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• Successful management of traumatic brain injury requires
rapid assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of primary in­
juries and avoidance of secondary injuries from hypoxia,
hypotension, increased intracranial pressure, and seizures.
• Progressive obtundation, pupillary abnormalities, or other
lateralizing neurologic findings in combination with intra­
cranial lesions such as epidural hematoma, subdural
hematoma, and intracranial hemorrhage causing patho­
logic brain shift are generally surgical emergencies.
• All patients with significant trauma should be considered
to have spinal injury until proven otherwise. Clearance of
the spine requires negative x-rays and clinical clearance by
palpation for pain, swelling, and step-ofts of the spine.
• Helical computerized tomography has generally sup­
planted plain film x-rays for assessing cervical spine injury
with magnetic resonance imaging utilized to evaluate
patients with suspected ligamentous injury.
• Degeneration of the joints of the spine leads to compres­
sion of the neural elements from disk herniations, bone
spurs, ligamentous hypertrophy, malalignment, and possi­
ble instability. Acute compression of the lumbosacral
nerve roots (cauda equina) can lead to a cauda equina
syndrome, which is a surgical emergency.
• Metastases are by far the most common brain tumor in
adults. Tumors that commonly metastasize to the brain
include lung, breast, melanoma, and renal cell carcinoma.
• High-grade gliomas are the most common primary brain
tumor in adults and overall have a poor prognosis.
• In the acute setting, attempted repair of a peripheral nerve
is only appropriate in the setting of sharp penetrating
The development of the central nervous system (CNS) begins with
the formation of the notochord at approximately 16 days of gesta­
tion. The notochord is formed from mesoderm, but induces the
differentiation of overlying ectoderm cells, which become the
neural plate. Thickening of the edges of the neural plate results in
neuralation, a process by which the basic tubular structure of the
embryonic CNS is formed. The anterior portion of the plate forms
the brain; the posterior portion forms the spinal cord. The noto­
chord lies deep in the developing neural tube and ultimately forms
the central portion of intervertebral disks, the nucleus pulposus.
Cells at the periphery of the developing neural tube become neural
crest cells. Derived from ectoderm, these cells form the neurons and
glia of the peripheral nervous system (PNS), some skeletal ele­
ments, tendons and smooth muscle, chondrocytes, osteocytes,
melanocytes, chromaffin cells, and supporting cells and hormone­
producing cells in certain organs (Fig. 25.1).
By day 24, the folding of the neural tube is complete, and cra­
nial and caudal ends of the tube are closed. Failure of the posterior
end of the tube to close leads to a family of disorders categorized as .
spinal dysraphism, while failure of fusion of the anterior neural
tube leads to anencephaly. By the fourth week of development, the
cranial end of the neural tube expands to form three separate
segments, the prosencephalon, metencephalon, and rhomben­
cephalon. This period is referred to as the three-vesicle stage. The
remaining caudal element of the neural tube will become the spinal
Neural tube
FIGURE 25.1. Early neuro-axis development.
Section VI • Surgical Subspecialties
cord. The five-vesicle stage closely follows the three-vesicle stage, as
the prosencephalon divides to become the telencephalon and dien­
cephalons. The mesencephalon persists, and the rhombencephalon
divides to become the metencephalon and the myelencephalon.
Ultimately, these divisions comprise the developed brain. The telen­
cephalon becomes the cortex and basal ganglia, the diencephalons
become the th alamus, the mesencephalon becomes the midbrain,
the metencephalon becomes the pons and cerebellum, and the
myelencephalon becomes the medulla oblongata .
As noted in the preceding text, spinal dysraphism results from
failure of fusion of the ectodermal and mesodermal midline struc­
tures. Spina bifida, a failure of midline fusion of the bony struc­
tures, may be asymptomatic (spina bifida occulta). Open spinal
dysraphism (spi na bifida aperta or spina bifida cystica) occurs when
the bone and overlying skin fail to fuse in the midline, thereby
allowing meninges and, sometimes, neural tissue to herniate
through the defect. A meningocele results from herniation of only
meninges and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) (but no neural tissue).
If neural structures are involved, the hernia tion is termed a
myelomeningocele. Herniation of fat only is referred to as a
lipomyelomeningoceles. Almost all neonates with a myelomeningo­
cele have a simultaneous Chiari II malformation and associated
hydrocephalus. This is characterized by caudal displacement of the
cerebellar vermis, medulla, and fourth ventricle through the fora­
men magnum, a characteristic kink in the brainstem.
Risk factors for spinal dysraphism include maternal relatives
with affected children, siblings with dysraphis m , and maternal
perinatal folic acid deficiency. Since the neural tube closes at the
end of the third week of gestation (often before a woman is aware
of her pregnancy), folate supplementation is recommended for all
women of childbearing age at a dose of 400 ILg daily.
Dysraphic lesions may be covered by skin and marked only by a
subcutaneous lipoma, tuft of hair, or birthmark in the lower back;
this is termed occult spinal dysraphism. A congenital dermal sinus
tract is a dysraphic condition characterized by an opening in the
skin overlying an epithelial-lined tract that can end outside the
dura or extend through it. Affected individuals often present with
recurrent bouts of meningitis, sometimes with atypica l organisms.
Tethering of the spinal cord occurs when the cord itself or the nerve
roots are attached to surrounding non neural structures, such as the
meninges or spine. As the affected chiJ.d grows, resultant stretching
of the cord leads to neurologic deficits. Older children and adults
present with pain, progressive neurologic dysfunction, urinary
abnormalities, or lower extremity weakness; such symptoms often
require surgical detethering. Neurenteric cysts are rests of endoder­
mal tissue in the CNS. They may communicate with the bowel,
leading to meningitis early in life or present as a mass lesion later
in life.
intracellular chemical environment of the neurons, and stimulate
formation of the blood-brain barrier (BBB). The BBB has three
components: tight junctions between endothelial cells of the CNS
capillaries, the basal lamina, and astrocytic perivascular foot
processes. The BBB is relatively permeable to lipid soluble sub­
stances and small hydrophilic molecules but is relatively imperme­
able to large molecules and water-soluble components, which
require specific transport mechanisms to enter the CNS from the
bloodstream .
The scalp consists of five layers: the skin, underlying connective
tissue, the galea aponeurotica, and the pericranium (the perios­
teum of the skull). Blood vessels of the scalp are found in the con­
nective tissue above the galea. The galea is continuous with the
musculature of the face and neck. Subgaleal hematomas result from
bleeding into the loose connective tissue deep to the galea and
above the pericranium. These hematomas can attain substantial
volume as the potential space between the galea an d the pericra­
nium is large. It is therefore imperative the galea be reapproximated
when repairing scalp lacerations.
The bones of the skull fuse along suture lines early in life. Usu­
ally, the anterior fontanelle (i.e., the confluence of the frontal and
bilateral parietal bones) fuses at 2.5 years of age. The intersections
of the coronal sutures (i.e., the bilateral sutures between the frontal
and parietal bones) and the sagittal sutures (i.e., the sutures be­
tween the bilateral parietal bones) form the reference point
bregma. This midpoint and the position of the coronal sutures are
important reference points for determining intracranial anatomy
during procedures such as ventriculostomy (Fig. 25.2) .
There are seven cervical, twelve thoracic, five lumbar, five fused
sacral, and four fused coccygeal bones. The first and second cervical
vertebra e (Cl and C2) are unique in their anatomy and function.
The cells of the CNS develop from the neural plate a nd include
neurons, oligodendrocytes, astrocytes, microglia , and ependymal
cells. Oligodendrocytes surround neuronal axons with their foot
processes (myelination). Each oligodendrocyte myelinates several
axons. This stands in contrast to Schwann cells, which are responsi­
ble for myelination of peripheral nerves and are only capable of
myelinating a single axon. Microglia function as macrophages in
the CNS, and ependymal cells line the internal CSF spaces of the
CNS. Astrocytes playa role in myelination, help maintain the
FIGURE 25.2. External skull anatomy and landmarks. X marks a
common entrance point for a right frontal ventriculostomy. FB, frontal
bone; PB, parietal bone.
Chapter 25 • Neurosurgery
FIGURE 25.3. Bone anatomy of the cervical spine by (A) sagittal section through facet joints, (8) axial section
through C I-C2, (C) Midline sagittal section. FJ, facet joint; VB, vertebral body; D, dens of C2; C I, first cervical ver­
tebral ring; SP, spinous process.
Cl is essentially a ring and lacks a true vertebral body. It is attached
to the base of the skull and articulates with a peg-like extension of
the C2 body called the dens (Fig. 25.3). The Cl ring rotates around
the dens with head turning. The Cl ring also articulates bilaterally
with the C2 body through facet joints, which help modulate head
turning. While there is regional variability, the remaining vertebrae
share a similar basic structu re: a vertebral body and paired
arm-like structures (pedicles) that extend posteriorly to meet the
lamina. The posterior vertebral body, pedicles, and lamina form a
bony ring around the dura and neural elements. There is a spinous
process that extends posteriorly frolll the midline of the lamina and
bilateral transverse processes that extend laterally from the inter­
section of the pedicles and the lamina (Fig. 25.4). The subaxial ver­
tebrae (below Cl and C2) articulate with each other through
FIGURE 25.4. Axial and sagittal sections through the thoracic spine. VB, vertebral body; p, pedicle; SP, spinous
process; TP, transverse process.
Section VI • Surgical Subspecialties
FIGURE 25.5. Dermatomes. The sensory
innervation of the spinal roots. (From
Barr ML, Kiernan JA. The Human Ner­
vous System. Philadelphia: JB Lippincott
Co; \993, with permission.)
specialized joints. Sandwiched between the vertebral bodies are the
intervertebral disks. These consist of an outer, collagenous ring
called the annulus fibrosus that surrounds the inner remnant of the
notochord, the more gelatinous nucleus pulposus. There are also
cartilaginous endplates that attach the disks to the vertebral bodies.
Extending superiorly and inferiorly on both sides from the
pediclellaminar interface are synovial facet joints that modulate
and constrain spinal movement.
The joints of the spine (disks and facet joints), like all other
joints in the body, are subject to degeneration with repetitive use.
In the case of disks, this degeneration can lead to disk herniation
(i.e., the nucleus pulposus extends out through the annulus fibrosis,
leading to painful compression of an exiting nerve root) or dessica­
tion and collapse potentially leading to malalignment and neural
compression. Facet degeneration can lead to the formation of bone
spurs and joint incompetence with malalignment and instability
potentially resulting in crowding of the spinal canal (stenosis) or
nerve root exit foramen.
Nerve roots consist of both sensory and motor fibers and exit
the spinal canal between the pedicles and under the facet com­
plexes. The roots exit above the pedicle of the vertebrae with the
same numbered level in the cervical spine. C8 exits between C7 and
TI and the nerve roots below the cervical spine exit beneath the
pedicle of the vertebrae with the same number. The spinal cord
ends at the approximate level of the first lumbar vertebral body
(Ll). The inferiormost tip of the cord is known as the conus
medullaris. The cauda equina (horse's tail) is the collection of lum­
bosacral nerve root fibers inside the dura beneath the level of the
conus medullaris. The areas of the skin served by sensory fibers of
specific nerve roots have a dermatomal distribution (Fig. 25.5).
In general, the nerve roots are more resistant to compression
than is the spinal cord; compression of the spinal cord produces
myelopathy, whereas compression of a nerve root typically causes
radiculopathy. Myelopathy occurs when the upper motor neurons
malfunction, leading to symptoms such as hyperreflexia, pain,
numbness, weakness, and sometimes bowel and bladder dysfunc­
tion. Patients with cervical myelopathy often present with a spastic
gait and complaints of hand tingling, numbness, weakness, and loss
of dexterity. In contrast, patients with a cervical radiculopathy
complain of pain, which radiated down the arm in a pattern that
matches the derma to mal distribution of the nerve being com­
pressed . For example, a herniated disk between the C5 and C6 ver­
tebral bodies causes pain in the C6 dermatome (traveling down the
lateral aspect of the arm and into the thumb and forefinger). Con­
comitant weakness of muscles innervated by the C6 nerve root,
such as the biceps and wrist extensors, as well as sensory loss in the
C6 dermatome and a diminished biceps reflex are sometimes also
present. In the lumbar spine, posterior-lateral herniation of a disk
will generally cause a radiculopathy.
Cauda equina syndrome results from compression of the cauda
equina by a herniated disk, tumor, hematoma, or other mass.
Compression of the roots typically leads to radicular pain and
Chapter 25 • Neurosurgery
symptoms caused by dysfunction of the sacral nerve roots, specifi­
cally numbness in the perineum and groin, urinary retention, and
occasionally bowel incontinence. Injury to the conus medullaris
(terminal portion of spinal cord) will result in similar bowel and
bladder dysfunction, although pain is less prominent. Both are con­
sidered neurosurgical emergencies, requiring emergent MRI and,
sometimes, surgical decompression.
As stated previously, spinal stenosis is a degenerative condition
of the spine characterized by accumulation of disk material, osteo­
phytes, and thickening of the ligaments around the thecal sac and
nerve roots leading to compression. Classically, spinal stenosis is
associated with pain in a dermatomal distribution that is worsened
by standing or walking (neurogenic claudication) . It can be differ­
entiated from vascular claudication with a thorough history. Neu­
rogenic claudication causes pain that is often relieved by flexion at
the waist or sitting and worsened by extension of the back or stand­
ing. In contrast, these maneuvers have no effect on symptoms of
vascular claudication. The pain of neurogenic claudication is typi­
cally dermatomal in its distribution, although several dermatomes
may be involved, and associated loss of sensation and tendon re­
flexes are sometimes present.
The brain and spinal cord are covered by the meninges. The
most superficial meningeal layer is the dura mater, a tough, leathery
membrane that contains the venous sinuses (large venous struc­
tures that accommodate the bulk of the venous outflow from the
brain). Beneath the dura mater is the arachnoid layer, composed of
interdigitating loose connective tissue. The blood vessels supplying
the brain and spinal cord travel below this layer. The deepest
meningeal layer is the pia mater, which is tightly adherent to the
surface of the brain and spinal cord and pierced by smaller blood
vessels as they enter the brain parenchyma.
The supratentorial brain is divided into right and left hemi­
spheres. The left hemisphere controls motor and sensory function
from the right body; the right hemisphere controls the left body.
Right-handed individuals almost all show left hemisphere domi­
nance with regard to language function. Even in left-handed peo­
ple, language localizes to the left hemisphere over 85% of the time.
The cortical regions of each hemisphere are divided into four lobes:
frontal, temporal, parietal, and occipital. In general, the frontal
lobes control executive function, personality, and motor function.
In the dominant hemisphere, the inferolateral portion of the
frontal lobe also controls speech production. The dominant tem­
poroparietallobe (known as Wernicke area) is the site of language
processing, and both temporal lobes perform basic processing of
sound information. The parietal lobes process sensory informa­
tion, and the occipital lobes are chiefly responsible for processing
visual information. The cerebellum, which is also divided into
hemispheres, is responsible for coordination of the smooth motor
movements of the limbs, upright posture, and the motor fluency of
speech. These functions are distributed to different locations in the
cerebellum, but unlike the cerebral cortex, injury to one hemi­
sphere of the cerebellum results in a deficit on the ipsilateral side of
the body.
Vascular Anatomy
The brain receives roughly II % of the heart's cardiac output but
consumes 20% of the body's glucose. Blood reaches the brain via
the paired carotid and vertebral arteries. The right common carotid
artery arises from the brachiocephalic trunk and ascends into the
neck. The left common carotid arises directly from the aortic arch.
Both bifurcate at approximately the level of the fourth cervical ver­
tebral body forming the external and internal carotid arteries. The
external carotid artery gives rise to the middle meningeal artery.
The internal carotid enters the skull through the carotid canal. It
passes through the cavernous sinus and then divides into the ante­
rior and middle cerebral arteries. The middle cerebral artery pro­
vides blood to the lateral portion of the frontal lobe and the
majority of the temporal and parietal lobes. The anterior cerebral
artery provides blood to the medial portions of the frontal lobes
and paramedian portions of the parietal lobes. The right vertebral
artery branches off the subclavian artery; the left vertebral artery
comes off the aortic arch between the internal mammary artery
and the thyrocervical trunk. Both ascend in the neck and enter the
transverse foramina of the cervical vertebrae at the C6 level. They
arch posteriorly around the Cllamina and enter the foramen mag­
num after piercing the dura mater. They run on either side of the
brainstem, branching to supply this region as well. The verterbral
arteries join to form the basilar artery, which ascends anterior to
the brainstem and finally bifurcates to form the posterior cerebral
arteries. The posterior communicating arteries connect the poste­
rior cerebral arteries to the internal carotid artery, and the anterior
communicating artery connects the two anterior cerebral arteries.
This series of bilateral feeding vessels and small anastamotic con­
nections at the base of the brain is termed the Circle of Willis
(Fig. 25.6).
Cerebral aneurysms generally form at predictable branch
points in the cerebrovasculature (e.g., the anterior communicating
artery origin, the middle cerebral artery bifurcation/trifurcation,
the origin of the posterior communicating artery and the verte­
brobasilar junction). Blood that flows from a ruptured aneurysm
coats the surface of the gyri and sulci of the brain, usually in a pat­
tern specific to the location of the ruptured aneurysm. This is
termed subarachnoid hemorrhage. Ruptured aneurysms are the
second most common cause of blood in the subarachnoid space
after trauma. Other causes of nontraumatic subarachnoid hemor­
rhage include ruptured arteriovenous malformations, hypertensive
arteriopathy, and amyloid angiopathy.
Patients who present with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemor­
rhage may complain of a slight headache or may be completely
comatose. The Hunt-Hess grading system (Table 25.1) is a useful
prognostic tool. The initial diagnostic evaluation should include
a CT scan and usually a four-vessel cerebral angiogram (the most
sensitive and detailed study to evaluate cerebral arterial anatomy).
Prompt treatment is generally undertaken to prevent ongoing hem­
orrhage and death or worsening neurologic outcomes. Therapeutic
options include coil occlusion of the aneurysm or open surgicallig­
ation. Even after successful aneurysm occlusion, patients with sub­
arachnoid hemorrhage are at risk for secondary complications such
as vasospasm (constriction of vessels possibly resulting in stroke);
thus, aggressive monitoring is of paramount importance during
the at-risk period (i.e., days 4 to 21) . Therapy is aimed at reducing
vasospasm (calcium channel blockers) and maintaining intravas­
cular volume and adequate blood pressure. Balloon angioplasty can
be employed in refractory cases.
The vascular supply of the spinal cord depends on flow from
radicular arteries that branch from the aorta. These unite to form
the anterior spinal artery. The largest of these is the artery of
Section VI • Surgical Subspecialties
FIGURE 25.6. The ventral surface of the brain and the arterial anatomy. (From Carpenter MB. Core Textbook
Ant. cerebral a. of Neuroanatomy. Baltimore: WiUiams and Wilkins; 1991, with perm ission.)
Ant. communicating a. Central retinol a. Ophthalmic
Middle cerebral a.
Int. carotid a .
communicating a.
Post. cerebral a.
Ant. choroid a.
Trochl ear nerve
Sup. cerebellar a.
Labyrinthine a.
Choroid plexus
in lateral aperture -ilf-lMIlo
of III ventricle
Inf. cerebellar a .
Vagus nerve
Vertebral a.
Post. info cerebellar
Ant. spinal a.
TABLE 25.1
Hunt and Hess classification system
for aneurysm subarachnoid hemorrhage.
As ymptomatic, unruptured
Asymptomatic, mild headache or mild nuchal rigidity
Fixed neurologic deficit (no headache or nuchal rig idit y)
Cranial nerve palsy, moderate to severe headache, nuchal
Mild focal deficit, leth argy or confusion
Stupor, moderate to severe hemiparesis, early
decerebrate posturing
Deep coma, decerebrate posturing, moribund
Add one grade for serious systemic disease, or severe
angiographic vasospasm
Adamkiewicz, which originates from the left side of the aorta be­
tween TIO and L2 in the m ajority of patients (Fig. 25.7).
The area of the thoracic spinal cord superior to the artery of
Adamkiewicz is a watershed area with a relative paucity of blood
flow, rendering it susceptible to infa rction during surgical proce­
dures such as repair of thoracic aneurysms or removal of mass le­
sions along the spine. The posterior half of the spinal cord is served
by a more robust and redundant blood supply. A cord infarction
will often result in an anterior spinal artery syndrome characterized
by preserved sensation but lack of motor, bowel, and bladder func­
tion distal to the lesion. MRI mayor m ay not demonstrate a lesion;
thus, the diagnosis is made on the basis of clinical findings. The
chief intervention is to increase the mean arterial pressure (MAP).
Reduction in intradural pressure by lumbar drain CSF diversion
has been utilized in an attempt to improve spinal cord perfusion in
cases of spinal cord infarct after aortic repair.
Venous drainage of the brain consists of superficial and deep
systems. Superficial veins include the cortical veins of Labbe and
Trolard. Deep veins include the internal cerebral veins and basal
veins of Rosenthal, which flow into the vein of Galen and subse­
quently into the straight sinus. Cortical veins enter the dura and
drain into the venous sinuses. The sagittal sinus runs in the inter·
hemispheric fissure and joins the transverse sinuses at the torcula.
The transverse sinuses flow into the sigmoid sinuses, which become
the jugular veins as they exit the skull. Venous sinus thrombosis can
result in increased intracranial press ure OCP) and venous infarct
(Fig. 25.8).
CSF bathes the brain and spinal cord. It is made at a rate of approx­
imately 500 mUd and is an ultrafiltrate of plasma; most of the
higher molecular weight proteins in plasma are absent. CSF origi­
nates in the choroid plexus of the ventricle (CSF-filled spaces
within the brain). It flows from the lateral ventricles located in both
hemispheres via the fo ramen of Monro into the third ventricle.
From there it travels via the cerebral aqueduct through the mid­
brain and into the fourth ventricle. It exits the internal ventricular
system through the foramina of Luschka and the foramen of
Magendie in the medulla. It then circulates in the subarachnoid
space around the brain and spinal cord. It exits the subarachnoid
space through the arachnoid granulations and is reabsorbed into
the venous circulation.
Chapter 25 • Neurosurgery
Superior Post . cerebral A .
............ cerebellar A. 369
FICURE 25.7. The arterial supply of the spinal
cord. The watershed zones are st ippl ed. (A) ante­
rior view; (8) posterior view. (From Carpenter
MB. Core Textbook of Neuroanatomy. Baltimore:
Wi lliams and Wilkins; 1991 , wi th permission.)
cervical A.
I - F i l u m terminale - I
Superior sagittal sinus
Emmissary veins
Inferior sagittal sinus Cavernous sinus Great cerebral vein
Frontal vein
Ophthalmic veins
'( C£r
: : ;::.- Rectus sinus ji ffj- Transverse sinus Superior petrosal sinus
Inferior petrosal sinus
Pterygoid ­
plexus 'f .:- ~
Anterior facial vein
Internal jugular vein
Deep ceNical vein
FICURE 25.8. The venous drainage of the brain
(From Carpenter MB. Core Textbook of Neu­
roanatomy. Baltimore: Wi lliams and Wilkins;
1991, with permission.)
Section VI • Surgical Subspecialties
A CSF leak can occur following trauma , skull base or sinus sur­
gery, lumbar surgery, chronic ear infections or sinusitis or can be
due to an invasive or destructive tumor. The presence of concomi­
tant effluent from the nose or a surgical site can confound attempts
to diagnose a CSF leak. CSF is thinner than mucus or blood and,
unlike mucus, it contains glucose. The most specific test for CSF is
measurement of {3-2 transferrin, a low-molecular-weight protein
found only in the CSF.
Hydrocephalus results either from an obstruction of the flow of
CSF in the ventricular system (i.e., obstructive or noncommunicat­
ing) or because of a problem with the absorption of CSF or the flow
of CSF through the subarachnoid space (i.e., communicating) . Hy­
drocephalus may be present at birth or develop early in life, often
associated with congenital malform ations such as Chiari II and the
Dandy-Walker malformation. The severity of symptoms of hydro­
cephalus depends on the rapidity of its onset and type (communi­
cating or noncommunicating) . In children, prior to the fusion of
the bones of the skull, an increase in head size may be apparent as
the increased ICP pushes apart the suture lines. Paralysis of upward
gaze and failure of the pupil to accommodate when focusing on
near objects are common symptoms. After closure of the sutures,
hydrocephalus may present with headache, vomiting, and lethargy.
With an acute obstruction. progression of symptoms may be rapid.
with increasing somnolence and death. Chronic obstruction or
communicating hydrocephalus has a more indolent course, with
predominant symptoms such as behavior cha nges. lethargy. and
headaches. Normal pressure hydrocephalus affl icts the elderly. The
classic triad of symptoms includes gait abnormalities. cognitive
slowing, and urinary incontinence. CT scan reveals dilated ventri­
cles and no evidence of an obstructive lesion. Symptoms improve
following high-volume lumbar punctures.
Surgeons often find themselves evaluating patients who have
previously undergone CSF shunting procedures. Shunts function
by diverting CSF from within the ventricular system to some other
location. most commonly the peritoneum. although other termini,
such as the pleural space. a large central vein. or an atrium of the
heart. are also used. Shunt catheters are equipped with a valve to
prevent back flow of contents into the brain and regulate the pres­
sure at which CSF is shunted out of the ventricles. This valve is then
connected to distal tubing, tunneled subcutaneously to its site of
termination. The most common ca uses of shunt failure are ob­
struction and infection, which may be associated with symptoms
such as head ache and vomiting. More subtle neurologic changes
can also be observed. Occasionally. shunt infection is associated
with a fluid collection in the peritoneal cavity (an abdominal
pseudocyst). Treatment of an obstructed catheter consists of antibi­
otics and replacement of the defective or clotted portion. In the
case of infection. the entire system must be replaced .
CT and MRl are mainstays of diagnostic imaging in neurosurgery.
Plain film x-rays are useful for the intraoperative and postoperative
evaluation of hardware placement in the spine. and in select cir­
cumstances to evaluate abno(mal spinal movement. Dynamic films
such as flexion-extension views can be useful to assess spinal stabil­
ity in a variety of clinical settings including degenerative, destruc­
tive, and traumatic conditions.
CT scan is more sensitive than plain x-rays for visualizing frac­
tures. The addition of intravenous contrast highlights areas where
, , '" '"
,. ,.
, ,
+20 0
Circulating blood
}- Gray matter
~ White matter
} - CloH,d blood
60 to 110 H
" ...
... ...
... ...
,, '-SO
- 1000
FIGURE 25.9. Hounsfield number scale with values of certain body
tissues. This determines the appearance of the tissue CT scan. (From
Taveras 1M. Neuroradiology. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins; 1996.
with permission.)
the BBB has broken down. Some enhancing processes include tu·
mors, infections. and abscesses. With correct timing the cerebral vas·
culature may be imaged while contrast is passing through and 3-D
reconstructions can be created, a technique called CT angiography.
CT is the imaging modality of choice for most acute processes. A
noncontrast CT scan is useful for showing acute hemorrhage as well
as skull and vertebral fractures (Fig. 25.9). Acute hemorrhage appears
hyperdense (white) on CT. As the blood products age they become
isodense and eventually hypodense when compared with the brain.
A caveat to the above generalization is that acute hemorrhage may
appear relatively isodense in the anemic patient. Fresh. unclotted
blood appears isodense as well. Mixed-density blood in an acute clot
often reflects active hemorrhage, and in patients with underlying
iatrogenic or pathologic coagulopathies. blood may remain unclot­
ted and isodense for extended periods.
MRI provides greater resolution and is useful in the evaluation of
chronic processes, such as tumors of the brain and spinal cord. con­
genital abnormalities, vascular malformations. degenerative diseases
of the spine, and inflammatory diseases of the CNS such as multiple
sclerosis that do not require emergent neuroradiologic evaluation.
On MRI, tissues are described as having different intensities
relative to a reference tissue: darker (hypointense). the same (isoin­
tense ). or lighter (hyperintense). Different sequences m ay be ob­
tained to highlight specific pathologies. A Tl-weighted sequence is
Chapter 25 • Neurosurgery
T1 axial
T1 coronal
T2 axial
T1 sagittal
T1 axial with
Primary brain
FIGURE 25.10. Composite brain MRI with representative sequences (T!, T2) and orientations for normal and
pathologic conditions.
useful for demonstrating anatomic detail. Areas with high water
content appear hypodense, whereas areas with high fat content ap­
pear hyperdense. Gadolinium may be given intravenously to high­
light areas in which the BBB has broken down. T2-weighted images
are useful for highlighting pathology in the brain associated with
edema, including many types of tumors. Fluid and tissue with high
water content appear hyperintense (Fig. 25.10). A special sequence
referred to as diffusion-weighted imaging is the most sensitive im­
aging for diagnosing acute stroke. Magnetic resonance angiography
(MRA) is useful in evaluating the extracranial carotid arteries and
the major intracranial arteries. Magnetic resonance venography
(MRV) can be used to evaluate the venous sinuses.
Cerebral angiography is an invasive procedure used to diagnose
and potentially treat vascular abnormalities of the CNS. It is associated
with a risk of stroke of between 0.5% and 3%. Most commonly it is
used in the evaluation of a patient with subarachnoid hemorrhage,
carotid stenosis or dissection, traumatic arterial injury, arteriovenous
malformation (AVM), or vasculitis. Therapeutic procedures may be
performed with angiography including coiling of an aneurysm, em­
bolization of a vessel that is bleeding, thrombolysis of a thrombus to
treat acute ischemic stroke, and stenting of stenotic vessels.
Myelography is an invasive procedure in which contrast dye is
instilled into the thecal sac via a lumbar puncture and allowed to
diffuse. Previously, plain film x-rays were taken to localize any
blockage of flow. CT has enhanced the utility of myelography by al­
lowing axial images to be obtained. Myelography has largely been
supplanted by MRl; however, it remains useful in situations in
which MRI scanning is contraindicated or 110ndiagnostic.
Head injuries may be subdivided into primary or secondary phases.
Primary injury occurs at the time of the initial trauma and often re­
sults in irreversible damage to neurons. The goal of management of
traumatic brain injury is to minimize secondary injury, which re­
sult from elevated ICP, ischemia, metabolic abnormalities, seizure,
and hyperthermia.
The evaluation of the traumatically injured patient with a sus­
pected head or spinal cord injury (SCI) begins with an assessment
of airway, breathing and circulation and initiation of advanced
trauma life support (ATLS) protocols as indicated. Responders
should determine the patient's Glasgow coma scale (GCS) score
(Table 25.2). Coma is defined as a GCS of 8 or less. GCS can also be
used to define the severity of the head injury. After initial resuscita­
tion or hemodynamic stabilization, clinical and radiographic
'examinations are performed to rapidly identify life threatening
injuries that require immediate attention. Physical examination
should include a search for external injuries that suggest a brain in­
jury, such as a leakage of CSF from the nose or ears or bruising
around the orbit or on the mastoid process, indicative of a basal
skull fracture . Physical examination should always include a check
for pupillary reactivity (keeping in mind that medications such as
Section VI • Surgical Subspecialties
TABLE 15 . 1
Glasgow coma
Eye opening
To voice
To pain
Best verbal respones
Coherent speech
Confused speech
Words only, incoherent
Sounds only
Best motor response
Obeys commands
Localizes to pain
Withdraws to pain
Flexor posturing to pain
Extensor posturing to pain
atropine may alter pupillary findings). Lateralizing neurologic
signs, such as hemiparesis, eye deviation, or facial asymmetry
should be elicited. The initial evaluation usually includes a CT scan
of the cervical spine and a noncontrast CT scan of the head in addi­
tion to a more focused trauma evaluation. Patients with severe head
injury commonly harbor an epidural, subdural, or intraparenchy­
mal hematoma and may require emergent craniotomy for clot
evacuation and hemostasis.
Epidural hematomas most commonly occur with a blow to the
side of the head that results in fracture of the temporal bone with as­
sociated laceration of the middle meningeal artery. Less commonly,
injury to a dural sinus may result in a hematoma. Both events result
in bleeding into the epidural space, dissecting the dura mater away
from the bone. A characteristic lentiform mass appears on CT scan
respecting the suture lines, where the dura is adherent to the bone
(Fig. 25.10) . Patients often do not folJow the classically described
course of a lucid interval following an initial injury with subsequent
deterioration. Focal neurologic deficits, such as hemiparesis, a third
nerve palsy, or aphasia often accompany an epidural hematoma.
Acute subdural hematomas result from injury to the cortical
veins, classically as they enter the dura to drain into a dural sinus.
The shifting of the brain inside the skull generates shear forces on
the veins as the dura remains relatively fLXed against the overlying
\ , = '. .
' GSW "
Sylvian fissure
Nonnal gyral
Jlir-. ."-­ unc us
SAH and hydrocephalus
FIGURE 25.11. Composite head CT scans for normal and representative pathologic conditions.
Chapter 25 • Neurosurgery
skull. Blood spills into the subdural space, creating the characteris­
tic crescent-shaped collection that crosses suture lines on CT scan
(Fig. 25.11). Blood may also be seen collecting along the falx cerebri
between cerebral hemispheres or along the tentorium above the
cerebellum. A subdural hematoma associated with mass effect on
the brain and depressed GCS requires craniotomy.
Chronic subdural hematomas are generally seen in older patients
with less severe traumatic mechanisms. They are also caused by rup­
tured bridging veins that result in the accumulation of subdural
blood. This can happen with trivial trauma in the elderly or coagulo­
pathic patient. Patients are often initially asymptomatic. Eventually,
membranes form to wall off the blood, and the coagulated blood
liquefies. Such collections can expand over time, resulting in shift and
focal symptoms (Fig. 25.11). Symptoms are often mistaken for a tran­
sient ischemic attack (TIA) or ischemic stroke. Because the collections
are often liquid , they can be drained with burr holes rather than a
larger craniotomy; however, loculated or recurrent collections some­
times require more extensive surgical intervention.
Intraparenchymal hemorrhage may also occur following trauma
or can result from hypertension. embolic/thrombotic stroke, or in
the setting of anticoagulation. Location, size, cause, neurologic sta­
tus, and ICP are evaluated to determine the need for surgical evacua­
tion. Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage often accompanies other
forms of head injury. The rupture of small vessels in the subarach­
noid space spills blood around the gyri of the brain (Fig. 25.11).
Smaller areas of hemorrhage inside the brain parenchyma are
called contusions. They result from deformation of the brain as it is
subjected to shearing forces during blunt trauma. Inferior frontal
and temporal lobes are the most common sites of contusions. Coup
injuries occur in the cortex directly beneath the cranial location of
the impact, whereas contrecoup injuries occur at sites remote from
the area of impact (Fig. 25.11).
Mechanisms of injury that impart a large amount of force to the
brain can induce diffuse axonal injury without a focal contusion or
hemorrhage. Microscopically, deformation in the shape of the brain
puts strain on the relatively stiffaxons of certain populations of
neurons, leading to their disruption. Radiographically. small hemor­
rhages may be seen in white matter tracts, especially the corpus callo­
sum, pons, or at the junction of gray matter and white matter in the
cortex. Deficits are unpredictable and prognosis bears little relation
to the specific radiographic abnormalities identified.
The management of penetrating injuries does not differ signif­
icantly from that of blunt injuries: medical support, ICP control,
monitoring, and surgery are initiated using similar criteria . One
caveat is that penetrating injuries, especially gunshot wounds, are
associated with the development of pseudoaneurysms days to
weeks after the initial traumatic event. Dedicated vascular imaging
is recommended to aid in management.
The Brain Trauma Foundation recommendations for manage­
ment of severe traumatic brain injury have undergone multiple
revisions since their initial publication in 1995, commensurate with
rapid advances in our understanding of optimal management for
this condition. Table 25.3 outlines specific recommendations for a
variety of clinical scenarios. The decision to place a monitor for
ICP depends on the patient's neurologic examination (e.g., GCS
<8). the mechanism of injury, evidence of mass effect on CT imag­
ing, and the likelihood of surgical intervention. For example, an
epidural hematoma with mass effect is a surgical emergency; time
should not be taken to place an ICP monitor. The type of monitor
placed varies according to a surgeon's preference and institutional
practice. Intraventricular catheters are often utilized beca use of
their accuracy, low cost, and ability to help reduce ICP through the
drainage of CSF. A host of fiberoptic and micro-strain devices are
also available; those placed in the brain parenchyma to monitor
pressure are more accurate than subdural or subarachnoid moni­
tors. An ICP monitor can guide hyperosmolar therapy (mannitol
or hypertonic saline) although placement can cause hemorrhage
necessitating surgical evacuation. If elevated ICP is refractory to
medical therapy (including hyperosmolar agents and sedation), the
first intervention available to the surgeon is CSF diversion via
placement of a ventriculostomy catheter. Draining even a few milli­
liters of CSF per hour can have dramatic effects on pressure.
In cases of refractory increased ICP and poor brain oxygena­
tion, decompressive craniectomy can be utilized. A portion of the
skull is removed, the bone is stored either subcutaneously, in the
abdomen or sterile in a freezer, the dura is opened, and the scalp is
closed. \'\!hen brain swelling resolves, the bone can be replaced.
\'\fhile this is a very effective method for reducing rcp, the ultimate
outcome is closely tied to the severity of the initial injury.
Elevated ICP and/or lateralizing mass lesions can cause brain shift
and brainstem compression termed herniation. The specific type of
herniation depends on the area of brain involved (central, uncal, sub­
falcian). The classic trauma herniation syndrome (uncal herniation)
results from a lateralizing lesion such as a subdural hemorrhage
(SOH) or epidural hemorrhage (EDH). With expansion of the blood
clot the temporal lobe is displaced medially toward the brainstem.
The most medial portion of the temporal lobe (uncus) pushes against
the third cranial nerve, causing dysfunction of the parasympathetic
fibers that control pupillary constriction. This results in unopposed
sympathetic input to the pupil resulting in an ipsilateral "blown
pupil." With further displacement, the uncus pushes against cerebral
peduncle of the brainstem, causing dysfunction in the as yet un­
crossed cerebral spinal fibers, causing contralateral weakness and,
sometimes, abnormal posturing. As the brain herniates through the
tentorium (the opening in the dura separating the cerebellum from
the cerebral hemispheres), compression of the posterior cerebral ar­
teries may lead to bilateral strokes. Central or transtentorial hernia­
tion can occur with more centralized swelling or mass lesion, resulting
in progressive compression of the brainstem at the tentorium. Pro­
gressive lethargy, respiratory irregularity, and abnormal posturing
and hyperreflexia generally precede pupillary dysfunction. Subfalcine
herniation occurs when the structures of the medial frontal lobes her­
niated toward the contralateral side beneath the falx, sometimes lead­
ing to occlusion of the anterior cerebral aI1eries. The Cushing triad of
hypertension, bradycardia, and respiratory irregularity may reAect a
near terminal event with swelling in the posterior fossa, resulting in
displacement of the cerebellar tonsils against the brainstem at the
foramen magnum (tonsillar herniation).
Abnormal "posturing" results when higher cortical functions
no longer suppress primitive brainstem and spinal reflexes. Patients
with decorticate posturing present with arms flexed, or bent inward
on the chest, hands clenched into fists, and legs extended. This gen­
erally corresponds to dysfunction above the level of the red nucleus
in the midbrain . In decerebrate posturing, the head is arched back,
the arms are extended by the sides (extended elbows), and the legs
are extended. This corresponds to dysfunction below the level of
the midbrain. as in late herniation or brainstem infarction.
Brain death inexorably follows the most severe brain injuries
despite intervention. Guidelines for the determination of brain
death are not universal; the most consistent features are the absence
Section VI • Surgical Subspecialties
TABLE 25.3
Therapeutic recommendations in traumatic brain injury.
Parameter Recommendation
Clarifications and qualifications
Blood pressure Avoid SBP < 90
Avoid hypoxia (Pao z < 60.
Saturation < 90% )
Used as needed, 0.25-1 glkg
Avoid use of mannitol without ICP monitoring device, except
as single dose emergently prior to surgical intervention
Hypertonic saline
Constant infusion, parameters
in flux
Use governed by practice guidelines of individual institutions
Prophylactic hypothermia
Not universally recommended
May have benefit for specific subgroups
Infection prevention
Periprocedural antibiotics not
unviversally recommended
Ventricular catheter changes or periprocedural antibiotics
for ventricular catheters not recommended
Early tracheostomy recommended
DVT prophylaxis
Intermittent compression devices
are recommended
Pharmacologic prophylaxis is associated with risk of
hemorrhage; no evidence to support its use
ICP monitoring Recommended for TBI patients
with GCS 3-8 and abnormal
CT scan findings
May be fiberoptic bolt or intraventricular catheter
ICP monitoring devices
Ventricular catheters are the most
accurate means.
Parenchymal fiber optic or strain gauge monitors are
acceptable; subarachnoid or subdural bolts are less accurate
ICP targets
Target ICP < 20
Clinician must account for CT scan findings and
comorbidities when deciding to treat elevated ICP
Cerebral perfusion
pressure (CPP, where
Avoid aggressive attempts to keep
CPP > 70 out of concern for
respiratory distress
Avoid CPP < 50
Brain oxygen monitoring
(with either jugular venous
saturation monitor or
intra parenchymal fiber
optic monitor)
No strong consensus data exist to
support targets for oxygen
Less robust data favor maintaining brain oxygen saturation
> 15 mm Hg and jugular venous saturation > 50%
Propofol is recommended for
Barbiturate coma is restricted
to elevations in ICP refractory
to other therapies
Propofol is associated with specific morbidities
Hemodynamic instability with barbiturate coma should
be avoided
Patients should be fed by
postinjury day 7
Seizure prophylaxis Anticonvulsants do not prevent
late ( > 7 d after injury)
posttraumatic seizures. They
prevent early seizures. Valproate
or phenytoin are recommended
Early seizures may not be associated with worsened outcome
Hyperventilation (Paco z < 25)
is not recommended
Hyperventilation may be used as an emergency intervention
to lower ICP before more definitive therapy is initiated
Steroids Steroids should not be used
Strong evidence against the utility of steroids
Chapter 25 • Neurosurgery
of brainstem reflexes, motor response to pain, and spontaneous
respirations in the absence of pharmacologic paralysis or excessive
sedation. Two neurologic examinations separated by 6 to 12 hours
must consistently demonstrate the absence of these functions.
Demonstration of the loss of respiratory drive in response to in­
creased Peo 2 (apnea test) is also often required. Some institutions
additionally require a confirmatory test such as an electroen­
cephalographic (EEG) or a nuclear medicine perfusion scan
showing a lack of blood flow or uptake of radioisotope into the
Spine trauma
Trauma patients are assumed to harbor spinal injuries until proven
otherwise. In the prehospital setting, this means that trauma pa­
tients must undergo spine immobilization with a rigid backboard
and neck brace. Spinal clearance generally requires negative radi­
ographic imaging and lack of clinically significant tenderness to
palpation in awake, cooperative patients. Difficulties arise in unre­
sponsive patients, or patients with altered mental status or distract­
ing injuries. Neurologic examinations need to be performed in a
systematic and objective manner, including an assessment of intact
motor/sensory levels, perianal sensation. rectal tone. and the pres­
ence or absence of normal and abnormal reflexes. FuU spine pre­
cautions are also maintained to logroll a patient to allow inspection
and palpation of the spine looking for bruising, swelling. tender­
ness. and step-offs. These assessments should be done in a timely
fashion to reduce the amount of time the patient spends on a back­
board and avoid skin breakdown.
CT scans have generally supplanted plain x-rays in the initial
assessment of spinal injuries. Helical scans of the C-spine and often
reconstructions of the thoracic and lumbar spines from the CT of
the chest and abdomen are routinely performed to assess for injury
at most centers. If a fracture is identified, a search for additional
fractures should ensue because the incidence of concomitant in­
juries is high (10% to 15%). Neurologic injury and/or suspicion for
ligamentous injury usually prompts MRI scanning.
Considering the specifics of the mechanism and forces
involved in a traumatic spine injury helps a clinician anticipate in­
juries and plan interventions. These forces can generally be classi­
fied as axial loading, distraction. rotation. flexion, translational
shear. or some combination thereof. It is also useful to separate the
spine into the axial (occiput to C2) and subaxial spine (C3-C7) for
purposes of classification. Distraction can lead to occipitocervical
dissociation. in which the ligaments holding the skull to the spine
are disrupted. Respiratory arrest may ensue as the brainstem is
stretched. Compression injuries occur when an axial load is applied
along the long axis of the spine. In the upper cervical spine. it can
lead to a fracture of C I. called a Jefferson fracture. C2 fractures
including odontoid fractures of the dens and "Hangman fractures;'
which disconnect the lamina from the vertebral bodies. These in­
juries can occur with both t1exion and extension mechanisms. Axial
loading and flexion injuries are common in the cervical spine.lead­
ing to burst-type fractures and subluxation of the facet joints with
resultant spinal cord compression. These injuries are often treated
with cervical traction with progressive addition of weights to
reduce fractures/subluxations (Fig. 25.12). These maneuvers are
performed under light anesthesia to permit frequent neurologic
FIGURE 25.12. A. Lateral C-spine
x-ray showing vertebral subluxation.
B. Sagittal CT reconstruction showing
subluxed facets. C. Drawing showing
placement of Gardner-Wells tongs.
Section VI • Surgical Subspecialties
rr1 1
•-' ; I :
r :;~ ,',
'3 .:.'
FIGURE 25.13. A;'(ial (A) and sagittal (8) images of an LS burst fracture,
examinations and require serial radiographic imaging as weight
is added. After reduction these injuries often require surgical
The management of fractures of the thoracic and lumbar spine
follows similar principles. Because of the significant energy transfer
required to cause these injuries, concomitant chest and abdominal
injuries are common . Burst-type injuries in the thoracolumbar
spine are particularly common (Fig. 25.13). Decisions regarding
the need for operation and/or external bracing are based on several
factors including the extent of bony injury, the neurologic status of
the patient, and the integrity of the posterior ligamentous complex.
SCI may be associated with a fracture, a herniated interverte­
bral disk, ligamentous disruption, or penetrating injury. Injuries
are classified according to the lowest motor level at which function
is retained (at least 3/5 motor strength) (Table 25.4). For instance, a
patient with preserved biceps and wrist extension function but no
triceps strength has a C6 level injury. The American Spinal Injury
Association (ASIA) system of classification is summarized in
Figure 25 . 14. Cord injury above the C3 level leads to respiratory
TABLE 25.4
Muscle strength grading scale.
No contraction
Trace contraction
Active movement with gravity eliminated
Active movement against gravity
Active movement against resistance can be overcome
Normal strength
compromise due to phrenic nerve dysfunction. Injuries above the
upper thoracic spine may lead to neurogenic shock, a situation
where the sympathetic output is disrupted and the patient suffers a
precipitous drop in systemic vascular resistance. Heart rate remains
low, and the skin is classically warm in spite of low blood pressure.
Incomplete spinal cord injuries have a better prognosis than
complete injuries and are characterized by preservation of motor
or sensory function below the lowest level of completely preserved
motor function (Table 25.5). The central cord syndrome often
follows a fall in an elderly patient with spinal canal narrowing from
degenerative changes or in a younger patient with an acute disk
herniation. Patients suffer loss of motor function worse in the
upper than lower extremities (numb, clumsy hands with gait
dysfunction ), varying sensory loss, and bladder and bowel dysfunc­
tion, The Brown-Sequard syndrome most often follows penetrat­
ing spinal injury, in which half the spinal cord is injured . Patients
suffer ipsilateral motor dysfunction, ipsilateral loss of touch and
position sense, and contralateral loss of pain and temperature
After the initial assessment of spinal injuries, decisions regard­
ing treatment are based on the level and extent of the injury, the pa­
tient's neurologic status, other underlying injuries, and general
health. In patients with SCI, maintenance of MAP above 80 mm Hg
has been suggested as a treatment guideline to help maintain spinal
cord perfusion. Early closed and/or open reduction and stabiliza­
tion of spinal fractures may improve outcome, allow earlier mobi­
lization, prevent pulmonary and other complications, and enhance
rehabilitation potential. Currently, there is insufficient evidence to
suggest hypothermia as a treatment for SCI.
The initiation of methylprednisolone therapy for SCI is also
controversial as the evidence supporting its use is inconclusive.
When used, strict adherence to guidelines from the National Acute
Spinal Cord Injury Study (NASCIS) trials should be emphasized.
There continues to be significant divergence among institutions
Chapter 25 • Neurosurgery
C2 C3 C.l C5 o• A!J!le1)1
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FIGURE 25_14. ASIA (American Spinal 1njury Association) spinal cord injury classification system_
and individual physicians regarding the utilization of steroids
according to NASCIS 2 (in which steroids were administered for
24 hours) and NASClS 3 (in which steroids were administered for
24 hours if initiated within 3 hours of injury and 48 hours if initi­
ated between 3 to 8 hours of injury)_ If more than 8 hours have
elapsed since the initial injury, steroids generally should not be
given_ Moreover, they should not be given to a patient with a SCI
secondary to penetrating trauma. and they should not be given for
nerve root injuries_ Stress ulcer prophylaxis and tight control of
blood glucose levels should accompany steroid administration_
TABLE 25.5
ASIA classification system.
ASIA score
Clinical impairment
A Complete
No motor or sensor function preserved
in sacral segments S4-S5 below level of injury
B Incomplete Sensory but not motor function is preserved
below the neurologic level including the sacral
segments S4-S5
C Incomplete Motor function is preserved below the
neurologic level. and more than half of muscles
below the level have a strength grade less than 3
o Incomplete
Motor function is preserved below the
neurologic level, and at least half have a muscle
grade of 3 or more
E Normal Motor and sensory functions are normal
The brachial plexus is a complex structure that incorporates the
C4-C8 and Tl nerve roots in the neck. with a progressive reorgani­
zation from roots to trunks, divisions, chords, and subsequent
nerve branches that serve the musculature and sensation of the
limb, shoulder girdle, chest, and back. These nervous structures
have a complex anatomic relationship with skeletal, muscular, and
vascular structures of this region, which is beyond the scope of this
chapter. However, it is imperative that surgeons, regardless of disci­
pline, have a working knowledge of these relationships if they are
to perform surgery in this region_ The same applies to the lum­
bosacral plexus with its relationship to the pelvis and lower Iimbs_
The brachial and lumbar plexuses and associated nerves are suscep­
tible to various insults including neuropathy/plexopathy secondary
to tumor invasion, vasculitis, diabetes, postradiation changes, and
trauma_ Traumatic causes of injury include stretch, entrapment,
compression, crush, blast, and penetrating injuries _It is crucial to
Section VI • Surgical Subspecialties
TABLE 25.6
Representative brachial plexus injuries.
Clinical findings
Erb upper plexus
injury (C5-C6)
Forceful separa tion of humeral head
from shoulder-birth injury, motorcycle fall
Paralysis of deltoid, bicep, brachioradialis, rhomboids,
supra, and infraspinatous; hand unaffected "Bellhops
tip position"-arm hangs at side with internal
rotation and elbow extension.
Klumpke lower
plexus injury (C8, T 1)
Tumor (pancoast) invasion, traction
of the abducted arm in faUs
Claw hand deformity with wasting of intrinsic
hand muscles (also seen with ulnar neuropathy), can
have Horner syndrome ifTI involved)
Radial nerve injury
Pressurelinjury to radial nerve at humerus
level. "Saturday night palsy" from sleeping
on arm or injury seconda ry to humerus
Weakness of wrist extension (wrist drop) and fmger
extension. The tricep is spared (differentiates from
higher lesion invo lving axillary nerve)
understand the clinical conditions associated with these injuries,
accura tely diagnose them when present, and intervene when ap­
propriate. In addition, certain nerves are at high risk for pressure
injury including the ulnar nerve at the medial elbow an d the com­
mon peroneal nerve at the lateral knee; this has implications for
position during surgical procedures. Attention to detail with regard
to padding and positioning will avoid most of these problems. Fix­
ing the shoulder down inferiorly can stretch the brachial plexus,
whereas an axial role in the lateral decubitus position helps reduce
pressure on th e components of the brachial plexus (Table 25 .6).
Other common entrapment neuropathies include compression of
the median nerve at the wrist (Carpal tunnel syndrome) and ulnar
neuropathy at the elbow.
The diagnosis of a nerve injur y is usua lly clinical and suggested
by a motor and/or sensory deficit in the distribution of a peripheral
nerve with a logical mechanism of injury. Differentiating a nerve
injury from a radicular injury can be challenging in a patient who
suffers multiple injuries or when the mechanism of injury is associ­
ated with unpredictable forces such as a high-speed motor vehicle
accident. Careful physical examination is the most useful tool in the
acute and subacute setting. Often, MRI imaging is necessary to ex­
clude a radicular injury when evaluating a deficit after trauma.
In the ac ute setting, attempted repair of peripheral nerve in­
juries is only appropria te when they result from sharp penetrating
mechanisms. These should be explored, and an anastomosis should
be at tempted . Nonsharp penetrating injuries, including gunshot
wounds or shrapnel, are not explored immediately. C rush injuries
also do not warrant early exploration. In these instances, the pa­
tient is re-evaluated 3 months after the injury with electrodiagnos­
tic studies and a decision about possible surgical intervention is
made at th at time.
Brain tumors acco unt for approximately 10% of a ll neoplasms.
Primary tumors arise from the various cells of the cerebral cor­
tex, the coverings of the brain, the pituitary gland, a nd cran ial
n erves. Metastatic tumors can spread by lo ca l extension or
through the blood, lymph , or CSF and are [0 times more com­
mon than primary tumors. The location of brain tumors varies
with age. In adults, 70% of primary brain tumo rs a re supratento­
rial. In children, 70% of brain tumors are located within the
posterior fo ssa. The brain is the most common site for solid tu­
mors in childhood.
Patients with brain tumors may present with signs and symp­
toms of increased ICP, focal deficits, or seizures. Increased ICP is a
result of additional tumor mass within the skull, brain edema, ob­
structive hydrocephalus, or tumor hemorrhage. Symptoms of ele­
vated ICP include headaches, nausea and vomiting, and progressive
lethargy with slowed cognitive function. Signs of elevated ICP may
include papilledema and six th cranial nerve palsy. Depending on
the location of the tumor, the patient may present with neurologic
deficits such as hemiparesis, visual changes, aphasia, and cranial
nerve palsies. In children with tumors in the posterior fossa, deficits
include a taxia, nystagmus, cranial nerve palsies, and symptoms of
elevated ICP from obstructive hydrocephalus.
When a brain mass is suspected, either a CT scan or MRI
should be obtained to characterize the size and location of the le­
sion. Because CT scanning is quick, readily available, and rel atively
inexpensive, it is often th e test of choice. MRI provides far greater
soft tissue detail and will allow for better characterization of the
intracranial mass.
Metastases are the most common brain tumors in adu lts.
Within metastatic lesions found in the brain 35% arise from lung
malignancies, 20% from breast cancer, 10% from melanom a, 10%
from renal cell carcinoma, and 5% from colorectal cancer. On MRI
or CT scan, metastatic lesio ns are often located at the junction be­
tween the gray and white matter, are associated with extensive sur­
rounding edema, and are often multiple in number (Fig. 25.10) .
The preferred therapeutic approach is dictated by the size of the
lesion, the severity of associated symptoms, and the number of
additional lesions. Operation, usually followed by whole brain or
stereotactic radiation, is the preferred treatment for isolated and
symptomatic metastatic lesions. Stereotactic radiosurgery with or
without whole brain radiation may be effective for multiple and
smaller metastatic lesions.
Primary brain tumors can be broadly categorized into those
derived from cells normally present in the CNS and those derived
from embryonic remnants. The latter group includes cranio­
pharyngiomas, germinomas, teratomas, epidermoids, a nd der­
moids. Tumors that arise from ceUs normally found in the CNS
may be further divided into tumors that arise from neural tube
derivat ives (astrocytomas, glioblastomas, oligodendrogliomas,
ependymomas, and choroids plexus papillomas), tumors that arise
Chapter 25 • Neurosurgery
TABLE 25.7
WHO grading system for primary brain tumors.
Tumor type
Imaging features
Pilocytic astrocytoma
Discrete, enhancing, often
cystic with mural nodule
>80% survival
in cerebellum
+/- chemotherapy
Astrocytoma or
associated with edema
> 50% 5 yr survival
+/- radiation
Anaplastic astrocytoma
Enhancement, + /- necrosis
Average survival is 2 yr Surgery
Whole brain radiation
Glioblastoma multiforme
Enhancement, necrosis,
infiltrative, edema
survival is 1-2 yr
Whole brain radiation
WHO grade
from neurons (medulloblastomas and gangliomas), tumors that
arise from neural crest derivatives (meningiomas and acoustic neu­
romas), and tumors that arise from other cells present in the CNS
(lymphomas, hemangioblastoma, glomus jugulare tumors, and
pituitary adenomas).
Glioma is a general term for any tumor arising from a stromal
cell of the CNS, including astrocytomas and oligodendrogliomas.
The WHO grading system classifies these tumors into grades I
through 4 (Table 25.7) . Grade I, termed a pilocytic astrocytoma, is
the most benign type of glioma. These tumors are more common
in children and are often found in the cerebellum. The 10-year
survival rate is greater than 80% following surgical resection with
adjuvant therapy for a cerebellar pilocystic astrocytoma. Grade 2
gliomas are either astrocytomas or oligodendrogliomas. These tu­
mors often do not enhance with gadolinium on MRI, are slow
growing, and demonstrate low cellularity compared with other tu­
mors. A low-grade glioma may transform into a high-grade tumor
over time. Grade 3 or anaplastic a.~trocytomas exhibit features of a
more malignant tumor such as enhancement on MRI, rapid growth
rate, pleomorphic cells, and increased cellularity. These tumors
often require surgical resection, radiation, and sometimes
chemotherapy. Grade 4 tumors are also called glioblastoma multi ­
forme (GBM) (Fig. 25.10). GBM is one of the most common
primary intracranial tumors in adults. The diagnosis of a GBM is
suggested by imaging characteristics of necrosis and enhancement;
however, identification of pseudopalisading cells around necrotic
areas and neovascularization are required to confirm the diagnosis.
Because of the diffuse, infiltrative nature of these tumors, complete
surgical resection is challenging. Even with radiation and
chemotherapy, 2-year survival rates are low and are inversely corre­
lated to age and function al status.
Ependymomas are glial tumors derived from the ependymo­
cytes that line the ventricular system. These tumors are more com­
mon in children and grow from the floor of the fourth ventricle in
the posterior fossa. In adults and children, ependymomas often
cause obstructive hydrocephalus. In addition, they may seed the
CSF and disseminate throughout the spinal cord. Choroid plexus
papillomas are tumors that are derived from the cells that produce
CSF. They often present with hydrocephalus.
Medulloblastomas originate from primitive bipotential cells of
the cerebellum. These tumors are also called primitive neural ecto­
derm tumors and commonly present as posterior fossa masses in
children. They originate from the roof of the fourth ventricle and
usually cause obstructive hydrocephalus. Children present with
signs of increased rcp and cerebellar dysfunction such as ataxia
and nystagmus. These tumors are malignant, densely cellular, and
may metastasize through the CSF.
Meningiomas account for nearly 17% of intracranial tumors.
They are benign tumors that arise from arachnoid granulations
located within the meninges. These tumors are more common in
women and may be located wherever there is dura . Meningiomas
often compress the brain but do not invade it; however, they may
invade the adjacent bone. On MRI, they enhance brightly and
homogeneously and may have a signature "dural tail." Treatment is
surgical resection. Meningiomas are associated with a good long­
term prognosis and a low rate of recurrence.
Vestibular schwannomas (acoustic neuromas), which arise
from the vestibular portion of the eighth cranial nerve, are derived
from Schwann cells. They typically present with hearing loss, dizzi­
ness or loss of balance, and sometimes with facial numbness from
compression of the fifth cranial nerve. Acoustic neuromas are
benign lesions and depending on their size, treatment may involve
either surgery or radiotherapy.
Neurofibromatosis (NFT) is a heritable neurocutaneous disor­
der. Type I is more common than type 2, and accounts for more
than 90% of cases. The gene responsible for NFT- I is found on
chromosome 17q 11.2 and has a simple autosomal dominant pat­
tern of inheritance with variable expressivity, but 100% penetrance
after age 5. The clinical features of NFT-I (also called von Reckling­
hausen disease) include cafe-au-Iait spots, neurofibromas on pe­
ripheral nerves, hyperpigmentation in the axillary or inguinal
areas, optic gliomas, Lisch nodules (i.e., iris hamartomas), and
thinning of the cranial bones. These patients are treated with resec­
tion of lesions that are symptomatic. The most important clinical
feature of NFT-2 is bilateral acoustic neuromas. Other clinical fea­
tures include neurofibrom as, meningiomas, gliomas, schwan noma,
seizures, and skin nodules. NFT-2 also has as autosomal dominant
inheritance pattern, and is due to a mutation at chromosome
22q 12.2. The treatment is also surgery or radiosurgery for sympto­
matic lesions. Eventual bilateral deafness is almost inevitable in
patients with this condition.
The hypothalamic-pituitary axis regulates the quotidian
endocrine oscillations of the body. The pituitary gland extends
beneath the hypothalamus underneath the brain, tucked into a
Section VI • Surgical Subspecialties
cavity at the skull base known as the sella turcica, beneath the
third ventricle and optic chiasm. The infundibulum connects
the hypothalamus to the pituitary. The pituitary is divided into
the anterior adenohypophysis, a purely endocrine structure de­
rived from endoderm that migrates into the sella during develop­
ment, and the posterior neurohypophysis. Axonal terminals of
neurons that originate in the hypothalamus comprise the latter,
which secretes antidiuretic hormone and oxytocin. The anterior
hypophysis secretes six hormones under hypothalamic control:
prolactin, growth hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone, luteiniz­
ing hormone, adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), and thyroid­
stimulating hormone. Hypothalamic regulation of the anterior
hypophysis requires a portal system , by which regulatory hor­
mones are released into a capillary bed in the hypothalamus. The
venules draining this bed travel directly to the pituitary, where a
venous capillary network fans out and bathes the gland in blood
rich in these releasing factors . Anterior hypophyseal hormones
are secreted directly into this capillary bed , which ultimately joins
the systemic circulation.
Pituitary adenomas arise from the anterior lobe of the pitu­
itary gland and are either detected because they overproduce a
pituitary hormone (secretory) or because of local mass effect
(nonsecretory). Tumors less than a centimeter are called mi­
croadenomas and lesions larger than I cm are macroadenomas.
Common presentations include amenorrhea and galactorrhea
secondary to overproduction of prolactin or acromegaly from
excess growth hormone production. Cushing disease results from
overproduction of ACTH . (See clinical correlation below.)
Macroadenomas compress surrounding structures to cause
symptoms. Bitemporal hemianopsia is caused by compression of
the medial aspect of the optic chiasm by the tumor. Macroadeno­
mas may also invade the nearby cavernous sinus and cause cranial
third, fourth , or sixth nerve palsies. A macroadenoma may cause
elevated prolactin levels by compressing the pituitary stalk,
thereby interrupting the dopaminergic inhibition of prolactin
release. Macroadenomas can also compress the normal pituitary,
resulting in lower production of thyroid-stimulating and gonadal­
stimulating hormones.
Cushing syndrome is the constellation of findings caused by
hypercortisolism including weight gain, redistribution of fat lead­
ing to buffalo hump, hypertension, purple striae, osteoporosis,
muscle wasting, and hyperglycemia. Cushing syndrome may be due
to one of several causes (Table 25.8). Cushing disease refers to en­
dogenous hypercortisolism due to oversecretion of ACTH by a pi­
tuitary adenoma. Because of cross-reactivity with a precursor of
melanin-secreting hormone, these patients also often exhibit hyper­
pigmentation of the skin and mucous membranes. To test for
Cushing syndrome, obtain a 24-hour urine-free cortisol level and
TABLE 25_8
perform a low-dose dexamethasone suppression test. Urine-free
cortisol will be elevated and upon administration of low-dose dex­
amethasone, cortisol levels will remain elevated in patients with
Cushing syndrome. The high-dose dexamethasone test will help
determine the etiology of the disorder. In Cushing disease, admin­
istration of high-dose dexamethasone will suppress cortisol pro­
duction. Ectopic ACTH production from lung tumor or cortisol
production by adrenal tumors will not exhibit lower cortisol levels
after high-dose dexamethasone challenge.
The approach to the treatment of pituitary adenomas is influ­
enced by several factors including the secretory status of the tumor,
the hormonal deficits of the patient, and the presence of neurologic
findings; specifically visual changes. Prolactinomas are the most
common secretory adenomas and are usually initially treated with
dopamine agonists such as bromocriptine or cabergoline. Other se­
cretory lesions often require surgery. Likewise, large macroadeno­
mas that compress the optic nerves and cause pituitary dysfunction
most often require resection.
Infections of the CNS can have devastating consequences. Pyogenic
infections can occur de novo, generally from hematogenous spread
(systemic infection, endocarditis, or other cardiopulmonary abnor­
malities), or direct extension from head and neck infections such as
sinusitis, mastoiditis, or tooth abscess. Infections can also occur as a
result of previous craniospinal surgery, penetrating injuries, or other
traumas. Infections include meningitis, subdural empyema, brain
abscess; and in the spine, epidural abscess and osteomyelitis/discitis.
The most common pathogens in cerebral abscess are strepto­
coccus species. Presentation can be nonspecific but generally are re­
lated to increased ICP (headache, lethargy, nausea, and vomiting).
Other clinical presentations include seizures and local mass effect
causing neurologic deficits. Radiographically, an early abscess may
cause nonspecific cerebritis, which eventually evolves into a lesion
with a well-defined capsule. Fever and leukocytosis may be present.
Early cerebritis and smaller abscesses (i.e., those less than 3 cm) can
be treated empirically with antibiotics. Operation generally is indi­
cated for larger lesions with mass effect, neurologic decline, or if the
diagnosis is in doubt. Aspiration alone can be effective, but with re­
current lesions, excision may be required. Subsequently, patients
are treated with pathogen-specific antibiotics. Subdural empyema
generally requires craniotomy for evacuation and subsequent an­
tibiotic therapy.
Herpes simplex encephalitis is one of the more common viral
infections of the CNS. Patients present with progressive confusion
and obtundation with associated seizures. Classically there are he­
morrhagic lesions in one or both temporal lobes. Diagnosis can be
Evaluation of increased cortisol production.
Frequency (%)
Pituitary adenoma (Cushing disease)
Ectopic ACTH production
(lung tumor)
Adrenal tumor
AGH, adrenocorticotropic hormone.
ACTH level
SI Sl a
Chapter 25 • Neurosurgery
made from CSF studies and rarely brain biopsy and treatment con­
sists of acyclovir. an antiviral agent. Cysticercosis is a parasitic brain
infection caused by the pork tapeworm Taenia solium. which is
common in endemic areas. Patients often prese nt with seizures and
obstructive hydrocephalus. The diagnosis is made by radiographic
studies and serology. Treatment consists of antihelmintic drugs
such as albendazole. and occasionally operation.
Excluding infections related to previous surgical procedures or
open trauma. the vast majority of cases of spinal epidural abscess
and/or osteomyelitis/disci tis are associated with intravenous drug
abuse. diabetes mellitus. dialysis-dependent renal failure. or other sys­
temic sources of bacteremia or infections. Patients generally present
with pain. variable fever, and leukocytosis. Elevations in erythrocyte
sedimantation rate (ESR) and c reactive protein (CRP) levels are also
characteristic. Early infections can be treated with pathogen-specific
antibiotics. Operation is often indicated in cases of progressive defor­
mity. neurologic compromise. or failure of antibiotic therapy.
Bracken MB, Shepard MI, Holford TR. et al. Administration of
methylprednisolone for 24 or 48 hours or tirilazad mesylate for
48 hours in the treatment of acute spinal cord injury. Results of
the third national acute spinal cord injury randomized con­
trolled trial. National acute spinal cord injury study. lAMA.
1997; 277(20): 1597-1604.
Gunnarsson T. Fehlings MG. Acute neurosurgical management of
traumatic brain injury and spinal cord injury. Curr Opin NeuraL.
2003; 16(6):7 17-723.
Willinsky RA. Taylor SM. TerBrugge K. et al. Neurologic complica­
tions of cerebral angiography: Prospective analysis of 2,899
proced ures and review of the litera tu re o Radiology. 2003;
Winn. HR. ed. Youman's Neurological Surgery. 5th ed. Philadelphia:
WB Saunders; 2003.