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Wednesday/Thursday 1/221/23/2014
 Atmosphere and Weather Unit
Layers of the Atmosphere
*Notes: Layers of the
Biogeochemical Cycles
Carbon Cycle
Nitrogen Cycle
Water Cycle
*Goldilocks Lab and
Write up due Friday
1/17/2014 for 40 Points
 So the FINAL EXAM in May will cover…
Biogeochemical Processes
Atmospheric Processes –
The Water
(Hydrological) Cycle
• Moisture:
– Most water in
atmosphere comes
from oceans
– Most precipitation
falling over land its way
back to oceans
– 2/3 of the water in the
oceans evaporates back
to the atmosphere in
the Water Cycle
Atmospheric Processes –
The Water
(Hydrological) Cycle
• Heat:
– Oceans hold & are a
source of heat
– Ocean currents
transfer heat toward
the North & South
Poles (convection).
– This transfer of heat
toward the poles
contributes to different
types of weather &
Energy Heat Transfer
 Most of the energy that reaches Earth comes from the sun (solar
 What happens to the solar energy when it reaches Earth?
◦ First reaches Earth’s atmosphere
 Some gets absorbed by gases, such as ozone (O3) & water vapor (H2O) greenhouse gases
◦ Some gets reflected
space by
◦ Some gets absorbed
masses or
back to
clouds & Earth’s
by land
Energy Heat Transfer Processes
• Solar/heat energy gets transferred between Earth’s
surface & atmosphere by
– Conduction
– Convection
– Radiation
Energy Heat Transfer Processes
 Conduction – process by which heat energy is
transmitted through direct contact with neighboring
◦ Air & water are poor
heat energy
conductors of
◦ Most conduction occurs at
 During the day, solar
the Earth’s
 Heat energy is then
the surface
energy heats
conducted to
molecules of air just above
Energy Heat Transfer Processes
• Convection – process by which heat energy is
transmitted by transporting groups of molecules
from one place to another
– Can occur in fluids, such as air & water
Energy Heat Transfer
• Convection –
– Which molecules are moving
are more spread apart?
faster &
Hot air or cold
• Heated molecules move faster & more spread apart
compared to less heated (cooler) molecules
• Warmer air masses are therefore less dense (less
molecules in a space)
• Therefore, warmer air masses rise
• Cooler air masses are more dense (more molecules in a
space), so they fall back toward the Earth’s surface
Energy Heat Transfer Processes
• Convection –
– Cycle of rising warm air & sinking cold air – convection cell
• Distribute heat &
equator toward the
• Create large wind
• Produce & transport large storm systems (I.e, hurricanes)
Energy Heat Transfer Processes
 Radiation – process by which heat energy is transferred by
electromagnetic waves
◦ What are the forms of electromagnetic radiation?
◦ Which form of EM radiation has the longest wavelength?
◦ Which form of EM radiation has the shortest wavelength?
◦ What does the wavelength of radiation tell us about a form of
◦ Which form of EM radiation has more energy, radio waves or
gamma rays?
◦ What form of EM radiation from the sun affects humans the
◦ Is this the only form of EM radiation that reaches the Earth’s