of cancer and surveyed as to smoking history to
assess the possible association of smoking and gastric cancer. Select the study
design it most appropriately illustrates
*Case-control study.
Case series report.
Clinical trial.
Cohort study.
Case report.
148.In the report of a survey of children in a rural community, the mean weights of
two groups of 2 year-olds were reported to be 9.1 kg and 10.2 kg, and the
difference was reported to be "statistically significant (P = 0.02) by a chi-squared
* The wrong kind of statistical test was used.
There is good evidence that the two groups are different.
One should not compare weights using means; one should always use modes.
One should not compare weights using means; one should always use medians.
The confidence interval for the difference in means includes zero.
149.Data are available giving the percentage breakdown of a sample of residents of
an urban area into five ethnic groups. These five percentages can be shown
graphically in, the:
Pie chart.
Scatter diagram.
Cumulative frequency plot.
Bar diagram.
150.The mean systolic blood pressure in a random sample of 180 men is 141.4 mm
of mercury, and the 95% confidence interval is from 139.2 to 143.6.
*We have 95% confidence that the true (population) value is in this interval.
The true value is equally likely to be 139.2, 141.4 or 143.6.
Everyone makes mistakes in measuring data and carrying out calculations; the
confidence interval is to allow this.
95% of population means lie in the interval.
The confidence interval shows that the mean is statistically significant.
152.In a nutrition survey of children in a rural area in a developing country, the
mean standardized weights for age were compared between boys and girls and a
statistical significance test carried out. The test result was P = 0.23.
*There is no evidence of a true difference between boys and girls
There is strong evidence of a true difference between boys and girls.
P is quite large, so the null hypothesis is true.
P is not large enough to prove the null hypothesis as true.
P is quite large, so there is probably a true difference between boys and girls.
153.Select the term that best matches the definition “Death of life born infant
before 1 year of age”:
*Infant mortality.
Perinatal mortality.
Neonatal mortality.
Spontaneous abortion
Postneonatal mortality.
154.What methods of the collecting of the information is preferable for study of
housing conditions of students of medical high school for a training period?
Selecting of materials
A method of the directed selection.
155.Choose a method of a graphic representation of monthly information about
number of the registered cases of acute intestinal infection and their comparisons
to the average monthly values, obtained for 5 previous years:
*The linear.
The radial.
The sector.
The figured.
156.The man of 38 years was admitted in the hospital from a place of job in July
19, concerning fracture of a hip. He was temporarily lost working ability till
November 19. Prolongation of treatment requires in case of unfavorable clinical
and working prognoses. Who solves the problem on the further temporary disality?
*Specialized (trоumatologic) MSE.
A head physician of a polyclinic.
A medical commission.
A head physician.
Regional MSE.
157.The average body length of neonatal boys is 50,9 cm at a sigma 1,66; and
average mass - 3432 at a sigma 5,00. What criteria is correct to compare degree of
variability these signs?
*A coefficient of variation.
A sigma.
A limit.
An amplitude.
A coefficient of association.
158.What kind a method is correct to establish force of correlation connection
between age of men and their mortality from a myocardial infarction?
*A method of grade correlation (Spirman).
A correlation ratio.
The quadrate method (Pirson).
The Indirect method (Student).
A method of graduated correlation.
159.Indicate the registration medical document for the patient Н., that 21.02. was
addressed to the doctor with diagnosis an acute respiratory infections the first time
in this year:
*The statistical coupon for registration of final diagnoses to fill in a sign (+).
The statistical coupon for registration of final diagnoses is not necessary.
The statistical coupon for registration of final diagnoses to fill in a sign (-).
It is necessary to fill in the emergency notice on a case of a contagion.
The necessary registration form is not indicated.
160.The child is 6 years old. For one year of observation he has the acute
respiratory infections duration 4 days. Physical worked out satisfactory. Define
group of health:
III (a).
III (b).
III (c).
161.The employer 6.03.2014 made abortion under medical signs and she was in a
hospital till 8.03.2014. For what term the disability form (DF) is issued to her?
*3 days.
2 days.
5 days.
10 days.
DF is not given.
162,A man of 38 years old was admitted in the hospital from a place of job in July
19, concerning fracture of a hip. He was temporarily lost work ability till
November 19. Requires prolongation of treatment. Who will send that patient on
the medical-social expertise?
*The medical commission (MC).
The head of department.
The treated doctor
The head physician of a polyclinic.
The head of hospital.
163.What is the maximum duration the disability form during tuberculosis with
favorable clinical and working prognoses?
*12 months.
6 months.
10 months.
24 months.
4 months.
164.The engineer - chemist in age of 47 years old frequently and prolong sick of
occupational disease of a skin. Who makes a decision to transfer him to other job
*A medical commission (MC).
A head physician.
A treated physician.
A head of hospital.
165.A worker of a factory with high temperature was addressed on a medical
assistant's health center. The fact of temporarily lost working ability was fixed. Has
the right the medical assistants to give the disability form (DF) in this case?
*Yes, maximum for 10 days DF is given.
Yes, maximum for 3 days DF is given.
Yes, maximum for 7 days DF is given.
No, hi das not have the right to give DF.
Maximum for 10 days medical certificate is given.
165.A girl 9 years old, has an average height and harmonic growth development.
She was ill with acute respiratory infection for five times. Define the group of her
*3rd group.
1st group.
2nd group.
4th group.
5th group.
166.What is the necessary information for estimating the investigation results after
having learnt the efficiency of the vaccination against flu in personnel?
*The number of sick persons among 100 people who were inoculated against flu
and the amount of sick persons among 100 people who were not inoculated.
The quantity of complications caused by the vaccination.
The quantity of persons who were inoculated.
The quantity of persons who were not inoculated.
The number of diseases among 100 persons who were inoculated against flu and
the number of diseases among 100 persons who were not inoculated against flu,
the total amount of workers.
167.Mane principle of the therapeutic divisions forming of industrial sections, is:
*The number of workers.
Worker’s age.
Personnel length of work.
Staff’s composition according to health groups.
Service range.
168.Head of department and a trade-union group have addressed to the head of
hospital about dismissal of the senior nurse that works during 17 years. The facts
of charge were confirmed and recognized as the main nurse. This nurse lives with a
daughter (which does not work, she is divorced) and 9 month grandson. Make a
solution from items of management.
*To keep the worker on a post with the prevention of dismissal in case of repeated
of a labor discipline violation.
To discharge from office for ever.
To discharge from office temporarily for 3 months.
To discharge from office temporarily for 6 months.
To shift a solution of this problem on other officials or public organizations.
169.Indicate the registration medical document for the patient Н., that 21.02.13
and 13.11.13 was addressed to the doctor with diagnosis ARVD in this year:
*The 2 statistical coupons for registration of final diagnoses to fill in a sign (+).
The statistical coupons for registration of final diagnoses is not necessary.
The 2 statistical coupons for registration of final diagnoses to fill in a sign (-).
It is necessary to fill in the emergency notification on a case of a contagion.
The 1st statistical coupons for registration of final diagnoses to fill in a sign (+),
2nd - to fill in a sign (-),
170.A doctor needs to prepare the plan of a complex of treatment and prophylactic
actions realization among the population in the subordinated territory. What
actions should be taken by him for the 3rd preventive maintenance of diseases of
this plan?
*Realization of rehabilitation actions.
The prevention occurrence of diseases.
Elimination of factors of occurrence of illnesses.
Improvement of conditions of life of the population.
The prevention of complications of illnesses.
171.The public health, is:
*A medical-demographic and social category witch reflexes physical, a
psychological, social, prosperity vital activity of people of certain social
Psychological and social health condition of people in connection with
environmental condition.
Psychological and social health condition of capacity for work people in
connection with environmental condition.
Psychological and social health condition of people in connection with an
environmental condition and country economics.
Social category witch reflexes physical, a psychological, social, prosperity
vital activity of people of certain social community.
172.The public health and its organization, is the science about:
*Strategy and tactics of a health organization system is directed on a public
health improvement.
Prophylactic and in time pathology treatment.
Health preservation of all population with aim a prosperity improvement.
Strategy and tactics of a health organization system in connection with
environmental condition.
Strategy and tactics of a health organization system in connection with
environmental condition and country economics.
173.Name the systems of the public health financing.
*State system, insurance medicine, private medicine.
Private medicine, voluntary medical insurance.
State system, private medicine, voluntary medical insurance.
Private medicine, voluntary and obligatory medical insurance.
State system, voluntary and obligatory medical insurance.
174.The aim of insurance medicine, is:
*To give a medical and social guarantee and rites to have a highly
qualified medical help due to financial accumulation.
To give a medical guarantee to have an in time medical help due to
financial accumulation.
To give a medical and social guarantee and rites to have a qualified
medical help.
To give a social guarantee and rites to have a highly qualified medical
To give a medical and social guarantee and rites to have an in time a
medical help.
175.Name the kinds of the medical insurance.
*Obligatory and voluntary.
Privet and public.
Individual and collective.
Territorial and state.
All above are named.
176.Name the kind of the medical insurance.
177.A family doctor studied the rate of a temporarily disability due infectious
disease in a district. What basic registration document is needed for the registration
and studying of a temporarily disability due infectious diseases?
*A disability form.
A medical card of the outpatient.
A card of the vaccinations account.
A statistical coupon of final diagnoses registration.
A statistic card of the patient who was discharged from a hospital.
A card of dispensary supervision.
178.A working woman’s 16 year old child was sick. Diagnosis: pneumonia. The
child is not hospitalized. What maximal term of a disability form can be given by
the authorities of children’s polyclinic for the care of the sick child?
*A disability form for the care of the sick child on age after 15 years old is not
5 days
10 days
30 days
For all period of the treatment.
179.A patient was hospitalized for three months concerning a heavy trauma. What
maximal term the patient has to be send on the medical-social expertise with
unfavorable clinical and working prognoses?
*4 months.
12 month.
2 months.
3 months.
5 months.
180.A working woman’s the child-invalid of 14 years old was suffering from
smallpox which lasted for 27 days. Treatment was carried out as out-patient under
the supervision of the mother. How to issue the disability form (DF) for the
working woman in this case?
*DF for the whole period of the disease is issued.
DF maximum for 14 days and the rest 3 days medical certificate (MC).
DF maximum for 7 days and the rest 10 days MC.
MC for the whole period of the disease.
DF maximum for 10 days and the rest 8 days MC.
181.In pediatrician district was revealed a case of disease: smallpox. Who will
check a health condition of contact persons?
*A district pediatrician.
A doctor-infectionist.
A head of hospital.
A medical commission.
182.Stracture of modern mnagement.
*All below are named.
Theoretical basis of management.
Theory of system.
Process of management.
Applied of management.
183.Name the scheme of a management process.
*Information provider, realization of management decision, control.
Information provider, plan formation, control.
Information provider, management of situation, realization of management
Decision process, realization of management decision, control.
Strategic information, realization of management decision, control.
184.A school teacher 35 years old consulted the family doctor. Diagnosis: acute
pneumonia. A treatment in the out-patient 15 days. How to issue the temporarily
working disability?
*All period of treatment the disability form (DF) is given.
DF 10 days, for rest- the medical certificate (MC) is given.
DF 7 days, for rest- MC is given.
DF 12 days, for rest- MC is given.
All period of treatment MC is given.
185.Name the information sources of the population heath statistic.
*All bellow are named.
Accounts of the health protection medical establishment.
Accounts of statistical organization.
Data of guestionnaires from population.
Data of doctors examination.
186.Name the medical indices of the population health.
*All below are correct.
Demographical index (birth rate, death rate, grow rate, average life expectancy).
Morbidity, invalidity.
Physical development.
Frequencies of premorbid conditions.
187.Name the factors which affects on the population heath.
*All below are correct.
Life way (quality, style, structure).
Biological factors (hereditary).
Environmental factors.
Medical or the level of the health protection.
188.What is named the prophylaxis wan all methods to tackle the influences on the
negative social condition and irrational way of life condition?
189. What is named the prophylaxis wan all optimum method of the medical aid
with aim of the prevention of the future disease development and complications.
190. What is named the prophylaxis wan all optimum method are rehabilitation
measures after diseases?
191. According to the Russia Federation low to the kinds of the health care belong:
*Primary medico-sanitary help (PMSH); the specialize including highly
technological medical help; the emergency including specialized medical help; the
palliative medical help.
PMSH; the specialize including highly technological medical help.
PMSH; the specialize including highly technological medical help; the emergency
including specialized medical help.
PMSH; the emergency including specialized medical help; the palliative medical
PMSH; the specialize including highly technological medical help; the palliative
medical help.
192.What kind of the medical help realize in out-patient department of 1st level?
*Primary medico-sanitary help (PMSH) with elements of the specialized medical
Only the specialized medical help.
Only PMSH.
The emergency medical help.
The palliative medical help.
193.What maximum number of adult population on the therapeutic district of a city?
194.Name the aim “Conception of the Public health organization development in
Russia till 2020 year” is guaranteed for population of Russia Federation.
*Average life period has to be not less then 75 years, formation of good and healthy
life stile, guaranteed increasing quality and accessibility of medical help.
To keep and to improve, to decrease morbidity and mortality.
To keep and to improve the health of population to use the up today highly
technological medical equipment to prevent and to treat.
To keep and to improve the health of population to use the up today highly
medical equipment to use rehabilitation methods.
To improve the environmental quality and the life quality, as the mane kind of the
pathology prevention.
195.What kind of the pathology can be revealed to use the preventive examination?
*Chronic illness.
Acute illness.
Subacute illness.
Remmission period of illness.
196. What kind of the pathology can be revealed to use the statistical coupon for
calculation of morbidity?
Acute illness.
Chronic illness.
Subacute illness.
Remmission period of illness.
197.Mane principle of the family doctor divisions forming, depends on the amount
of the:
Retied person.
198. A working woman’s 10 years old child was vaccinated from smallpox, in 3
days the allergy appeared with high temperature. Treatment was carried in outpatient under the supervision of the mother. How to issue the disability list (DF)
for the working woman in this case?
*DF for the whole period of the disease is issued.
DF for 3 days.
DF for 5 days.
DF for 7 days.
DF for 10 days.
199. A pregnant woman, who suffered due Chernobel accident, was registered in a
maternity welfare clinic in her 11th week of pregnancy. She was being under
observation during the whole term, the pregnancy course was normal. What
duration of antenatal and postnatal the disability form should be given in this case?
*90 days before delivery and 90-after one.
70 days before delivery and 70-after one .
56 days before delivery and 70-after one.
56 days before delivery and 56-after one.
84 days before delivery and110-after one.
200.Name the social-economic and medical-demographic factors influencing on
organization of the medical aid to rural population.
*All bellow are named.
The age-sex structure of population.
The financial-technical base of public health services.
The level of the general culture.
The sanitary-hygienic conditions of villeges.
201.A doctor needs to prepare the plan of realization complex of treatment and
prophylactic actions among the population in the subordinated territory. What
actions should be taken by him for the first preventive maintenance of diseases of
this plan?
*Elimination of factors of illnesses occurrence.
The prevention occurrence of diseases.
Elimination of factors of illnesses occurrence.
Improvement of conditions of the population life.
Prevention of illnesses complications.
Realization of rehabilitations actions.
202.A doctor needs to prepare the plan of realization complex of treatment and
prophylactic actions among the population in the subordinated territory. What
actions should be taken by him for the tertiary preventive maintenance of diseases of
this plan?
*Realization of rehabilitations actions.
Elimination of factors of illnesses occurrence.
The prevention occurrence of diseases.
Elimination of factors of illnesses occurrence.
Improvement of conditions of the population life.
Prevention of illnesses complications.
Realization of rehabilitations actions.
203.Name the basic principles of the medical organizations actions on Russia
*District method, succession and method of stage, preventive direction,
District method, succession and method of stage, preventive direction, highly
qualified help.
Succession and method of stage, preventive direction, highly qualified help,
Succession and method of stage, compassion, preventive direction, highly qualified
Compassion, succession and method of stage, preventive direction, highly
qualified help.