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Unit 17 Dental Assistant Skills
17:1 Identifying the Structures
and Tissues of a Tooth
 Odontology: study of the anatomy, growth,
and diseases of the teeth
 Teeth are accessory organs of the
digestive tract
 Aid in mastication (chewing) of food
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Two Sets of Teeth
 Dentations: sets of teeth
 Primary or deciduous dentition
 Permanent or succedaneous dentition
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The Tooth
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Tissues of the Tooth
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Structures that surround and support teeth
Alveolar process or ridge
Periodontal ligament
Gingiva or gums
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Dental Care
 Disease can affect the teeth and
supporting structures
 Dental care
– Preventing and treating dental disease
– Preserving and prolonging the life of the teeth
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7:2 Identifying the Teeth
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Primary or Deciduous Teeth
 First set of teeth –
called “baby” teeth
 20 teeth
– Ten maxillary (upper)
2 central incisors
2 lateral incisors
2 cuspids
2 first molars
2 second molars
– Ten mandibular (lower)
2 central incisors
2 lateral incisors
2 cuspids
2 first molars
2 second molars
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Classification of Teeth
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Permanent or
Succedaneous Teeth
 Second or permanent
set of teeth
 32 teeth
– 16 maxillary (upper)
2 central incisors
2 cuspids
2 first bicuspids
2 second bicuspids
2 first molars
2 second molars
2 third molars (wisdom teeth)
– 16 mandibular (lower)
2 central incisors
2 cuspids
2 first bicuspids
2 second bicuspids
2 first molars
2 second molars
2 third molars (wisdom teeth)
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17:3 Identifying Teeth
Using Numbering Systems
 Universal Numbering System: abbreviating
form of identifying teeth
 Federation Dentaire International System:
another method of numbering teeth, most
widely used system in Canada and
European countries.
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Universal Numbering System
Permanent Teeth (1-32)
Primary Teeth (A-T)
Starting at the maxillary right third molar
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Federation Dentaire
International System
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17:4 Identifying the Surfaces
of the Teeth
Anterior and posterior teeth
Crown surfaces
Suggested abbreviations, p. 482
Line angles of teeth, p. 482
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Identifying the Surfaces
of the Teeth (continued)
 Point angles of teeth, p. 482
 Anterior teeth line angles and point angles
 Posterior teeth line angles and
point angles
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17:5 Charting Conditions
of the Teeth
 Conditions of the teeth are often charted
on dental charts or insurance forms
 Forms, symbols used, abbreviations, and
other factors vary
 Dental charts are legal records
 Dental charts
 Anatomic diagrams
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Charting Conditions
of the Teeth (continued)
Geometric diagrams
Surfaces of teeth
Charting guidelines
Common symbols for anatomic or
geometric diagrams
 Recording treatments or services
 Common abbreviations used for
services rendered
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17:6 Operating and Maintaining
Dental Equipment
 Follow manufacturer’s recommendations
for operation of equipment
 Infection control
 Dental light
 Air compressor
 Oral evacuation system or central
vacuum system
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Operating and Maintaining
Dental Equipment (continued)
Assistant’s cart
Tri-flow or air-water syringe
Saliva ejector
High-velocity oral evacuator
Doctor’s cart
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Operating and Maintaining
Dental Equipment (continued)
 Low-speed handpiece (conventionalspeed)
 High-speed handpiece (ultraspeed)
 Maintenance of low-speed and high-speed
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 Responsibilities for care and maintenance
of dental equipment will vary
 Dental assistant should learn exactly
what maintenance is expected as a part
of the job
 Read specific manufacturer’s instructions
for equipment you will handle
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17:7 Identifying Dental Instruments
and Preparing Dental Trays
Methods for setting up dental trays
Organization of trays
Main parts of a dental hand instrument
Standard instruments
Guidelines for preparing dental trays
Examples of tray set-ups
Basic principles for preparing dental trays
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17:8 Positioning a Patient
in the Dental Chair
 Designed to position patient comfortably
while providing doctor and assistant easy
access to oral cavity
 Headrests
 Supine position
 Chair controls
 Cleaning chair
 Principles of seating patient in dental chair
Copyright © 2004 by Thomson Delmar Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
17:9 Demonstrating Brushing
and Flossing Techniques
 Using correct brushing and flossing
techniques is essential to prevent
dental disease
 May be responsible for teaching patients
 Correct brushing and flossing is one
method of prophylactic care
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Demonstrating Brushing and
Flossing Techniques (continued)
Bass method
Five surfaces on each tooth
Toothpastes or dentifrices
Dental floss
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 Correct brushing and flossing provides
prophylactic care
 Give thorough explanation to all patients
 Make sure patient understands
 Asking patient to demonstrate procedures
is a good way to determine if all points
have been learned
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17:10 Taking Impressions
and Pouring Molds
 Impression
– Negative film reproduction of a tooth, several
teeth, or a dental arch
– Taken to form a model of the area for
restoration treatment that will take place
outside of the mouth
– Common materials used to take impressions
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 Irreversible hydrocolloid
impression material
 Advantages
 Disadvantages
 Alginate powder
 Basic principles for taking
alginate impression
 Storage of alginate material
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Rubber Base or Polysulfide
 Elastomeric impression material that is
elastic and rubbery in nature
 Three types are available
 Can be used in any type of
dental impression
 Not as subject to dimension changes
as alginate
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Rubber Base or Polysulfide
 Models should be poured promptly
if possible
 Disadvantages
 Basic principles of preparing rubber base
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Polysiloxane or
Improved silicone material
Available in different material qualities
Supplied in two tubes
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Models or Casts
 Positive reproduction of the
arches or teeth that is created from the
negative impression
 Serves as basis for construction
 Gypsum products
– Plaster
– Stone
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Models or Casts
 Basic principles for use of
gypsum products
 Basic principles for pouring models
 Trimming models
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17:11 Making Custom Trays
 Impression trays that are made to fit
patient’s mouth
 Materials used to produce trays
 Acrylic resins difficult to remove from
mixing containers
 Basic principles for making custom trays
 Always observe standard precautions
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17:12 Maintaining and Loading
an Anesthetic Aspirating Syringe
Types of anesthesia
Topical anesthesia
Types of injections for local anesthetics
Aspirating syringe
Observe standard precautions
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17:13 Mixing Dental
Cements and Bases
 Cements and bases used in variety of
dental procedures
 Terminology
 Types of products
 Basic principles of mixing cements
and bases
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17:14 Preparing
Restorative Materials
 Restoration: process of replacing a
diseased portion of a tooth or a lost tooth
by artificial means
 May include filling material, crowns,
bridge, denture, partial denture, or implant
 Dental caries or decay
 Amalgams and composites
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 Read manufacturer’s instructions before
preparing any restorative materials
 Take care to avoid contamination of
materials in containers
 Observe standard precautions while
performing any dental procedure
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17:15 Developing and
Mounting Dental X-Rays
Dental X-rays or radiographs
Types of dental radiographs
Developing films
Mounting X-rays
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